War God Supreme

Chapter 1779: The formation in the magic...

"Ten major alliances, it is determined that there is already a problem with the ten great alliances."

"Next, it depends on the other major leagues, I hope these alliances have not been affected by the devil."

"This place is relatively close to the place where the magic energy appears, and the Ten Jue Alliance bears the brunt."

"Let's take a break in this place for a while, pay attention to the movements of the Ten Jue Alliance, and I have to go to the Devil Qi again to study the formation in this Devil Qi."

Li Lingtian sipped the tea while enjoying Huangfu Swift's massage, contemplating for a while, and said seriously.

Entering the devil qi, although he killed the ten musts, he never found the eye of the devil qi. This is definitely abnormal, because here is originally a mountain range of human beings, the spirit of the fairy is rich, and the resources are rich.

Suddenly there was magic energy, and he must have come here from the ground or the air, but Li Lingtian was the first division of the Shenwu Continent, and the line was repaired against the sky, but he did not find the place of the eye. This made him feel that this place mysterious.

If you can't find the array, it will be difficult to deal with in the future, so the devil will appear from this array.

Besides, Mengyun Tiancheng is the base camp of the Ten Jue Alliance. There is no Divine Supreme in the devil qi. The Divine Supreme is the leader of the Ten Jue Alliance. Naturally, it is unwilling to leave this place. .

"fair enough."

"It seems that we have to stay in the Dream Cloud Sky City for a while."

"Now this fairyland has no sense of security and can't go out to play."

Huangfu Yuyan nodded and agreed with Li Lingtian's words.

I could have been out here for a while, but this place is full of crises. I don’t feel any sense of security at all, and I don’t want to go out to play anymore.

"Sister Yuyan really wants to go out and call Brother Ling Tian to take us."

"With Brother Ling Tian beside me, even if the Supreme Master of God appears, there is no fear at all, which can just lead the Supreme Master of God."

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​you said, shall we go out to play?"

Tang Qingyue also spoke after Huang Fu Yuyan finished speaking, looking at Li Lingtian with a smile.

Li Lingtian looked up and looked at Tang Qingyue, with gentleness in the cold, it was almost tempting to the extreme, almost letting his blood burst, but it still pressed down.

There was also a faint smile on his face, but there was a trace of evil in this smile.

"Hang out."

"The two of you want to go out and play, of course I have to be there."

"Tonight, we have a good rest. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable)"

The smile on Li Lingtian's face became more and more intense. This smile was familiar to both Tang Qingyue and Huangfu Yuyan. Naturally, he also knew what Li Lingtian said, and suddenly there was a trace of blush on his face.

After talking, Li Lingtian gently took Huangfu Yuyan behind him, and took Huangfu Yuyan in his arms.


Huangfu Yuyan was not guarded, and did not expect Li Lingtian to exhale.

But just halfway through the exclaimation, Li Lingtian kissed her ruddy little mouth, and her body shook suddenly, and her face was shy and excited, but gradually adapted, and gently extended her little tongue to cater to Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian's hand has been stretched into the veil of Huangfu Yuyan, stroking and walking on the tender and tender body, palms across the full breasts, Huangfu Yuyan could not help shaking, but also became sobbing.

When Tang Qingyue saw Li Lingtian in front of her, her small face flushed, and the whole person was powerless.

She is used to such things. She used to wait for Li Lingtian with her sister or other sisters.

However, she was still a little shy. When she was at a loss, Li Lingtian's hand was stretched out, and she was taken over.

Li Lingtian loosened Huangfu Yuyan's small mouth and kissed Tang Qingyue's small mouth again.

Gradually, the three entered into an intoxication.

In the end, there were fewer and fewer shirts. Li Lingtian swiped with one hand, and several arrays were displayed.

The three of them enjoyed the clouds and rain in the room. In between, Huangfu Yuyan and Tang Qingyue didn't know how many times they entered the cloud. Finally, Li Lingtian also broke out in Tang Qingyue's body, and the three of them fell asleep.

In the next few days, Li Lingtian and Tang Qingyue Huangfu Yuyan lived and rested in the inn.

Either just go out and play, the three people's cultivation practices have reached the semi-god realm, Li Lingtian is in the late stage of the semi-god realm, the strength reaches a terrible level, even if the peak of the semi-god realm is perfect, it is not his opponent.

Even the Supreme is not his opponent. At this level, naturally, he will not be afraid of other strong men.

Now they can also take Huangfu Yuyan with them to play. Dream Cloud Sky City, although close to the place of Devil Qi, has not seen the Demon Race, nor has the Devil Race invaded. No one is afraid of the strong.

