War God Supreme

Chapter 2156: 4 consecutive floors

"The second and sixth floors of the Jiuxiao Tower are lit up."

"Brother Li broke through the second and sixth floors."

Countless super geniuses and super powerhouses learned that Li Lingtian was about to break through the Jiuxiao Tower and stared at the crystal screen.

After a few minutes, the Jiuxiao Pagoda behind the name of Li Lingtian on the crystal screen was another two floors, already the sixth floor of the second crescent moon day. Seeing the change of the Jiuxiao Pagoda logo, everyone knew that Li Lingtian had successfully passed through Jiuxiao The second and sixth floors of the tower.

As for Li Lingtian's passing through the second and sixth floors, all the strong can only envy, and not much shocked.

Because in their eyes, it is not difficult for Li Lingtian to go through a layer in a hundred years. Even for them, it is possible to go through a layer in a hundred years, but this is also at the forefront.

Besides, there is nothing impossible about Li Lingtian's evil spirit.

One hundred years after Li Lingtian broke into the Nine Towers, the news spread not only in the world of Five Elements, but also in the central square of Taiyue Shenting.

Because someone found the change behind Li Lingtian's name on the crystal screen.

The Five Elements World and Taiyue Shenting are not a world, with a mysterious space-time gap between them, and the news cannot be transmitted. Even if someone comes out of it, the news will not be so fast.

The only synchronized message is the crystal screen. The crystal screen in the five-element world is synchronized with the crystal screen of the Taiyue Shenting Central Square, and the message is naturally the same.

"This fabulous demon, finally broke into the Jiuxiao Tower one year after the first time."

"Li Lingtian is too evil."

"We are here for a year, but the five-element world has passed a hundred years."

"Yeah, unfortunately we have no chance to enter the world of five elements."

"Only super genius can enter the world of five elements."

"The top 400 of the genius list are eligible to enter. Like us, we can only enter the five-element world to practice for a period of time after crossing the ninth floor of the Jiuxiao Tower Yangtian."

"I don't know if Li Lingtian will continue to break through the nine towers."

"On the second crescent moon day of Jiuxiao Tower, every floor is difficult to enter the sky."

"He is a mythical demon, but it is difficult to keep going."

In the central square of Taiyue Shenting, countless superpowers have talked about it.

These super geniuses and strong men have taken Li Lingtian's affairs as a topic.

In this place, not only the super genius and super strong, but also the descendants of some gods and strong people, or the geniuses who live in the Taiyue Shenting, these people have little chance to enter the world of five elements, and even say that some people do not The slightest chance.

There are talks of powerful people and geniuses outside.

In Li Lingtian inside the Jiuxiao Tower, the field of five elements was crushed, and a terrifying supernatural power was displayed.

At the same time, in the face of several perfect consummation princes, the pressure is also great.

Basically, it is impossible for general supernatural powers to break through, only the killer.

The further back, the stars and sword arrays are even used, and the space-time domain is also used.

The sixth floor of Jiuxiao passed by easily.

On the seventh floor of the Nine Towers, the seven perfect Dharma Sovereigns, Li Lingtian used his sword array to destroy his opponent.

In other words, the seventh floor of Jiuxiao Tower's second crescent moon day, pass!

The eighth floor of the second crescent moon day of Jiuxiao Tower, pass!

Li Lingtian used the power of stars and the light of stars.

The ninth tower, the second and ninth floor, pass!

Li Lingtian used all the killer skills, and even showed the second layer of the Soul Arrows in "Control", he was also injured.

Seeing that his five-element field was crushed and destroyed, the colorful light shield was also trembling. Although it had not been destroyed, the strong bombardment force also caused a strong shock to his mind, with blood on the corner of his mouth.

Nine perfect Dzogchen gods join forces, and he can only annihilate all his opponents.

Moreover, Li Lingtian showed all the killer magical powers, including the eighth and ninth heavy bombs, as well as the sword array, the stars and the light of the stars, the immortal Wang Yin and the wrath of heaven and earth.

These devastating killers can only kill one or two seconds, but when they kill these powerful opponents themselves, they also have to withstand the attack of destruction. Therefore, his domain and defense have become crucial.

If it were not for the Great God to give him greater Li Lingtian when he reached the Great God, his multicolored light shield could not withstand the attacks of so many super opponents.

Fortunately, the ninth floor of the second crescent moon day has already broken through.

"too horrible."

Li Lingtian looked at his opponent who was killed by himself.

Now, this is basically his limit. If even these methods cannot defeat these opponents, then there is only the last treasure, the ancient artifact.

"Now, it is the second floor of the second crescent moon day."

"Is it necessary to continue to go through the nine towers, the next floor is the third heavy gold star sky of the nine towers."

At this moment, a loud voice sounded.

The voice was powerful and majestic, and even Li Lingtian was under great pressure.

