War God Supreme

Chapter 1945: The God of Li Lingtian...

Huangfu Yuyan and others, although reluctant to leave Li Lingtian soaring, will not retain Li Lingtian.

The opposite is to support Li Lingtian's ascension to heaven, because this opportunity is rare, and heaven is Li Lingtian's stage.

However, when he saw that Li Lingtian had absorbed the Heavenly Tribulation Divine Elements, he was shocked.

The powerful players of Shenwu Continent were also stunned. They didn't understand that Li Lingtian was going to do this. This simply cut off their future and opportunities, beyond their imagination.

I saw that Li Lingtian had absorbed the Heavenly Tribulation Divine Spirit and looked at the divine light.

As long as he enters this divine light, he will be able to soar into the heavens and enter the heavens. At that time, Shouyuan will directly hit ten thousand years. He will quickly practice in the heavens and will not be subject to any restrictions. He will become a true god.

This moment is the most anticipated moment for all people and all creatures in the world.

But I did not expect that Li Lingtian not only did not enter the divine light, but the power of the whole body waved, the power of the true God was exerted, and the Sky Sword Array was displayed.

"Three Nine Destroyer Sword Formation!"

Twenty-seven handles of the goddess of destruction of the gods merged together to form a power of unmatched destruction.

The power of the true God is far beyond the imagination of the deity, even if he can not imagine his current strength and cultivation practice, the ruined Sanjiu Tianjian array, fiercely directed toward the light to bombard the past.


A loud blast that oscillated heaven and earth appeared. The swordsmanship of the three-nine destroying sword array bombarded the divine light. Suddenly, the heaven and earth tremble, and the rays of destruction spread to millions of miles.

Li Lingtian stood proudly in the air, and the light of destruction spread across the clouds.

Receiving the divine light, the rapid tremor finally disappeared quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it disappeared into this world and disappeared from the sight of countless powerful people.

"Humanity, you are fighting with heaven."

"Even if you are the true God, you will always be a human in the lower plane."

"Dare to despise the laws of heaven, you will always be ruthlessly destroyed by heaven..."

When the divine light disappeared, the sound of vicissitudes sounded again above Jiuxiao, but at this time the voice seemed angry, and the attitude of being high to dominate the world was stronger.

At the same time, Jiu Xiao was furious, and the world was shaking.



Tianwei was furious, and the entire Shenwu Continent shivered, just like Cangtian had to punish Shenwu Continent and Li Lingtian.

The high voice is the verdict of Li Lingtian.

This means that Li Lingtian will not be able to ascend to heaven again in the future. Even if it attracts divine light, it will be remembered by the messenger of heaven realm. A **** who has just become a true **** and encounters the punishment of the ruling power of heaven is simply Broken the road to cultivation.

Gradually, the sound became smaller and smaller until it was overwhelmed by the thunderous thunder.

"Wonder this seat."

"Whenever you want to soar, you can soar."

"There is everything in this world in this world. If you lose everything, how happy is it?"

Li Lingtian looked at Jiu Xiao’s disappearing lead, with a confident smile on his face. The Destroyer Sword turned around Li Lingtian, as if he had sensed Li Lingtian’s overbearing power. Jianmang shone.

Between heaven and earth, it finally became quiet.

The demonic qi of destruction is completely suppressed by the fairy qi. There is no more magic qi in this world. Everything becomes the fairy qi. This is a beautiful fairyland.

Li Lingtian stood proudly in the air, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he returned to Dantian.

In the distance, Huangfu Yuyan and others, all with crystal tears on their faces.

When I heard that Li Lingtian was about to ascend into the realm from the divine light, I was very excited, but I knew that Li Lingtian could not lead people, it was uncomfortable, because it meant they had to be separated from Li Lingtian.

But I didn't expect Li Lingtian to destroy the channel that led to God's Light. At this moment, when I heard Li Lingtian's words, I knew Li Lingtian's purpose. He would not give up on them. Staying, even at the expense of destroying the divine light and heaven as enemies.

At this moment, they couldn't help it any longer, and the crystal tears shed.

The strong men on the battleship were shocked when they saw Li Lingtian's actions and words. They were even more respected and worshipped in their hearts. This is a strong man with love and justice.

"This seat is announced!"

Li Lingtian took back the treasure and calmed down the divine power.

Turned to look at the strong man of Shenwu Continent, with a faint smile on his face.

Immediately, he said faintly, and his bland voice spread across hundreds of millions of miles.

Hearing something from Li Lingtian, everyone on the Shenwu Continent listened respectfully, and no one made a little sound, and the whole world was silent.

"Shenwu Continent, within 100,000 years, there is no fight."

"Within a hundred years, there will be no sect wars, no racial wars, no genocide wars, and Shenwu Continent will enter the era of cultivation."

