War God Supreme

Chapter 1763: Yuan Boiled Dragon

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"This place should have reached the depths of the Qingyuan Sea."

"I just don't know if it is in the south of the fairy land or the east of the fairy land."

After Bei Lingxue finished talking, he looked at the sea below Qingyuan. From time to time, here can see the eighth and nineth order sea beasts, huge body, terrifying momentum.

It is not difficult to see from these sea beasts that this place has entered the depths of the sea.

If it were on the edge, there would have been no such sea beasts, and it had been hunted by other powerful men, and there was no figure seen in this place, only the depths would be such a scene.

"I have to find the direction first so I don't get it wrong."

"It doesn't matter if you go to the north of the fairy land, if you go to the west of the fairy land, you're in trouble."

Li Lingtian stood on top of the spaceship, and the heavens and voids were on display. His eyes looked at the void. To clear this direction, the most feared thing in the sea was to get it in the wrong direction.

Moreover, at this time, although the sky and sea were bright, they could not see the sun and stars and could not determine the direction at all.

However, this is not difficult for Li Lingtian. He is the first division of the Shenwu Continent. Space control has reached a very deep level. It is still easy to find a direction in this place.

After a while, find the direction, change the direction of the spaceship, and finally fix the direction of the spaceship, and the spaceship opens.

Impressed by the consciousness, the Black Dragon King and Long Da appeared in front of them.

It is natural for him to control the spaceship by two people.

After making arrangements, Li Lingtian took Huangfu Yuyan and Tang Qingyue and others to the spaceship's room.

The spaceship is controlled by the dragon and the black dragon king, which is naturally safe. Even if there are super powers, the black dragon king can resist for a while. With a little resistance, Li Lingtian can come out and erase it.

After entering the spacecraft, Li Lingtian practiced alone.

After all, his current cultivation has been improved, cultivation is high, there are more places that need to be cultivated, exercises must be cultivated, Dan Dao must be enlightened, supernatural powers should be enlightened, treasures should be refined, arrays should be cultivated, There are also some powerful methods to review.

What he is practicing now is the reincarnation tactics of heaven and earth, the supremacy of the sky and the sky, and the heaven and the road, controlling all kinds of supernatural powers, refining and warming treasures.

However, now he is not in a hurry to refine three unique congenital artifacts, nor care about two mysterious treasures.

Because of his current cultivation methods and means, even some of the control has not been exerted to the extreme. If he is anxious to refine the super treasure, he will become more dependent on the treasure in the future.

On the spaceship, practice time, and time passes quickly.

But if you want to cross the Qingyuan waters, it is not a matter of two days a day.

Because this sea area is really too large, even if the semi-divine powerhouse wants to leap past, it will take several years. Although the spaceship controlled by Li Lingtian and others is not comparable to the Heavenly Emperor’s chariot, it is extremely fast. .

Such a speed, flying over the sea, swept across the space.

The more you fly deeper into the sea, the more powerful the sea beasts and monsters you encounter, and even the powerful gods and beasts, the general beasts and monsters and sea beasts, the Black Dragon King has solved it by himself.

But there are powerful beasts that the Black Dragon King cannot deal with.

On this day, Li Lingtian was meditating and practicing to improve the cultivation in the later period of Semi-Divine Realm.

At this time, Zou frowned, and then a slight smile appeared on his face, and his eyes opened.

"Qingyuan sea area is really powerful, there is such a powerful beast."

"Such a mythical creature can't ascend to the heavens at all. It seems that it is really not difficult to ascend to the heavens from the Shenwu Continent."

Li Lingtian said to himself in the room, with a smile on his face, without any worries. On the contrary, there was a hint of war in his heart.

When speaking, step outside.

When he went out, Tang Qingyue and others also left the room and walked outside.

Although their practice was not comparable, the distance of the sense of induction was not bad. Li Lingtian sensed it earlier than them, but did not come out for the first time, so they met together when they came out.

Soon, a group of people had already arrived outside the spaceship.

When he came out of the spaceship, the spaceship stopped long ago, and the dragon was stable. The Black Dragon King has transformed into a 500-meter-sized dragon swinging in the air, fighting with a powerful mythical beast. The opponent is also a 500-meter. Great and small dragon.

"Yuan Boiled Dragon."

Li Lingtian looked at the two huge dragon battles in the air, and was shocked. He didn't expect to encounter such a guy here. The blood of the ancient **** beast has now achieved the existence of the level of the **** beast, and it is still the peak of the **** beast.

Yuanbo Dragon is also a member of the Dragon Clan, and it is extremely powerful.

It's just that this is a small number, and it has long disappeared. I didn't expect to encounter it in Shenwu Continent.



