War God Supreme

Chapter 1760: Star Finger

The brilliance of the star power bombarded Li Lingtian's nine-colored sword mans. 173 Novel Network

These two supernatural powers are one of the two most powerful killers.

Li Lingtian's Nine Heavens Excalibur is used to destroy the Heavenly Sword Array, and it is one of his most powerful killers. In front of such supernatural powers, few people can resist it.

Sikong Tianyi's star power is also his last killer, but it is the most terrifying killer. With his supreme level of cultivation strength, he exerts this star power, and no one in the fairy field can resist it.

Therefore, this trick is the last one.

The final ■ns♂○m peak matchup, the victory and defeat in the blink of an eye.

In the eyes of Si Kongtian, it seems that Li Lingtian has been killed, because this is his confidence in the power of the stars.



The power of the stars and Jianmang collided fiercely, and a muffled noise erupted.

At the time of muffled sound, a click sounded, Jianmang chopped the power of the stars, penetrated the space, and bombarded in front of Sikong Tianyi, the smile in Sikongtian's eyes was even more intense.

Just before Jianmang landed, a mysterious dark shield appeared in front of him. The dark shield was like a black hole, devouring the swordmang’s energy, but the swordmang’s energy was terrifying and the shield was devoured. Jianmang was later beaten back to disappear.

However, when Jianmang cut through the power of stars, the power of stars was divided into two halves as if they were spiritual. The two halves of the power of stars bypassed Jianmang and bombarded Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian's body shook, and the power of the destructive stars entered the body.

This situation shocked Huangfu Yuyan, Linghuying and others, and had no idea that Li Lingtian, who had the upper hand and had the absolute advantage, was hit in this way.

If Linghuying knew the horror of the power of stars, if she was hit by the power of stars, it would be completely destroyed.

For a time, everyone was shocked and their hearts shivered.

Only Sikong Tianyi was suspended in the air, with blood at the corner of his mouth, and an unscrupulous smile on his face. He looked at Li Lingtian and wanted to slowly watch Li Lingtian destroyed by the power of stars.

In the air, it became strangely quiet.

All eyes are on Li Lingtian.

However, Li Lingtian lowered his head and looked at the place where he was bombarded by the power of the stars, but the power of the stars disappeared completely, leaving no trace of his body.

The divine power on his body raged like a rhythm of destruction.



Si Kong Tianyi laughed loudly. The starting address of the mobile phone of this novel:

The whole person laughed unscrupulously and his expression was crazy.

How strong his own star power is, he knows best, even if Li Lingtian is against the sky, he is not in front of his own star power.

Without Li Lingtian, you will get everything from Li Lingtian by that time. What you are waiting for is to sweep the world.

"Enough smile?"

However, what Sikong Tianyi did not expect was that Li Lingtian, who thought that the smoke would disappear soon, spoke completely, and the tone was still very plain, as if there was nothing at all.

Hearing Li Lingtian's voice, the smile on his face disappeared, and his face became horrified, revealing an incredible look.

Because Li Lingtian slowly raised his head and looked at him coldly.

Where is the whole person injured? It's exactly the same as nothing.

What shocked him even more was that Li Lingtian's body was shocked, and the terrifying divine power condensed into a halo, which made the body extremely powerful, and the power of the divine body was shown.

"God Body!"

"You, you are as good as you are.

"But even if you achieve the divine body, it is impossible to resist the power of the deity's stars."

"In this world, no one can resist the power of the deity's stars, and God is impossible."

Si Kongtian saw the halo on Li Lingtian's body, and he was terribly horrified. He hadn't seen the **** body, but he had seen some descriptions from ancient books. The true **** is strong, not only cultivated to be powerful, but importantly because they have the **** body, the **** body is eternal Immortal, strong and unparalleled.

Such a **** body cannot be possessed by the strong, and only the true god, even the strong above the true god, can have it.

Unexpectedly, a young man in the late half of the **** realm, even if he had a **** body, no wonder Li Lingtian dared to use his divine power to resist him. It turned out that he had control of the **** body, even if he was hit, he would not be killed.

When I was horrified, I thought of my own star power. Even if it is a divine body, the star power can destroy it.

Thinking of this, the horror in my heart eased a lot, and the young man in front of him was too strong.

However, even if there is a divine body, it is not to be killed by his own star power. Gradually, he is relieved, and the horror on his face disappears, and more of a mad look.

"is it?"

"Your self-confidence killed you."

"The power of the stars is indeed overbearing, even the gods can't resist."

"But, open your eyes and take a good look at what this is?"

