War God Supreme

Chapter 2035: The powerful Dongmu Sheng...

Dongmu Shengjing, Dongmu Shengcheng.

The entire Dongmu Shengjing has jurisdiction over a large area with a territory of hundreds of millions of miles, commanding hundreds of millions of people and powerful monks.

Qinglu Xianhai is also the smallest area of ​​Dongmu Shengjing, but how big is Dongmu Shengjing.

As the symbolic central city of Dongmu Shengjing, Dongmu Shengcheng is extremely huge.

Thousands of miles from east to west and 800,000 miles from north to south.

A towering ancient city, I don't know how many thousands of years it has existed.

This is the central king city of Dongmu Shengjing, as well as the largest and most magical city of Dongmu Shengjing, where the most powerful and richest strongmen of the entire Dongmu Shengjing are gathered.

Countless super ancestors and families have established their base camp here.

Here, it is also the safest place in the entire Dongmu Shengjing, because of the tall city and defense, monsters and fierce beasts can not enter, but here is also a lot of money.

In the sky outside the holy city of Dongmu, you can always see the spaceship and the strong in and out.

There are big and small spaceships, and there are strong men walking with swords, and there are strong men riding powerful monsters and beasts. Here, it is a fairyland.

However, inside the Dongmu Holy City is the eye-spaceship flight.

If it violates, it will be directly bombarded by the holy city's defense, and the smoke will disappear.

"Dongmu Shengjing, spaceship flight is strictly prohibited."

The spaceship controlled by Li Lingtian and Xiao Mengxuan came to the towering and holy city of Dongmu and received a message of the city's defense.

Moreover, to enter the holy city, you must pass through the four gates, any of southeast, northwest, and no other peers.

"It's a holy city."

"This is the holy city of heaven."

Looking at the majestic city, Li Lingtian's face kept changing.

This towering and tall city gives people an invisible sense of oppression, like a peerless strong man.

The city wall is two hundred meters high. On the wall is a mysterious defensive formation. If you want to cross the defensive formation of this city, you will be directly destroyed by the terrorist force of the defensive formation.

"The first time I came to the holy city, what a beautiful holy city."

"No wonder the countless strongmen in Dongmu Shengjing yearn for the Holy City. It is a pleasure to be able to live here."

Xiao Mengxuan was very moved to see the huge holy city.

This is a beautiful and magnificent city.

"Go, let's go down."

Li Lingtian stroked with one hand, a light curtain covered Xiao Mengxuan, and the spaceship was put away.

Immediately, he turned into a lightning and landed on the official road on the ground. The official road was 100 meters wide. There were more and more powerful people coming and going, and there were countless monks who hunted and busy disciples.

The holy city is a safe home, but if you want to survive here, you must have a strong net worth, if you want to get the spirit stone, you have to work, or go out to hunt monsters and beasts and find treasures, and find medicines and materials.

Either it is to find a more comfortable job in the holy city, but although such a job is not dangerous, the treatment is very low, far less than the monks who venture outside.

"Enter the Holy City, and show your identity."

"Non-Holy City residents have to pay a certain tax for entering the city."

Li Lingtian took Xiao Mengxuan to the large city gate, and was notified by a patrol in the early stage of the semi-deity.

The gate is 100 meters high and 40 meters wide, and is divided into the entrance to the city and the exit to the city.

Without saying anything, Li Lingtian waved his hand with one hand, and the Lingjing card appeared in his hand. Then the Lingjing card shook on a huge spar in front of the gate gate guardhouse, and Li Lingtian's message appeared on the spar.

"Welcome Senior Li Qingzong Li, senior Li is a true **** realm, you can enter and leave Dongmu Shengcheng for free, and family members are free."

Seeing Li Lingtian's message, the patrol team at the beginning of Semi-Divine Realm immediately respected Li Lingtian with a respect. Although the true **** strongman was nothing in Dongmu Holy Realm, it did exist supremely in front of Semi-Divine Realm.

Moreover, the number of celestial rituals is the most rigorous, and the following acts committed are absolutely not allowed. A state is an identity.

The spiritual crystal card of the Celestial Business Alliance, the largest commercial firm in the realm, is also a symbol of identity, because this spiritual crystal card has the owner’s information. At the same time, if you enter other holy cities and pay the spirit stone, you will also be directly in the spiritual crystal Deduct from the card.

Anyone who can own a spirit card is a powerful person with identity.

It can be said that the strong man with the Lingjing card is an authority and the authority of the Celestial Business Alliance.

Li Lingtian received the Lingjing card and was very satisfied. With this Lingjing card, it was really convenient.

Immediately, he brought Xiao Mengxuan into the city from countless envious eyes.

Without the Spirit Crystal Card, you must go through the formalities of entering the city and pay the spirit stone.

"Dongmu Shengcheng, it's so beautiful inside."

