War God Supreme

Chapter 1744: Qingming Ziyi

Li Lingtian escaped from the light curtain with Linghu Ying. The starting address of the mobile phone of this novel:

I just came out and saw Si Kong Tianyi hit the light curtain and bounced back. The whole person was dizzy and turned.

Seeing this situation, Li Lingtian was temporarily relieved. At least the light curtain Si Kongtian couldn't come out. In this case, he couldn't chase him down.

With a relaxed spirit, his throat was sweet, and a sip of blood spewed out.

Immediately, Linghu Ying was placed on the ground, her eyes coldly watching Linghu Ying.

Feeling Li Lingtian's eyes, Linghu Ying shuddered in her heart. She used to hunt down Li Lingtian and let Li Lingtian escape to heaven. Now Li Lingtian pulls her out of the star palace.

Seeing Li Lingtian's eyes, the look on his face changed a bit.

Because at this time, anyone will kill her opponent, and kill her without any effort.

More importantly, she and Li Lingtian are enemies of life and death, and they are also Li Lingtian's strongest opponents. Such an opportunity has been missed, and it will be difficult to kill her in the future.


Li Lingtian sighed, and his mind moved, and a jade bottle was taken out.

The jade bottle opened, and a faint fragrance came out. The fragrance in the air shocked the spirit.

Two immortals were suspended from the jade bottle, and I saw immortals glowing faintly.

Linghu Ying saw the immortality and smelled a faint fragrance, and she was shocked.

The panacea shot by the Supreme Divine Pill Master of Shenwu Mainland really turned against the sky.

From this look and fragrance alone, it made the Dan Master of Shenwu Continent sigh.

Li Lingtian didn't care at all. His eyes looked at the Elixir. One of the two Elixir flew towards the Linghu Ying. The other flew towards himself. Li Lingtian swallowed the Elixir by opening his mouth.

The Elixir flying to Linghuying stopped in a metre in front of Linghuying, and the Elixir kept spinning.

"This panacea can suppress your injury."

"You can choose not to use it, but this seat advises you, yà does not need this immortality medicine. In this world, even this seat cannot help you."

Li Lingtian said faintly. The look on his face was very plain. After he finished speaking, his eyes shifted from Linghuying to the light curtain.

I saw Si Kongtian a whole person jumped like thunder, the magical power of destruction bombarded the light curtain, but the light curtain was only a slight tremor, and it could not be broken.

At this time, Sikong Tianyi was really thunderous.

All his calculations, let the powerful in the south of the fairy field come here, open this mask to get the treasure. The starting address of the mobile phone of this novel:

Everything I have done now is completely a wedding dress for others.

yà lost these treasures in a disadvantaged situation, he can forgive himself, but Li Lingtian lost the treasures in front of his absolute advantage, and Li Lingtian thoroughly counted him again and deceived everyone, It made him so angry.

Now seeing Li Lingtian running away with Linghu Ying, and seeing the light curtain, he ào Li Lingtian has already found a way out. Such calculations are the real step-by-step calculations.


"Your grievances with this seat will be counted later."

"Besides, you and I haven't got the winner."

There was a faint smile on Li Lingtian's face, watching Linghu Ying swallowing the Elixir of àqu, and he was suspended in the air. At the same time, a faint radiance appeared on his body, and the radiance would cover Lingying.

Immediately the entire person disappeared, and Linghuying disappeared.



In the air, a light and shadow walked through the sky, and the light and shadow disappeared quickly, and quickly disappeared in the sky.

Such a flight, Li Lingtian did not fly too far, but it is certain that after leaving the star palace, he has been flying for half an hour.

With the speed of his body, he can say hundreds of thousands of miles in half an hour.

However, he did not stop, because behind was a super supreme powerhouse, yà was caught up, and with the current situation, it would definitely be killed by the other party.

After flying for half an hour, Li Lingtian awakened, the spacecraft appeared in front of him, and finally landed inside the spacecraft flashing.

Linghuying was also placed inside the spaceship. With the spaceship, you don’t need to work so hard.

The spaceship was flying fast, and it didn't seem to stop at all. When finally meeting the strong man, Li Lingtian did not stop in a flash, and ignored it when he met the palace.

One day, two days.

On the third day, the flight took three days.

The spacecraft finally stopped in front of a palace hundreds of millions of miles away from the star palace.

The spaceship was picked up by Li Lingtian and landed on the ground. His eyes looked at the palace. His glances kept on, and no one came to this place. Li Lingtian was relieved.

This palace, like other places, is no different.

"This seat is here to cultivate and recover from injuries."

"The grievances between us, it is best to wait to leave the vast Star Palace before talking."

After Li Lingtian finished speaking, he walked towards the palace, completely ignoring Linghuying.

For him, he was already very good with Linghuying. If he changed to someone else, Linghuying must have fallen.

