War God Supreme

Chapter 2077: Find the door

c_t; It has been almost three years since the opening of the Gale Canyon. Read the full text of the latest chapter: Please search for the most complete! The fastest updating novel

At that time, half of the holy realms of the Xuanyue Sanctuary, each of which had two hundred true gods of the Great Perfection super genius entered into it, and even a few genius disciples of hidden powers entered into it.

All the powerful people who entered inside are super geniuses of the True God Great Consummation.

Only Dongmu Holy Land and Southern Extinct Holy Land are the weakest.

However, entering the gale gorge, it is a life of nine deaths, want to come out, not only by strength, but also by luck.

Nine deaths and one life is just a conservative statement.

Three years are about to pass, and a dozen or so powerful leaders in the Holy Land have been waiting near the Gale Canyon.

For the powerful, the three-year period is just a matter of time.

These strong men are here to protect the safety of the strong men who come out from the time, so that the treasures of these talented strong men will not be taken away by other strong men in the Holy Land.

"Three years have passed, and what should come out is coming out today."

"I don't know how much can get out of Gale Canyon this time."

Nanyue Shenjun, led by Nanjie Shengjing, said with a look of anticipation on his face.

A lot of materials for alchemy and refining are treasured. These materials can be found in the unnamed world below the Gale Canyon. If there can be disciples of the Southern Extinction Realm come out with some treasures and materials, the strength of the Southern Extinction Realm will increase. Some more.

The True God is fully consummated, but it is not an ordinary disciple, but a transcendent True God Strong. As long as he can come out, he can basically bring back a lot of materials.

However, in the past, there were several holy places to enter. Even before, only the strong men of the two holy places of Dongmu and Nanmei had entered. This time, there were eighteen holy places and six other places. Super powerhouse.

The Dongmu Shengjing is at the bottom, basically there is no entry and exit, and the Nanmu Shengjing is not much better.

But even so, Dongmu Shengjing and Nanmei Shengjing put great expectations in the Gale Canyon.

"Brother Nanyue, Gale Canyon is not so good to be'mixed'."

"It seems that Brother Nan Yue is very sure this time?"

There is a smile on the face of the Dragon Cloud God of Qilian Holy Realm. The power of Qilian Holy Realm is considered to be a powerful Holy Realm among the 37 Holy Realms of Xuanyue Sanctuary. It is not comparable to the Southern Extinct Holy Realm. .

Longyun Shenjun naturally looked down on the divine sanctuaries of Dongmu Shengjing and Nanmei Shengjing.

"Haha, there are only one or two people coming out of Dongmu Shengjing each time, and no one came out this time. I read the latest chapter"

"I thunder holy realm, the most people come out every time, maybe there will be a god, haha."

The Thunder King Realm Lieyang Divine King laughed loudly. The Thunder King Realm and the Giant Whale King Realm, in the Xuanyue Sanctuary, but the top three Super Sacred Realms, powerful and unmatched, entered the Gale Canyon several times, Every time you get the most treasures and materials, the strongest come out the most.

"The strength of Dongmu Shengjing is still a bit weak."

"It's amazing to be able to come out one or two."

"I don't know if the super genius I did can come out."

Ouyang Jinnan, the sacred king of the Water Spirit Holy Land, also laughed. In this world, he is stronger than people. Although the Gale Canyon is the Dongmu Holy Land and the Southern Extinct Holy Land, the Dongmu Holy Land and the Southern Extinct Holy Land. It's very weak, anyone can step on it.


At this moment, there was a burst of noise in the air, and the ruined wind of the gale gorge rose into the sky.

Majestic, the whole crack of the fairy mountain trembles and shakes, just like the general doomsday reads;.

"It's coming out."

"Haha, three years have passed."

"The teleport is on, everyone is quieter."


The scene in the air is the sign before the closing of the Gale Canyon three years later. Similarly, this is also the opening of the strongman's transmission channel in the Gale Canyon. If it does not come out before the Gale Canyon closes, it will never be able to come out.

For a time, all the gods and kings were looking forward with their expectation.




In the blink of an eye, a vortex black ‘hole’ appeared in the endless wind in the gale gorge.

Strong one by one came out of this black ‘hole’.

One, two, three.

Four, five...

Ninety-seven strong men came out of the black ‘hole’, and finally flew ‘shoot’ toward the sacred and powerful man of his holy realm.

With the appearance of the people in the Gale Canyon, the expression on the faces of the powerful saints became dignified and ugly.

Thunder holy land, giant whale holy land, green "Jade" holy land, the holy land with the most opportunities, only two or three people come out, but the most promising people come out.

"Haha, haha."

"good very good."

Pingdong Lake in Dongmu Shengjing, watching the number of people coming out of Dongmu Shengjing reached twelve, suddenly excited on the face, laughing out loud, this is the first time that Dongmu Shengjing comes out with so many people .

However, there are few super powers such as Thunder Holy Land.

This time the Gale Canyon is harvested, Dongmu Shengjing is the largest.

With the passage of time, the black ‘holes’ in the gale gorge disappeared, and the forces of Thunder Sanctuary, the **** ‘color’ on the face of the Divine Monarch and the Powerful was ugly, because no more powerful people came out.

