War God Supreme

Chapter 1972: Ming Island


Haolingzong did not move, Qingyuezong naturally wanted to

However, it is clear that with the status and power of Hao Lingzong, naturally Qingyuezong will not be let go

Five days later, no one from Haolingzong came to Qingyuezong

Li Lingtian healed his wounds in the secret realm and recovered his injuries. He didn't care about the fact that Haoringzong didn't come to Qingyuezong for trouble, because he didn't dare to act rashly.

Although I have just come to the Celestial Realm, I am not familiar with the Celestial Realm, but I can understand people's hearts

No matter when it is the same, the simpler things seem, the more confused people are. This is human nature, and no one can escape this category.

A few days later, the blue sky came to the secret realm

The arrival of Lantianyue brought good news to Li Lingtian, that is, I heard about the underground transaction to be held in Qingluo Xianhai in the near future, and the specific time and place were found out.

After getting the specific location and time, Li Lingtian decided to set off for

Because that underground city is tens of millions of miles away from Qingyuezong, even if he flies in the air, it will take three or four days, so he cannot delay the time

"This time when I go to Ming Island, I will take Xuan Xuan here"

"If Hao Lingzong strikes Qingyuezong, try to hide in the secret realm first"

"This seat goes to Ming Island, and it's like ten days back and forth"

Li Lingtian looked at Lantianyue, and when his consciousness moved, he took out a piece of jade jade and handed it to Lantianyue. This jade jade can resist the attack of the true **** strongman. Created, it is a compressed **** array

At the same time, he asked Blue Sky Moon

Although he is not from Qingyuezong, he is still in Qingyuezong. He naturally doesn’t want anything to go wrong when he left.

"Concubines obey the orders of their predecessors"

"Xuan Xuan was tired of taking care of seniors"

Lantianyue took the jade jade and spoke respectfully

Although she also wanted to follow her, Qingyuezong couldn't live without her, and she couldn't explain her.

I was worried about the safety of Xiao Mengxuan, but when I thought that Xiao Mengxuan followed Li Lingtian, I was relieved a lot. If even Li Lingtian could not protect Xiao Mengxuan, there would be no one in Qingyuezong to protect Xiao Mengxuan.

"Don't leave the wind"

Li Lingtian stroked with one hand, the whole person's momentum became weak, and it was repaired to look like only Wu Emperor, and the appearance on his face also changed, becoming a middle-aged person who did not look good.

It seems that even if Xiao Mengxuan was with Li Lingtian all day, he could not recognize Li Lingtian

Lan Tianyue and Xiao Mengxuan were astonished. They did not expect Li Lingtian’s method to be so magical.

The general makeup and disguise can only deceive low-level monks, but it cannot escape the consciousness and vision of the Wudi and above to become a strong person, because no matter how easy it is, the breath cannot be changed.

And Li Lingtian not only changed his appearance, but also completely changed his breath

After Li Lingtian finished, a magical power was displayed, and Xiao Mengxuan's appearance also changed, but it still looked beautiful.

After doing this well, Li Lingtian and Xiao Mengxuan left Qingyuezong and walked out of the defense of the formation. Finally, Yukong flew towards the distance and disappeared into the void in an instant.

Looking at the back of Li Lingtian and Xiao Mengxuan leaving, Lan Tianyue's face showed a bit of reluctance

Finally, she turned back to her place to practice. During this time, Li Lingtian left. She did not dare to have the slightest care. She must step up her patrol so as not to be invaded by Haolingzong.

Now, when Li Lingtian leaves, she does not have to rely on the mountain, she can only rely on herself.

And Li Lingtian’s trip to Ming Island cannot be said, even the Qingyuezong people will not know.


"Call, call"

In the endless sea, two figures are flying fast

These two people were Li Lingtian and Xiao Mengxuan who came out of Qingyuezong. When the two left Qingyuezong, they found that someone was hiding near Qingyuezong

However, the two didn't pay any attention and left the Qingyuezong Dynasty to fly away

Qingyuezong’s mysterious strongman will kill Hao Lingzong’s level strong, and Hao Lingzong will naturally refuse to give up. Although he didn’t do it immediately, it’s indispensable to inquire about Qingyuezong.

The two are dressed and cultivated, one is Emperor Wu and the other is Wu Zun. Such cultivation behavior is a bottom layer in the heavenly realm, and will naturally not be suspected of being a mysterious strongman who destroys the Hao Lingzong

After leaving Qingyuezong far away, Li Lingtian slowed down

Looking at Xiao Mengxuan around him, there was a blush on his face, such a degree, Xiao Mengxuan is also the limit

But following Li Lingtian, she didn't say that she was tired, but instead she was excited

This is her first time leaving Qingyuezong, and she is still with her parents

Feeling nervous and excited, nervous about the outside world, worried about encountering a powerful enemy, excited because I finally left Qingyuezong, you can see the world outside Qingyuezong

"When someone is there, you call my brother"

"Don't expose the flaws, so as not to cause trouble to yourself"

"This world is extremely dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will fall into disrepair."

