War God Supreme

Chapter 2032: Treasure of the Godless...

"The original heart has been given to you, you try to improve the realm and restore some strength in these two days. (Baidu search)"

"I also have to deal with some things. The people over there are still waiting for us."

In half an hour, Li Lingtian sacrificed the original heart and gave it back to the water unicorn. Fortunately, when he started to take away the original heart, he knew that he was only temporarily here, so he did not go to refining, just use the Yuanshen to protect Live the original heart only.

Now giving back to Kirin, there is not much effort.

After the primitive heart was given back to the water unicorn, the water unicorn got its own original heart. The crystal-like primitive heart suddenly merged with the water unicorn quickly, and a heart-like appearance appeared.

This primitive heart was originally a water unicorn. Others wanting to refine it is simply a delusion. If they forcibly integrate, they will lose both sides. Now the primitive heart returns to its original place and merges without a trace of repulsion.

Seeing that the water unicorn merged with the original heart, Li Lingtian relaxed a lot in his heart. This can be regarded as helping the water unicorn once and fulfilling the wish of the water unicorn for hundreds of millions of years.

The water unicorn merges its original heart, and the cultivation is straight up, directly reaching the ancient ancient beast, the lower ancient ancient beast.

Equivalent to human prince, the next prince.

However, the water unicorn was born in the primitive period and is extremely terrifying. That is to say, the lower prince is equivalent to [the upper prince, even more powerful than the upper prince.

Divine beasts are divided into: Holy Beasts, Ancient Divine Beasts, Ancient Divine Beasts, Ancient Divine Beasts, Early Divine Beasts, Primitive Divine Beasts, Chaos Divine Beasts.

The general beasts are descendants of the beasts, but they have the bloodlines of the beasts. They are not left over from the past. After countless generations, the bloodline is degraded and the strength has become much weaker.

Even the ancient beasts and ancient beasts that appeared in the Celestial Realm were cultivated the day after tomorrow, and were weaker than the innate ones by a few grades.

Archaic mythical beasts are basically rare in the heavens and rarely seen.

These ancient beasts are hidden and practiced so as not to be killed and killed by humans.

A true congenital ancient beast is ten million times more precious than an ancient beast cultivated the day after tomorrow.

Naturally, the power and strength of innate gods and beasts are countless times stronger than those acquired through cultivation.

If anyone knows that the water unicorn next to Li Lingtian is an innate ancient beast, he must shake the heavens.

Now the water unicorn has reached the lower ancient **** beast, the level of cultivation is the same as that of the lower god, but its strength is terrified many times.

Even if the water unicorn did not merge the original heart, when the ancient gods and beasts, it made the countless powerful people unable to get close. It is conceivable how powerful it is to merge the primitive heart to reach the ancient gods and beasts.

"This nature, in the future, we must work hard to improve our cultivation."

"Otherwise it will be innocent if it is killed by the Lord of Nowhere."

"It can be said that we are playing against the Celestial Lord. If he comes to the Celestial Realm before we reach the Divine King, we will only have to wait for death. If we meet him before reaching the Divine Lord, we will have the opportunity to kill him."

Shui Qilin nodded, and after speaking a few words, he began to practice.

It doesn't want to be taken away from his original heart by the Celestial Master again. If it is taken away again, it won't be so lucky this time.

Li Lingtian glanced at Shui Qilin, did not speak, and began to deal with his own affairs.


As soon as the consciousness moved, the Dragon Ring opened.

The blood lotus sacrifice came out. Now, Shui Qilin is connected to his primal spirit and primitive heart. Just like himself and Xiaobai, he will not hide from Shui Qilin.

Sacrifice to the bleeding lotus, Li Lingtian's face was full of expectation.

In the battle of the ranking of the Qingluo Xianhai, I did not expect that there will be rewards such as ghost dragon turtle blood, which is also a luck.

There is no effort to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere, so that I can get the blood of the Nether Dragon and Turtle.

"Fairy, blood of Nether Dragon Turtle has been obtained."

"how should I do?"

Li Lingtian looked at Xuelian and asked.

"You got the blood of Nether Dragon Turtle?"

"I didn't expect you to be so fast."

"Sacrifice the blood lotus with the blood of the nether dragon and tortoise. When the palace absorbs the blood of the nether dragon and tortoise, within a year, you will be able to restore the primal spirit. Then your wife and they will be able to come out.

"Move the blood lotus into your heavenly treasure ring."

Blood Moon's icy voice sounded, and there was a trace of surprise in the voice.

I didn't expect Li Lingtian to find the blood of Nether Dragon and Turtle in less than a year, which was completely beyond imagination.

Immediately, the method of using the blood of the Nether Dragon Turtle was stated. The last sentence asked Li Lingtian to get the blood lotus into the Cangtian Baojie.

"it is good."

Li Lingtian's face was filled with excitement, and as long as one year, Tang Zimeng could see them.

During this year, they just handled some things, and they could come out after they handled the things well.

Later, Li Lingtian sacrificed the blood of the nether dragon and tortoise to obtain the blood lotus, and soon, the blood lotus absorbed the blood of the nether dragon and tortoise, and blood moon also fell into cultivation.