He did not kill Linghuying, not because of others, but because of Sikong Tianyi.

You can't confront Sikong Tianyi alone. You have Linghuying, the supreme powerhouse, supreme versus supreme, and if you add yourself, you may have a fight against Sikong Tian.

Yà killing Linghuying is undoubtedly killing his retreat.


Linghu Ying's cold and ruthless face showed a puzzling look.

Icy eyes looked at Li Lingtian's back, snorted coldly, and walked towards the front.

Her current situation is indeed not good, and her heart has been determined. If Li Lingtian kills her, she will not risk her injury in the Star Palace to rescue her. As long as she is not brought out, she will definitely fall into the hands of Si Kongtian.

Under that circumstance, she can be rescued, and now she will definitely not fight her.

At this time, she needed to heal, and only when the injury was recovered could she have the opportunity to kill Li Lingtian. After the war, Si Kong Tianyi safely left the vast palace of stars.

The two entered the palace, and there were exquisite and beautiful palaces everywhere. This place is far superior to the fairyland. Even if it is a fairyland, it is not necessarily so beautiful.

Looking at Li Lingtian's consciousness, he finally chose a palace, and his figure flashed immediately, and the law in his hand waved.

It took half an hour of hard work, and Li Lingtian stopped just now. His face showed a touch of sweat. Obviously, it took a lot of effort, and in this place, countless to powerful formations appeared. These palaces are integrated.

After finishing everything, Li Lingtian turned and glanced at Linghuying.

There was a trace of helplessness on his face, and with a sense of consciousness, two jade bottles appeared in front of him.

With one hand push, the jade bottle flew towards the Linghu shadow. Inside the two jade bottles, there were naturally immortality medicines, healing remedies and healing remedies.


"This seat is a little tired."

After speaking, the Divine Consciousness opened the Dragon Ring again.

Suddenly a golden box appeared in front of it, with a light blue on it.

Looking at the box, Linghu Ying's plain and cold face changed, and his eyes fixed on the box.

"Qing Ming Zi Yi."

After making Fox Shadow surprised, he said lightly.

She naturally knows this box, because this box has been with her for a lot of time, but she disappeared for a while, and she will not leave the Qingming Empire unless it is for the things in this box.

She is not only the top ten supreme in the fairyland, but also the patron saint of the Qingming Empire.

Her identity and status, no matter what big things happen, will not leave the Qingming Empire, but for this treasure, but leave the Qingming Empire to hunt down Li Lingtian.

This treasure is not a terrifying treasure, but just a symbol of the Qingming Empire. The Qingming Purple Clothing is lost, and the Qingming Empire is in a state of chaos, as if the dragon's veins were cut off.

Seeing the Jin Box, I was very excited, and I didn’t do what Li Lingtian took out Qingming Ziyi at this time.

Listening to Li Lingtian's words, I was a little puzzled.

I saw Li Lingtian pushed with one hand and Jin Box flew towards Linghu Ying. This action of Li Lingtian shocked and doubted Linghu Ying. This was a treasure of the Qingming Empire. Why did Li Lingtian return it to her at this time.

To ào, she and Li Lingtian are the enemy of life and death, chasing and killing Li Lingtian countless billions of miles.

However, when she saw Li Lingtian pushing the Jin Box over, she didn't think about it any more. She grabbed the Jin Box deep with one hand, and a mysterious law was displayed. The Jin Box slammed open.

Suddenly, there was a glorious radiance in the box, the radiance with a holy breath.

Moreover, a powerful mysterious and holy pressure exudes, this breath is already the top grade of the top-grade congenital artifact.

Qingming Ziyi is indeed Qingming Ziyi.

Linghu Ying covered the brocade box, her cold and ruthless face revealed an incomprehensible look, and her cold eyes also looked at Li Lingtian, why did you want ào Li Lingtian.

She naturally would not believe that Li Lingtian was afraid of her.

In this world, it is okay to say anything that can fear her, but Li Lingtian will not be afraid of her~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Not only is not afraid of her, but Li Lingtian's consciousness has never had a word of fear.

And at this time, Li Lingtian has the advantage, and certainly not because she was afraid of returning Qingming Ziyi to her.

However, Li Lingtian didn't say anything. After shaking his head, he turned around and walked towards the direction of a palace. Finally, his back toward the palace disappeared in the palace.

Linghuying watched Li Lingtian not speaking, but shook his head away, even more curious in his heart.

Not ào what this young man is thinking, this young man is too mysterious, more and more mysterious, doing things beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

However, soon, she reacted and heard what Li Lingtian said.

I said that I was a little tired, and I just didn’t want to worry about something between the empire. This Qingming Ziyi also gave her back, and she also likes to resolve the grievance between the two. As for whether her Linghu Ying will resolve the grievance, then it’s not He can control it.

At least for now, Li Lingtian is taking the initiative and taking a step back when he has the most advantage. .

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