War God Supreme

Chapter 1914: Frozen 0 Million Miles


All the strong men, receiving the orders of the Supreme Sovereign, shouted with a roar of excitement. network

At this time, when I looked at Li Lingtian's domineering demeanor like a **** of war, I felt very hot.

Suddenly, all the powerful formed a formation of magical destruction. Such a formation is bound to die together with the Demon strong. At the same time, 20,000 battleships have also adjusted their formation.

In a situation where the number and lineup are countless times different from that of the Demon Race, they have put on a shocking stance and exerted a general momentum to crush the Devil Race.

"This seat, start the battle of world destruction."

"This time, either the Shenwu Continent will be destroyed, or the Mozu will disappear."

Li Lingtian's eyes lightly looked at the endless demons, a cloud of light wind on his face, a wide mouth, and he said loudly, his voice rolling like a thunder.

At the same time, the body's momentum also climbed rapidly, the ice flame **** wings fluttered, the space's destruction flame and ice cold breath became more and more powerful.

The ice **** and fire gods are in operation, the ice cold **** and the flame **** burst out, and the ice and fire realms let him reach a supreme height.

The powerful strength is full of self-confidence that crushes the world.

He has been here long ago, but he has never appeared, because he has to wait for the super powers of the Demon Race to appear.

Unexpectedly, the super powers of the Demon Race appeared at the forefront of this war, and a moment of effort made the countless powers of the Shenwu Continent disappear.

Seeing the Mozu nearly three hundred demon emperor strong, the fighting intent was in the heart, all the fighting intentions were ignited at this moment.

This is a battle of destruction, a battle of world destruction, either the destruction of human beings and all living creatures, or the demon clan disappears.

Because, he has no retreat, the God of Sword has been built, his cultivation has reached the shackles, there is no other way, if this time there is no way to defeat the Devil, he can do nothing.

"Li Lingtian, did not expect that you are still here."

"Well, today, you and this Shenwu Continent are all destroyed."

The look on the face of the Devil Emperor was cold, tall, and he held a huge magic weapon like a meteor hammer in his hand. It looked terrifying and domineering, and the space within 100 meters around him was constantly torn into pieces.

Seeing the enemy, he wished he could succumb to his soul and frustrate.

"In this case, you go together."

"Let me see how powerful the Demon Race is."

A trace of disdain flashed in Li Lingtian's eyes, and his heart was shocked. This powerful demon emperor, cultivated as a strength, was stronger than the ice cloud demon emperor and the evil devil emperor in the Tongtian demon tower.

When I came here, I already saw the strength of the demon here.

Nearly three hundred Demon Emperor Powerhouses, these Demon Emperor Powerhouses, there is not much problem if he wants to solve it, because even if there are more, it is nothing more than a common Demon Emperor, he can completely break it all.

However, there are eleven super demon emperors who are not inferior to the demon emperor.

In addition to these eleven, there are also four horrors. Xiuwei's strength has reached the peak of the Devil Emperor's initial peak, and each one is more powerful than the Devil Emperor.

What makes people more dignified is another demon emperor here. Even he can't see the strength of the other party's cultivation. In front of this demon emperor, he has no slight grasp.

In the face of these powerful demon emperors, Li Lingtian did not have a certain degree of confidence. As for the powerful men of Shenwu Continent, they asked for blessings.

The only thing I can do is to block these devil emperors as much as possible, kill them one by one, and then fight with these super devil emperors.


"Want to exhaust his divine power."

The Dark Lord commander looked at Li Lingtian coldly and snorted coldly.

Then he said to the four demon commanders around him that he did not know what horrible means Li Lingtian had, but he could kill Devil Emperor with a semi-deity, and it must be the killer.

He didn't want to do it, nor did he bother with it.


Fernan the Devil Emperor, one of the four major demon guards, nodded his head, then waved his magic wand, and suddenly more than thirty Devil Emperors flew at Li Lingtian. The magic gas stirred the space.

Although frightened by Li Lingtian's strength, more than thirty demon emperors joined hands and no longer felt fear, and this was an order, and there was no room for defiance at all.

For a time, more than thirty demon emperor strongmen issued a magical power of destruction, and they slammed towards Li Lingtian. The terrifying magical power and the magical power of destruction made the space debris.

In a blink of an eye, the attack of more than thirty Devil Emperors bombarded Li Lingtian.

All of the Shenwu Continent and Demon Clan are shocked to look at the void. More than thirty demon emperors teamed up to attack Li Lingtian at the same time. How terrifying this power is, it is impossible to estimate.



Seeing the devil magic powers blasting Li Lingtianbai inside, it was at this time that the two monster beasts beside Li Lingtian roared, and the momentum of the terrible destruction suddenly erupted.

The ice blue monster sends out endless ice, just like the whole world is frozen. In an instant, the circle is frozen for thousands of miles, and the ice seal is still endlessly spreading. Everything is frozen.

