War God Supreme

Chapter 1825: Haotian Ares

c_t; The strongmen on the edge of the altar are all superpowers at the pinnacle of the semi-god realm, and several are infinitely close to the true god. (Marshmallow Novel Network www.MianHuaTang.Cc provides Txt free download)

But when they saw the young people who had just arrived, they all exclaimed.

Sixty or so super-strong men, the look on their faces has changed drastically, and they are afraid of the youth in front of them.

Son of Holy Realm!

Yes, it is the son of the Holy Realm, the super strong in the Holy Realm of the Shenwu Continent.

Moreover, this son of the Holy Realm is not a general strongman, but is one of the ten great gods of war in the Holy Realm, who already possesses the means of the true God.

The Son of the Holy Realm can also be said to be the most distinguished person under heaven, just like the so-called Heavenly Son.

More importantly, the son of the Holy Realm is the only messenger of the Shenwu Continent that can communicate with the Heaven Realm. Its status is detached. In addition, it possesses the general strength of being a God of War.

Although there were not many people who saw the children of the Holy Realm, the top strong men of Shenwu Continent knew a little about the children of the Holy Realm. When they saw this young man, all the strong men's faces changed dramatically.

I did not expect that the son of the Holy Realm also came here, needless to say, also came towards the door of creation.


When the son of the Holy Realm saw the strong man present, he sneered contemptuously, and the arrogance of his body was even stronger.

The innate overriding momentum makes countless powerful people feel a trace of oppression in their hearts, and they are afraid and even afraid of this child of the Holy Land.

You should know that this son of the Holy Realm is not only distinguished, but also has deep strength, and his existence is the first person in Shenwu Continent.

All the strong men did not speak, making the atmosphere of the whole scene strangely suppressed.

At this moment, there was a dull sound in the void, the sound rang, and the space oscillated. It was shocking to see this momentum.

"I didn't expect the son of the Holy Land to come here."

This tone is like talking to an ordinary acquaintance, without any slight emotion.

However, the entire space is filled with a powerful coercion, as if the true God has come. (cotton candy

A silver armor middle-aged appeared in the sight of all the strong men. Silver armor middle-aged face was sharp and sharp, and his body exudes a strong momentum, just like a peerless war god.

Seeing this middle-aged man in silver armor, the strong men present were taken aback, and a shocked look appeared on his face.

"Haotian Ares!"

"One of the Ten Gods of War in the Holy Realm, Haotian God of War!"

"I didn't expect a son of Holy Realm to come, and another Haotian God of War."

"Brother Hai, this time things are getting easier."

"Brother Lou, do you two brothers have any news about Lord Ling Tian? I haven't seen Lord Ling Tian's figure until now.

"Sacred Breaking Lord, since the last time the Qingyuan sea area was separated, our brothers have been practicing and know nothing about the outside."

For a time, the strong players present were shocked, and the expression on his face was uneasy.

The quota is only thirty-three, but there are so many strong men.

Up to now, there is a child of the Holy Realm and a God of War, as well as a few powerful men coming in the Holy Realm that are infinitely close to the true God. These people alone will occupy a large part of the quota of reads;.

And now the gate of fortune has not yet opened, there must be a lot of super powers coming. If you want to enter this gate of fortune, there must be some fierce fighting.

Several strong men of the Hai and Yao clan, and several supreme human beings, these people were all encountered by Li Lingtian in the Qingyuan sea area last time. These people were shocked by Li Lingtian's strength.

However, at this time, they hope that Li Lingtian will be here. In this way, they can also hope to resist other super powers.

The sea eclipse demon king, sea holy demon king, holy yuan supreme have all come here to wait.

Ten of them stood relatively close, and outsiders knew at a glance that they were on one side.

"Hao Tian, ​​you come here too."

"Look at how great you can get this time."

The son of the Holy Realm turned and looked coldly at Haotian God of War.

In his eyes, the other strong men are ants, and only the Haotian God of War is eligible to fight him, because he is not only the son of the Holy Realm, but also the top ten gods of war, with the same name as the Haotian God of War.

"Not only do I have to enter the door of fortune, but other guys will also come here."

"Thirty-three places, there are only eleven places in the Holy Land, too few."

"There are 22 places in Xianyu, which is too wasteful, and those who are interested will take out the Pearl of Creation and leave here."

There was a smile on Haotian's God of War face, and his eyes shifted to Sea Saint Demon King and others.

Thirty-three places, twenty-two are in the fairyland, and there are only eleven in the holy realm, which makes the strong in the holy realm a little dissatisfied. The eleven strong in the holy realm get the pearl of fortune, but the others do not get the pearl of fortune. The strong man did not give up at all, but the strong man who followed the Holy Pearl to get the pearl of fortune came here.

As long as you fight for the pearl of fortune before entering the gate of fortune.

It is not easy to deal with the powerful in the Holy Realm, but it is easy to deal with the powerful in the fairyland.

