War God Supreme

Chapter 1820: Order 0 Family

Shocked, all the strong are shocked. network

Li Lingtian is the heir to the Lord Lord, the elf on the spaceship, the daughter of Lord Lord and Queen, and the princess of the ancient elf race.

This news shocked all the powerful people beyond reproach.

This identity makes all the strong people excited.

Whether it is news or identity, it is beyond the imagination of all powerful people and creatures.

At a time when all the hundred strong men and creatures were shocked and stunned, Li Lingtian spoke again, with confidence in his eyes, and a strong momentum exploded throughout his body. This momentum appeared during the war.

This is the breath of Lord Divine Lord, and also the spirit of Lord Divine Lord.

"The Demon Race is about to invade the Shenwu Continent. Everyone sees the harm of the Demon Race. Therefore, everyone must join hands to fight against the Demon Race. The people of the Hundred Clan Territory are peace-loving and unwilling to marry the people of the Shenwu Continent."

"However, when the Mozu arrives, we should protect our homes, protect our loved ones and future generations, if the Mozu destroys the Shenwu Continent, let alone each race, even the North of the Immortal Territory and the Shenwu Continent, both To follow the destruction, we have no place to stand."

"So, everyone should unite, this seat is the inherited person of the Lord Lord, the human of the Shenwu Continent, and the people of the elven tribe, less than a last resort, this seat will not disturb the quiet life of the hundred nation territory."

"I came to the north of Immortal Territory this time to solve the devil qi issue, but also to unite all the people to deal with the devil together. Does this seat have this qualification? You can know by looking at this."

Li Lingtian said aloud, his voice spread throughout hundreds of thousands of miles.

Countless powerful people can hear clearly, and the look on his face is constantly changing.

After finishing his speech, Li Lingtian moved his mind, and a jade token was suspended in the air in front of him. On top of the jade token, there was a faint golden glow.

Moreover, there is supreme majesty above the token, which is a kind of token and a symbol of identity.

"The Throne of Heaven and Earth!"

"The Throne of Heaven and Earth!"

"Master Throne of Heaven and Earth."

"It really is the throne of heaven and earth."

"The Throne of Heaven and Earth, order hundred people!"

"Meet the young master!"

"Meet the princess!"

Countless strong men, the near ones can see this token with their eyes.

The strong man in the distance can see with the consciousness. When he saw the font on the token, everyone exclaimed, because the token is a token of the elven clan, and it is also a token of all races in the hundred race territory.

I didn't think that Li Lingtian was not only the inheritor of God Lord, but also controlled the wrath of heaven and earth and the throne of heaven and earth.

The Throne of Heaven and Earth commanded hundreds of people.

In shock, finally, all the strong men worshipped and saluted Li Lingtian and Ji Yi.

There are millions of strong men and creatures, including tall giants, dwarf dwarves, stone men with a height of 100 meters, the blue phoenix of the sky king, and the mighty white tiger, etc., in this place, almost gathered The strong and the souls of all races in the territory of the Bai race.

Seeing the throne of heaven and earth, everyone worshipped.

This situation is the real command of hundreds of people.

"After the war, this seat will give you a quiet world."

"Guarantee that humans, demon clan and Hai clan will not disturb your life."

"The premise is that we should join forces to oust the Demon Race, or else the Shenwu Continent will be gone, and we will talk about a peaceful life. Therefore, everyone should unite and give up some small disputes."

"You guys, can you do it?"

Li Lingtian looked at the worship of all strong men and creatures and was very happy.

In any case, my first step has been buried, and then slowly arrange and rectify, mobilize the strong of the hundred race territory, and then fight against the demons.

I have come to the north of the fairyland by myself. Two things have basically been completed, and I am naturally satisfied.

"Can do it."

"Follow the young master and expel the demons!"

"Follow the young master and expel the demons!"

"Follow the young master and expel the demons!"

Everyone shouted in unison, with a serious look on their faces.

The strong man in the Hundred Clan Realm is straightforward, not as cunning and suspicious as humans.

The people of the Bai people's territories say what they have, and speak with words.

What's more, the strong men of the Bai Clan's territory are not as low in imagination and extremely high in wisdom. They naturally know the current situation and must work together to deal with the Demon Clan. Only by expelling the Demon Clan can they have a quiet life.

A month ago, countless hundred strong men suffered the harm of the Mozu really without the Devil Emperor, and naturally understood the horror of the Mozu.

"it is good!"

"Now the devil qi is suppressed, and the demon will not appear for a while."

"But I don't know when or where the Demon appear, and what I worry about most is that the Demon appears in the north of the fairyland, and I will leave here after a month, and I need to deal with some things. ."

