War God Supreme

Chapter 2043: Meet strong

"People are more angry than people. (Baidu search)"

"The strong man who can control the field is only 1 in 10,000, and he controls the three fields alone."

"Ice-fire dual system, ice-fire two fields."

"Go against the sky, it's too against the sky."

"The median true **** controls the realm, or three realms."

"The most terrifying thing is the dual system of ice and fire, which is compatible with ice and fire."

Countless powerful people are shocked, there is no way to not shock people.

You know, even in the realm of heaven, it is extremely difficult to control the field. It can be said that it is a 1 in 10,000 opportunity.

The attributes of cultivation are also supplementary or supplementary, or they are single attributes.

And the young man in front of him had control over three areas.

The most terrifying thing is the simultaneous cultivation of the ice and fire dual system. The ice and fire systems are inherently incompatible, and the other party will merge the ice and fire to the extent of the field.

The power of ice and fire is unimaginable.


A shocking blast, the flames of flames from the flames bombarded and collided with Li Lingtian's frozen ice, and the frozen ice quickly broke.

But the power of the flame light group also quickly weakened, and even the flame light group lost to the frozen ice.

Because the flames and ice cold are not physical attacks, but attribute attacks, the **** amethyst ice is a treasure that can be condensed by the one-hundred-thousandth ice king, and the power of the sky is absolutely inside the ice system. Supreme exists.

Yan Wuji is the super powerhouse of True God's Great Consummation, but when he encounters the God King's items, he simply loses.

Just when the ice was about to be destroyed, Li Lingtian's flames of the burning sky crushed the past.


Yan Wuji spurted out his blood, and Dafentian's flames attacked and destroyed his flames.

The flames of Dafentian are suspended in front of him. Think about it. If the flames of Dafentian are crushed, he will be seriously injured even if he does not die.

"God King Amethyst Ice."

"Blazing flames."

"The deity recognizes the plant."

Yan Wuji's face was pale, and there was no way to compare it.

The other party's supernatural power is to restrain himself completely, and God King Amethyst Ice is his nemesis.

And the burning flames, he cultivated the fire department, naturally know that the burning flames are the flames of the last three days, the power is terrible, and it is simply not affordable by ordinary people.

Feeling the flames in front of him, Yan Wuji had to admit defeat.

He had just carelessly, if he knew that the other party had these means, he could use other magical powers, even if Li Lingtian's God King Zijing Bing and Dafentian Flame were no longer powerful, he could also defeat the other party.

But now I can only admit that I was unlucky.

After that, a storage bag was taken out, and the whole person disappeared instantly.

Li Lingtian looked at the storage bag and a smile appeared on his face.

Immediately the figure flashed, the whole person disappeared, and quickly flew away to the other party.

"Yan Wuji's move was defeated in seconds!"

"Yan Wuji is also a bad luck, born with a body of flame, the flaming supernatural power reached the peak and reached the extreme, and even met the strong hands of the dual field of ice and fire."

"He also caused it carelessly. If you are careful, the outcome will still be two words."

"It is true that Li Lingtian's realm of ice and fire is powerful, but the cultivation level is low."

"Yan Wuji failed."

"Li Lingtian points have reached 127."

"The fourth place is only 6 points away from the third place."

"Haha, even if he fails now, he still has 63 points, and the top ten is stable."

"What a terrible means, the two lines of ice and fire, the field of three lines!"

"Dongmu Shengjing, did not expect such a demon to appear."

Above the square, countless powerhouses were stunned, and the powerful fifth place Yan Wuji, was defeated in such a way.

However, some super powers and superpowers know that the reason for Yan Wuji's failure is mainly carelessness. The second is that Li Lingtian is too aggressive to control the methods of restraining Yan Wuji and killing Yan Wuji.

The attribute is powerful, and it is indeed against the sky.

But it can't be said that the attribute can definitely represent victory. If a Divine Monarch is in charge of the fire department, Li Lingtian can easily defeat Li Lingtian in seconds.

Because the other party's cultivation is high, cultivation is the key.

Cultivation as the realm is fundamental. If the realm is high, you can ignore the lower-level monks.

Magical means are nothing more than aids and skills.

Powerful means and supernatural powers can bring out the power more perfectly. It can only be said that it can better display the power of out of the state and cultivation.

"Brother Aofeng."

"It's not easy for you to fall into the fairy sea."

Hou Qingchen looked at the three proud Aofeng Shenjun, his face showing a faint smile, another deep meaning in the smile.

"Lord Light Dust has won the prize. This Li Lingtian was cultivated by himself."

"The talent is good. In the future, I hope you will carry one or two."

Aofeng Shenjun and Ziyuan Shenjun Blood Sword Shenjun, at this time, the three people naturally saw that Hou Qingchen's 100 million was deliberately pressed against the Beimingxiu three people, so that the three people took a gamble. It can be seen that Li Lingtian hopes to enter the top ten.

