War God Supreme

Chapter 1985: Spike Hao Lingzong...


Black Shadow Patriarch didn't even look at Blue Sky Moon, and snorted coldly.

In the early stage of a half-divine realm, even a ant in front of him was not counted.


The nine lower real gods constantly bombarded the defensive array, and the defensive array was shaken even more powerfully. In this way, the defensive array would be destroyed and broken, and then the entire Qingyue Sect would be exposed to the Hao Lingzong true **** strong.

All disciples of Qingyuezong watched the formation from a distance.

For a time, all the disciples looked horrified and frightened.

In their eyes, the pseudo-god is half invincible, and now comes the true god, and there are ten super powerful true gods. Qingyuezong has no resistance at all in front of these strong men.

Not only are they, the look on Lantianyue's face is also desperate.

She suspects that Li Lingtian is a true god, but in the present situation, even if Li Lingtian is here, it is impossible to solve the matter in front of her.

Now, what she wanted most was to let Li Lingtian flee quietly with Xiao Mengxuan.

"Everything breaks the array, and I also want to be a car."

"Qingyuezong does not stay alone, and here will be the trial site of Hao Lingzong."

Black Shadow Patriarch looked at the formation that was about to be destroyed, his face proud.

Qingyuezong had almost reached the Huangzongzongmen before, and it is also a first-class existence in the entire Qingluo Xianhai. Although Qingyuezong is now gone, I believe there are treasures left in Qingyuezong.

"If I don't die in the blue sky and the moon. I will keep you from keeping the Hao Lingzong chicken and dog."

There was a hint of hatred on Lantianyue's face, and she was about to leave here. Ready to fly to Qingyuezong.

But just turned around, they saw the two figures.

A chic and elegant young man in white, and a girl with a light green shirt beside her.

The two were walking in this direction. Faced with the horror bombardment of the formation, the young man in white had no shock on his face. It was completely a light cloud, and even a smile on the corner of his mouth.

See two people. Lantianyue was very anxious in her heart.

I was just about to leave here to let Li Lingtian and Xiao Mengxuan escape, and stay here just to die.


"Senior, your injury has recovered. Congratulations, Senior."

"The concubine asked senior one thing. I hope senior can leave Xuan Xuan here."

Lantianyue quickly walked towards Li Lingtian and Xiao Mengxuan and came to Li Lingtian.

Seeing Li Lingtian's brilliance, he immediately understood that Li Lingtian's injury had recovered, if it had been before. Naturally very happy, but happy to make up.

Because Li Lingtian is not even recovering from his injury, he is not an opponent of Haolingzong. After all, Haolingzong has nine lower true gods, as well as an ancestor of the median true god. Any true **** strongman can contain Li Lingtian. If two people join forces , Li Lingtian will definitely lose.

Not so. It might as well take Xiao Mengxuan to flee first, as long as Xiao Mengxuan and Li Lingtian fled to heaven, she would not regret it even if she fell.

When speaking. The whole person had kneeled down, and there was a look of supplication on the beautiful and cold face.

I wonder how she hoped that Li Lingtian would take Xiao Mengxuan to escape. Li Lingtian might be the true god. There is still a chance to escape with Xiao Mengxuan. If you take her, there will be no chance. So she just wanted Li Lingtian to take Xiao Mengxuan away.

"stand up."

Li Lingtian glanced at Lantianyue and spoke lightly.

but. He did not stop and continued to walk towards the formation.

I looked at the defensive formation that was bombarded, and I was very satisfied with the formation I played. I know that this formation was made when I was injured. Even if it is so, it also makes the nine true gods power so much effort. There is no damage.

If one or two true gods alone, don't want to shake this formation at all.

Looking at the nine lower true gods and one median true god, Li Lingtian's state of mind is very well.

If in the past, when you were still the lower true god, you might still be afraid of one or two, but you have reached the median true god, and you don’t even look at these strong men in your eyes.

The only thing that interested him was the central true **** headed.

"Enough is enough, Hao Lingzong."

"It is a joke in front of this seat, is there no self-knowledge?"

With the appearance of Li Lingtian, the nine lower true gods and one median true **** outside the formation were all seen. Seeing the movements of Lantianyue, they guessed that the young man in white was the mysterious strong man.

Looking at Li Lingtian's calmness, they were all surprised.

While they looked at Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian's eyes glanced at them, and finally ignored them, his eyes fell on the Black Shadow Patriarch.

Seeing the nine lower real gods is like looking at the clown who is carrying the beam.

The icy voice sounded as if it was cold from hell, and people shuddered involuntarily.


An uproar

The disciples in the Qingyuezong small square were shocked when they saw that Li Lingtian did not look at the nine true gods in their eyes.

In the distance, Blue Sky Moon was also pulled up by Xiao Mengxuan.

She knew that she could not convince Li Lingtian, she could only follow.

"Hey, hide it."

