War God Supreme

Chapter 1997: 3 large doors open...

The red-level Zongmen only needs to have the God of War, and there are not too many restrictions. Lili Literature Network

However, the orange-level sect gate must have at least one true **** realm strongman, otherwise, even if there are one million half-spiritual pinnacle peaks and consummations, it cannot be an orange-level sect gate.

However, having said that, there can be no so many demigod powerhouses without the sect of the true god, because such ancestors cannot hold so many demigod powerhouses.

There must be at least one Divine Monarch strongman.

The lower true god, as long as there is a little talent, plus the fairy spirit and resources of the heaven, it is not difficult to reach the lower true god, but it is difficult to reach the middle true god, and the upper true **** is even more difficult. If the true **** is perfect, it is a super genius. opportunity.

As for the Divine Monarch, it is a super genius who has a chance to go against the sky.

Otherwise, the Qinglu Xianhai is so vast, there are many orange-level sect gates, countless lower true gods, and the median true gods are countless, but the upper true gods are few, the true gods are less consummate, and the gods are only in the Qingluo Xianhai. Three.

Because of their existence, the three monarchs have become the three major sect gates of the Qingluo Xianhai, the existence of the yellow rank.

Li Lingtian's performance today made the three major sects stare.

Such a super demon genius is very easy to reach the upper true god. If there is a strong sect cultivation, it is also possible to achieve the completeness of the true god, and it is not without hope to reach the god.

If such a strong man achieves the full consummation of the true god, he is definitely the first strong man under the divine prince.

Therefore, after the competition ended, Li Lingtian had just returned to the rest of the small pavilion and was found by the three major gates at the same time. The speed of the three major gates was enough to prove how much they liked Li Lingtian, and they did not want to be slower than the other. One shot was taken away by other Zongmen, and everyone knew that such a genius must have countless Zongmen sticking out olive branches.

Three pieces of jade jade, Li Lingtian read all the information inside.

He didn't say anything, Lantianyue didn't know what information was in the jade jade, or what Li Lingtian was thinking, let alone what Li Lingtian had decided.

"Want to know the information inside?"

Li Lingtian glanced at the blue sky moon with anticipation and said with a smile on his face.


Lantianyue did not hesitate, nodded and answered.

"Take a look."

"This seat has a rest, there will be a competition tomorrow."

Li Lingtian stood up, swiped across the three jade jades, and then handed the jade jade to Lantianyue, turned and walked towards the room where he rested.

Lantianyue saw Li Lingtian leaving, and put his consciousness into the jade jade.

This jade jade could only be seen by one person, and the second person could not see it, but such jade jade was nothing in front of Li Lingtian.

With just one stroke, the ban on the three jade jades was removed.

Lantianyue's consciousness entered the jade jade, and the look on his face was suddenly shocked. The look was constantly changing, just like seeing something shocking and magical.

"Sure enough, it's the Huang class sect."

"This kind of price and treatment is what the Huang Zongmen can take out."

"I don't know how he decided in his heart?"

The information of the three jade jade pieces was read soon, but Lantianyue was shocked and stunned for a long time. After a long time, Lantianyue was only awake, with a shocked look on her face.

More is a little worried in my heart, worried that Li Lingtian went to the three major schools.

Such geniuses will be tempted by such and treatment costs. Such a condition is the ultimate choice of geniuses.

It turned out that the conditions given by Blood Sword Pavilion, as long as you join Blood Sword Pavilion, you can get the guidance of Blood Sword Pavilion Lord Blood Sword Master, own a top-level cave house, and enjoy the treatment of pro-disciples. There are countless panacea.

The conditions given by the Dividing Water Pavilion, join the Diving Water Pavilion, and get the instructions of the **** Lord Aofeng. He has an island to practice, and this island is one of the best places in the Qinglu Xianhai Sea. Ten thousand, two bottles of elixir, three different top-level supernatural powers.

The condition of Ziyuanzong became the honorary elder of Ziyuanzong, and received the guidance of Lord Ziyuan. He possessed a top-level Xianqi island practiced with a size of 100,000 miles, and the top grade spirit stone was 1 million per year, provided that Ziyuanzong encountered a crisis. At that time, he helped Ziyuanzong, but Ziyuanzong would not restrain honorary elders.

This jade jade, just to give Li Lingtian a bottom, if Li Lingtian is interesting, someone at the core of the sect comes to discuss with Li Lingtian, the conditions are negotiable.

This is not to say that this jade jade represents everything, and the three major sect gates will not be so cold. Just giving a jade jade to want to draw a demon genius, this jade jade is just a way to ask.

The conditions of the three major sects, for any strong genius, will be heart-wrenching, and will choose one anyway.

Whether it is the status of the three major sects in the Qingluo Xianhai, or the treatment given by the three major sects, it is impossible to refuse.

However, these conditions will not work here in Li Lingtian.