"The environment is the same as fairyland. I didn't expect a city of hundreds of millions of miles to be so beautiful inside."

After entering the Holy City, Xiao Mengxuan was immediately excited.

I originally thought that there were countless strong men in the holy city and the order was also very chaotic, but I did not expect that after entering the holy city, I completely broke the previous idea of ​​the city.

In this holy city, the environment is beautiful, and the roads are wide. Each road is made of mysterious stone slabs. It is tens of meters wide, and the main road is nearly 100 meters wide.

There are shops on both sides, there are sidewalks, and in the middle is the place where veterinary cars or monsters and monsters walk together.

The construction and layout of the city are planned, and there are no messes.

Moreover, from time to time, you can also see the special cleaning staff, as well as the personnel to maintain the environment in the city, even can see the patrol at any time.

Some strong men, even demigods, come here just like ordinary people.

This is the holy city, a safest place in the holy land, the strong paradise exists.

Li Lingtian was also shocked by the environment here. This place has everything it needs. It can be said that it has everything. Restaurants, tea houses, shops, eating, drinking and gambling. There is nothing missing here, and these conditions and quality of existence are compared to other places. It's better.

Saying that it is a paradise for the strong, it is not false at all, no wonder that countless strong people yearn here.

This should also be the case. The strong usually take risks outside, and when they come back to it, it is a pastime. This place is naturally a paradise.

"Let's find a place to live first."

Li Lingtian looked around the city. This huge city is full of beauty everywhere.

To practice in this place is indeed a kind of enjoyment.

When you come here for the first time, you are naturally looking for a place to rest. Wait for the rest and then go to participate in the battle of the true gods.

"Youranju welcomes the arrival of seniors."

"It is an honour to serve the seniors. Youranju is the top ten quality service chain in Dongmu Shengcheng, which can provide one-stop service for the seniors' clothing, food, housing and transportation."

When Li Lingtian and Xiao Mengxuan came to a relatively quiet restaurant, six beautiful girl service maids immediately stepped forward to greet you, which made people feel a sense of superiority and conquered your first step from service.

Among them, a maid who spoke first introduced the restaurant as it was natural, concise and clear, but also polite, and it made people feel truly at home.

In this world, no matter which line is fiercely competitive, if you want to survive, there will be fierce competition.

The competition of restaurants is in the quality of service.

Because the restaurants receive are all strong men, and these strong men are grandfathers' ancestors. If the service is not good, it will affect the reputation of the restaurant. Everyone knows that these strong men are connected with each other.

These maidservants naturally had sharp eyes, and when they saw Li Lingtian's dashing temperament, they knew that he was a remarkable character.

"Give this house a separate courtyard with two bedrooms."

"Arrange the veterinary car to go to the Celestial Business Alliance."

Li Lingtian took Xiao Mengxuan directly towards the restaurant, and then said lightly.

By the time he finished speaking, the headed maid had finished recording.

Seeing Li Lingtian's Lingjing card, he quickly took a crystal ball from the counter of the restaurant. After entering some information on the crystal ball, he sent the crystal ball to Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian shook the Lingjing card on the crystal ball, and the crystal ball suddenly emitted a flood of light, and Hongguang swept across the Lingjing card.

"You are consuming 1,888 superb spirit stones."

On the crystal ball, a crisp reminder sounded, indicating that the crystal ball had deducted his 1,888 superb spirit stones. At the same time, Li Lingtian's spiritual crystal card also showed a deduction of 1,888. A top grade spirit stone, and the balance above.

"Senior, this is a three-day deposit."

"If the senior leaves the Youranju in advance, youranju will return the remaining spirit stones to the senior's spirit crystal card."

The head maid said politely, whether Li Lingtian knew it or not, she would prompt the introduction at the first time, so as not to cause some unpleasant, this is what she must do for the most leisurely housemaid.

Then, the head maid asked one of the maids to take the room that Li Lingtian had reserved.

"Senior, are you satisfied with this room."

The maid took Li Lingtian to the front of the room~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian looked aside in the room, two bedrooms, and a small living room, practice room, which was fully furnished by the time.

The price is expensive, but it's worth it. Eighteen eighty-eight Needling Spirit Stone, a three-day deposit, which means six hundred Needling Spirit Stone every day. Six hundred excellent spirit stones are equivalent to one year's welfare for the maid of Emperor Wu.

"Not bad."

Li Lingtian nodded, although it can not be said that it is good value for money, but it is also very good.

You know, this is one of the top ten restaurants in Dongmu Shengcheng.

When he spoke, his mind moved, and ten excellent spirit stones were handed to the maid, which was considered a reward.

"Thank you senior."

The maid was rewarded, her face was all excited, and she quickly thanked Li Lingtian.

Ten rewards of superb spirit stones were rewarded all at once. Here, she is definitely a rare thing.


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