The battle between the two giant dragons, the space is trembling constantly, the sea water of the sea rises into the sky, and the sky changes color.

And it’s not that thunder and lightning flashes, the whole situation is like a storm coming.

The spaceship is also trembling and shaking, and the waters within tens of thousands of miles are constantly shaking. The most powerful war is not the war of gods, but the war of dragons, which is terrifying and destructive.

Now, the battle of the two dragons, let everyone see the terror of the dragon battle.

However, Li Lingtian's face is not so relaxed at this time, because the Black Dragon King is obviously not the opponent of this Yuanbo Dragon. The two are not just blood or realm, they are not of the same grade.



At this time, the huge claws of the Yuanbo Dragon bombarded the Black Dragon King fiercely.

The defense of the Black Dragon King broke up, his body flew away, and finally hit the sea area fiercely. The dragon also became humanoid, with blood on the corner of his mouth, and his face was pale.

Just when the Black Dragon King was bombarded and wounded and landed above the sea, a devastating attack from the Yuanlong Dragon came from across the air. If this attack hit the Black Dragon King, even the late Black Dragon King of the Divine Beast will be beaten and dispelled. .

Seeing that the Black Dragon King was about to disappear, Li Lingtian grabbed it with one hand, and a terror force covered the Black Dragon King. Then a ray of light appeared. The body of the Black Dragon King followed the light from the sea and finally came to the spaceship.

When the Black Dragon King just left the sea, the devastating attack bombarded the place where the Black Dragon King fell. I saw a place where the Black Dragon King fell before. A black hole of destruction appeared. I don’t know how deep the black hole is. The sea water is also Can't recover for a long time.

Such power is like penetrating the sea, and if it is bombarded on the Black Dragon King, the Black Dragon King will definitely disappear.

"The Lord."

The Black Dragon King was out of danger, and a look of gratitude appeared on his face.

If Li Lingtian came one step late, he would disappear.

After standing up and saluting Li Lingtian, his eyes looked at a giant dragon hundreds of miles away, with a look of horror in his eyes, obviously he was afraid of this dragon.

However, as long as Li Lingtian comes forward, everything can be resolved.

"You are not his opponent."

Li Lingtian nodded and stared at the dragon in the distance. This dragon, with its terrifying strength, the existence of the pinnacle of the beast of the beast is equivalent to the pinnacle of the peak of human half-deity.

Coupled with the innate ingenuity of the **** beasts and dragons, even the supreme mighty is not willing to face such a dragon.

Fortunately, this kind of dragon is rare and almost extinct. It is impossible to have a second dragon in this place. If it is like other races, it will be tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands together. Li Lingtian will also hurry to escape. .

"Human, this is not your territory."

"Speed ​​detours, otherwise I will tear you apart."

Yuan Bolong’s dragon is hundreds of miles away, and his body flickers. It suddenly turns into a middle-aged woman. Don’t look at it as a woman, but she carries a terrifying breath, and the space trembles in front of this breath.

This cultivation is good, that is, the pinnacle of semi-god realm.

But the woman saw Li Lingtian's miraculous means to save the Black Dragon King from the front of her attack, but she was also afraid to speak.

However, the powerful and domineering character of the Dragon race will never be overwhelmed. Even in this way, the tone makes people feel aggressive.

This means that Li Lingtian and others will not be allowed to pass by here. This sea area is very vast, and it is not impossible to bypass it, but it is not possible here in Li Lingtian, because as long as this place is bypassed, the direction will be disordered.

Maybe if you shift your direction a bit, you will encounter other powerful beasts, because each powerful beast has its own territory. There is no **** beast and monster in this place.

Now that it has been encountered, there is no need to avoid it. Avoiding this, you may encounter another powerful existence.

"Want this detour?"

"The fairy is probably mistaken."

"Dragons are the strongest ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fairy is nothing more than just looking at this seat to provoke it, right."

Li Lingtian said with a smile, his tone was relaxed and plain, and his face was a cloud of light and breezy, without any slight pressure, even in the late half-god realm, the dragon faced with the perfection of the peak of the half-god realm, there is no slightest care.

The whole person talked in a chic and elegant manner, looking at the middle-aged woman.

In the demon and dragon races, as well as other races, they like to incarnate humanoids, but after the incarnation is also shaped according to the cultivation base, it is normal to incarnate a middle-aged woman.

Some demons like to be pretty, but some don’t care about it, because in their eyes, power is the most important thing, and they don’t care about appearance at all.

The dragon in front of him is a female dragon. After changing into a human form, she is also a woman, but a middle-aged woman.

Seeing the woman, Li Lingtian was also very polite to speak. Although the other party is a dragon, but now she is a woman. As a man, the most basic character is still needed. R1148

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