War God Supreme

Chapter 1756: True strength

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The huge astral stairs made Li Lingtian extremely excited.

Seeing this astral staircase, he would rather give up the unique congenital artifact, rather than giving up this astral staircase.

Because this step was created by Xingjing. The starry sky he cultivates is incomparable, which requires the power of stars, but the Shenwu Continent is too far away from the starry sky to absorb the power of stars.

Besides, his cultivation behavior is too low to achieve this step. If cultivation cultivation reaches a transcendent level, it can absorb the essence of the sun, moon and stars and transform it into the power of stars.

But now, it is too early to say that it is still slowly absorbing the power of the astral crystal.

Impressed by the consciousness, a series of laws were displayed.

The Heavenly Treasure opened at this time, and with the display of the law, Xingjing slowly shook up.

As long as it can be shaken, you can have the opportunity to take this star crystal step away with your consciousness.

"Want to turn on the teleportation array."

"Think beautiful, both will stay here forever."

When Si Kongtian saw that Linghu Ying was showing off his ingenious artifacts, he entangled him and asked Li Lingtian to start the teleportation array. He suddenly became furious. He naturally would not let Li Lingtian and her leave here.

It seems that it goes without saying that Li Lingtian and Linghuying teamed up to deal with him.

God knows that Li Lingtian wants to move this step. He doesn't know that this step was created by Xingjing, because there is a mysterious breath and formation on it.

Seeing Li Lingtian's movements, she simply thought that Li Lingtian moved away from the steps to open the teleportation array.

Even so, he will not allow Li Lingtian to succeed.

A ruined supernatural power bombarded Linghu Ying, the space suddenly collapsed and shattered, taking advantage of Linghu Ying's chance of resisting his magical destruction, the figure flashed, and the knife-manufactured dynasty of the glazed magic knife bombarded Li Lingtian.

At the same time, his body also flew towards Li Lingtian. He could not defeat Linghuying, but he could kill Li Lingtian first, so that he could deal with Linghuying with peace of mind.

"court death!"

Seeing that Linghuying did not stop Si Kongtian Yi, Li Lingtian let Si Kongtian get rid of the entanglement and attacked himself. The look on his face was cold, and he stopped the decision in his hand.

With one hand, a ruined divine light cluster immediately condensed. When the divine light cluster appeared, Li Lingtian then waved, and the divine light cluster bombarded Sikong Tianyi's knife.

Don't look at this simple wave, the divine light cluster in the hand is instantly formed, which is completely hand in hand.

Moreover, this ruined divine light group is still the peerless supernatural power that Li Lingtian cultivated. When he used this trick in the past, he used both hands to show his strength.

Now reaching the late stage of Semi-Divine Realm, the divine power is perfect, and the power of the Nine Heavens divine power can also be used to half. When this trick is used again, there is no need to exercise at all, just like shooting flies.

This is the power of infinitely close to the true God, the divine power is perfect, and it is not the ordinary divine power, but the nine-day divine power that sweeps through the nine heavens and the earth. The purity and power completely ignore other divine powers.


When the light group is displayed, it is only the size of the bowl, but when it is displayed, it becomes one meter in size. When it is bombarded on the blade, the light group has reached the size of ten meters.

The destruction of the gods is silent, stirring the void, and the space is pure and fragmented.

In the blink of an eye, the divine light cluster of the divine element's extinction collided with Daomang, and suddenly a terrifying explosion sounded.

Seeing Li Lingtian so unaware of life and death, he carried out an attack to resist his sword, Si Kongtian was overjoyed and angry, and he was so happy that Li Lingtian did not know life and death. attack.

Just when the look on Si Kongtian's face changed, the impact of the two attacks made the look on his face extremely unsightly, and the whole person was tempting to spit blood.

I saw that when the Divine Light Group collided with the Dangmang, the Dangmang was destroyed by the Divine Light Group, and the Light Group was crushed directly towards him. The destructive Divine Elemental Death was destroyed with nine days of divine power, and was crushed fiercely. In front of Sikong Tianyi.



A sip of blood spewed out, the heart trembled, and there was no trace of blood on his face.

The body is also directly crushed and thrown out.

I was shocked in my heart. He couldn't think of Li Lingtian, a strong man in the late half of the **** realm. He was defeated by such an understatement. It was unimaginable.

All this is completely beyond his imagination.

In his view, Li Lingtian's rebellion against the sky is nothing more than a young man in the later period, and he hasn't broken through the long period of the later period. Such a practice is not ignored in front of him.

But I can't think of it, such a terrifying power erupted in Li Lingtian's understatement.

