War God Supreme

Chapter 1769: The Door of Nature...

"Slow down!"

The atmosphere over the entire sea was strangely suppressed, and the endless force of oppression crushed the eleven strong men to death. 【Wu Ruo Novel Network】

At this moment, a misty voice came from far away in the void.

The sound breaks this silent and depressing space. The expression on the faces of all the strong men is changed. There is a glimmer of hope on his face. Because listening to this sound, there is obviously a turning point.

However, they are all shocking. I don’t know what kind of characters they are. If they dare to interrupt so many demon kings and supremes, it would be shocking to go against them.

Several demon kings and three supremes, the expression on their faces is also constantly changing.

Although he didn't show anything, there was a trace of displeasure in his heart.

For a time, all the people looked into the void to see what kind of person they were, but they still had such great courage and courage.


In the void, space was torn apart.

In this teared mouth, a young man in white walked out.

The youth in white is chic and elegant, like a powerful man who does not eat the fireworks on earth.

After the young man appeared, he slowly walked down, and the whole person walked like he walked on the flat ground, step by step, leaving the torn space mouth. When he left the mouth, the empty space mouth disappeared. .

The whole process is just an instant effort.

In the end, the young man in white came to the place where all the strong men were hundreds of miles, standing suspended in the air, with a faint smile on his face, and a light cloud on the face, and the whole person was calm and calm to the extreme.

It takes a lot of courage and courage to calm down in front of so many supreme and demon kings.

"Who are you?"

Seeing the young man in white in the air, the sea eclipse king showed a hint of anger on his face, because this young man in white was a strong man in human beings, saying that he was a strong man, but in front of him, he was completely a ants.

Because this young man in white is only in the late half-deity period, in this place, anyone can pinch him to death.

I didn't expect such a young man to dare to come to this place, but also have meaning for their opinions.

They are killing these strong men because they are worried about leaking news and causing more strong men to participate in the death, but the appearance of this young man is definitely a dead end.

It is no wonder that others die, but as a demon king, there is still a style of a strong man, because this young man is just a ants in his eyes, can not escape their palms.

At the time when the voice of the Sea Eclipse Demon King sounded, the strong men present were extremely curious.

However, the four-and-a-half divine peak consummation strong and the three supremes, the look on his face was shocked, but there was a slight smile on the face of Shengyuan Supreme, the smile was unpredictable.


"Everyone, this is His Excellency Ling Tian.

Shengyuan Supreme did not wait for the youth in white to speak, so he spoke first.

When speaking, the figure flickered and came not far from the young man in white, and there was no slight fortification. Obviously, they were very familiar, and not only were they not opponents, but also familiar people, or they were themselves.

"The first day array division of Shenwu Continent!"

"Shenwu Mainland Supreme Divine Pill Master!"

"It turned out to be Lord Lingtian of Shenwu Continent."

"Sir Ling Tian!"

Hearing the words of Shengyuan Supreme, the powerful people present were shocked. Even the two Supreme and the Five Demon Kings all had shocking expressions on their faces. I didn’t expect this young man in white to be a mythical figure of Shenwu Continent.

The demon clan and the sea clan do not regard human beings in their eyes at all, and are even more hostile to humans.

Because humans are cunning and humble in the eyes of demon and sea clan strong people.

The stronger the demon and the sea clan are, the more they dislike humans.

However, they dare not despise the top humans of human beings, because at their level, they are no different from humans. They are all top-notch existences in the world, and they are detached.

Although this is said, when you meet the top human powerhouses, you will want to tell a difference.

They dare to offend these strong human beings, but they dare not offend a person, and this person is not very powerful, but this human being is too evil, no one can afford to offend.

This person, that is Shenwu Continent's first demon, Shenwu Continent's first day array division, Shenwu Continent's supreme Divine Pill Master Li Lingtian.

The strong of the demon and the sea clan also need the elixir to upgrade and break the shackles.

Therefore, the strong of the demon clan and the human Dan Shi also have contacts.

I didn't even think that this young man was the first demon of Shenwu Continent and came to this place.

In the past, this young man's cultivation practice was not very good. In the eyes of these strong men, it was just a ants who cultivated faster. Dan Shi now reached the late stage of the semi-deity when he was more than 100 years old. This kind of cultivation speed is almost reversed. day.

"Yes, this is the seat."

"Lord Shengyuan, long time no see."

Li Lingtian nodded and glanced at all the strong men present, then said lightly.

There was a folding fan in his hand, and the folding fan shook gently, looking very chic.

Although somewhat similar to scholars or family disciples, his temperament and demeanor are not as frivolous as those of scholars and family disciples. He completely interprets chic and elegant to the peak.

