War God Supreme

Chapter 1977: Unzen fruit and 5...

Naturally, what Li Lingtian wants will not be possessed by monks below the true gods.

Although this does not rule out some exceptions, he will never put his hopes on lower-level monks, so he wants to get what he wants from the true **** strong.

At first, he did not expect that the real **** realm would be alone on the side when trading freely, rather than with other monks.

Fortunately, this time I used the top-grade innate artifact to purchase the magic formula of Shenxiu Immortal Pill, which was recognized by the strong players on the scene. Otherwise, it is not easy to want to enter the stone gate on the right.

He naturally did not know that, in fact, in the place of underground transactions, as long as any one of the ten items is obtained, he is also eligible and entitled to enter any free trading place.

After entering the trading place on the right with Xiao Mengxuan, the layout inside the place made Li Lingtian bright.

Behind the stone gate on the right is a luxurious small palace about 100 meters long and wide.

There are hundreds of coffee table seats in this palace, each seat is separated by several meters.

There are some excellent fairy fruits and snacks on the coffee table, as well as precious fragrant tea, and there is a beautiful maid waiting on each side of the coffee table. This arrangement is completely an ultimate enjoyment.

Seeing this arrangement, Li Lingtian had to admire the owner of this underground city.

By the time he arrived, more than a dozen real powerhouses had taken their seats.

There are hundreds of positions in the huge palace. More than a dozen real gods and powerful people sitting in it seem very indifferent, and these real gods and powerful people sit far away from each other.

Seeing Li Lingtian's arrival, the look on the face of a dozen or so true gods was stunned, and there was a trace of the majesty of the true **** on his body.

Obviously, Li Lingtian, a low-level monk, and a monk of the Wu Emperor, who didn't welcome him, came to this place and suddenly lowered their grades.

However, the performance of this Emperor Wu Emperor was good, which made their dissatisfaction to a minimum, and the people present did not object to the arrival of Li Lingtian.

On the contrary, the appearance of the atmosphere of all the powerful real gods seems to be a gift to Li Lingtian.

"Good seniors."

Li Lingtian tried to lower his posture as much as possible, with a faint smile on his face, and saluted the strong man present.

If it weren't hurt, it would be strange that these guys didn't call him senior.

After Shi Li, Li Lingtian took Xiao Mengxuan to a coffee table on the edge to sit down. The coffee table for two people was just right. He didn't want to occupy two positions. If that was the case, he wouldn't be happy.

Li Lingtian's posture completely conforms to his cultivation behavior, and the true **** realm has no concern.

After sitting down, Li Lingtian showed a restrained appearance, daring not to speak or dare to exhale loudly, as if he was worried about disturbing the real **** powerhouses present. This appearance undoubtedly gave the real **** realm psychology greatly. vanity.

"Everything that comes should come."

"Everyone is here, let's get started."

"Ben Shen throws bricks and introduces jade. This is a piece of five gems that Ben Shen obtained from the depths of the Qinglu Xianhai. The five gems can be suitable for the cultivation of monks of any attribute, speeding up the cultivation rate of 10%."

"The original **** wants to use it to talk about two million top-grade spirit stones and a top-grade innate artifact, or five million top-grade spirit stones, or exchange equivalent treasures."

The quiet palace was finally broken by the lower **** of a white-beard old man. When he spoke, he waved with one hand, and a mysterious breath flew towards the stone gate of the palace.

Suddenly, a mysterious prohibition appeared in front of the stone gate. Although this prohibition did not bring attacks and defenses, it could prevent the peep of the consciousness.

As the sound fell, a colorful spar appeared in the hands of the old man with white beards. The spar was the size of a fist, exuding a mysterious dazzling multicolored brilliance.

Moreover, on this spar, it seems to have a mysterious effect like a formation, a gathering of spirits, and the surrounding immortals all flow towards the spar, and finally enter the spar.

Seeing this spar, Li Lingtian's face showed a surprised look.

The items in the Celestial Realm are indeed magical, and they are not comparable to the Shenwu Continent. This spar should absorb the heaven and earth immortal gas, and then be transferred to the master's body after transformation. In this way, you can speed up the cultivation of the strong.

This is definitely a baby, a heart-warming baby.

Not only was Li Lingtian surprised, but the other dozen or so true gods were also surprised. His eyes glowed with heat, and he was obviously interested in these five precious stones.

"It turns out to be five gems."

"I didn't expect Qinglu Xianhai to see such a baby."

"It is indeed a good treasure, and five million superb spirit stones are also worth it."

"Unfortunately, there are not so many spirit stones."