And with the original airflow here, it is even worse.

If it were not for centuries to withstand the impact of the original airflow in the Five Elements Heaven and Earth, he would not be able to fight these super powers here. The original airflow alone would make him only half of his strength.

"carry on."

Li Lingtian did not hesitate at all.

Now, you have to challenge your limits and see how far you are at the level of the God King.

Besides, in the face of the nine perfect consummate princes, he has no time to care about it. Now facing a **** king, there is only one goal, and the goal is concentrated, which is beneficial to himself.

You should know that the opponents arranged in the Nine Towers are all superpowers turned into monsters in Super Monsters, which can be said to be imaginary enemies.

It can also be said that the opponent Li Lingtian now encounters is that when the top 100 super demon reaches the gods and gods, he now has the strength to face the top 100 super devil for hundreds of years or even thousands of years. Strength after tens of thousands of years.

When Li Lingtian's voice fell, a beam of light swept through and Li Lingtian disappeared.


The world of five elements, inside the palace of space-time channel.

Above the central square of Taiyue Shenting.

Two huge crystal screens, behind the name of Li Lingtian, represent the logo of the Jiuxiao Pagoda illuminating constantly.

The sixth layer of the second crescent moon day is lit up.

The seventh layer of the second crescent moon lit up.

The eighth floor of the second crescent moon day, lit up.

The ninth floor of the second crescent moon day also lit up.

All the super geniuses and super powers looked shocked on their faces, as if they had seen ghosts and ghosts, and they had seen powerful ones in the Nine Towers, but there was absolutely no such horror.

It is so easy for the True Divine Realm to break through the second layer of the Jiuxiao Tower. This is definitely the most evil in the history of Taiyue Shenting.

Not to mention the true divine realm, even the divine realm may not be able to pass through.

Now, Li Lingtian is in a true divine realm, and has easily traversed the ninth floor of the second crescent moon day, surpassing countless super demon, and surpassing countless gods and monsters.


"You can only describe it as a demon."

"The first demon of Taiyue Shenting is not blown."

"so horrible."

"Even the most powerful monarch superpower is not his opponent."

"I believe that in the Divine Monarch, it can be his opponent, basically can not find a few people."

"Just broke into the ninth floor!"

"If it doesn't, it's just a blockbuster, this is his style."

"He won't be in the third gold star sky."

"It will definitely, but it will fail."

"The true **** of evil spirits cannot defeat the king of gods, and he is still the terrifying king of evil spirits."

"Yes, even the most terrifying prince is not an opponent of the king, this is the rule."


Countless powerhouses and evil spirits were shocked to Li Lingtian even for four floors.

For them, Li Lingtian is the first demon of Taiyue Shenting, and it is impossible to surpass him.

But even so, it is completely impossible for Li Lingtian to go to the third heavy Venus sky of the Nine Towers. After all, the difference between the true **** and the **** king is too far.

The **** king can destroy the **** king with a look and a finger, let alone a true god.

And now Li Lingtian is the True God Great Consummation, and the opponent is also the Divine King Great Consummation. Between the two, one is heaven and the other is impossible to become an opponent. It is impossible for Li Lingtian to challenge the perfect Great Consummation Divine King. .


"Sure enough it's a demon."

"The deity did not expect that he could pass through the ninth floor of the second crescent moon day."

In the world of five elements, in a huge palace.

The palace is tens of thousands of miles in size. The main hall is thousands of miles long and wide. In this main hall, there are several super strong men, all of which are top horror figures of the God Lord, and even several **** levels. Power.

Broken Army God Sovereign sat on the seat of God, with a shocked look on his face.

He is a high deity, and even the status of the Bishui Fairy is slightly inferior.

In his eyes, the demon and the genius are just a better seedling. He never thought he would be shocked by a super demon of a true god.

"It's difficult for Brother Bro. to praise."

"This time, there are indeed a few demon evils, but it is just not in front of Li Lingtian."

The Bishui fairy had a happy smile on her face.

Here, although there are a lot of top-level **** master level strongmen, but those who can qualify to speak with the broken army deity, there are only the deity strongmen of the same rank~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, he wants to break through The third layer is the first layer of Venus. "

"Hard, hard!"

Phantom God Vener said lightly that the whole person was enveloped in a cloud of black mist, and he could not see his true colors at all.

In Taiyue Shrine, Phantom Deity is one of the most dreaded super characters.

"It is beyond our imagination to reach this level."

"Even if we didn't do such a step at the time, it would be at most similar to Dongyang Bo."

Tianlei Shenzun said seriously.

In the Five Elements Heaven and Earth, although the deity cannot easily enter and practice inside, there is not much restriction to come to the Five Elements world. Besides, human peaks like them come here as if entering the back garden.

Some of the top superpowers of the Divine Lord watched a few powerful speakers, all listened respectfully and were shocked.

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