War God Supreme

Chapter 2107: 1 Sword Power


Li Lingtian left the world in chaotic time and space and left quickly. Please search (Product#书¥网) to see the most complete! The fastest updating novel

Now, he has been trapped for six years and has to take a good rest for a few days before taking action.

He didn't know that the place where he was trapped was the nine forbidden places that human strongmen said, but he really didn't want to meet again in such a horrible place. After all, he was not able to leave so lucky every time.

This is the place where time and space are disordered, and I am time and space eternal.

If there are other terrible places next time, how can I safely leave?



The five elements of the big move are displayed, and each teleport directly spans 50,000 miles.

In just ten minutes, I didn't know how many miles I had left. Finally, I smashed my head into a mountain range and found a more hidden canyon in the mountain range.

Impressed by the consciousness, the Shenlong appeared in front of him, and then cast a formation to hide the Shenlong.

His figure flashed, and Li Lingtian had entered the Shenlong.

When the formation method is turned on, the gorge becomes a mountain range, even if it is a peerless formation, it is impossible to find that this is a gorge instead of a mountain range.

"Although the time here is only six years, it is sixty years in the chaotic time and space."

"In sixty years, I haven't rested for a second, and I have a good rest for a few days."

After Li Lingtian put the Shenlong into invisible mode in the main control room, he entered the next room, lying halfway on the big bed, poured out a glass of fruit wine, and tasted it slowly.

After drinking a glass of fruit wine, I lay down and fell asleep. This sleep is five days.

After waking up, Shennian controlled the Shenlong to leave and started looking for a target.


"Calculate my points, there should be 110,000, and there are two years left to fight for another 20,000 points."

"In that case, my ranking will be higher."

"What is the top four hundred? What I need is the top one hundred."

Liu Qingfeng stood in front of a cliff with a confident smile on his face.

Entering the place of ruins for a few years. Except for encountering several super-terrorist opponents several times, everyone else was destroyed in his hands.

Relying on his cultivation strength, he went to the top ten in the first place, but after meeting several terrifying opponents, he did not have such great ambitions.

Because of the few horrible monsters, he almost didn't even have the chance to escape, and finally cast a secret technique to escape.

The land of ruins is so big. He will be able to meet a few characters who make him turn and escape, this time the super wicked genius list battle. There must be countless evildoers, certainly more powerful than myself. It is a good idea to fight for one hundred goals.

He was in Kitano Sacred Realm, but he was called the first day of super genius. If he could enter Taiyue Shenting and be trained by Taiyue Shenting, he would be able to fly into the sky.


"An opponent appeared."

"Hope don't let me down, kill you, anyway, let me increase 10,000 points."

Liu Qingfeng looked at the token in his hand. Red appeared on the token.

Seeing this situation, I was immediately excited.

In the land of return to the ruins, it is difficult to meet a strong human being. The encounters are basically ancient and ancient beasts, and the further back, the stronger the remaining strong. The more points you have.

Then the figure flashed, and the whole person disappeared into the air as a residual image.

A flying warship appeared in the air, and the flying warship quickly flew away into the distance.

The inferior God-class flying warship is extremely fast, reaching a speed of one million miles per hour, and the most powerful attack can destroy the True God Great Perfection. It's just that it takes a long time to brew energy.

It can be said that the inferior God-class flying battleship, that is, to get forced, also has the advantage of flying and defense.


In the air, roaring constantly.

Within an hour, Liu Qingfeng's flying warship crossed a million miles of space and stopped afar. The look on his face was ugly.

Because, the crystal screen in the main control room shows that the other party is an ancient-class flying warship, and it is also a middle-class ancient-class flying warship.

Found that the other party is an ancient-class flying warship, and if his heart is ashamed, now, it is impossible to escape.

In front of the ancient class, his own inferior god-class flying battleship is just a piece of garbage. The opponent destroys the inferior god-class flying battleship with just one attack.

In terms of defense, it is impossible for your own God-class battleship to shake even the other party.

In terms of speed, the fastest speed is one million miles, the slowest speed of the opponent is three million miles, and the fastest speed is ten million miles.

Escape, the only choice, can't wait to die here.


"Give you a chance of a fair battle."

"Otherwise, you are killed."

Li Lingtian fled as soon as he saw the other party, with a faint smile on his face. This is the difference between battleships.

After he woke up from sleep, he left the mountain and began to look for his goal.

He found a target in the first time. When he found this target, the other party quickly flew towards him. Seeing the speed of this movement, it should be a flying warship.

