War God Supreme

Chapter 1801: Wizard City

If you want to go to the elven clan, you must cross countless races in the north of the fairy field. [For more exciting novels, please visit www.wuruo.com]

For the cultivation of Li Lingtian and others, it takes only half a month to fly. After all, the elven race is not north of the north of the fairy field, but south of the north of the fairy field.

In this place, you can also use the spaceship, but this spaceship is basically created by the dwarves.

In the hands of Li Lingtian, there is also such a spaceship, flying the spaceship. Although they are not as fast as their imperial flight, they can fly endlessly. In this way, the distance of flying in one day is two or three times longer than them.

In half a month, a group of people crossed the territory of more than a dozen races on the spaceship. Each territory of a race has a size of a dozen or so.

In the Hundred Clan Territory, the stronger the strength and the greater the number, the more territory it occupies.

The average small race is only two or three celestial cities in size. The slightly larger race has more than ten celestial cities. Some top races, such as giants and dwarves, are hundreds of celestial cities. Some are bigger than an empire.

The site of the elven clan is also the size of the pure Yang Empire.

The elves are darlings of heaven and earth. They live in forests rich in fairy spirits. The environment is beautiful and beautiful, and there are birds and flowers everywhere.

In such a large site, there are as many as ten million people, and more than ten million elves look absolutely beautiful.

The elf is only the size of a small bird, and the big elves are no different from normal human beings. However, the elves in the elven clan, the male elves are very beautiful, and the female elves are beautiful. They are completely heavenly masterpieces.

Elves have wings, and all kinds of wings are beautiful.

In the elven race, the weapons of all colors are the bow and arrow and the trident. The practice is to absorb the spirit of the heaven and earth fairy, living in the forest with beautiful environment. Their cities are all made of trees, and the trees are all alive.

Most elves rest on huge trees. It can be said that there are not many cities in the elven family. They live and rest, and their lives are all on trees.

However, the elves are all living creatures.

Li Lingtian took off the ship, landed on the ground, came here, a heavenly and natural fairy spirit and vitality rushed into the face, more is a harmonious and bland atmosphere.

When I came to this place, there was a trace of peace in my heart, and all my anxieties and struggles disappeared.

This is the territory of the elven tribe.

"The elves are really different."

"It's similar to where you lived before."

With a slight smile on his face, Li Lingtian said lightly that when he spoke, he reached out and stroked on Ji Yixiu's hair. In his heart, the two closest were Ji Yi and Xiaobai, because they grew up watching him This kind of pro, even more than the brothers and sisters.


"But there are more elves here than I used to."

"Before, except for the high priests, they rarely had time to play with other elves. I don't know if these elves would play with me."

Ji Yin sighed for a while, then said softly.

Li Lingtian naturally knew that Ji Yi wanted the high priests, after all, that place was her home.

After she rescued her, she no longer suffered the pain of awakening for one month every 10,000 years. When she met Li Lingtian, she was only 13 years old, 13 years old, but more than a million years.

After coming out now, he followed Li Lingtian for a hundred years, and he still feels homesick for a hundred years.

"You have always followed me, not with other elves, but your elves are always princesses of elven clan, and they will naturally play with you."

"When you go inside, you can play with them. We can practice here for a few years, waiting for the door of fortune to open."

Li Lingtian said with a smile, he did not say that he would wait for Ji Yi to go back, because he wanted to go back to that place, not knowing that it would be time. Now that the Shenwu Continent is in chaos, there is nothing to go there.

After waiting for the settlement of Shenwu Continent, go to the place where Ji Yi lived before.

"An elf came in front, it should be a guard of the elven clan."

Just as a group of people landed, seven or eight elves flew in the distance. These elves are male, not much different from human adults.

Moreover, the cultivation of every elf is in a false **** state.

To be able to see such a powerful bodyguard should have already come to the elven clan, or to an important place of the elven clan or not far from the elven clan city.

Watching the elves in the distance flying, Nangong Mingyue said happily.

Although there was another elf princess's sister, she was curious to see other elves coming.

Soon, the eight elves flew to Li Lingtian and other people, suspended in the air, their thin wings flickered, and they looked majestic.

When I stopped to look at Li Lingtian and others, when I saw Li Lingtian and Longda, the faces of several elf strong men showed incomprehensible colors, because Longda and Li Lingtian obviously hadn't seen them, just like human beings.

If it were not for the breath of the two, they would be regarded as strong human beings.

Another point is why these people came here through other races.

"Are you humans?"

"Why are you here, here are elves."

