War God Supreme

Chapter 1882: 5 lines of spirit

Space, constantly tearing. [For more exciting novels, please visit]

The air is constantly twisting.

All the powerful people of Shenwu Continent have retreated to thousands of miles away, looking at Li Lingtian from afar.

The fleet also retreated under Li Lingtian's order.

The entire space is temporarily quiet, and it is possible for a warship to bombard an ordinary devil emperor, but there is no hope for dealing with a super devil emperor. It can only be said that it can contain a demon emperor.

However, the power of the fleet also made the Devil Emperor lose his temper, and his whole body was covered with scars and looked very bleak.

When the powerful martial arts continent heard Li Lingtian's words, he was shocked in addition to shock.

Last time I heard Li Lingtian say that Bingyan Jiuzhongtian was created when he was sixteen years old. A sixteen-year-old boy can create such a supernatural supernatural power.

The series of calculations and movements of Li Lingtian just now are shocking. Whether Li Lingtian is a mental calculation or a strength training, no one on the Shenwu Continent can be compared.

"Look at you."

"But today I want to destroy the demon emperor, but I also think about it."

"No one can kill this devil emperor, you just wait to die."

The look on Lord Long Huo's face is also constantly changing, shocked.

He did not expect this human youth to be so terrifying, so that he was restored to his original injury in order to stabilize his injury. In front of this young man, there is no slight advantage at all.



The monstrous magic energy is getting more and more pure and huge, and the magic energy is constantly crushed from the direction of the Shenwu Continent.

Lord Longhuo spoke while absorbing the monstrous demonic energy.

The demon body became more and more stable, and the injuries on the body gradually stabilized. The disappeared arms and feet were also formed by the pure demon qi at this time.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian no longer waited.

"I don't think you can take this seat?"

"There are hundreds of ways to solve this problem for you."

There was a smile in Li Lingtian's eyes. Lord Longhu, now at a critical moment of recovery, was a good opportunity for him to start.

The Nine Heavens Divine Power of the whole body has reached the extreme. The five-element field supports his multicolored light shield. The whole person blends into this heaven and earth. The mind moves, and the Nine Heavens Sword appears in front of him.

The Nine Heavens Excalibur broke out from the ruined swordmans, and the nine swordmans stirred the void.

In a moment of kung fu, the nine swords and nine colors of the sword and mango merge together to form a stunning nine-color sword and mangosteen.

The sword domain of the space is full of heaven and earth, and the five-element domain has also reached its extreme.


The tremendous Jianmang cut through the void and bombarded Lord Chaolonghuo fiercely.

Seeing the ruined Jiu Cai Jianmang bombarded with the power of the sword array, Lord Long Huo's eyes were full of horror. If he was cut, even his own cultivation base would be destroyed by such magical powers.

Now, I dare not resist with my body and arms, or even the last arm will be destroyed.

"Heavenly Shield."

"Blood shines!"

Lord Long Huo, a flash of determination and reluctance flashed in his eyes, and his mind moved.

Suddenly a huge shield appeared in front of him, and the shield was suspended in front of him, above the dark shield. The blood of destruction was suddenly emitted, and the blood light rose into the sky, forming a **** light within a hundred miles.

At the same time, Lord Long Huo sacrificed his own demon blood sacrifice, and the demon blood entered the Tianxuan Demon Shield, and the Tianxuan Demon Shield erupted in a terrifying atmosphere.

This breath is the breath of the unique congenital magic weapon.


With a shocking explosion, Jiucai Jianmang slashed the blood with the power of the sword array. The bloodlight continued to tremble, and after a short resistance to Jiucai Jianmang, he was cut out of the channel by Jianmang.

Finally, the destructive power of Jianmang fell on the shield.

The shield shook violently, and an aftermath of destruction exploded and spread out.

When Jianmang bombarded the shield, the strength of the swordmang tearing with the magic of the sword array, constantly tearing the space, the shield shook more and more, as if it was about to be destroyed.

The power of the unique congenital magic weapon was exhibited in the hands of Lord Longhuo, and it was also blessed with his own magic blood. The power was even more terrifying, and the nine-day divine sword exhibited by Li Lingtian was only a middle-class congenital artifact, but nine The power of the fusion of the congenital artifacts in the shank and the display of the magic power of the sword array is definitely not inferior to the unique congenital artifacts, even more powerful and magical than the unique congenital artifacts.

The sword array can increase the power of any supernatural power by tens of thousands of times. Even if the extinct sword array is displayed with a middle-class congenital artifact, the power is extremely terrifying.

Jianmang and the shield were stalemate, and there was no moment of victory.

However, the power and horror of the sword array gradually began to suppress the defense of the shield. In this way, the defense of the shield would soon be torn apart.

At this time, the Devil Emperor, who had been attacked by the fleet in the distance, flew up into the sky, and finally bombarded Li Lingtian with a destructive magic energy supernatural power.

He knew that Li Lingtian had reached a critical moment with Master Long Huo, and he could not be distracted at all. This is the time when he shot.

The destructive magic energy attacked, crushed with the power to tear the space.