"Five gems are indeed precious treasures, but we are all already in the real **** realm. It should be impossible to break through cultivation."

"However, if you have these five gems, you will double your cultivation speed and you will have a 10% chance."

"If the monk who used the real **** used these five gems, the effect would be better."

The powerful people present are all in discussion, although there is much discussion, but there is no intention to exchange.

These strong men, when it comes to the low-level monks, could not help but glance at Xiao Mengxuan, and their eyes quickly changed. A low-level Wu Zun, naturally don't want to change these five gems.

"There is also a baby underneath, let's see if there is any need."

"Unzen fruit, a million year old uncle fruit."

"If you need it, you can exchange the same level of treasure, and the spirit stone can also be used."

The tallest of the two median true gods spoke, and when he spoke, there was already an ample light in front of him, and the light was shining nonstop.

This ray of light, the size of a bowl, does not know what it is.

If it weren't for the taller median true **** who said it was Unzen Fruit, he didn't even know it was an item.

Because this light is really too dazzling, people can't even think of it above the fruit.

Li Lingtian found that this fruit bears a mysterious fairy scent, and the light fragrance refreshes the spirit. However, there is a seal on the fruit. The powerful mysterious seal seals the fairy scent of the fruit, causing the fruit Xianqi will not be lost.

Up to now, he can only see the water chestnut of the fruit, and he has not really seen the true face of the fruit, because the light on this fruit is so amazing.

The appearance of Yunxianguo immediately shocked dozens of real gods.

Li Lingtian can only be shocked in his heart. He used to be invincible in Shenwu Continent, but when he arrived in Heaven, he was considered a poor man.

There are millions of superb spirit stones and hundreds of billions of inferior spirit stones in his body, as well as the treasures he uses. There are no more magical treasures to take out, even if there are a few powerful mysterious treasures, he will not take them out. .

One is that he may be able to use it in the future, and the other is that his current surface cultivation is not worthy of powerful treasures, which must have caused other true gods to doubt and caused him to fall into a thousand disasters.

Next, Li Lingtian saw the power of heaven.

The treasures of these powerful men are extremely precious, and basically all of them are unheard of by Li Lingtian.

More than a dozen true **** strongmen took out their treasures, which also explained the conditions to be exchanged.

"The juniors have no treasure."

After Li Lingtian waited for these powerful men to take out their babies, he said respectfully.

In fact, these strong men didn't care about him. A Wudi monk, even if he took out the top-grade innate artifacts at the beginning, it was nothing but a family heirloom.

Afterwards, these strongmen took care of themselves and Li Lingtian watched on the side.

If in the past, he must have no interest in watching it boringly, but now the interest is very high, because these treasures are celestial, and he has never heard of it before and never seen it before.

Looking at these treasures, I was very curious and envious, and I must gather the treasures of heaven in one.

Although I envy these babies, I don’t have any frustration in my heart. I don’t have these treasures, but I have some mysterious and powerful babies. Even if these babies themselves are real gods, they don’t know what they’re for, what they are. Yes, but what is certain about these treasures is that these treasures are by no means ordinary treasures.

Anything is a terrifying existence.

For example, the Holy Scepter, the Three Realms, the Heart of the Starry Sky, the mysterious roulette in the Land of Nature, and various magical treasures are currently beyond my grasp.

These treasures can be mastered and understood slowly after they become stronger.

More powerful treasures, that is, their own talents and red blood, and the magical powers they control.

After two hours of free trading, Li Lingtian returned home with a satisfied look on his face.

After all, this time I have gained insight. As long as I go back safely, I can get the healing medicine. This time I am fully loaded.

Returning to the main hall, Li Lingtian saw that these strong men were mostly happy, needless to say, they achieved their purpose.

After sitting down, Li Lingtian waited for the next transaction to start~www.wuxiaspot.com~Waiting for what he needed to appear, originally came to try his luck, did not expect to really have what he needed, just started from free trading The tall man in the middle heard it from the real god.

"Congratulations on returning home with full load."

"Two hours of free trading passed, and now the trading of five items behind the underground market begins."

Chen Xiaofeng came to the high platform, first nodded to the strong players present, and then said.

The source of income in the underground market is the transaction of treasures, entrance fees, and 10% of the handling fee paid for free transactions. In this way, a lot of spirit stones will be earned for undertaking an underground transaction.

However, to be able to host an underground market, it is necessary to have strong strength and backstage to avoid being disrupted by other powerful people.

The advantage of the underground market is that you don’t have to worry about the source of the treasures. The treasures that appear here are extremely precious, and you can’t find them in other shops and auction houses.


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