"Finally come out, give up your wealth, give you a happy."

"Even if you are a true god, it is just a wounded lower true god. Hao Lingzong can kill you if he is alone."

The ancestor of Black Shadow was stunned by Li Lingtian's words. He didn't expect that at this time, this young man would still be so arrogant and arrogant that he would be alive and dead.

However, he didn't want to play against this young man, lest the opponent's dog jump into the wall and hurt him, and he would lose more than that.

The best is a soldier who surrenders without fighting. After all, the ranking battle is about to start. You cannot be injured here, nor can you let Hao Lingzong suffer any loss.

"A group of ants."

"The place where the seat is located is caused by a cat or a dog."

"The Haolingzong does not abide by the iron law of the Qingluo Xianhai Sect. This seat announced that all the ants above the half-divine realm of the Haolingzong were destroyed and accepted their punishment."

Li Lingtian waved with one hand. A magical light appeared, flying towards the impending destruction.

Suddenly, the original formation that was about to be destroyed and broken became more powerful and stable. Nine true gods bombarded it, and even a trace of shaking no longer appeared.

The magical means and the chic style make everyone shocked.

"Ignorance. This ancestor sees how long this formation can last."

Black Shadow Patriarch's face was ugly and bombarded for so long. The opponent recovered the formation with a wave of his hand, and it seemed stronger than before. Such a method shocked him.

But at this time, it was not a time of shock, but to find a way to destroy the inferior true **** in front of him. Take away the treasures and destroy Qingyuezong.

"Wait to see if it's cheap."

The smile on Li Lingtian's face was even stronger, and his strange shape disappeared.

The figure disappeared from the eyes of all strong men, with no signs.


There was a muffled space.

Qingyuezong's strong man's eyes showed a horrified look. The nine lower gods of Haolingzong and the Black Shadow Patriarch saw Li Lingtian disappear, and they felt shocked at the Qingyuezong disciple's look. Is looking behind him.

I saw that the young man in white disappeared in the formation has appeared in the void. I don't know how he passed through this formation at all.

"It just came out."

Beifeng Yunhao no longer attacks the formation, but looks at Li Lingtian in the air.

A wounded lower true god, there is no way to take him in the formation. But after he came out, he died.

Nine lower true gods and one median true god, and everyone killed him.

Seeing Li Lingtian coming out, Beifeng Yunhao showed an excited look on his face. This is a good opportunity for himself to make merits. Such an opportunity will naturally not let other colleagues grab it.

The peak of the next true **** is only one step away from the median true god. To kill an injured lower true god, it is simply a matter of hand.

The voice fell. The figure flew towards Li Lingtian like lightning.

At the same time, the condensed divine power and the force of destruction bombarded Li Lingtian fiercely. This situation is completely in a state of crushing, just like letting everyone see his majesty.

The speed of destruction and the power of destruction make people unresponsive.

Lan Tianyue and Xiao Mengxuan, as well as Qingyuezong's disciples, were shocked and worried when they saw this situation.

Several strong men of Haolingzong felt uncomfortable when they saw Beifeng Yunhao rushing to take the shot. In their eyes, this young man in white was completely caught.

Seeing that the power of destruction was about to bombard Li Lingtian, but Li Lingtian did not respond at all. Beifeng Yunhao's face showed a grin and a smug smile, and Black Shadow Patriarch's face also showed a smile.

However, the smiles of the two had just appeared, and they turned into shock.

Beifeng Yunhao's smile became even more horrified. It was like seeing ghosts and ghosts. The whole person felt very shocked. His eyes bombarded his attack in front of Li Lingtian, and Li Lingtian broke out in the hands without any movement. A golden edge.

The golden edge ignored the space and time, and straightly slashed on the strength of Beifeng Yunhao.



Two slight sounds, the sky is still.

Beifeng Yunhao's divine attack was split in half, and Beifeng Yunhao stopped in the air without any movement.

The whole air was temporarily quiet.

The disciples in Lian Qingyuezong's small square ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, as well as Lantianyue and Xiao Mengxuan, as well as several true **** strongmen of Hao Lingzong, all quieted down at this moment.


The short silence was soon broken by a loud noise.

Beifeng Yunhao's body divided into two halves, then exploded, and the whole person disappeared into the sky as a blood mist.

Hao Lingzong, the peak of the next true god, was killed in a single photo.

Suddenly, the entire Qingyuezong disciple and Lantianyue mother and daughter were shocked and excited.

Several powerful gods of the Hao Ling Sect had a horrified look on their faces. They originally thought that they were the lower real gods they had captured, but they did not expect that the lower real gods would do their best to kill the strong man at the peak of the Hao Ling Zong lower real gods. .

This situation made Hao Lingzong's true **** strong totally unacceptable, thinking that all this was just an illusion, but when he saw the shock of other peers, this confirmed that it was not an illusion, but a **** and horrifying reality. To be continued


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