It can be said that Hou Qingchen specially pitted a few people in Beimingxiu.

Don't think about it, Hou Qingchen is the person of the temple, presided over this battle of the true gods, Li Lingtian's defeat of heaven, the temple has long known.

"Bei Mingxiu is not the top 100 now."

"Now it's the fourth place. Even if Li Lingtian met you Qingyuan, he still lost 63 points. If he loses in the top ten, he will lose 20 times, 16 billion. For the few of you, it's nothing. Right."

Ziyuan Shenjun said aloud, now, Li Lingtian is basically stable in the top ten.

This time, the three major schools made a lot of money, and the face was recovered.

The three of them were very excited, and the strong men of the Qingluo Xianhai were all excited.


"Dare you gamble again?"

Bei Mingxiu snorted a bit, and he did not expect such a super demon to appear in the Qingluo Xianhai, and he controlled the three-system domain and the dual-fire system.

"You have lost 16 billion."

"How do you plan to gamble?"

"Let's listen, and then say, betting and not betting are all our words."

Blood Sword Divine Monarch is in a good mood, and looks north to meditate.

The Beiling Mountain Range is powerful and unmatched, and it is the most powerful existence in Dongmu Shengjing.

Even if the three major sects join forces, they are not opponents of Beimingxiu Beiling Mountain Range. However, there is the Dongmu Temple, and the Beiling Mountain Range of Beimingxiu Mountain does not dare to chaos.

"Just bet your 16 billion."

"Between Li Lingtian and Qingyuan."

Bei Mingxiu looked coldly at the three great princes of the three major gates and said coldly.

His eyes were like a venomous snake, making people feel a chill.

"Sixteen billion?"

"Bet Li Lingtian and Qingyuan?"

Aofeng Shenjun was shocked, Li Lingtian was powerful, but Qingyuan was terrifying. In addition to the lack of dual-line attributes and dual-line fields, but all kinds of figures and supernatural powers were horrible and powerful.

Li Lingtian is also powerful, but lost to the realm, the two are almost three levels apart. Li Lingtian is only the median true god, and soon reached the median true god, and Qingyuan is already the peak of the great consummation of the true god. .

The realm between the two is so different that Qingyuan completely overwhelmed Li Lingtian.

Immediately, the three of them looked at each other and passed on the secret to discuss.

This is 16 billion.

"Okay, I bet 16 billion. If Li Lingtian loses, the last 16 billion will be even. If Li Lingtian wins, you will give us 32 billion."

"Thirty-two billion, you Beiling Mountain Range and Nanping Xianshan Mountain, you have to go bankrupt."

Soon, the three discussed and decided.

Anyway, they won 16 billion, even if Li Lingtian failed, they can use 16 billion to make up. There is no loss for their three major schools. If Li Lingtian defeats Qingyuan, Bei Mingxiu and others will come up with the first time. The total of 16 billion and 16 billion now is 32 billion.


"The top five must meet together."

"Haha, Han Wushuang, Bai Minghao, Qingyuan, Qian Yunfeng."

"The four most powerful encounters are together."

"Now Li Lingtian also flew in that direction, and the top five strong men touched together."

"I dare say that they will solve Li Lingtian first."

"The first time I encountered such a thing, a few super guys met together, and it was good to watch again."

On the screen, several light spots meet together, the position of the four light spots, and quickly know who these four people are.

Suddenly, the strongmen above Dongmu Square were shocked and excited.

Several of the most terrifying powerhouses met together, and the final hour of the war was definitely terrible.




As time went by quickly, Li Lingtian killed him all the way.

In the face of the strong, it is defeated. In front of the **** king Amethyst Ice and Dafentian flames, as well as the dual system realm, no one can resist it. In front of Li Lingtian, the true God is completely weak and weak.

There are more and more crystal **** on the body, and the points are getting higher and higher.


At this time, Li Lingtian's face showed a surprised look.

In God's consciousness, around 50,000 miles, four powerful breaths are gathered together~www.wuxiaspot.com~The four powerful breaths are separated by only three or four hundred miles. There is no slight movement in the four breaths.

Found this situation, Li Lingtian did not need to think about it and knew that there were four super strong men met together.

Moreover, the cultivation skills of the four are almost the same, and they dare not rush into it.

If two strong men meet together, it will definitely be inevitable in the war, but the four super strong men will not dare to do it first, because if they do, they might be attacked by other strong men.

After sensing four powerful breaths, Li Lingtian’s consciousness flashed quickly without any hesitation.

In a moment of kung fu, Li Lingtian saw that the four super true **** consummates were stalemate. The four of them had their own side, and they did not start, but were waiting for opportunities.

Because the strength of these four people is similar, the most powerful Qingyuan, Han Wushuang and Qian Yunfeng Bai Minghao.

The four strongest players who competed in the top three met together, so that the four would not dare to mess up. Whoever is the first to attack will be attacked by the other three. Even the most powerful Qingyuan is not sure. Instantly defeat three opponents.

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