War God Supreme

Chapter 1772: Lou Tingfeng, Lou...

Nine days of divine power, suddenly space trembling. 【Wu Ruo Novel Network】

Seeing Li Lingtian's horrible divine power, the face of the strong man present changed dramatically.

"Great power!"

"God Body!"

Shocked, all shocked.

Five demon kings, three supremes, eleven and a half divine peak pinnacles, and the expression on his face changed dramatically, exclaiming.

Because they saw the purity of Li Lingtian's divine power, and when they were operating the divine power, these divine powers had no trace of real elements, and they were all terrifying divine powers.

In this case, the only explanation is that the divine power is consummated, and all the real elements of Dantian are converted into divine power.

In the Shenwu Continent, even the Supreme cannot be so powerful.

In the Shenwu Continent, no powerful person can achieve great consummation, because only the true **** is the great consummation. Moreover, Li Lingtian’s divine power is now pure and powerful, and he does not know how many times stronger than ordinary divine power.

Seeing such a situation, and then looking at Li Lingtian's mysterious and powerful breath, he suddenly discovered that Li Lingtian had already achieved a divine body, and was no longer a mortal body.

Li Lingtian's cultivation is his strength, which makes the strong players present envy and shock.

No wonder Li Lingtian is so powerful, it turned out to be a great consummation of the divine power, and he has also achieved a divine body.

To fight against the divine power with the true element, it is natural to find death, use the ordinary physique to collide with the divine body, and take it to death.

Li Lingtian didn't speak, and the horror of the Nine Heavens waved toward the light curtain.

Suddenly, the light curtain twisted up. The eleven strong men in the light curtain changed their expressions on their faces, and quickly ran the True Elemental Divine Power to resist. In front of the Nine Heavens Divine Power, the whole person seemed to disappear instantly.

Moreover, Li Lingtian's Nine Heavens Divine Power also showed. The crushing of Divine Power, the mouth of the strong man in the light curtain overflowed with blood, and the eleven strong people could not resist Li Lingtian's crushing.

What is shocking is that Li Lingtian is suspended in the air, his face is light and breezy, and he does not care about his means.

Such a method is completely handy.



Li Lingtian's palms were affixed to the light curtain, and the horrible Nine Heavens were displayed. The whole person was like a supreme god.

The divine body, divine power, divine power, and the patent of the true god, but now it is revealed to Li Lingtian.

"Lord Tian's divine power is perfect, and it is really powerful."

"I didn't expect that some people in Shenwu Continent could cultivate their divine power to the Great Consummation."

"If you go to the gate of fortune this time, if you get the supreme fortune, you will hopefully become the first strong man in the Shenwu Continent to ascend to heaven in tens of thousands of years."

"It is said that His Excellency Ling Tian got a divine personality in Chunyang Palace, and there is absolutely hope to break the shackles of Shenwu Continent."

"Looking at the means of Lord Ling Tian, ​​this divine power alone is not something you and I can resist."


Looking at Li Lingtian's horror and domineering power, the several demon kings and supremes present were shocked.

They are powerful, but now seeing the domineering like Li Lingtian, they are shocked in addition to shock.

Li Lingtian was suspended in the air, his face was light and breezy, and the Nine Heavens divine power slowly rose, constantly crushing the eleven strong men in the light curtain. At the beginning, the eleven strong men could barely be able to support.

But with the passage of time, the eleven strong men did not have the slightest blood on their faces, and the blood on the corners of their mouths continued to overflow. However, it was shocking that the eleven strong men did not leave the light curtain even if they died.

One, two, three...

For a moment, the seven strong men fainted.

The unconscious strongman quickly fell out of the light curtain and fell towards the sea.

They knew that Li Lingtian would not kill them, but they had to crush them with terrifying divine power, and let them leave automatically, insisting that the last two would have the chance to get the pearl of fortune.

If you die, you will die in the light curtain. With this mentality, no one left, but she fainted.

The eighth!


Finally, the nine strong men fainted and fell towards the sea.

Only Lou Tingyu and Lou Tingfeng are brothers. They can hardly hold on in front of Li Lingtian’s divine power, but the brothers have practiced a magical technique that can temporarily improve their cultivation by dozens of times. degree.

If the two join forces, even the ten strong players of the same rank will not necessarily be able to defeat them.

The main reason is that the brothers and sisters have the same soul, and the talents of the fellow brothers are exactly the same, both of which exist against the sky.

Moreover, the two are one of the gold system, one is the soil system, the entire offensive and defensive integration, this combination is absolutely unique in the entire Shenwu Continent.

It's no fluke to be able to stand in the end in front of Li Lingtian's Nine Heavens divine power.

"Not bad."

Li Lingtian looked at the remaining Lou Tingfeng brothers and nodded in satisfaction.

With one stroke, the light curtain in the sky disappeared.

The strong man who fell down also woke up at the last moment, suspended in the air, and looked enviously at Lou Tingfeng Brothers.