Nodded just, his face light and breezy, and facing these Supreme and the Demon King, there was absolutely no pressure at all.

Afterwards, the pilgrimage element Supreme nodded to say hello, the tone of the speech was more polite, after all, the priest element Supreme was the first strongest member of the Danshi Guild and a powerful Divine Pill Master, but no one knew it, or it was nearly one. No one has mentioned it for thousands of years.

"I didn't expect His Excellency Ling Tian to come here."

"Does Ling Tian also come here for things here?"

The Yanlong demon king looked at Li Lingtian, he was the supreme, ordinary people didn't even see it in his eyes, but he paid a lot of attention to Li Lingtian, knowing that Li Lingtian had practiced the powerful dragon clan skills, and the dragon clan skills had been cultivated to an extreme.

Moreover, he also controlled the true dragon spirit and was very curious about Li Lingtian's strength.

"This seat is not for here, do you believe it?"

"Your Excellency, what the **** happened here?"

Li Lingtian said with a smile, the folding fan in his hand kept shaking.

When speaking, the eyes shifted to the Supreme Yuan Shengyuan. In this place, even if the people in front of him are the Supreme and the Demon King, his identity will not be inferior to them, or even more detached.

Reaching the point of their cultivation as such, as well as such an identity, calling each other is also the title of your Excellency, because this is the name of the older generation.

Li Lingtian's voice fell, and all the strong men were stunned.

However, it was immediately confirmed that Li Lingtian did not come here for this purpose, only that he met him.

Because the character's character doesn't like lying, and no one in this world can let him speak, and nothing can make him lie.

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​I heard that you were chased by Linghuying?"

"How did you come here?"

"You won't erase Linghuying."

Shengyuan Supreme saw Li Lingtian, and the whole person was relaxed.

Now even if there are fewer humans than the strong people of the demon clan, when one Li Lingtian comes out, there will probably be some changes, and he is not in a hurry to tell Li Lingtian here.

Instead, he wondered how Li Lingtian escaped from Linghuying.

Linghu Ying, the patron saint of the Qingming Empire, did not hesitate to leave the empire to chase down Li Lingtian in order to recover the Qingming Ziyi. In that battle, Li Lingtian killed the three pinnacles of the great consummation in the middle of the divine realm, and was still in the hands of Linghu Ying. Go away.

In the last few years, Li Lingtian disappeared and Linghu Ying disappeared. Now that Li Lingtian has appeared, it is natural that Linghu Ying has fallen.

"This woman."

"The grudges have been resolved."

"According to the previous character of this seat, she will definitely not be let go, but now the situation is different."

"Otherwise, this seat will not call you to be merciful today."

Thinking of Linghu Ying, Li Lingtian couldn’t help but shook his head. He didn’t know whether he should hate Linghu Ying or not. If it weren’t for Linghu Ying, he had already gone to the south of the fairy land, but he couldn’t meet the vast stars. palace.

All of this is destined to be free in the middle of the world, and the past will be cancelled.

He is now, before the last resort, he will not kill the strong man of the human race and the demon sea clan, because he is just in case, so as not to be deceived by the demon strong man.


Hearing Li Lingtian's indifferent words, the black line on the face of the strong man could not help but look.

In the later period of Semi-God Realm, it was said that the Supreme Power was let go. In the fairy field, no one dared to say so, and no one could do it, only Li Lingtian.

However, I was very curious to see Li Lingtian saying that he would let them show mercy to these strong men.

"Still Ling Tian is tall."

"I don't know if you can know the thirty-three heavenly gate of Shenwu Continent?"

Shengyuan Supreme saw Li Lingtian's appearance, there must be something to say, but only after understanding the things here.

Immediately, he asked Li Lingtian, a curious look appeared on his face, and all the places where Li Lingtian appeared were changed. I did not expect that this Qingyuan sea area was so large, and I accidentally came here.

He is naturally curious, if he knew that Li Lingtian had just come out of the vast Star Palace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know how to shock.

"Door of fortune?"

"Are you talking about the world-encompassing gate of fortune?"

"This seat knows a little bit, but I only saw it from ancient books."

"You don't really understand the gate of nature, are you trying to enter the gate of nature?"

Li Lingtian's face was stunned, and his heart was shocked, just like the current sea area, the earth was turned upside down, the door to nature, that is the most powerful strong way to get heaven and earth to become a way to ascend into the realm of heaven.

Rather than directly ascending to heaven, you can get the heavenly fortune and achieve the supreme fortune.

It is impossible that these strongmen are just for entering the door of nature. If this is the case, it is really shocking.

When speaking, look at all the strong ones, and finally return to the Shengyuan Supreme, and wait for the words behind the Shengyuan Supreme.


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