War God Supreme

Chapter 1741: Sikongtian 1...

Seeing the two supreme-level powerhouses staring at themselves, Li Lingtian's face changed. 173 Novel Network

In my heart, I can't help but slam and accelerate, a Linghu Ying is already strong enough, and now there is a big protector. Looking at the means just now, it is definitely more powerful than Linghu Ying.

According to the feeling, even if he is in a normal space, he can't escape from this big protector.

Now, he has probably understood what is going on.

All this basically coincides with what he thinks. These are the calculations of the big protector. The purpose of letting other powerful people come here is not to find the star crystal, but to the treasure of the star palace.

However, he was still unclear and curious.

"Ten Greatest Supremacy of Immortal Territory, Sikong Tianyi."

"Ten Greatest Supremacy of Immortal Domain, Linghuying."

"I didn't expect that the two of them came here, which is really shocking."

"Everything in the vast Star Palace is calculated by His Excellency Sikong."

Li Lingtian looked at Sikong Tianyi and Linghuying, his face was light and calm, calm and calm.

This calmness and calmness made all the strong people puzzled. At this time, it was still so calm, it was a little difficult to understand. The first time I saw such a calm and calm person.

When talking, there was a smile on the corner of my mouth, and I could not see the slightest disguise. In this case, there was no point of desperation.


"The tasks issued by the deity must naturally be used by the deity."

"It's just that the deity didn't expect the supreme Divine Pill and Peerless Red Shadow to come to the vast Star Palace."

"Your arrival is to let the deity spend less time. The Sky Array Master is the Sky Array Master. Open the mask so easily."

"In order to thank you for helping the deity to complete all this, the deity can give you a choice, as long as you submit to the deity, the deity will spare you from death, and it will make you stronger."

"Get the treasures here. From then on, the deity will sweep the Shenwu Continent and override the world, ha ha, ha ha!"

Si Kongtian glanced at everything here and said lightly.

At the end, he laughed loudly and laughed wildly.

In this place, in the imprisoned space, he becomes the master, and the killing of the strong here is no problem at all.

After getting the treasures here, together with your own cultivation skills and the secrets against the sky, you will be able to sweep the Shenwu Continent and become the supreme of this world.

Originally used to release the mission, let the strong man of the south of the fairy field come in here, and then open this mask to get the treasure inside this mask, he has been hiding outside. 173 Novel Network

Originally, I added these strongmen to open the mask together, but I did not expect Li Lingtian to appear.

The appearance of Li Lingtian shocked him. He was so powerful that he waited for Li Lingtian to open the mask. With his cultivation skills, as long as the mask inside was opened, he would see it for the first time.

Therefore, he did not hurry to come in, has been waiting outside, sitting to take advantage of the fisherman.

Just when he saw the mask in the star palace was opened, he found Linghuying when he was about to.

The appearance of Linghu Ying surprised Si Kong Tianyi, which also made Si Kong Tianyi feel bad. When Linghu Ying appeared, things became troublesome.

Worrying that Linghuying is competing with him for treasures, making Linghuying smooth will also allow Linghuying to fight against the powerful insiders and killing Linghuying's true elemental divine power and energy.

Here, you can see everything inside the star palace outside the light curtain defense, but you can't see through the light curtain defense outside the star palace.

Therefore, Si Kongtian looked outside and looked at Li Lingtian and others' actions.

After Li Lingtian broke the line, he found that Li Lingtian and others did not compete for treasures, but became statues. Finally, they thought that they might be confining the space.

When Linghu Ying waited, he also watched Linghu Ying constantly tearing the space to force it.

Seeing all this, there was a look of excitement on his face, wasn't God helping him.

Because of the magical powers and exercises he cultivated, and the space for control, this place is completely his own world. In this way, he and the fox shadow were easily killed together, and the people here were killed together. Get all the treasures and dominate the Shenwu Continent.

When Linghu Ying received the treasure, he appeared. He was ready to take advantage of the attack when Linghu Ying collected the treasure, but he did not expect Linghu Ying’s strength to be abnormal. He stopped him in a hurry. s attack.

All this is not important now, and it is easy for him to defeat Linghuying in this place.

However, he was still curious, why Linghu Ying pursued Li Lingtian instead of killing Li Lingtian at this time, but took the treasure first.

"So it turns out."

"After I came in here, I discovered these, but I didn't expect you to come here in person."

"It seems that here are the treasures and exercises you need."

"Linghuying is the top ten supreme in the fairyland. This imprisonment has only one hour. Do you think you can kill us all in these times?"