In this magical world, the Devil Emperor is like a fish in it.

The strong man of Shenwu Continent watched this demon emperor bombard Li Lingtian at this time, and Li Lingtian was attacking Lord Long Huo. It was too late to resist the attack behind him.

However, the fleet has already retreated, and Huangfu Yuyan and others have also retreated, and it is impossible for him to help Li Lingtian.

Seeing that Li Lingtian was about to be bombarded by the demon emperor behind him, at this time, Li Lingtian's light and shadow flashed beside him, and a golden light flashed, and Jin Guang came to Li Lingtian and stopped thousands of kilometers away.

Inside the golden light, a figure in white floated in it, and a long knife in his hand bombarded the magic power of destruction with unparalleled power.

When he saw the white figure in the golden light, the powerful players of Shenwu Continent all exclaimed in shock.

"Yuanshen deity."

"It is the deity of Yuanshen."

"Master Ling Tian is indeed the Five Elements Yuanshen."

"The Five Elements Yuanshen, it really is the Five Elements Yuanshen."

All the strong men exclaimed, because in this golden light, there is a Li Lingtian, with the look, charm, breath, temperament, everything is exactly the same as Li Lingtian.

If it weren’t for seeing a Li Lingtian above the shield of Lord Long Huo, they thought Li Lingtian gave up Lord Long Huo to attack another Devil Emperor.

Seeing two Li Lingtians in the air, everyone understood what was happening now.

That is, Li Lingtian has more than one Yuanshen. The Li Lingtian who cast the sword of the Qingming Saint Emperor is not Li Lingtian's avatar, but Li Lingtian's Yuanshen deity, the gold-based Yuanshen deity.

The strong have avatars, but the avatars don't have primitive spirits, and the avatars only have one-third of their cultivation base.

However, another Li Lingtian in the sky is completely a deity with Yuanshen, that is to say, this Li Lingtian is not an avatar, but a Lishen Deity.

Li Lingtian is the Five Elements Great Consummation, and he is in control of the Five Elements field. The Li Lingtian that comes out now is the Jin Yuanshen. In this way, Li Lingtian is definitely the strongest of the Five Elements Yuanshen.

If you have five elemental gods, if you don't have five elemental spirits, Li Lingtian's five elements can't be balanced, and there can't be a field of five elements.

Dual-element Divine Powerhouses are rare in the Divine Martial Continent, and there are no dual-element Divine Powerhouses in Semi-Divine Realm.

But I did not expect Li Lingtian to be a superpower of the Five Elements Yuanshen, or a Five Elements Yuanshen Stronger who was at the pinnacle of the semi-god realm and infinitely close to the true God.


With a shocking explosion, the Qingming Saint Emperor's sword, with the power of the golden realm and the sword's intention, bombarded with the magic power.

Jin Yuanshen's deity shuddered, and the Qingming Saint Emperor's sword hacked out again.

In the kung fu between fingertips, the deity of the gold-based Yuanshen successively cleaved dozens of ruinous blades of destruction. Each blade of the sword was the power of the Qingming Holy Emperor's sword with a unique congenital artifact.


Finally, the Devil Emperor who was attacked by the fleet and wanted to sneak attack on Li Lingtian still couldn't resist the destruction of the gold-based Yuanshen deity. The whole person was split into segments, and Yuanshen was also destroyed, and finally disappeared.

At this time, Li Lingtian and Long Huo could not stand still.

Li Lingtian's sword array is miraculous, tearing the Tianxuan Demon Shield constantly, and the Tianxuan Demon Shield is trembling.

Lord Longhu continued to use magic blood to bless the stability of the shield, hoping to counteract Li Lingtian's attack.

"This seat looks at when you can support today."

Li Lingtian looked at the terrifying defense of the Celestial Demon Shield. The sword array was one of his most powerful and destructive moves, but he did not destroy this shield. His heart was shocked.

However, at this time, if you take the initiative, you naturally cannot miss this initiative.

Impressed by the consciousness, the wood-based Yuanshen deity appeared in the air, and it was exactly the same as Li Lingtian.

After the wood-based spirit **** appeared, the water-based spirit **** and the fire-based spirit **** appeared at the same time. After the four spirit gods appeared, the destructive supernatural powers continued to bombard the heavenly magic shield below.

The five Li Lingtians, all with their own realms, the five realms of golden wood, water, fire, and earth. The power to destroy the heavens and the earth comes from the heavens and the earth. Use the power of the heavens and the earth to bombard the heavenly magic shield.





Air~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Five Li Lingtians bombard Lord Long Huo's Heavenly Shield.

The appearance of the five Li Lingtian shocked the powerful players of the Shenwu Continent.

All this is completely beyond the imagination of all powerful people.

The sword array of Li Lingtian's deity had long since been abandoned, but he used a terrifying field to protect himself and crushed Lord Long Huo.

His treasures are countless, and these treasures are refined by him in the Dantian. When nourishing in the Dantian, the Five Elements Yuanshen is also responsible. When it is used now, the Five Elements Yuanshen can use the treasures he nourishes.

Spread it out, the power is heaven and earth.


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