War God Supreme

Chapter 2083: 5 years of harvest

c_t; "This gold'color' spirit crystal card now contains ten billion spirit stones. []. For more latest chapter visit: ww."

"Ten billion spirit stones, in heaven, is already equivalent to the net worth of a super **** and strong man."

"There are a lot of functions in it, if you need anything, you can buy it directly."

After leaving the Celestial Business League, Li Lingtian took Tang Zimeng and others to find a restaurant and ordered some dishes in the restaurant. Several people tasted the food. Li Lingtian introduced Tang Zimeng and others to the gold ‘color’ spirit card.

In fact, this Lingjing card has been studied in the hands of Tang Zimeng.

"We don't lack anything."

"Kung Fu, we have top-level scripture levels."

"There is an innate treasure in the outbreak. Isn't it a "medicine"? Isn't Brother Ling Tian able to refine it? Spirit Stone is basically not needed."

Xuanyuan Yingying said, Tian Tian followed Li Lingtian together, the resources of cultivation Li Lingtian had been solved, and they didn’t need them to ‘fuck’ at all, and Lingshi didn’t have much use in their hands.

"However, there are a lot of fun in the Lingjing card."

"Spirit stones can also be purchased at will."

Tang Zimeng gave a small mouth and said.

She knows that Li Lingtian is rich in wealth. Ten billion spirit stones are an astronomical figure for Shenjun, but for him Li Lingtian is nothing.

They don't know the situation of Dongmu Holy Realm. In Dongmu Holy Realm, there can never be more than three billion spirit stones, but how terrible this ten billion spirit stone is.

"You now, the most important thing is to improve cultivation, and strive to break through to the real **** realm."

"After reaching the true divine realm, use the good elixir, and the cultivation base will rise straight, and then you will have the ability to protect yourself."

Li Lingtian said while enjoying the delicacies.

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, several people in Tianyue Palace nodded.

No matter when and where, strength is the most important thing.


"The Five Elements World is more integrated."

"The power of my multicolored light shield has been doubled. If my field improves, there is hope that the five-element world will be used as a defense."

Time, day by day, Li Lingtian also concentrated on cultivating in the ‘dong’ house.

In five years, Li Lingtian's five-element world has also gained a lot. The defense of the multicolored light shield is twice as strong. Now such a defense, even if the next **** lord makes a full blow, he may not be able to break his multicolored light shield.

These are the achievements of the Five Elements World. (

However, his starry sky is incomparable, and he has already entered the "door", and the power of the star finger has reached the peak power.

The more he practiced the starry sky, the more magical and powerful he felt.

Not only can the starry sky improve the power of stars, but it can also greatly improve the path of the stars. More importantly, there are many mysteries in the starry sky. These mysteries are unknown to Li Lingtian and cannot be found now. reads;.

"The light of the stars."

"This is the second most terrifying magical power in Starry Sky."

"But the star power spent is ten times more terrifying than the star finger."

"With my current cultivation strength and the power of stars in my body, I can only cast the light of stars once."

Li Lingtian's face was "exposed" with an excited look, which was his biggest gain in the past five years. The stars refer to how horrible, he knows best, it is a kind of destruction, and the previous stars refer to only some skins. ', now the stars refer to the peak, the power is even more shocking.

What's more, now that the light of the stars has been realized from the starry sky, a trick is displayed, a dazzling light that is 100 meters wide and thousands of miles long, like a galaxy. This trick can cut off any magical power of the strong. , Destroying the treasures of the powerful, even the gods and powerfuls will have a second kill.

This trick is the most magical and terrifying killer.

It is even stronger than his four-nine annihilation sword array, and when this trick is put into effect, it is completely hand in hand.

Destructive attacks, powerful defenses, this is a terrifying combination.

In addition, the understanding and cultivation of "Control" has been greatly improved, and his **** soul sword has reached a trembling point. Now with the **** soul sword, a **** soul sword can instantly kill the next god.

In the past five years, with concentration on cultivation, the upper true **** has reached a peak.

The horror of strength has changed dramatically for the whole person.

In front of him, there was a look, and even the strong man of God must feel trembling. This is strength, and it is the magic of "Control".

In five years, Tang Zimeng's five "females" have also reached the true **** from the demigod realm, and the power has undergone a tremendous change. In the demigod's time, he has been stuck for three hundred years.

In five years, Li Lingtian sold all the ancient gods and beasts he got from the unnamed world last time. Nearly three hundred powerful ancient gods and beasts also made Li Lingtian’s gold “color” spirit crystal card have billions of spirit stone reads; .

Spirit Stone, for Li Lingtian, was originally nothing, but when he saw that a Chinese-class ancient-class flying warship needed 100 billion spirit stones, the whole person was shocked.

God-class flying warships cannot be bought by ordinary gods and strongmen, not to mention ancient-class flying warships.