Li Lingtian looked at Si Kong Tianyi, his eyes showing a disdain, as if he was treating an idiot.

But Linghuying was shocked. She didn't know who Li Lingtian and Si Kongtian could stand to the end, but after hearing Li Lingtian's words, her face showed curiosity.

Si Kong Tianyi also looked at Li Lingtian. He didn't know what confidence Li Lingtian had. By this time, he was so calm and calm.

When he saw Li Lingtian, the look on his face changed.

Because, Li Lingtian's hand was slowly raised, and a radiance appeared in his hand. This blue and white color can't tell whether it is blue or white.

But this is no longer important. What is important is that this brilliance is the power of stars.

Sikong Tianyi bombarded Li Lingtian's star power, but he never thought that his star power was squeezed out by Li Lingtian Yungong, and it was still in his hands. Looking at this, the star power did not hurt Li Lingtian at all. It is still so docile in front of Li Lingtian, just like the power Li Lingtian cultivated.

"The power of stars!"

"The power of the deity's stars."

"How do you control this star power?"

When Si Kongtian saw that he was attacking Li Lingtian's star power, Li Lingtian held it in his hand, and his consciousness moved. His connection with the star power has long disappeared. In this case, he naturally knew that Li Lingtian used mysterious means to temporarily suspend the star power. Controlled.

"The power of the stars is yours."

"You just take it."

The look on Li Lingtian's face was plain, with one hand waving, the power of the stars flew towards Si Kongtian.

The power of stars does not have the slightest power, just like Li Lingtian wants to return the power of stars to Si Kong Tianyi.

In an instant, the power of the stars came to Sikong Tianyi. Sikong Tianyi tentatively accepted the power of the stars. If you know that the power of the stars is so little, if you disappear, you will lose the power of the stars forever.


Just when his right hand touched the power of stars, the power of destruction exploded and destroyed.

The power of destruction destroyed Si Kong Tianyi's right hand, and his body was also bombarded with smoke, but an exquisite Yuanshen escaped from the destruction.

This Yuanshen is naturally Sikong Tianyi's Yuanshen.

"Stars point!"

Li Lingtian watched Si Kong Tianyi's body destroy, Yuanshen escaped without any worries. With one hand wave, the right **** merged with the index finger. Just as the index finger merged with the middle finger, a mysterious power flashed on the finger. Moving.

This power is not the power of stars or anything, but the power of stars at this moment is more pure and overbearing than the power of stars of Sikong Tianyi.

The stars refer to the stars.

The power is like a starry sky, and the power of the stars itself is unmatched.

However, the real power is still to be exerted by Xingchenzhi to the extreme, just like the true Yuan is powerful and needs magical power to exert even more terrifying power.

Li Lingtian's eyes are like stars, and his body exudes infinite power of stars.

A finger pointed out, the void was penetrated, and I saw a space channel with a size of 100 meters. When the star pointed out, the power of the star finger had bombarded the primordial **** of Sikong Tianyi.

This speed and power made Yuanshen unable to respond.

Xingchen pointed out that all heaven and earth are extinct, and everything is still.

The entire void is completely transformed into a night sky, and only one finger force runs through the whole world and the world.



With a slight sound, the star finger directly penetrated the Yuanshen, and the screams resounding through the world appeared.

Immediately afterwards, Yuanshen smoke disappeared, and there was no fluke in front of the stars.

In front of this finger, Linghu Ying's heart trembled, and the look on his face changed.

She never thought that there is such a terrible magical power in this world.

Such magical powers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even her, can't think of any way to resist, can't resist, can't escape, can't escape, the only end is that waiting for the smoke to disappear.

This finger is more than 100 times more powerful than Sikong Tianyi's stars.

Moreover, she also clearly sees the power of stars from Ling Tian's finger strength, and this finger force is all condensed by the power of stars, fully exerting the power of stars to the peak.

However, she did not know that Li Lingtian did not cultivate the peak power of the stars at all, nor did he cultivate the true stars, he only cultivated a bit of the power of the stars, that is, the stars are incomparable, and even the entry has not reached .

The same is true of the Star Finger. It can barely display the Star Finger. It has no form and no God, and it has not been cultivated into a true Star Finger. This Star Finger can only be slowed down by continuously improving the supremacy of the starry sky and controlling the power of the Star. Slowly increase the power of the stars.

This supernatural power is completely different from when he practiced supernatural powers before. The previous supernatural powers were all practiced immediately, and they were able to cultivate to the realm.

But now the stars and the power of stars are not as simple as they used to be. .

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