War God Supreme

Chapter 2160: Apprentice 5 lines of Divine Emperor

"Yes, if you want to be a real powerhouse, you have to work hard for yourself."

"Foreign help is only temporary assistance. Remember, you will be a disciple of Wuxing Divine Emperor in the future. Don't embarrass Wuxing or emperor."

The voice of the Five Elements Divine Emperor sounded again, and Li Lingtian's thoughts were like he had seen through.

"The disciples will never let the Master down."

Li Lingtian's face showed a respectful look. When he spoke, he respectfully saluted in the direction of the throne.

Just as his voice fell, an arrogant breath appeared on the throne. I saw a middle-aged strong man in a robe on the throne. The whole body radiated with multicolored brilliance, and the whole palace was integrated with him.

With a faint smile on his face, he looked at Li Lingtian.

"The deity has two avatars and one deity."

"This is the deity of the emperor, stationed in the world of five elements."

"The Emperor received 13 disciples in total, and you are the only disciples of the true **** realm."

"Now there are Broken Army, Sky Thunder, Gale, and Clear Water. The other disciples, all demon evils, but they fell early, I hope you can survive and become a powerful god."

The Five Elements Divine Emperor looked at Li Lingtian and said lightly.

There was a sigh of sadness in his tone. A strong man, most of his loved ones died long ago, and those who can accompany him are his disciples.

If the disciple becomes stronger, he can accompany himself for life, just like father and son.

Seeing the fall of your beloved disciple is the most painful thing for the strong, just like seeing the fall of your children.

"The disciples must live up to the expectations of the Master, and they must become super gods."

"Like brothers and sisters, they are admired by the strong in the world."

Li Lingtian has long known that it is very difficult to want to be a super strong. Even if it is a super demon, it is difficult to become a strong one.

Even disciples such as the Five Elements Divine Emperor who fell on the peak of human beings have fallen. I can't imagine how hard it was on the way.

Becoming a strong person requires not only talents to cultivate, but also resources to support, but also constant training. Growing in life and death, only those who grow up in life and death are the real strong people.

The evil spirit is destined to become the target of hunting by other forces.

Therefore, it is vital to survive.

"You are a disciple of the emperor, but you don't have any privileges."

"The only thing you can get is the emperor's experience of Wuxing's cultivation."

The Five Elements Divine Emperor said lightly that when he spoke, he waved with one hand, a colorful brilliance floated towards Li Lingtian, and finally floated in front of Li Lingtian. After the brilliance disappeared, a jade slip appeared in front of Li Lingtian.

"Disciples understand."

Li Lingtian respectfully saluted again, then put away the jade jade.

I am very excited in my heart. This is the cultivation experience of the Divine Emperor, and it is also the cultivation experience of the Five Elements. For other powerful people, it is not very useful, but for himself, it is undoubtedly a peerless treasure.

"Go ahead."

"Strive to be the king of God in the rest of the day."

"After you become the King of Gods, you will go out to do mission adventures."

"The emperor is in retreat, just ask your sister and three brothers for anything."

The Five Elements Divine Emperor waved his hand and motioned for Li Lingtian to leave.

The expression on his face was dull, and there was no slight change in expression.

"Disciple quits."

Li Lingtian saluted respectfully, and then took three steps back. Then he turned and flew towards the palace gate far away from the palace. When he flew into the palace gate, the palace gate opened and a colorful splendour sent him out.

When it appeared again, Li Lingtian had already appeared outside the Five Elements Shrine.

"Congratulations, Junior Brother."

"The deity has another younger brother."

"Congratulations, Junior Brother."

After Li Lingtian came out, a smile appeared on their faces and they said to Li Lingtian with joy.

It's just that the picture looks a little weird. The three deities and a true **** are brothers.

"Brother Bros."

"Brother Tianlei."

"Sister Bishui."

Li Lingtian greeted the three brothers and sisters, jokes, although he is a disciple of the Five Elements Divine Emperor, the three in front of him are gods and super gods.

If it were not for the Master Five Elements Divine Emperor, the three high spirits would simply not care about such a small true god.

In this world, the strong respects everything, and everything must be based on strength.

"Since it is a younger brother, it is not difficult to be a sister, so don't give a gift."

"Come, this Nine Stars Outstanding Armor that Sister Sister has risked in the four Jedi is a top-grade Swire artifact. If all the power is exerted, it can offset the opponent's attack to one-tenth."

With a wave of his hand, the Bishui Fairy's slim and delicate jade appeared, and a set of palm-sized armor appeared in the palm of the hand, which exudes mysterious power.

After the introduction, as soon as the consciousness moved, the palm of the palm flew towards Li Lingtian.

"Thank you sister."

Li Lingtian was shocked. God Venerable was God Venerable. His shot was an archaic artifact, and it was still a top grade armor. Such a armor is simply a life-saving treasure.

If you wear it on your body, you will automatically protect the host when you encounter a threat.