Flying warships are divided into: God level, ancient level, congenital level, and treasure level. Each level of flight warships is divided into: inferior, medium, superior and unique.

God-class flying warships have 1 million inferior products, 10 million in medium products, 100 million in top products, and 1 billion in unique products.

Ancient-class flying warships: 10 billion inferior products, 100 billion in medium products, 1 trillion in top products, and 10 trillion in unique products.

These prices are the lowest standards, and fluctuate greatly. The better the equipment of the flying warship, the greater the power, the higher the price. The better the flying warships are, they are often priceless.

Although the price is expensive, the speed is extremely fast, and the defense against attacks is even more terrifying.

It is said that the god-class flying warship can destroy the god-class strong warrior, the powerful god-class flying warship can even threaten the god-class strong warrior, and the ancient-class flying warship is even more terrifying.

In ancient-class flying warships, the God King and Strong can destroy, and the God Master and Strong can not be shaken.

It can be said that the flying warship is a combined treasure. Attack, defense, and flying are all realized on the flying warship.

Now I have 200 billion spirit stones, but I can only buy a Chinese-class ancient warship.

Therefore, you need to earn spirit stones fiercely, buy a more powerful flying warship, and quickly improve your cultivation.


Li Lingtian stood up with a confident smile on his face.

Now, he is naturally qualified to be so confident. He is the pinnacle of the true God. He is in control of various means and supernatural powers. He is in control of magical treasures and wealth. True God is no longer his enemy.

After several years of advancement, you should show your strengths to reads;.

Leave the practice room and walk outside.

"Young Master, have you practiced?"

"There was news in the temple two days ago that you can go to the temple as soon as possible."

"We see you are practicing, so we didn't bother you."

When Tianyuegong saw Li Lingtian, his face suddenly appeared "exposed" with joy.

Now she is already the next true god, and the whole person looks even more stable and beautiful.

"It should be the place to return to the ruins."

"No hurry, no hurry."

Li Lingtian has a smile on his face. Now five years have passed. It is time for Taiyue Shenting to recruit super geniuses once every 5,000 years. However, if he wants to enter the Shenting, he hopes to be small. Only the top 400 in the strong can enter Taiyue Shenting.

Although he Li Lingtian was unmatched in Dongmu's holy realm, but in the entire Taiyue Shenting, it was nothing, the chance was very small, and the temple was only seizing a little opportunity.

"I don't know where is the place to return to the market to participate in the competition?"

"Little Brother, you definitely have the opportunity to participate. If you cannot enter Taiyue Holy Court in Dongmu Holy Realm, no one in Dongmu Holy Realm will be able to enter Taiyue Holy Court."

"Looking at how happy the younger brother is, I believe that I have made a lot of progress in the past five years."

The Master of Tianyue Palace said with a smile, looking at Li Lingtian with a tender ‘color’.

My little brother, I also like it tightly, but the things of the two people should also be natural. Besides, being able to follow Li Lingtian is also satisfying.

"The one who knows me, the master sister."

"During this time, my strength has improved by one grade."

Li Lingtian walked to the front of Tianyue Palace, and the faint fragrance of Tianyue Palace passed into his nose.

This ‘female’ body fragrance made Li Lingtian feel comfortable for a while. He could not help but move closer, deliberately sniffing, and it looks a little exaggerated.

"It's getting worse."

The Master of Tianyue Palace took a step back and twitched Li Lingtian.

But I was very happy and I was looking forward to it.

"Oh, what about Mengmeng and Yingying?"

Li Lingtian glanced inside the "Dong" Mansion, and did not find Tang Zimeng and Xuanyuan Yingying. They were immediately curious. Under normal circumstances, several "female" children were practicing and rarely left the "Dong" Mansion.

This time when I came out, I saw the owner of Tianyue Palace alone.

"Several of them, went out to play."

"I don't want to go out and just stay in the "dong" house to practice."

"Are you going to the temple now?"

The owner of Tianyue Palace looked at Li Lingtian curiously~www.wuxiaspot.com~People beside Li Lingtian, Bei Mingxue, Xiaobai, Tianyue Gongzhu, Wang Xiaoman like to wear white'color' clothes, white'color' The clothes look holy and noble.

"Wait a minute."

"I will go to the temple after Mengmeng and Xiaobai come back."

"Anyway, the contest to return to the ruins is not in these two days."

Li Lingtian said, it is said that it took a long time to enter the land of return to the ruins. For such a long time, he had to make some arrangements. He did not want Tang Zimeng and others to be threatened outside.

Moreover, he does not know where the ruins are, but what is certain is that the ruins of the ruins are definitely not in the holy land of Dongmu, or even in the sanctuary of Xuanyue.

It should be not far from Taiyue Shenting. In this way, those who participated in the contest must leave the Dongmu Shengjing to go to the place of the ruins in advance.


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