War God Supreme

Chapter 2092: The land of ruins

c_t; Boom!




One hundred and eight consecutive explosions followed, and the whole earth trembled. Read the full text of the latest chapter. Update quickly.

Li Lingtian and others walked out of Dongmu Shengjing's residence and looked at the center of the campus.

I saw eleven super powers appeared in the center of the school grounds, eleven super powers formed a circle of a hundred miles in size, and everyone exuded a terrifying atmosphere.

Although separated by thousands of miles, Li Lingtian was able to feel the horror of divinity. In front of this divinity, he did not even have the power to resist.

The true god, although it is also a god, is an ordinary true god, not even a god.

However, the strong in the distance, that is the real deity, giving people a look up.

All the true **** strong can’t help but worship, even the **** ‘Jade’ Mountain and other **** strong men, the face ‘color’ is pale, there is no slight resistance in front of this terrifying divinity.

This is still the ‘wave’ of the might of the eleven strong men who inadvertently emanated from it. If the might of the eleven strong men is directed against any divine monarch and true god, the true **** and divine lord are directly crushed and destroyed by that divine might.

"God is strong!"

"God Lord is strong!"

"Ten **** kings, one **** master."

Teachers such as'Jade' Mountain and Wan Feiyang said excitedly.

They are gods and strong men, and they can naturally see each other's cultivation practices, ten **** kings, and one **** master.

The eleven people are all high spirits, the gods who glance at the world.

Hearing the exclamation of Master Yu Mountain and others, Li Lingtian's heart was boiling.

The first time I saw Divine King and Divine Lord, it really made people feel excited. The cultivation of Divine King and Divine Master is strength, then that is the real strongman, and he must become Divine King Divine Master in the future, even more powerful.

Seeing the strong master of God, I thought of the inheritance of the Holy Temple.

The owner of the Holy Temple is the Divine Lord, and is the Lord of Death and the Lord of Life. He must become the Divine Lord.

In my heart, I am excited, what is the true God, what is the Divine King, the Divine King and Divine Lord are the strong ones.



One hundred and eight powerful blasts, ten gods and kings quickly cast a decision, a mysterious token appeared in the hand, the token became larger, and it was ten meters in size.

Ten tokens formed a burst of eyes, and quickly turned up, and the heaven and earth immortal rushed towards this side quickly.

At this time, the **** master powerhouse suspended in the void, with endless flame divine power, fuse together the mysterious power of the ten tokens, and then one-handed.

In an instant, a hundred-mile ray of light rolled towards the ground.

All the strong men were hurried by this dazzling light to quickly protect their eyes with their hands. At this time, the ground appeared a shaking reads;.

A hundred-meter-sized gray "Mongolian" "Mongolian" beam of light connects heaven and earth together.

"Return to the ruins, open."

"Ten years of light are'yin' and are famous all over the world."

At this moment, a loud voice rang out, with a terrifying power of spread, spreading all over the world for hundreds of millions of miles, even the people in the Holy City could hear clearly.

In just a few words, tens of millions of super geniuses have been aroused.

It's like a ten-year cold window where no one asks, and once became famous all over the world.

The hardest practice in the past was to be famous in your own holy land, but here, ten years after returning to the ruins, you can let the world know your existence, the premise is to become the top ten thousand.

It can be said that the place to return to the ruins is the examination room for the genius strong.


The high voice fell, and tens of millions of super geniuses flew into the beam of light into the beam of light, and disappeared into the beam of light. The beam of light of a hundred miles in size was like an endless black hole. Swallowed by the super powers.

More than 40 million super geniuses have continuously entered the beam of light and finally sent it inside.

Ten **** king strong men and one **** master strong man stabilized the beam of light, watching batches of super geniuses enter the ruins of the ruins.

After a few minutes of kung fu, the strongmen of all the holy places on the school ground entered the beam of light and disappeared. The teacher'Yu' mountain towards Li Lingtian and others handed a face'color'. Suddenly, Li Lingtian and others turned into light and shadow flying towards the beam of light 'Shot' away.

Entering the beam of light, Li Lingtian only felt a mysterious breath glance at his body, and finally the tokens merged with this breath. The whole process took an instant effort. After Li Lingtian reacted, he had entered an endless space-time channel.

The time loss of the space-time channel is extremely fast. Every second is equivalent to a hundred years of outside time or even faster. Feeling the rapid loss of time, Li Lingtian was shocked. If this continues, it will only take tens of seconds. It will be completely lost and finally die in the space-time channel.

However, the entire transmission process takes only three seconds.

Three seconds later, Li Lingtian entered the endless airflow, the airflow was terrifying, just like the endless wind, one accidentally would be destroyed by the airflow.

Although there is no time to lose, the current is terrifying.