This sudden power of destruction has horrified all the powerhouses. Such a freeze is simply terror.

The place where Li Lingtian and the two monsters are suspended is just above the Demon Strong, and below is the endless Demon. The Demon Strong is frozen without any precautions.

This is the power of the frozen fairy beast. The ice fairy beast is awe-inspiring.

The attacks of more than 30 Devil Emperor Powers were frozen in an instant, but these attacks were still shuttled inside the ice and rolled towards Li Lingtian, but they were completely impotent and much slower.

This is not over yet. When the ice fairy sent out the ice of destruction, the spirit fire fairy beast also exploded in the flames of destruction, the flame spread for thousands of miles, and directly rolled towards the ice.

The ice and the flames rolled together, and a sudden change happened suddenly.

For a time, the attacks of more than thirty Devil Emperor Powers were completely destroyed, the ice and flames changed, showing a piece of destruction, and the ice of a million miles was instantly destroyed.

Within a million miles, the demon powerhouses are all gone.

This amazing change and power made all the strong men stunned and stunned. The Devil Emperor strong men were even more frightened. They looked at Li Lingtian in horror, as if they saw ghosts and ghosts.

The look on the faces of dozens of super devil emperors changed constantly.

The thirty or so demon emperors who attacked Li Lingtian were shocked by the changes in front of them. They were in the destruction of the ice, and the ice did not destroy them.

But at this moment, Li Lingtian waved with one hand, and a flame of destruction was crushed towards more than thirty demon emperors, the flame appeared, the entire void burned, the flame-burning power of the sky, the entire space where it passed Nothingness.

what! what!

what! what……

The screams that rang through the world sounded, and more than thirty demon emperor strongmen were crushed by the flames, and the flames came straight underneath, and more than thirty demon emperor strongmen disappeared.

Finally, the flame of destruction crushed on the ground, and a black hole with a size of a hundred miles appeared on the ground. The black hole exudes the burning flame of destruction. I don't know how deep this black hole is.


Countless strong men and Devil strong men exclaimed involuntarily.

I never thought of a face-to-face, the demon strong were frozen for a million miles, and the strong within tens of thousands of miles were destroyed. This masterpiece is just the two monsters beside Li Lingtian.

The two monsters not only resisted the attack that destroyed more than 30 Devil Emperor Powers, but also frozen the space of millions of miles. Finally, after the flames appeared, the powers within tens of thousands of miles instantly froze and blaze. In front of the mutation.

Li Lingtian, a blaze, also directly crushed more than thirty devil emperors, and the black hole on the ground was left by his destruction of blaze.

The two monster beasts, the Frozen Fairy Beast and the Spirit Fire Fairy Beast, the power of the Frozen Fairy Beast is also displayed at this moment. The power of the Devil Emperor is like a god. The attack of the emperor was naturally frozen, and the talented ice directly froze millions of miles.

This is also the power that it absorbs from the **** amethyst ice. The frozen fairy beast can even get the **** amethyst ice of the heavenly king. The cultivation strength is naturally against the sky, but it is suppressed in the Shenwu Continent.

Spirit fire fairy beast, although it is not high, but the flames are really terrifying, Li Lingtian gave it to the fiery flame, so that its strength reached a new height.

The flexible fairy beast and the frozen fairy beast have joined forces to make the fusion of the frozen and the flames cause a shocking change, resulting in the power of destruction.

Li Lingtian's own flame also brought the flame of the Great Burning Sky. This flame is not the true Flame of the Burning Sky, but the flame absorbed in the Jiuyan Mountains. After refining, add his flame body and fire. The realm of power is beyond imagination. Just one blow is enough to prove the horror of this flame.

"Sir Ling Tian!"

"Sir Ling Tian, ​​sweep the world, sweep the Demon Race!"

The powerful martial arts continents were extremely shocked. After waking up, they all cheered.

Li Lingtian, the flaming **** of war, let them worship from the bottom of his heart.

This is the real powerhouse, the powerhouse will disappear with the wave of the hand, and the world will change color in all directions~www.wuxiaspot.com~In the fingertips, the endless demons will be annihilated. Who can compare such characters?

Such a person must be in the world.

What is peerless arrogance? he is the one!

It is the glory of a strong man to fight alongside such a strong man.

Li Lingtian's means of passing the sky are beyond their imagination. They are not understandable. In their understanding, there is no such terrible means.

In front of him, Li Lingtian's methods have gone beyond the scope of understanding and completely beyond the scope of law.

They naturally did not know that Li Lingtian was also shocked at the moment, and he did not expect that his flame power had reached this level.

I didn't think of the horror like the flames of the burning fire, and even the demon had no resistance at all.

Nor did he expect that the Frozen Fairy has such a strong power. Although he practiced the Ice Flame Nine Heavens and knew that the fusion of Ice Cold and Flame would produce the power of destruction, he did not expect the joint of the Frozen Fairy and the Spirit Fire Fairy. It is so powerful.

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