Li Lingtian, Qingyuan and others came to the spaceship where Pingdong Lake was located.

The other strong men also returned to their holy realm **** strong men.

A strong man in Thunder's Holy Realm passed on the sound to the Flame Lord. I saw that the god'Face' on the face of the Flame Lord was unsightly. His sharp eyes looked at Dongmu Shengjing.

The cold eyes of King Fengting, who is in the Great Whale Holy Land, also looked at Dongmu Holy Realm. His eyes seemed to penetrate Li Lingtian's mind.

"This time, Gale Canyon's treasure hunt is over."

"This is Dongmu Shengjing and Nanmei Shengjing."

"Everyone hurries to leave here, so as not to cause misunderstandings."

Pingdong Lake is the most exciting. Eighteen sanctuaries and six super strongmen, the most powerful came back from Dongmu Shengjing, and Li Lingtian is the lowest genius.

This time, invisible slapped in the other holy realm.

At this time, he may take these talented strongmen back to the temple to see how many precious treasures these talented strongmen got.

At the same time, he has also passed the information back here, and the Lord has known the things here.



The flaming prince of Thunder Sanctuary and the Fengting prince of Great Whale Sanctuary shouted at the same time. The **** ‘color’ on his face was extremely cold, and a terrible spirit erupted from his body. His eyes were like eating people.

This situation makes all the powerful in the Holy Land puzzled.

However, the strong man who came back from the unknown world knew why.

"Spirit Sovereign, Sovereign Fengting, what's the matter with the two?"

"Are you going to my holy city of Dongmu?"

The god'color' on Pingdong Lake's face became cold. Although all the holy realms looked down on Dongmu's holy realm, he was a holy guardian in the holy realm, and his status was transcendent, but it was not a read that ordinary gods could compare; .

"Pingdonghu, this matter has nothing to do with you."

"Lun Zun is looking for Li Lingtian."

"Yes, the deity has something to find Li Lingtian."

The icy voice of the flame prince sounded and directly put aside Pingdong Lake, because Pingdong Lake is the holy guard of Dongmu Holy Realm, representing the Dongmu Holy Realm, he dare not fight against a Holy Realm.

Immediately, Fengting Shenjun also opened his eyes and looked at Li Lingtian.

"Flame, Fengting, pass it."

"Li Lingtian is my first genius in Dongmu Shengjing. When I came out of the Gale Canyon this time, wouldn't I want to rob him of the treasures in his face?"

Pingdong Lake was shocked, but did not expect the two old guys to target Li Lingtian at Dongmu Shengjing.

It seems that Li Lingtian has hatred against them, but Li Lingtian and these two old guys haven't been entangled. Certainly, there will be no hatred. Besides, how can a median true **** be ugly with God.

Suddenly thought that the two old guys would rob Li Lingtian of the treasures and materials.

As he spoke, his body flashed forward, blocking the twelve true gods.

As the leader of the team this time, it was easy to get out a few talented strongmen from that inside. Those were the treasures of Dongmu Shengjing. He didn't want people to destroy them in front of him.

"Li Lingtian, at the teleportation point, I killed the Throne King Thunder Realm."

"In the last few days, everyone gathered at the teleportation point, and Li Lingtian killed the great king of my whale sanctuary."

The flaming princes and the Fengting princes were so ugly on their faces that they said coldly.

The words of the two men fell, and the super gods and kings who led the sacred realms were all surprised. They didn’t believe the words of the two kings. How could a super **** really kill two kings at the teleportation point? It’s too fake.

At the teleportation point, basically, it is not allowed to kill the strong.

Because the strong men who return to the teleport point basically have a lot of gains, and have experienced countless experiences.

Not to mention the killing of the gods, even the strongmen of the same rank would not dare to do it, because countless strongmen gathered together, and if they do, the victory and defeat will be treated as a canary, and be attacked and killed by other strongmen.

"The upper true **** destroys two princes?"

"This upper true **** is the first genius of Dongmu Shengjing."

"It was the first true **** at the beginning of the first day. Even if it broke through to the true god, would it be possible to kill the **** in three years?"

"Destroy the King Power at the teleport?"

"Haha, this joke is too big."

"Flame, Fengting, the joke between the two is not funny."

Suddenly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ All the princes and powerful men were shocked and immediately smiled, obviously an excuse, but this excuse is too fake, it is simply impossible.

"Two people, something is coming to the deity."

"Don't make these low-level excuses, the plane is so funny."

Pingdonghu did not look at Li Lingtian because he knew it was an excuse.

Li Lingtian, who has just broken through to the upper true god, has not yet completely stabilized his realm. How can he start to fight two monarchs at the teleportation point, even if he is looking for death, it is impossible to find the monarch at the teleportation point.

"Pingdonghu, you just ask Li Lingtian to know."

The Flame Lord looked at all the strong men and thought he was looking for excuses for the trouble of Dongmu Holy Realm, and he was very anxious in his heart. He did not want to believe it, but this message was said by the disciples under the Great Whale Holy Land and Thunder Holy Land, I believe that the geniuses of a few true gods will not be so stupid as to come to death, and these strong gods also said that all the true gods present saw them with their own eyes.


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