War God Supreme

Chapter 2037: Golden Spirit Crystal Card

"The Golden Spirit Crystal Card, a symbol of identity, it really is."

"Just eat, drink, and live, there are treasures, immortals, medicinal materials, materials, and everything for the strong. You can view them in the Golden Spirit Crystal Card. If you don't have them in the Celestial Business Alliance, you can also issue a reward."

"It seems that I want to sell all the kung fu and supernatural powers."

After Li Lingtian returned to the leisurely residence, the consciousness moved, and the golden spirit crystal card associated with the golden elemental **** appeared in the hand, and then carefully looked at the functions inside the golden spirit crystal card carefully.

It can be said that this Lingjing card is specially for the super strong.

Only a strong person above the Divine Lord can have 10 billion spirit stones, or some super lineages and clan, as well as Holy Realm Lord and some transcendental existence.

These gods, gods, masters and powerful people, ten billion spirit stones are nothing.

For these strong men, they can be allowed to save the spirit stone in the Celestial Business Alliance. Naturally, they must give these strong men some meticulous care. It can be said that all the trivial matters of these strong men have been solved, and these strong men are also above all. A sense of respect.

The king, the god, the master and the strong, every transaction, every few millions of tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of hundreds of millions, is definitely the largest customer group of the Celestial Business Alliance.

Besides, it is normal for people under the Celestial Business League to serve these powerful people.

More importantly, in this way, basically most of the strong will trade with the Celestial Business Alliance.

One is the credibility of the Celestial Business Alliance, the second is the strength of the Celestial Business Alliance, and the third is the status of the Celestial Business Alliance.

This Spirit Crystal Card can be used as long as it has something immortal.

In other words, it can be used wherever there is air.

Moreover, the Spirit Crystal Card is not limited to the Celestial Business Alliance. All major business firms in the Celestial Realm use this Spirit Crystal Card.

The items under the Celestial Business Alliance are the most fair prices, and the items are also the most complete.

In the next few days, Li Lingtian sold the magical powers in the main space ring of the Celestial Realm, as well as some of his own treasures and some things that he could not use.

But he did not sell it to a shop, nor did he sell it to the Celestial Business League.

In just a few days, some of the magical powers and magical powers in the main space ring of the Celestial Realm were sold, and all the things that could not be used were solved.

He despised the exercises and magical powers, but for other strong men, it can be said to be a peerless treasure.

Inside his Spirit Crystal Card, there are more than six billion billion Needling Spirit Stones.

Now, besides the treasures and elixir, herbs and materials he uses, there is no other thing. Some are only spirit stones. His net worth, even some gods and gods, may not be comparable to him.

Li Lingtian took Xiao Mengxuan directly to the Dongmu Shengjing branch of the Celestial Business League, and obtained a purple spirit crystal card for Xiao Mengxuan. With the distinguished guests of Li Lingtian supreme level, it is not a sentence to apply for a spirit crystal card for the following disciples. thing.

With this purple spirit crystal card, Li Lingtian transferred one million top-grade spirit stones to Xiao Mengxuan. These spirit stones are definitely a great gift for a Wu Emperor.

Dongmu Holy City, more and more powerful.

Because Dongmu Shengjing is about to start the battle of the true gods in a large area.

Regarding the true **** powerhouses in large areas, each area selects one hundred true **** powerhouses to participate in the true **** war.

Therefore, countless super powers are coming to the holy city of Dongmu. Each power, accompanied by a family, or accompanied by a sect, comes to cheer for the representatives of their sect.

This is also an opportunity for the strong to become famous in Dongmu Shengjing.

For a time, the restaurant of Dongmu Shengcheng Inn was overcrowded.

However, Li Lingtian retreated from his leisurely room and took Xiao Mengxuan towards the center of Dongmu Shengcheng, because today is the last day to participate in the report of the True God War. If you miss it, you will give up.

The report is in Dongmu Square, the largest city in Dongmu Holy City.

The whole Dongmu Square is a hundred miles long and a hundred miles wide. The square is made of white jade, which looks extremely luxurious. There are countless huge pillars on the square. Each pillar is a magical formation. If you want to shake this pillar, even the true God who is fully consummated will not think about it.

On this day, there are countless strong people gathered on the square. The strong people who can come here are basically monks above the God of War, and more of them are true God strong people.

Above a step on the east side of the square is the place where the powerful players who participated in the war of true gods reported.

As long as there are real gods who have participated in the quota, where should they go to report, if they do not report, it is considered to give up the war of the true god.

Today is the last day of the report and the first day of the war. The report ends at noon, and the afternoon war is the beginning.

"It's the last hour of the report. All the things that should come are coming. No one should report it."

The messenger in charge of reporting at Dongmu Temple looked at the time and said lightly.