"During this period of time, all people in the Baidu domain, the peak and perfection of the semi-god realm, came to the giant race, the other demigods were on standby, and the people below the semi-god realm protected the descendants of their race."

"There are joint formations and control of formations in this seat, which can exert one person's power to the power of ten people and enhance your sense of prevention and warfare."

Li Lingtian was very satisfied, and immediately spoke out what to do later.

There are countless powerhouses in the Aristocratic Territory, and it is not a simple matter to want complete control.

However, what he needs is not a general strongman, but a strongman above the semi-divine realm. Only such a strongman is eligible to fight against the demons. He wants to make these strongmen into an indestructible destruction team. The team is destroying the demons.

Next, Li Lingtian came to the Giant Clan and lived in the giant clan.

He also really saw the power of giants. Each giant, as long as it is an adult, is six or seven meters high. It is a deep giant, and it is tens of meters tall.

In such a place, he is completely a child and looks very small.

However, even if it were so, no giant dared to be rude to him, and no one dared to provoke him. After all, his size was smaller than that of the giant clan, but the cultivation of strength can indeed destroy the super characters who killed the devil.

Not only is he strong in strength, he is also the leader of the Hundred Clan Territory and the heir to the Lord Lord.

After Li Lingtian settled down, he began to rectify the coming super powerhouses. These superpowerhouses are all the top of a race, and their cultivation strengths are the perfection of the semi-divine peak.

Li Lingtian will create unique formations based on the advantages of these races, and exert their power tenfold.

The super powerhouses of each race only accept the rule of Li Lingtian, after obtaining the formation and some knowledge to resist the war demon race, they return to their own races and pass these formations to the underpowers to let the underpowers Can all be united.

Over time, groups of racial strongmen, after receiving Li Lingtian's order, left with their formation and resources to return to their race.

A month later, Li Lingtian also left the Giant Clan and took the nine high priests and elf queens towards the dwarf clan.

Over the course of this month, Li Lingtian created a formation for a total of 107 races, and also counted the semi-divine pinnacles of these races.

One hundred and seven races, a total of 8,633 halves of the realm of the pinnacle of the perfect superpower.

As for the innumerable demigods below, he only ruled the superpowers at the pinnacle of the demigod, and the superpowers underneath were naturally the superpowers to manage and rule.

For each race, ten super powerhouses follow Li Lingtian directly. The powerhouses of their own race still need their own management. Li Lingtian will not participate in the race.

This month, Li Lingtian was really too tired.

Even if he is based on his strength as a strength, it is against the sky, but to create a unique formation with each race, in this way, it is necessary to cultivate his position to the extreme.

It is also fortunate that he entered the vast Star Palace, which greatly improved his position, brought his position to a higher level, and let him see another realm and level above the position.

All the powerful men were shocked to see Li Lingtian's battle against the sky.

They don't stand in battle, but their cultivation base is extremely profound, and their knowledge is unparalleled.

Moreover, Li Lingtian fights against the Devil Emperor, and everyone who kills the Devil Emperor suppresses the Devil's Qi knows about it. Therefore, no one dares to underestimate Li Lingtian's strength.

Dealing with the affairs of the Hundred Clan Territory, Li Lingtian flew towards the Dwarf Clan.

Because there is one thing to deal with in the dwarves.

That's the hammer of heavenly craftsmanship. Only with the hammer of heavenly craftsman can the sword of Heaven Extinction be cast to be more perfect. With his current identity and strength, it is very simple to borrow the hammer of heavenly craftsmanship of the dwarven race.

Besides, he didn't need to build the Sword of Destroyer during this time, but he could not build it until the thing of the Gate of Fortune.

However, during the invasion of the Demon Race, he feared that there would be any accidents. If the Hammer of Heavenly Works fell into the hands of the Devil Race, the creation of the God Sword of Destruction would be affected.

So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He wants to control everything in his own hands, which is also his character and style.

Spaceship, flying fast above the north of the fairy field.

The Giants and the Dwarves are not far apart. The spaceship flew for two days and arrived in the Dwarves. Li Lingtian was a figure unknown to everyone in the north of the fairy land. His arrival not only was not blocked, Instead, it was welcomed by the dwarves.

When Li Lingtian was in the giant clan, he had greeted the super dwarves of the dwarf clan, and he had to go to the dwarf clan after the matter was dealt with. Although he did not make it clear what to do with the dwarf clan, the dwarf clan still welcomed Li Lingtian.

Entering the dwarf race gave him a visual impact.

Because when I was in the Giant Race, all the people in it were five or six meters tall, and there were even giants hundreds of meters tall.

But at this place, all are dwarves about one meter, and even dwarfs less than one foot in size. They look honest and cute, giving a kind feeling.


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