The smile on Li Lingtian's face is still the same. His eyes looked at Sikong Tianyi, and he was terribly distraught. This Sikong Tianyi was more powerful than Linghu Ying. He was only in escape in front of Sikong Tianyi, but now in this place, I don't have much hope.

As he spoke, he looked at Si Kongtianyi's expression seriously.

Although he looked at Linghuying, he directly addressed the other party's name.


When Linghu Ying heard Li Lingtian's words, the look on her cold face changed, and she stared coldly at Li Lingtian.

But then she turned her attention to Si Kong Tianyi. Now her biggest opponent is Si Kong Tianyi. As for Li Lingtian, it can be completely ignored.

Although his own cultivation strength is strong, he has no confidence in the face of the strong man Sikong Tianyi of the same rank, and he is also very fearful. He is inexplicably disturbed. He can’t tell where he is.

"One hour?"

"Haha, to kill you and wave things between hands, as for Linghu Ying, it is not an opponent of the deity."

"Be the concubine of the deity, the deity can share the treasures here with you."

"Otherwise, everything here will disappear."

When Si Kongtian heard Li Lingtian's words, his face was stunned.

Because Li Lingtian's words are reasonable, as a celestial division teacher, naturally, the time in this confined space, after an hour has passed, he really can't kill all these powerful men.

Because there is a Linghu shadow here, there is no Linghu shadow, and the strong men in front of them are ants, and they can be killed with a wave of hand.

Reminded by Li Lingtian, Si Kongtian’s killing in his heart was even more intense. The real element of the whole body ran up. Suddenly, a force of terror rose into the sky. With one hand stretched out, a destructive supernatural power bombarded Linghu Shadow.

Said to let Linghu Ying be his concubine, the real purpose is to irritate Linghu Ying, to distract Linghu Ying, thinking that he will not shoot right away.

When he could speak, he had already started, and the first opponent was Linghuying.

In his view, as long as the Linghu Ying is killed, everyone here can ignore it, and can kill it with a wave of hand.


Linghu Ying was so angry in his heart that his hands waved and a soft and cold supernatural power bombarded Si Kongtian.

The two supremes each have their own means against the sky.

In peacetime, it is impossible for the supremes to come together, even for hundreds of years and thousands of years, it is difficult to come together, but this time they met in this place, and they fought together.

The magical power of the supreme powerhouse destroys the heavens and the earth, and it is not comparable to the general pinnacle of the great consummation powerhouse.

The battle between the two supreme powerhouses is extremely terrifying.


A blast of destruction, two attacks bombarded together, suddenly the space blasted, the wind of destruction raged.

The aftermath of destruction immediately destroyed dozens of powerful men. Linghu Yingjiao stepped back a few steps, the look on his face changed, but Sikong Tianyi did not move at all.

In one move, I saw that Linghu Ying was worse than Si Kongtianyi, but it was not so easy to kill Linghu Ying.

However, next, all the strong people tremble and fear, and even Li Lingtian and Linghuying are afraid.

I saw Si Kong Tianyi in this imprisoned space, flickering completely vertically and horizontally. The imprisoned space had no effect on him.

Under this kind of war, Linghuying is completely passive and can only stand on the spot and reluctantly cast magical powers to resist. It is simply impossible to dodge.

If you want to flash, you have to tear the space, and tearing the space delays time and is completely passive.

For a time, Linghuying could only display the magical power on the spot to resist Sikong Tianyi's attack.

And Sikong Tianyi's figure flashed, looks very chic.

It is shocking to see such space control and magic.

Moreover, Li Lingtian also saw the power of stars in Sikong Tianyi, that is, the power of stars is not restricted by space in such a place.

This star palace exudes the power of stars, and Sikong Tianyi also has the power of stars. Naturally, he will not be affected by space confinement, which has become Sikong Tianyi's advantage.

Gradually ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The strong men present continuously fell, suffocating to the extreme.

Because more than one hundred strong men were present, they were not attacked by others, but were destroyed by aftermath.

In addition to the dozen or so strong men standing on the other side of the star palace light mask, all other strong men fell. Watching these strong men fall, Li Lingtian finally felt the fragility of life.

"Heavenly Divine Cloud!"

Seeing himself passively attacking, àqu was killed by the other party sooner or later.

Dignified supreme powerhouse, yà was killed like this, saying that chuqu is a joke.

The look on Linghu Ying's face is getting colder and colder, and the true elemental divine power on his body is getting weaker and weaker, consuming speed several times faster than Si Kongtian.

Seeing her own situation, she did not dare to hesitate any more, and she directly exhibited the killer skill of destruction.

Even if you want to fall, you must show your most powerful supernatural powers, and then you will all die. .

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