"Haotian Ares is right."

"The deity also lacks a quota."

"There is no quota underneath. The lord of Xianyu is willing to give out the Pearl of Creation to the next."

"Either surrender the pearl of chemistry or fall here."

"Every fairyland, but also want to have the pearl of nature, is simply a big joke."


When the voice of Haotian God of War fell, some of the super powers from the Holy Realm began to reconcile. They did not have the Pearl of Nature. Coming here is to fight for the Pearl of Nature, and then enter the door of nature.

If Haotian God of War says this, the grasp will be even greater.

For a time, more than a dozen holy realm powerhouses were all powerful to fight and kill the fairy land.

The eleven super powers in the south of the fairy land, as well as the Sea Saint Demon King and others, are all tense. For a time, the atmosphere is strangely suppressed, and the war is about to happen.

"The poor will not participate in your wars, and it is natural to see good shows."

In the void, another loud voice sounded.

The sound rang and fell, and the kung fu in an instant. When the sound fell, a Tsing Yi Taoist was already standing on the edge of the altar, coming and going without a trace, and the body was magical.

No one can see how this Tsing Yi Taoist came here.

However, when looking at this Tsing Yi Taoist clearly, the expression on the face of the powerful Sacred Realm kept changing, and even the God of War and the Son of the Holy Realm were shocked by this young Taoist.

It can be imagined how powerful it is to be able to shock Haotian God of War and the Son of Holy Realm.

However, this young Taoist does not have the slightest strong breath on his body. It is completely like an ordinary Taoist without cultivation.

"God machine!"

"God machine reads;!"

The faces of Haotian God of War and the Son of the Holy Realm kept changing, and they shouted lightly.

At the same time, the strong men in the holy realm were also exclaimed. This situation was even more shocking than seeing the good **** of war and the son of the holy realm. For a time, the atmosphere of the entire scene was strangely suppressed.

The face of the strong man in Xianyu was shocked, and the pressure in his heart had reached the extreme.

They had never seen this young Taoist, but when they heard the strong man in the Holy Realm calling out the identity of this young Taoist, they were all horrified. Shengyuan Supreme and others, could not help shaking.

God Machine, the most mysterious strongman in the Holy Realm, no one knows his origins, no one knows how powerful he is, but even the first God of War in the Holy Realm dare not fight against the God Machine.

This person, the **** dragon sees the head but does not see the tail, usually lives in the holy realm **** machine concept, but it is more time to travel, no one knows this Taoist.

No one has ever seen the **** machine to kill the enemy, it is a good person.

"Everyone also knows the poor."

"What are you going to do, don't participate in poverty."

The dust in the hand of the **** machine swings like a flowing water.

There was also a harmless smile on the face.

When speaking, the eyes looked at the void, completely ignoring the strong people around, as if waiting for something. This way, the strong people present felt a little weak.

"Since this is the case, let's start now."

"The deity didn't want to do it, but he had to make one shot only to make the Pearl of Culture."





After the sound of the **** machine fell, the strong players present were relieved.

Suddenly, the war started, and there were more than sixty strong men on the scene, and only a dozen or so strong men had the pearl of fortune, and the fierce fighting looted.

The strong men who come here are all at the pinnacle of the perfection of the semi-divine realm, infinitely close to the existence of the true god, and fighting to destroy the world.

The Divine Machine, Haotian God of War, and the Son of the Holy Realm each retreated for tens of miles. They looked at the strong men below with disdain, and several other strong men in the Holy Realm also retreated far away, because they were creative. There is no need to compete for the pearl.

Moreover, the killing of the powerful in the Holy Realm is also the strong in the Immortal Realm.

In the fairy field, there is no strong man in the Pearl of Nature, which is also far away.

They naturally know that the superpowers of the Holy Realm are aimed at the immortal realm powerhouses. If they now participate in the competition, they will also be destroyed by the Holy Realm powerhouses after getting the Pearl of Creation.

Therefore, in the war, there were only a dozen powerful players in the Celestial Realm who received the pearl of fortune and those in the Holy Realm who did not receive the pearl of fortune.

Sea Saint Demon King~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cracked Demon King, Sea Eclipse Demon King, Shengyuan Supreme, Lou Tingfeng Brothers, and Aotian Supreme, etc., working together to deal with the powerful of the Holy Realm, the war is extremely tragic.

Nineteen strongholds of the Immortal Realm, in the face of the strongholds of the Fourteen Sacred Realms, can't tell the slightest battle for a while.




The war of destruction does not mean to stop at all. The powerful of the war is either the supreme and demon king of the fairy field, or it is close to the existence of the supreme.

Although the powerful in the Holy Realm is not as strong as the Immortal Realm, there are several of them that are infinitely close to the true God.

Time, one second and one second passed. Although no strongman fell, many strongmen were injured. As the war passed, the injuries on the strongman became more and more serious.

In the same way, the powerful in the Holy Land has taken over absolute advantages and advantages.


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