Mengyun Tiancheng is also very prosperous. The peaceful and prosperous city is naturally beautiful.

Li Lingtian took Huangfu Yuyan and Tang Qingyue to wander around the city and taste the food here.

In addition to normal meditation practice, Tang Qingyue accompanied them at other times, making Huang Fu Yuyan and Tang Qingyue indulged in happiness, with sweet smiles on their faces at all times, and the whole person was absolutely stunning.

Time is also passing day by day.

Although the three of them enjoyed playing, they did not forget their own things.

A month later, Li Lingtian entered the magic energy again.

This month, I played during the day, accompanied the two girls at night to watch the stars in the night sky, and found a way to find the magical eyes in my heart. A month later, I finally found a trace of clues.

After letting Huangfu Yuyan and Tang Qingyue enter the dragon dragon ring, they flew alone into the magic energy.

However, after entering the devil qi this time, after encountering some puppet demon clan, he changed his appearance and his breath became devil qi, true devil qi.

The true devil qi on the body is generally the same as the devil qi of the mountains, but it is more pure than the devil qi here.

However, when you don't work, there won't be any difference.

With this devil qi, even the most powerful Devil can not recognize him as a human being, nor will he know that he is Li Lingtian. In this way, Li Lingtian can fully integrate into the devil qi of this mountain range.

It is also very convenient to act, and you will not worry about being discovered.

Afterwards, Li Lingtian began to search in this magic energy, constantly flying, hiding his body, and then flying again, hiding his body, and constantly exchanging.

After three full months, Li Lingtian finally found his place.

This place is the center of the whole devil qi. If you are not in control of the space to the point of fascinating, it is impossible to find here, because after entering this place, you will get lost and you don’t know where the center is, even if you find it. In the center, it is not always possible to find an eye.

However, all this is not too difficult for Li Lingtian, a division of sky array.


Li Lingtian stopped, his face was dull, and he looked away.

Turning the divine power into true demon qi is like a fish in this place. Naturally, it will not be affected by sight. Moreover, his cultivation practice is still slowly improving here, but what he is improving is only magic cultivation practice.

His eyes glanced all around, and finally he concealed.

This place is surrounded by mountains with a height of one thousand kilometers. Four peaks form a circle, and in the middle is a flat land about a hundred miles in size, but this flat land is full of stone forests, large and small stone forests.

If you don't look closely, you won't find anything, but if you look closely, you will find that this stone forest is like a maze.

In the eyes of Li Lingtian, this is a maze-like formation. These stone forests and the runes of the formation are generally the same.

Hidden here for five days, none of the demons came here, as if in awe of nature.

In the past five days, there was no movement at all. In such a situation, Li Lingtian determined that it was safe. He flew up immediately, suspended in the air, and looked down at a glance. The stone forest below became a plan, a vivid altar. Appeared in the eyes.

The stone circle is a battle line in a circle of a hundred miles in size. As long as you understand this battle line, you can start this formation. Only by opening the formation can you learn more about this place.

"Heaven is gone!"

In the mouth, the Fa utters the thoughts, and the sky and the sky are displayed, and the whole person is hidden in the void.

With the concealment of pure devil qi and the power of his true solution, the whole person disappeared into the air and became a piece of hundreds of millions of devil qi here. As long as he does not practice the exercises, even the supreme strongman You won't find a person hidden in this place.

After hiding, Li Lingtian began to seriously study the battlefield. This is the first time he has seen this battlefield, so he has to study it all again, or he would be delusional if he wants to open the battlefield.

Shenwu Continent's first evildoer, Shenwu Continent's first day formation division, is not to gain fame.

In just a few days, Li Lingtian found the cracking method of this battlefield, and he could probably see the usefulness of this battlefield~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is to the center of the earth.

That is to say, this place has been left by the Mozu for thousands of years, but it only broke out during this period of time, and it is not the arrival of the Devil of the Upper Realm.

After looking clearly, Li Lingtian was hiding in the air and waiting. It was very laborious to open the battlefield. Therefore, it is not a momentary thing to start the battlefield, but a few days of effort.

He had to make sure that no other powerful demons would come during the cracking of the altar, otherwise it would be whimsical to crack the altar.

As a strong man, the greatest ability is patience.

Li Lingtian is not only a real strongman, but also a supreme Divine Pill Master and a Celestial Master. The biggest skill of these people is patience. The strongman of Shenwu Continent wants to be more patient with him, which is simply weak.

In this place, the first wait is a month, a month, there is no slight change.

In the end, the look on his face was calm, and the Fa decision in his hand waved, and he began to crack the stone altar. R1148


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