Seeing such a situation, Li Lingtian stopped the Shenlong and waited for the arrival of the other party.

I didn't expect that after seeing his own Dragon Dragon, the other party would turn around and run away without even struggling.

"Who is your Excellency?"

Liu Qingfeng's face was pale, and his heart was desperate.

I used to kill a lot of strong men by flying warships. I didn't expect that I would encounter such a day.

The opponent can always be a flying warship of the ancient class. It must be a horrible existence in the super demon. If he wants to win, there is no hope at all.

When he heard the other party, he quickly stopped the flying warship. If he fled again, the other party would destroy him directly with the flying warship. Now his only chance is to leave the flying warship and find a chance to cast a secret technique to escape.

"come out."

Li Lingtian spoke, and the sound came out of the Shenlong.

If the other party does not come out, just kill it.

In this world, the strong survive and want to go further, it depends on 90% of the strength and 10% of luck. Obviously, his opponents are unlucky people.

When speaking, Li Lingtian had left the Shenlong and stood in the air.

He was not afraid of the other party attacking him with a flying warship. The opponent is the inferior God-class flying warship, and even the most powerful attack can't shake him. This is the gap between the warships and the gap in strength.

His own defense can resist even the attacks of the Divine Monarch, and naturally he will not be afraid of the attacks of the inferior God-class flying warships.

It can be said. The god-class flying warship is basically no threat to the perfection of the super genius.

The most powerful attack of the inferior God-class flying battleship is the destruction of the True God Great Consummation.

And ancient level. The inferior ancient flying warship can destroy the **** king, even the **** king can be killed.

The ancient grade of the middle class can destroy the true god, the king can be destroyed, and the strongest can kill the king.

The top-grade ancient flying warship can destroy the God King, and the God Lord can also be killed by accident.

The unique ancient flying warship can destroy any god.

As for the innate level and the treasure level, it is a legend. It's a taboo.

Even if there is a spirit stone, it is not always possible to buy it, because if such a flying warship needs to be purchased, it must be decided by countless super strongmen at the top of Taiyue Shenting.


"go to hell."

Liu Qingfeng saw that Li Lingtian had left the flying warship, and he was still only a supernatural god.

The higher true **** cannot be more powerful and powerful than the true god.

He is a super demon, only a few super devil can threaten him. The characters who entered the land of ruins, although all of them are at the level of the true god, but their comprehensive strength is absolutely beyond the true god, and can be comparable to the lower princes, and can even compete with the middle and upper princes.

With a roar, Liu Qingfeng launched the most powerful attack. Suddenly a terror attack came over Li Lingtian.


Li Lingtian watched the destruction of the flying warship roll over, his face calm.

With a curse, the time and space are eternally running, the realm of time and space unfolds, and the time and space within a thousand miles are absolutely in control, and then one hand strokes. A blood-red sword appeared in his hand.

The long sword crossed away from the attack of the flying warship, the sword awn broke through, cut through the space, and finally bombarded on the attack of the flying warship.


Within the absolute control of time and space, the attack of the flying warship became slow, and finally almost stopped. At the same time when time and space recovered, Jianmang had already cut through the attack of the flying warship.

Space, restore calm.

Liu Qingfeng looked at the sky with horror, Li Lingtian's actions exceeded his imagination.

He didn't expect his attack to be slow in front of Li Lingtian. The attack of the inferior God-class flying warship was completely destroyed. This face is too scary.

It was more terrifying than the previous encounters with evil spirits that forced him to escape.

"The opportunity has been given to you."

Li Lingtian waved with one hand, and at the same time expanded the realm of space and time.

The blood-red sword awn cut through the space, and when the sword awn appeared, it bombarded Liu Qingfeng's flying battleship~www.wuxiaspot.com~ rumbling. "



With a loud bang, the inferior flying warship was directly destroyed by a sword.

Liu Qingfeng inside the flying battleship was completely scared, the sound of screaming sounded, and the vitality quickly disappeared.

In the end, it fell completely, and the flying warship was destroyed, which became two halves.

The blessing of time and space, the space is not blocked, the time is still, the attack has no distance at all, there will be no space friction, and the power has reached an extreme.

Li Lingtian looked at the pure Yangxian sword in his hand, and he was innately treasured. Even if he did not insist on the space-time field, he could easily destroy the inferior God-class flying warship.

What's more, using the space-time domain on your own has made the power of the attack to the extreme, which is 100 times more powerful and magical than the usual attack. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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