"All sect, strong, warrior, demon, sea, and hundred territories must reasonably allocate cultivation resources."

"Now, everyone returns, leaving some people here to practice."

"If there is a violation, it is against this seat."

Li Lingtian's voice spread, and all the strongmen stood up and listened carefully.

As early as the beginning of the war, Li Lingtian was the soul figure of Shenwu Continent, a god-like existence. Now Li Lingtian achieves the true God without ascending, and is the supreme true god.

"The Lord Oracle of Zunling Tian!"

"The Lord Oracle of Zunling Tian!"

"The disciples will make Lord Lingtian's purpose known to the world."

The strong players of the Flame Sea Divine Continent all answered respectfully after Li Lingtian said.

Shengyuan Supreme and other deputy lords also spoke, and promised to clarify Li Lingtian's divine will.

After a while, all the strongmen left the flame sea and flew away in the direction of their ancestors. At the same time, these strongmen had to go out to allocate and climb and cultivate resources.

Now the Shenwu Continent was lowered into the fairy spirit of a world because of Li Lingtian’s becoming a god. The entire Shenwu Continent has become a fairy fairy world. It is a fairyland. Everywhere is a rich fairy qi. These strong men are the victory of the war. The heroes will naturally occupy some of the better sites.

Moreover, they all received news that the falling strong, descendants and sect, will also receive a corresponding proportion of resources and sites.

Besides, in this war of the Shenwu Continent, more than half of the people fell down and destroyed, but because of the Tianxue Island, the entire Shenwu Continent was merged and the territory was increased several times. In this way, this Shenwu Continent is more people and fewer people.

Li Lingtian returned to the main ship, and the Supreme Sovereign took people to bring the warship back to Heavenly Land and the Danshi Guild and the Front Guild. The three guilds each protected a part of the warship.

This battleship was also sealed by him. Only when the Demon Clan appeared could he start this battleship.

Flame Sea, leaving a million strong men to practice here, these remaining strong men can bring their families and sect gates here to settle down, because this is no longer the world of the demon clan, but the world of Shenwu Continent .

"Ling Tian."


"Big brother."

"Little brother."



After Li Lingtian returned to the main ship to arrange some things, all the strongmen left, leaving only the main ship here.

The faces of Huangfu Yuyan and others were all excited and excited, and the crystal tears could not help but fall down.

Seeing Li Lingtian coming to them, they all shouted with tenderness.

A simple claim, completely expressing what they want to say, at this time, they don't need a thousand words, because they have followed Li Lingtian for a long time, and they know each other's actions.

"You guys are waiting here."

"I will go down for a while, and then take you to Qingzhou, and take you to Cangzhou and Xuanzhou. We are going to travel this Shenwu Continent all over."

Li Lingtian reached out his hand and wiped the tears off their faces. He said softly that when he spoke, there was a slight smile on his face. These girls are his wife, his loved ones, and his disciples.


All the girls nodded and looked very cute.

Watching Li Lingtian disappear, there is no sign of it.

They naturally know what Li Lingtian is going to do. This place has been the home base of the Demon Race for thousands of years. Naturally, there is a lot of wealth in it, and Li Lingtian also has to clean it up carefully before she can rest assured.

After half an hour, Li Lingtian returned to the main ship again.

The main ship pierced the void, flying like a huge white cloud in the sky.

But now the main ship is not flying fast, but fluttering like white clouds, because the war has passed, and nothing in the world can threaten them.

The main ship flies in the direction of Qingzhou. Qingzhou is the hometown of Li Lingtian. His starting point is Qingzhou. Although Qingzhou was occupied by demons a hundred years ago, there were no humans there.

But that place was always his starting point, and it would be better to go back and see now.

Above the main ship ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can hear laughter and laughter at any time.

The most time Li Lingtian started was cultivation, because he had just reached the real **** realm, to adapt to the real **** realm, to stabilize the realm, but also to remember the experience analysis of his breakthrough.

Huangfu Yuyan and others did not allow Li Lingtian to stay with them for too long, because they knew that Li Lingtian was now a crucial period for solidifying the state, and if they shake the state because of accompanying them, they would regret it.

Now Li Lingtian is a true god, possessing the means to pass the earth and the mighty supernatural powers. Although he is not in the realm of heaven, as long as he does not work in the Shenwu Continent, Shouyuan is still a million years.

They are demigods, and with the powers and talents of the gods, Shou Yuan is more than the average strongman for nearly a thousand years and can have a Shou Yuan for more than 3,000 years. For them, the time is very sufficient.

I wouldn't care about such a little time at all, and the time spent with Li Lingtian was long.

After Li Lingtian's realm and cultivation were completely stabilized, they went to accompany Li Lingtian on this marvelous continent.


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