Although they did not insist to the end, they were not dissatisfied, because the two brothers Lou Tingfeng were indeed more powerful than them. No matter if they were fighting alone, the strength of the two brothers was equal.

The five demon kings and the three supreme supremes saw Li Lingtian crushing all the strong men to one side by his own means, and they were shocked. The evil spirits are evil spirits, and the things they deal with are so overbearing.

Looking at Lou Tingfeng, they insisted to the end that they were both very satisfied, because this matter was settled.

However, no one thought of it. After Li Lingtian canceled the array of light curtains, not only did the Nine Heavens Divine Power not recover, but a more overbearing power broke out, and they were violently listening to the wind and the rain. And go.

This situation shocked all the powerful.



The two brothers Lou Tingfeng and Lou Tingyu were also terrified by Li Lingtian's nine-day divine power.

Even if the two brothers join forces, they can only barely resist and stick to the end, but to really support it, it is simply a delusion. It can only be said that under the joint force, they persist longer than other strong men.

Seeing the final victory, both brothers were very happy.

Seeing Li Lingtian put away the light curtain of the formation, he was relieved and thought that the matter was over, but he never expected that Li Lingtian's more overbearing nine-day divine power exploded and slammed against the two.

The two of them were shocked, and a spit of blood spurted out, and the body flew towards the back with weakness.

Li Lingtian was suspended in the air, with one hand stroke, a group of ruined Jiutian Divine Power slammed towards the brothers and two. The Jiutian Divine Light Group, which was originally only the size of a fist, continued to absorb the spirit of the fairy, and suddenly skyrocketed. It is ten meters in size.

Lou Tingfeng and Lou Tingyu flew back in front of the ruined Nine Heavens Divine Light Group. The look on their faces was pale and no blood, and their eyes were full of despair.


Lou Tingyu's hands forcibly exerted the True Elemental Divine Power, resisting the Nine Heavens Divine Power and constantly backing away.

If you don't want to do this, what is waiting for them is to disappear.

Open your mouth and shout to the wind, the two have the same heart, the same thoughts in their hearts, and they all know the current situation.

"Listen to the rain."

Lou Tingfeng heard the sound of his chest, and the two nodded at the same time, with a resolute look in their eyes.

Suddenly, shocking destruction power, gold power and earth power broke out in the two of them.

The divine power in the body is constantly improving and sublimating, and the ratio of the true element and divine power is slowly changing.

The two forced to reverse the operation of kung fu. This kind of means was dare not imagined before, because this is too risky, and if one is bad, it will disappear.

Now, even if you don't take risks, you have to vanish. It's better to take a risk instead.

The light clusters of the Nine Heavens Divine Power have condensed the spirits of the spirits within a million miles above the sea area to form a sphere of destruction within ten miles.

The ball of light was suspended above the Lou Tingfeng brothers, and the power of destruction was constantly crushing the two.

This situation must be crushed by the light ball at any time.

"This is the character of both of them."

In the distance, a few supreme and demon kings, as well as nine powerful powerhouses at the pinnacle of the divine realm, looked at the scene in the air, and they were all terrified. In the face of Li Lingtian’s overbearing nine-day divine power, even they were not I know if I can resist it.

When they were all curious, a smile appeared on Shengyuan Supreme's face.

Slightly speaking, the words of Shengyuan Supreme, let other powerful people turn their attention to Shengyuan Supreme, I don't know what it means in the words of Shengyuan Supreme.

However, looking at the situation of the two brothers listening to the wind brothers, and Li Lingtian's nine-sky divine light ball, he suddenly realized that he knew what was going on.

"Daxu Tianjing, the seventh weight!"

At this time, the two brothers, who were constantly crushed by the power of nine days, had to disappear at any time. The two roared at the same time, and the destruction of the gold and earth forces was raging in the air.

The divine power and true elements of the two people are constantly changing.

The roaring sound, the power of destruction distorts the void, the sea is constantly tossing, and for a time, the whole space is torn up and is constantly being destroyed. All the strong men present are retreating quickly, and the body on the face is constantly changing. .

The golden light and gray light quickly merged to form a powerful light group, which expanded rapidly.

In a moment of effort, the light group has reached the size of a few square meters, although it is smaller than the light group of the nine-day divine power, but this look is enough to withstand ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the space is constantly torn apart, the sea is soaring Up.

The golden-grey light group formed, and finally bombarded the nine-day divine light group fiercely.

The two destructive forces, ignoring the distance of space, bombarded together fiercely.

Suddenly, there was a short silence in the space. After the short silence, endless destruction appeared.



Two horrible light groups are constantly crushed, and the space is constantly destroyed.

When the golden-gray light group resisted the nine-day divine light group, Lou Tingfeng and Lou Tingyu took the opportunity to retreat, and the two retreated smoothly for thousands of miles, looking at the golden gray light group and the nine-day divine light in horror. The regiment crushed each other.

What happened just now is still shaking in my heart.


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