Several elves looked at Li Lingtian and others with a deep expression of fear, and asked, when they were speaking, the powerful True Elemental had already run, and the bows and tridents in their hands were already carrying a strong power of destruction .

The elves are against the human being subconsciously. When they see the human beings here, the subconscious mind becomes hostile.

"This palace wants to see your elf queen."

Before coming here, Li Lingtian said to Ji Yi. Before seeing the important people of the elven clan, everything was done by Ji Yi. After all, Ji Yi was a princess of the elven clan. According to Ji Yi’s identity and her father’s The status of the identity is definitely much stronger than that of the northern elf race in the fairy land.

Ji Yi is not an elven princess, but rather a goddess of the upper realm, Ji Yi's father, that is the general existence of the Divine Lord. This status, even when it was placed at that time, is also a big figure in the sky.

Seeing the headed elf inquire, Ji Yi's breath spread all over her body, her beautiful wings spread.

The whole person returned to the appearance of an elf, but now she is more beautiful and beautiful than before, with a kind of intimate atmosphere all over her body, and a kind of holiness that makes people unbearable.

The majesty of the elven princess was revealed. Suddenly, several elves shuddered in their hearts and looked aside, they could not help but worship.

Although I don’t know who Ji Yi is, the breath he emits is stronger than that of the elven clan’s strongest, and this is not only a strong breath, but also a unique breath of the elven clan.

With the breath and appearance of Ji Yi, it can be sure that it is a transcendent existence of the elves.

Watching the eight elves worship, Ji Yi was suspended high in the air, and said lightly, when speaking, she was more queen than queen.

Now that you have come here, you don't have to worry about the others, just go directly to the elf queen.

"See Her Majesty?"

"Her Majesty is not easy to see people. Besides, Her Majesty is now practicing retreat. From here to Elven City, it will take at least three days. Our identity cannot see the Queen. Only Lord Rah can see Her Majesty. "

When the headed elf heard that Ji Yi was about to see Her Majesty the Queen, she was shocked. The person who came was really not simple. She was about to speak to Her Majesty. After listening to this tone and tone, it was obvious that she did not put Her Majesty in her eyes.

It's like a superior calling a subordinate, and when he hears this, the look on his face changes very much.

Knowing that the elf is not simple in front of him, but by his identity, he cannot see Her Majesty.

When speaking, the look on his face was extremely respectful.

"That's your business."

Ji Yi's tone became colder and colder, leaving no room for the elves in front of him.

When speaking, the left hand stroked into the void, and the right hand was also caught in the void. An invisible bow and arrow were put together. Suddenly, several elves seemed to be locked. They could not even move their bodies.

"Magic power, you, you are an elven princess!"

The headed elf felt the threat of destruction after seeing Ji Yi's movements. The whole person shivered and exclaimed. As an elf, the talent is to shoot and blend with the bow and arrow.

The elf in front of him clearly has reached the level of the magic shot, that is, the legendary true **** level, which is more powerful than Her Majesty the Queen.

Moreover, such a power can only be possessed by the elven princess, except for the elven princess, it is impossible to have such a power.

"you know too much."

Ji Yi didn't admit it or deny that when he looked at the eight elves, his eyes were much gentler.

After all, there is no killing in the elven race.

"Then I will take you to the wizard city, and when I get to the wizard city, I will try to make you see your majesty."

The headed elf said respectfully that he naturally knew that the mysterious and powerful elf in front of him was not something he could afford to provoke ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now the only thing is to take these people to the elven city, and then find a way to go to the elven city.

After finishing talking, he ordered some of the other four people around him, and took Ji Yi and others to leave quickly and flew away into the distance.

With this elf bodyguard leading the way, it is unimpeded naturally.

On the way, Li Lingtian and others also knew that the guard was called Sotu, and he was a guard within the range of the wizard city. When he was trained as a false **** realm, he did not expect to meet Ji Yi after becoming a captain of the guard.

However, Sotu also knew that Ji Yi was not malicious, but that there were important things for the queen. He naturally didn't want to know these things.

At the same time, he also knows that Li Lingtian and Long Da and Xiao Bai are the Dragon Clan, Nangong Mingyue is the Phoenix Clan, Xuanyuan Yingying is the Xuanyuan Clan, these races are similar to the Elf Clan, they are not the Elves Clan in terms of cultivation behavior and strength. Comparable.

Knowing the current identity of Li Lingtian and others, he dared to take Li Lingtian and others to the wizard city. If Li Lingtian and others did not come in the right way, he would not bring Li Lingtian and others into the wizard city even if he died.


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