Then, according to the words of Blood Moon, Li Lingtian put the blood lotus into the Cangtian Baojie.

Cangtian Baojie, he generally seldom uses it, and Shenlong Ring is the most used.

Now, after the blood lotus is placed in the heavenly sacred ring, the dragon ring can also live, and then it will be able to call the water unicorn inside the dragon ring. When it is called at a critical moment, it is also a killer.

The things of Blood Moon and Tang Zimeng have basically been resolved. All he needs is to wait. After waiting for a year, after Blood Moon recovers the original spirit, Tang Zimeng and others will be able to come out of the Blood Lotus.

This is an ideal result, because there are still many things to do this year. If Tang Zimeng and others come out, they will be distracted to take care of Tang Zimeng.

This time, the battle for the ranking of the Qinglu Xianhai, in general, has gained a lot, and it is bigger than I thought.

In addition to rewards, more than 10 million Need for Spirit Stones were also obtained.

The bigger gain is the water unicorn, and the three space rings without the celestial lord.

However, there are huge dangers with huge gains.

Reincarnation reincarnation of the celestial lord, if you come to the celestial realm, you will be in trouble. The only solution is to reach the **** king **** lord before the celestial lord comes to the celestial world. .

"The space ring without the celestial lord, I don't know what good treasure."

"Try to dispose of these treasures as much as possible, otherwise it will be a hot potato."

Li Lingtian's consciousness moved, and three space rings appeared in his hands.

There is nothing outstanding about these three space rings, but things without characters like the Celestial Lord are naturally not commodities.

Immediately, Li Lingtian entered the three space rings and looked at the contents.

When he figured out what was in the space ring, his heart thumped, his face showing horror.

Need for 100 billion yuan, three innate treasures, an ancient artifact, a crystal clear crystal, crystal, ten centimeters long, five centimeters wide, and one centimeter thick.

There are also countless cherishing exercises and supernatural powers, and countless cherishing materials.

These things are all top-notch existences in heaven, and many of them have never been heard of.

"Sure enough, this is the real powerhouse."

"Spirit Stones are of little use to the Celestial Lord."

"It is mainly three innate treasures and an ancient artifact, and those magical powers and magical powers. These are placed in the heavenly realm. Anything is a terrifying thing."

After Li Lingtian calmed down, he said to himself.

One hundred billion Needles Spirit Stones, the general true gods are tens of thousands of Needles Spirits, the median True God is more than 100,000, the upper True Gods are hundreds of thousands, and the True God Great Consummation Millions of Needles Spirits are top-notch.

In the space ring without the celestial lord, there is still a hundred billion Need for Spirit.

The spirit stone is only a currency to the figure of the level of the heavenless master, and the important thing is the treasure.

Three innate treasures and one ancient artifact.

Next, Li Lingtian refined these three space rings and erased the breath above.

Three congenital treasures of refining and refining, as for the ancient artifacts, his current cultivation is only the median true god, still unable to refining, even if refining and refining is not necessarily under control.

Reaching his cultivation behavior like this, do not want to forcibly control a treasure, so as to affect himself.

Three innate treasures: Godless Dustless Knife, Streamer Sunny Needle, and Bailong Magic Disappearing Gun.

The godless dustless knife is similar to the Qingming Holy Emperor's sword, except that the godless dustless sword is countless times better than the Qingming Holy Emperor's sword, and there are several levels of difference between the two.

The godless dustless sword is a top-grade congenital treasure, and the Qingming Saint Emperor's sword is just a unique congenital artifact.

The streamer sunny needle, a hidden weapon with an innate treasure. As long as the streamer is seen, the opponent has been destroyed. The greatest power of this streamer sunny needle is penetration. Basically, it can ignore the defense of the strong players in the same realm, and the speed crosses Space, ignoring the distance of space, plus the domineering defense penetration, can be said to be the most terrifying hidden weapon.

Li Lingtian is also very optimistic about this streamer and sunny needle. www.wuxiaspot.com~ has also dedicated a few times, that is, when he encounters a powerful opponent, he can unexpectedly destroy the opponent.

Bailong's disillusioned gun is a top congenital innate treasure. It is powerful and powerful, with strong penetrating power. With one shot, the world trembles and everything is destroyed.

Fortunately, Li Lingtian's natal artifact is the God of Sword Extinction. Other artifacts and treasures should be refined. The main thing is his own sword of Sword of Extinction, which is what he most expects.

Take control of the three innate treasures, plus the pure sun fairy sword, you are the four innate treasures, the innate artifact is the Qingming Shenghuang sword.

With the improvement of cultivation practice, and the strength of power, some treasures will be eliminated.

In addition to the extinct **** sword, all others can be eliminated.

One day, when you reach the Divine Sovereign, you will be able to specialize in several kinds of magical powers and kung fu, and specialize in several kinds of magical powers. After this specialization, your own strength will be improved faster in the future, and it will not be as complicated as it is now.

Now, there is only the true divine realm, and it is important to keep your life. When it comes to the divine prince, let's slowly arrange the calculation.

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