It is only two hours away from the war, and only one hour from the end of the report. No one should report it.

"Roughly the same."

"There are a total of 900 places in the nine major regions. Yesterday, there were already 899 places, only one difference."

"It's a pity that powerhouses in that area didn't give up this quota."

Another messenger replied that the registration was actually just a few days ago, but occasionally some strong men were delayed in the middle, so they came a little late, but they would not give up.

It is only one hour before the end of the report. The last place should not come.

However, just after the words of the two messengers fell, a young man came to the front.

"Qingyuezong, Li Lingtian."

"Come and join the battle of the true gods."

Li Lingtian looked at the messengers of the two temples, both of whom were the median true gods.

Without hesitation, he said flatly.

"Qingyuezong Li Lingtian? It's Li Lingtian who was in the top 100 in the Qingluo Xianhai.

Hearing the name of Li Lingtian, the two messengers couldn't help but say at the same time.

There are a lot of people knowing what happened in Qinghai Xianhai, and Li Lingtian's things have also been spreading, and I did not expect it to be really a median true god.

It was the last place to report.

"Not bad."

Li Lingtian said lightly.

"Qingluo Xianhai is in the Qingbo Hall of the post, you can go there to rest."

"However, the war will begin in an hour, so be prepared. Don't miss it."

One of the envoys recorded the information about Li Lingtian’s arrival, and all 900 places were available.

Immediately, the messenger asked Li Lingtian to go to the Qingbo Hall of the post not far from the square.

In the nine major areas, there is a post in the Dongmu Holy City. It is generally important that the strongmen from all major areas will rest in the post. This place is safe and suitable for cultivation. More importantly, this place is completely free.

The Qingbo Temple is one thousand meters long and five hundred meters wide. It has 128 pavilions built in it. The pavilions are very elegant, and each pavilion has a defensive formation.

Generally suitable, this place is idle, there are special people to clean up.

It is not necessary for almost a few years or decades. Occasionally, a strong man in the Qinghai Xianhai comes to live here.

However, only those under the top 100 clan families can live here.

"Did Li Ling really have an accident?"

"According to the truth, even if he is injured, he can escape."

At the center of the Qingbo Hall pavilion, there are a total of two hundred strong men, half of these strong men are participating in the war of true gods, that is, the top one hundred strong men in the Qingluo Xianhai, and the other are the top one hundred ancestors. The elders or elders of the door family.

Don't look at the fierce competition between the Qingluo Xianhai, but when it comes to things, they are all clinging together.

In Dongmu Shengjing, the nine regions are the weakest in Qingluo Xianhai, so weak that they can be ignored.

If you don’t want to be bullied, you can only form a group when facing foreign enemies.

Now, the powerhouses from the nine major regions have arrived, competing for the top 200. There is basically no drama in Qingluo Xianhai. This was the case before, and it is still the same, but Qingluo Xianhai appeared a surprise during the ranking battle. A brilliant genius.

But did not expect this genius to resist the monster at the critical moment, give hundreds of thousands of strong monks time to escape, and finally seriously injured, and finally disappeared into the fairy sea with the monster.

The time of the report passed day by day, and it is now the last day and the last hour. I still haven't seen Li Lingtian's figure, and I suspect that Li Lingtian has happened.

"Qingluo Xianhai, in front of the other eight regions, can't lift their heads."

"If Li Lingtian can participate, maybe he will be able to earn some face for Qingluo Xianhai."

Zhao Yuxiao said lightly that he might be a superpower in the Qinglu Xianhai, but in the whole Dongmu Holy Realm, he did not have much confidence, because other regions participated in the war of the true gods, almost The true God is fully consummated.

The Dongmu Shengjing is surrounded by the Qinglu Xianhai, and it is the same in other areas. If the Dongmu Shengjing meets foreign enemies, the entire Dongmu Shengjing strong will also form a group, which is a human characteristic.

"This time, it depends on the three of you."

"As for us, basically there is cannon fodder."

"It's not enough to be able to enter the top two hundred with three people~www.wuxiaspot.com~"

"Yeah, there is hope for the three of you."

"In other regions, there are a lot of true gods, and even the upper true gods are the top of the top."


In the Qingluo Xianhai, the high-level true **** strongman can be regarded as the dominant party, either the sect or the celestial prince in the family, but at this time, they are not sure. , Because he is basically facing the completeness of the true **** and the top-level true god.

At this time, a slight wave appeared on the defense of the Qingbo Temple, like a wave of microwaves appearing in a calm lake.

Many strong men could not help looking at the entrance of Qingbo Temple. Everyone's face was puzzled. At this time, I don't know who came here, and they can also open the defense of Qingbo Temple.

However, when the entrance to the Qingbo Temple was opened, all the strong men showed surprise on their faces.


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