To say that the space-time channel is a slow "sex" poison "drug", then this airflow is an anxious "sex" poison" drug, slow "sex" poison "drug" is absolutely let you destroy, urgent "sex" poison "drug" 'Can kill you instantly, if you are careful, if you have enough strength, you will not be killed.

For a few minutes, Li Lingtian was thrown out by the airflow.

When it reappeared, it was already on a barren ground, the space was calm, the blazing sun, the stars, and the moon, everything was normal.

The rich fairy spirit is very comfortable, but this place always gives people a dangerous threat, and makes you feel a little uneasy in your heart, just like following you all the time.

"It really is a dangerous place."

"When you come in, the space-time channel is very dangerous, and the airflow is also very dangerous."

Li Lingtian was shocked and stood on the ground, talking to himself.

Just come in, there are two dangers, the first danger is the loss of time in the space-time channel, that is nothing, because that is the loss of time in transmission.

But this airflow, the airflow is very scary, if the **** body is weak, one will fall into it accidentally.

Impressed, the token was taken out of the storage bag.

There is no change on the token, that is, there is no human within one million miles.

"East-west diameter is 18 trillion li, and north-south diameter is 33 trillion li."

"We came in to send randomly, I don't know where I am now."

Li Lingtian looked at the surrounding environment. Such a barren place didn't even know where it was. However, it can't be "random" now. If you enter the ancient **** beast, it will be troublesome.

"Try the Shenlong reads first."

Thinking of the Shenlong, Li Lingtian's face showed a smile.

More is the "color" of expectation. The flying warship purchased with 170 billion yuan has not yet tried its power and speed, and even the basic flight has not been tried.

Taking advantage of it now, you can just try the Shenlong.

It can also be said to check the Shenlong here. Although it was inspected in the Celestial Business Alliance, it was not used for real flight.

After speaking, the consciousness moved, and the space ring above the left hand opened.

Suddenly, there was a tremor of space, and the huge silver dragon was suspended in the air.

The visual impact, shocking mind, and sharp edges, like the mountains, can be cut off at once.

The strange shape disappeared, and when he appeared again, he had entered the flying warship, and when he moved, the flying warship automatically opened, and the flying warship issued a powerful and terrifying power.

"Speed: Level 1."

"Attack: Level 1, Prepare."

Shennian controls the Shenlong, with first-level speed preparation and first-level attack preparation.

Flying warships have four levels of attack and naturally have four levels of speed.

The speed of the first level is 3 million miles, the second level is 5 million miles, the third level is 10 million miles, and the fourth level is 20 million miles.

The four levels of attack, the first level kills the true god, the second level kills the **** king, the third level kills the next **** king, and the fourth level kills the Great Perfection King.

The speed can reach 20 million miles per hour in three seconds, but the attack has to absorb energy.

A level one attack requires one second to absorb energy, a level two attack requires one minute to absorb energy, a level three attack requires one hour to absorb energy, and a level four attack requires three hours to absorb energy.

In other words, it takes only one second to destroy the true God, and it will take a minute to prepare a powerful attack. If it is to kill the Divine King, it will take one minute to prepare. As for the Divine King, it will take more time to read;.

After everything is done, Li Lingtian has teleported away from the flying warship.

Came into the air, waved with one hand, and destroyed magical powers bombarded into the air.




Pieces of attack are constantly bombarded in the air, and the ground is also bombarded.

While bombarding the space and the earth, Li Lingtian paid attention to the changes of the space and the earth with his consciousness.

At the same time, the figure flickered, bombarding the space within a tens of thousands of miles to one side, and nothing changed. Li Lingtian was relieved to see such a situation.

He was worried that there was a forbidden air prohibition or some miraculous prohibitions in this ruined place, so he first tried it with an attack.

Found that there is nothing forbidden here, and I feel relieved.

With a smile on his face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The strange shape disappeared, and when it appeared again, he had entered the main control room of the Shenlong. When the thought was moved, the flying warship showed a first speed and turned into a meteor. Fly towards the void and shoot away.

Eighteen miles long, eight miles wide and one hundred meters high.

The huge thing looks bulky, but the speed and agility have reached a terrible level, and more importantly, the speed has reached a space where there will be no ‘waves’.

Flying in the air, there will be no space ‘wave’ movement.

The air and space are directly cut by the sharp edges of the Shenlong.

Sitting inside the Shenlong and looking at the scenery outside, the Shenlong can see everything within 500,000 miles, which is more powerful than Li Lingtian's consciousness.

Li Lingtian uses the Shenlong as if using his left and right hands to send and receive freely.

All ‘caught’ operations require only a single mindfulness. This is the strength of the Zhongpin ancient-class flying warship.


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