Li Lingtian said to Xiao Mengxuan while flying

He wouldn't show the flaws for a little care. His true **** strongman is too few to sit on equal foot with him. He is condescending and expensive. It is still rare in the heavens.

However, he does not account for this, but it is just a name

In fact, even if Xiao Mengxuan calls his predecessor, no one doubts anything. After all, Emperor Wu and Wu Zun are quite different.


"Brother Ling Tian, ​​can I do this?"

The look on Xiao Mengxuan's face changed, asking her to call Li Lingtian a brother, still uncomfortable. After all, in her eyes, Li Lingtian was a strong man with the means of the sky. Compared with him, he was a thousand miles away.

But I also understand that such a name outside is only temporary. When I talked, I looked at Li Lingtian smartly and asked Li Lingtian tentatively. She wanted to see the change in Li Lingtian's face, but she was disappointed because There was no slight expression change on Li Lingtian's face

"Yes, that's it"

"Although we are going to trade some things on Ming Island this time, we can't have the slightest sloppy, lest the people of Hao Lingzong discover anything.

Li Lingtian nodded and was satisfied with Xiao Mengxuan's performance

He did not expect that he became so careful. This is because of his injury. If his injury recovers, he will definitely not be so careful, at least he will not be handcuffed.

"Brother, do you show that there are many people in the underground city of the island?"

Xiao Mengxuan was still interested in the goal of this trip. For the first time, he left Qingyuezong. The goal was to go to the underground city, and he was naturally happy and curious.

"There should be a lot"

"However, in this underground market, everything that appears is invisible."

"And the underground Fangshi is different from the auction house as open, knowing that there are not many people. Only when it spreads among the strong people, some people know the place of Fangshi, so there will be no more people in Fangshi than the auction house."

"But, there is nothing absolute"

When Li Lingtian spoke, he was serious

This little girl hasn’t left Qingyuezong. She doesn’t know many things. Now she is bored and she just teaches her.

Following Li Lingtian, Xiao Mengxuan told Li Lingtian some things about Qing Yuezong

Xiao Mengxuan has never seen his father since he was a child, because his father and grandfather were killed less than two months after she was born.

Lantianyue has to take care of Qingyuezong, and has to take care of her. It has been difficult for these ten years

Besides, peerless beauties like Lanyue Yue, it’s rare to be able to do this. Although he doesn’t know much, he is also a little admired for this Lanyue.

The two were talking while flying, and above the Xianhai, they occasionally encountered the strong man of Yukong flying

Many islands were encountered along the way. Many islands were small and uninhabited. The large islands were occupied by families or sects.

Above this fairy sea, there are countless monks and strong men, almost every monk and strong man is Wu Zun and Wu Emperor, it is difficult to see the monks of low Xiu Wei

Li Lingtian paid attention, the monks of the Celestial Realm are no different from those of the Shenwu Continent

It’s just that the realm of heaven is richer, and the cultivation level of monks is generally higher.

The only difference is that the powerhouses and monks in the heavens like to ride the mounts. On this flight, most of the powerhouses and monks he sees are driving powerful monsters and beasts.

The cultivation of monsters and fairy beasts is similar to that of their masters, that is to say, during the war, the strong one has a helper

Li Lingtian was relieved to see this, at least he was no different from the monks and strong men of the Celestial Realm

However, he didn't care too much. After all, it's just the Qinglu Xianhai, just a part of Dongmu Shengjing. In the whole heaven, this is just a corner.

The strong man flying in the air did not look at Li Lingtian and Xiao Mengxuan, because they were so ordinary

The more like this~www.wuxiaspot.com~The more assured Li Lingtian and Xiao Mengxuan

The two flew in this way. After a day, they found a small island and settled down. After a simple formation, they lived. There was Li Lingtian, and Xiao Mengxuan was not afraid at all.

After more than five days, the two finally crossed the distance of tens of millions of miles to Ming Island

Ming Island, the destination of this underground city

This place is a relatively large island in the Qingluo Xianhai, and this island is open and belongs to the entire Qingluo Xianhai, not a place of any sect and family.

There are countless monks living on the islands of millions of miles in radius, and it seems that a city has been formed here.

In a trading city, under normal circumstances, the powerhouses of the immortal sea will trade on this Ming Island. Treasures, materials, fairy beasts, monsters, and all kinds of monks’ cultivation needs can be found in See you in this place

It can be said that the entire Qingxian Sea, Ming Island is definitely one of the largest trading venues

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