The conditions given by the three sects were slightly inferior, but Ziyuan Zong was very free, with no restrictions.

It is no wonder that Blue Sky Moon was shocked by these conditions, and I thought that Li Lingtian would choose one, even if these sects were not useful to him, but he could not offend the three major sects. If you join one, other strong people will not easily provoke him. .

This night, Lantianyue suffered from insomnia.

In the same way, the strong men who issued jade slips from the three major sects could not sleep peacefully because they did not get a reply from Li Lingtian. I don’t know if Li Lingtian chose other sects or did not make a good decision.

It was Li Lingtian who slept peacefully after returning to the room.

In this place, no one will look for things.

Tomorrow's competition, he wants to ensure that his mental state remains at its peak.

"I didn't expect that Qingyuezong's Taishang elder was so powerful."

"This ranking battle is really interesting."

Thunder Sword Pavilion, the ten messengers of the Holy City of Dongmu, and the ancestors, patriarchs, and protectors of Thunder Sword Pavilion. These strong men gathered in the hall and said that today's test was a smile.

Thinking of Li Lingtian's nine sword domains, the sword mansions, the gold domain and the sword domain, he is still trembling in his heart. If he encounters such a blow, there is no way to resist it.

In the Qinglu Xianhai for so many years, I have seen those who control the field, but they have not seen the median real **** who controls the field, nor have they seen the two fields.

"Indeed, I did not expect that there is a super strong in a red-class sect."

"Looking at his age, it should look like five hundred. For this age, for more than 10,000 years of life, it is basically a baby. At the age of five hundred, it reaches the median true god. In the entire Dongmu Holy Realm, ten cannot be found. ."

Yun Tianhe, the messenger of Dongmu Holy City, was also shocked when he talked about Li Lingtian.

He came from the Holy City of Dongmu, and he was very knowledgeable. He originally looked down on the Qingluo Xianhai. In his eyes, the Qingluo Xianhai had no genius and a strong man, but he did not expect to encounter such a person this time.

"In Dongmu Shengjing, no one controls the dual realms."

"And this Qingyuezong Taishang elder, at the same time controls the two most powerful realms, the sword realm and the realm of gold. Such realms are basically invincible. Only invincibility can describe the horror."

"Xiu Wei's strength is indeed against the sky. Maybe his strength is far more than that, otherwise he will not defeat Lin invincible so easily."

"His overall view and vision, state of mind, make people feel trembling."

In the hall, more than twenty strong men talked.

However, they did not dare to make trouble, after all, they all knew that this ranking battle was explained by the Lord. If anyone dared to mess up, he would find himself dead.

"damn it."

"I didn't expect that Qingyuezong's Taishang elder is so powerful, this time it is contained."

"If you leave here, you will have to let the smoke disappear."

In the pavilion where the Taihaozong strong man is located, Lin Wudi's face was pale and his spirit was very bad.

During the day, he was injured by Li Lingtian's Jianyu Jianmang, and almost killed him. Now I think of it and hope that Li Lingtian will conquer his soul.

At the peak of the median true god, he is known as the invincible hand among the median true gods in the Qingluo Xianhai. It was originally intended to be famous in the ranking battle, so that the strong in the Qingluo Xianhai can see his invincible power.

But he did not expect to be defeated by Li Lingtian, and he was defeated miserably.

Thinking of the Jianyu Jianmang, my heart is still shaking, this Jianyu Jianmang has left an impression in his heart, an indelible shadow.

"Don't mess up here."

"According to news, this ranking battle has other meanings, and the Lord personally explained it."

"The top one hundred has great benefits. You hurry up to heal, maybe you still have the opportunity to challenge. If you enter one hundred, it will be of great help to Tai Haozong."

Ximen Yunluo glanced at Lin Invincible. This time Lin Invincible failed, and he could not blame him. After all, Li Lingtian was too mysterious.

Now, what he has to do is to let Lin Wudi recover his injury as soon as possible. Then there is hope to challenge a top 100 strong man. If he wins, he will be able to enter the top 100.

"I know, this hatred, I wrote it down."

Lin Wudi's eyes showed a vicious look, and he already hated Li Lingtian in his bones.

The next day ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xiaoyun Island was already crowded early in the morning.

Because today is the second round of the ranking battle, the second round is naturally much more exciting than the first round.

Maybe the third round will be held today, because after all, after the elimination, the number of strong players who continue to compete is reduced by a factor of two, so that there are not many remaining strong players, and there is extra time, it is possible to conduct the third round of trials.

When Li Lingtian got up, Lantianyue and Xiao Mengxuan were waiting together.

Seeing Lan Tianyue's spirit was a little bad, Li Ling Tian Leng felt a bit, but said nothing.

After Li Lingtian washes, he left the pavilion and flew towards Xiaoyun Island.

When they arrived, it was already crowded with people. The strong people who participated in the competition were basically here. They are not far away from the start of the competition. WWW.GEILIWX.COM happy reading every day

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