Suddenly excited, grateful.

After taking over the armor, he put it into the Dragon Ring.

I have already thought about it. Even if I don’t practice, I have to put this armor under the control of refining. This is a life-saving treasure. If I have this armor protection, my defense will be more powerful.

"Bishui took out such a treasure, and I can't come empty-handed."

"I gave this to Yunxiaozhu the younger brother. Yunmeizhu works well with the powerful under the god, but it is a good treasure, but it has no use for the god."

"Furthermore, in these three million eras, I will not leave the world of five elements."

With one hand alone, the **** of broken army appeared, an egg-sized gray misty bead appeared in the air, and the bead suspended in the air continued to rotate, exuding a mysterious breath and brilliance.

"Yun Xiaozhu, Brother, you are really generous."

"Just give Yun Xiaozhu to the younger brother."

The Bishui Fairy and Heavenly Thunder God Venerable were surprised when they saw that the Broken Army Venerable had taken out the treasures they had used, but they immediately thought that this treasure had many effects on the powerhouse of the **** revere, but on the **** revere. It's useless.

Now to Li Lingtian, he can definitely exert his powerful power and use.

"This cloud extinguishes pearls, which can hide the breath and change the breath."

"It's a treasure against the sky when it's hidden."

"However, this cloud destroyer cannot hide the strong above the god."

Pojun Shenzun looked at the bead. This bead followed countless epochs. Although it was no longer needed, it had a very deep feeling. Immediately, the spirit moved and Yunmeizhu shot at Li Lingtian.

"Thank you Brother Bro."

Li Lingtian took the beads and was very happy.

He naturally understands the magical power of this bead. Using this bead himself, plus the realm of time and space, the enemy wants to follow him by breath, that is dreaming.

"Brother and sister gave the meeting."

"My brother, of course, can't be empty-handed."

"The Seven Wonderful Mirrors were originally intended to be given to the disciples when they received the disciples in the future. Now they will lend the Seven Wonderful Mirrors to the young masters and use them to return to me after the young masters reach the deity."

Tianlei Shenzun pondered for a while, his mind moved, and a two-foot scepter appeared in his hand. The scepter carried a mysterious rune. In front of the scepter was a mirror the size of a bowl.

The mirror is like an endless starry sky, and like a black hole that devours heaven and earth.

The entire Qijuejing exudes a mysterious and domineering atmosphere, which makes people feel deep fear and fear when seeing the Qijuejing.

"Haha, the first time I saw Tianlei you were so generous."

"Brother Tianlei, you are really generous."

Seeing the Seven Jue Mirrors, the Broken Army Venerable and the Bishui Fairy were shocked by the look on their faces. They did not expect that the Sky Lei Shenzun had all taken out the Seven Jue Mirrors. This seven Jue Jing Mirror is the treasure of the Sky Lei Shen Venerable.

Although it is rarely used after Divine Venerable, it used to be the most powerful treasure of Divine Venerable.

"Thank you Brother Tianlei."

Li Lingtian is not polite and can only be shocked.

Collecting the treasure, two brothers and a sister gave him the treasure, it was really not easy.

It is of great use to him. It can be said that these treasures are very important to him now.

He naturally understands that the brothers and sisters of the three deities can see what he needs now. With his talent, as long as he is given time, the future is boundless, but the most important thing now is to save life.

Therefore, the treasures given to him by three people are very important to him.

The three are deities. Although they disdain dealing with a true god, this true **** is indeed a disciple of their master, they are their fellow disciples, they are their disciples. They do not give this true disciple a face, but they also have to face the master.

Besides, such a wicked character, supported by Master, will definitely be more terrifying in the future.

Although these treasures are important to Li Lingtian, they are not very important to them.

God’s insignificant movement is also a peerless treasure to the Divine Lord, let alone to the true God.

"Brother Bros."

"Brother Tianlei."

"Sister Bishui."

"My little brother, I don't have any treasures, but by chance, I got the essence of the five elements of immortality. If you make a few drops when making wine, that taste will definitely be good."

Li Lingtian received the treasures of the three gods~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There was a consciousness and three blue gourds appeared in his hand.

With one hand waving, the three gourds flew towards the Broken Army Venerable God and Sky Thunder Venerable and the Bishui fairy.

The essence of the Five Elements Immortal Qi is the essence of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth, but the general strongmen dare not touch it, and only the talents of the Five Elements Great Dare dare to use it or use it for alchemy.

However, the Divine Venerable Master did not fear this essence of the Five Elements Immortal Qi.

It is impossible for a person with dignity and strength to cultivate, only to feel.

It is impossible to improve cultivation by relying on foreign objects. The essence of the five elements of immortality is not very helpful to them, but if this thing is diluted into fruit wine, it will be a wonderful taste, and it will also have a spirit. great help.

This is the only thing he can do right now.

There are several treasures against the sky that are his secrets and life-saving treasures, and certainly will not be exposed, nor will they be taken out.


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