A shadow of fear appeared in his heart, because he had already felt the change of Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian had no breath of the strongest, no breath of trueness, but pure and extremely divine power, and the divine power was perfect.

Only in this way can the horror divine light beam be swayed at will, and only in this way can the magical power of the peers be displayed. Only in this way can the decay be transformed into a magical one, and any move can be evolved to an extreme.


Just as Si Kongtian flew, Linghu Ying's destruction magic bombarded it, and bombarded Sikongtian fiercely. Sikongtian as a whole evaporated in the star palace like air.

The earth trembles, the space is constantly destroyed and restored, and there is a mysterious and strange atmosphere between heaven and earth.

Both Linghuying and Li Lingtian were shocked when they saw this situation.

Although Sikong Tianyi seemed to be bombarded, the smoke cleared away, but both knew that Sikong Tian could not have been killed in this way.



In the air, the winds of destruction raged.

The mess of the earth was completely turned upside down.

Even if the war is now stopped, the strong wind and breath of destruction are enough to destroy the strong men below the semi-divine realm.

Linghu Ying was suspended in the air, his face shocked.

Shocking Li Lingtian's horrible means, in the face of Si Kongtian's devastating blow, he was able to destroy Si Kongtian's attack with just one wave of his hand, and even injured Si Kongtian.

Such a method has surpassed the semi-divine powerhouse, and is infinitely close to the true god.

This is the means of the real powerhouse. The waves are turned upside down and the enemies are wiped out.

It was the magical power Li Lingtian had just displayed that injured Si Kongtian, resulting in Sikong Tianyi having no chance to resist, so that she was destroyed by her destruction attack.

Looking at Li Lingtian, he was shocked and admired.

This is the first time in her life that she admires people and admires her opponent.

Although it is no longer an opponent, it used to be an enemy of life and death.

In my heart, the only thought was that this young man was too scary. In three or four years, it was like changing a person and building into strength.

Three or four years ago, I still disdain him, but now, I have no courage to fight him.

The first blow was just a temporary attack when Li Lingtian cast a decision. A simple move is so terrifying. If there is a real war, how powerful it will be.

After Li Lingtian's move to the exhibition, he was also shocked. He shocked his current strength, and reached such a terrifying level.

Without any pause, the law is displayed.

A series of laws and regulations appeared in the air, and the heavenly treasure ring issued a mysterious force, pulling the star crystal stairs a little toward the inside.


With the sound of a slight tear in the space, the originally suspended steps disappeared like a torn space and disappeared into the air.

While the steps disappeared, Li Lingtian's body also flickered, his face changed.

But it quickly recovered, and there was a happy look on his face.

Because this star crystal was collected by him, he will no longer have to worry about the lack of star crystal in the future to practice the Supreme Starry Sky.

After collecting the steps, Li Lingtian did not hesitate at all, and the consciousness looked up at the ground altar and carefully looked at the runes on the altar.

If you want to open this mysterious teleportation array, you must first clear the rune of the teleportation array.

If you don’t know, don’t think about turning on the teleportation array. Even if you turn it on, it will be teleported to a mysterious and dangerous place, enter the space-time channel, and finally be destroyed.

Such things, Li Lingtian will definitely not do it.

Even if he doesn't leave here, he will not disturb the teleportation array. Without full assurance, he will not turn on the teleportation array.

In general teleportation array, he doesn't need to watch at all, just open it.

But the teleportation array of this vast star palace is very mysterious.

Not only the teleportation array, everything here is extremely mysterious. He dare not have the slightest care. If something goes wrong, he is teleported into the endless space-time channel~www.wuxiaspot.com~ will be destroyed in the space-time channel .

In an instant, Divine Consciousness cleared the runes of this battlefield.

There was a faint smile on his face. When he was about to start the teleportation array, the look on Li Lingtian's face changed and his figure flashed, and the whole person was suspended in the air.

Finally, not far from Linghu Ying, he looked at Linghu Ying, and his consciousness spread out, monitoring the entire space.

Just now I was about to cast a law to open the teleportation array, and I sensed a threat. This threat, naturally, needless to say that it came from Sikong Tianyi. Although Sikong Tianyi was beaten and vanished, for such a supreme powerhouse, There must be some countermeasures.

The same is true of one's own undead body. Even if it disappears, as long as there is no soul flying, it can't be truly killed. However, if the strong man kills the soul, even if he goes against the sky, he can't reach the undead body.

Sikong Tianyi, one of the ten great supremes of this fairyland, has such a powerful existence that if there is no mysterious means, Li Lingtian who killed him will not believe it. R1148

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