War God Supreme

Chapter 2182: Lord Minghua...

The Minghua Divine Lord Corps and the Celestial Divine Lord Corps fought because the Celestial Divine Lord was furious.

Nearly 400 strong kings of the two sides also fought together.

In the void, the twelve Great Perfection Kings and two Divine Lords watched the war below.

When Lord Minghua and the king under his command saw the war below, a horrified look appeared on his face, just like seeing ghosts and ghosts.

I saw that the 70,000 troops were divided by the ten war corps of the Divine Lord of Heaven. Although this separation did not have any impact on the legion of the Divine Lord of Minghua, it was beneficial.

Because of the army under the Minghua God, 100,000 people can resist the other army of 200,000 troops.

But at this time, they were horrified, because all the 70,000 troops fell into the magical formation of destruction. In the formation of the magical destruction, the army of the Celestial Divine Lord Corps formed a magical joint formation and continuously slaughtered him. The army of the main army of Huashen.

This situation is not a war, but a slaughter, and 70,000 troops are constantly being slaughtered.

The army of the Celestial God Lord teamed up is magical. The combination of nine people is equivalent to the power of dozens of people. The combination of attack and defense can't shake the army of the Celestial God Lord Army.

What shocked them was not just the situation in front of them, but more shocked why the Celestial God Lord Legion had prepared so many terrible destruction arrays in advance, it was just waiting for him to take the bait.

In this battlefield, it was clearly his Minghua God Lord Corps who came here first, even if it was the battlefield, it was also his Minghua God Lord Corps.

Why was it that the destruction formation was placed on this battlefield.

Moreover, it is calculated in advance that it will become a battlefield, and the continuous formation method is arranged here in advance.

Such a situation is terrifying.

"Heaven, you are hateful."

"Make us count."

The Minghua God Lord angered and attacked his heart, his face flushed red, the field of destruction fire exploded, his body flashed, and he bombarded the formation with the power of destruction.

As long as this formation is broken, there is hope to break the joint formation of the Celestial Divine Lord Corps, because he saw the key to this formation. In this formation, the army of Celestial Divine Lord Corps has become even more powerful, and its power has soared.

All, he wants to break the formation.

Otherwise, even if he kills the God of Heaven, his 70,000 troops will vanish.

When the Minghua God took the initiative, the five Great Perfection Gods also bombarded the following formation.



In the void, Divine Lord of Heaven looked at several Great Constellation Divine Kings and Divine Lord Minghua to bombard the formation. He was very worried, but he could only look at it, looking forward to the formation to resist the attack of Divine Lord Minghua.

Worried, disappeared instantly.

Because they saw the destruction power of Minghua Divine Lord bombard the formation, the formation only shook, there was no sign of rupture at all.

Seeing such a situation, the gods of the gods and the gods of the gods are all extremely shocked. I heard that Li Lingtian is a powerful array division, but I have not seen the means of Li Lingtian. Now I am so terrified to see this formation. Seeing the power of the mighty array division.


With a wave of his hand, the **** of heaven, the seven great consummate dynasties blasted away.

He himself also bombarded the opponent's Dzogchen Divine King. The realm of the destructed Thunder who met him midway was crushed and destroyed. The Divine Lord destroyed the God King with no effort.

For a time, the army of the Celestial Divine Legion used a joint team against the army of the Minghua Divine Lord Corps. The gods of the two sides battled endlessly, but the Minghua Divine Lord and the five Great Perfection Gods were constantly bombarding the formation, wanting to break this Formation, but it has no effect at all.

Celestial Divine Lord and the Seven Great Consummated Divine Kings, exhibiting the destruction of the magical power towards the Minghua Divine Lord, the Great Constellation Divine King and the ordinary Divine King killed.

Between heaven and earth, the sound of shouting and killing, the sound of screaming, and the sound of destruction make the world feel like the end.

"Heaven, the Lord will not put you down today, and vow not to be a human being."

Lord Minghua saw that his own **** king and great consummation king were slaughtered by Minghua **** master, and he was even more angry, and he no longer wanted to attack the formation, or he first kept his own **** king and great consummation **** king. important.

The army is destroyed, and it can be formed. If the **** king is gone, he will be a commander of the bare rod.

At that time, no one dared to follow him.

The figure flashed, and the celestial **** quickly blasted away.

At this time, the Divine Lord of the Heavens had already killed dozens of powerful Kings of Gods. When they saw the Lord Minghua killing them, they did not dare to have the slightest intention. Although both of them were the median Divine Lords, the Lord Minghua had reached the peak, and The strength is much stronger than him.

Regardless of whether it is the Divine Lord or the Divine King, the strength is also different in the same realm, which is the case with super demon and super genius. In the super genius and super devil, Li Lingtian is even more against the sky.

Therefore, it is normal for Minghua Divine Lord to be stronger than Heavenly Divine Lord.

The realm of thunder destroyed by the **** of heaven was cruelly squeezed away towards the realm of fire of the **** Minghua. He now aims to contain the **** Minghua. As long as he restrains it for a period of time, the winning side is on their side.

The tragic war was going on, and the army of the Minghua God Lord Corps was continuously destroyed, and the smoke disappeared in an instant.

Seventy thousand troops, only a few moments, only 50,000 left.

In this way, as long as ten minutes, the Minghua God Lord Corps will be destroyed.

Moreover, the **** kings under the Minghua Divine Lord Corps are also constantly declining. The five great consummation kings are pinned by five people on the side of Jiuding God King, and there are two more great consummation kings on the side of Jiuding God King, these two The Dzogchen God King is an ordinary God King who constantly destroys his opponents.

"Heaven, you are destined to fall here today."

"Brother, let's go."

The two **** masters violently fight each other, and the destructive supernatural power makes the space fragmented.

In a blink of an eye, the two had already fought dozens of moves. Although the God of Heaven was the Lord of God, it was not the opponent of the Lord of Minghua. He could only defend and dodge during the war.

At this time, Minghua God Lord showed a ruthless look on his face.

Shouted into the void, and even more crazy when he shot.

Hearing the voice of Minghua Divine Lord, Heavenly Divine Lord and Jiuding God King and others showed a horrified look on their faces, because the earth fissure in the mouth of Minghua God is the terrifying earth fission Lord.

The Earth Splitter Lord is the uppermost Divine Lord, cultivated to the extreme terror.

Even if Minghua Divine Lord and Heavenly Divine Lord join forces, they are not opponents of Earth Splitting Divine Lord. They didn't expect Minghua Divine Lord to invite Earth Splitting Divine Lord.

The original 100% chance of winning is now reversed.



Just as the voice of the Minghua Divine Lord fell, more than ten figures flew out of the air fleet.

Each figure has a terrifying and destructive momentum, and the world is twisted in front of these figures.

Thirteen great consummation gods, a **** master strong.

"Earth Lord!"

"Earth Lord!"

Seeing the God of Earth Splitting, God of Heaven suddenly looked shocked.

Jiuding God King and others shivered completely.

Unexpectedly, the Lord of the Earth Splitting appeared here, and they were sure that against the Lord Minghua and the army and God King under his seat, now that the Lord of the Ground Splitting and the 13 Great Perfection Kings came, they wanted to escape. It's gone.

"Heaven, your army destroys the Frozen King and Red Flame King under the main seat."

"Now, the Lord will take all your legions to be buried."

The Earth Splitter Lord looked at the Heavenly Divine Lord. His body flickered, and he had formed a corner with the Minghua Divine Lord. The Heavenly Divine Lord had no hope of escaping at this time.

At the same time, thirteen Great Dharma Kings surrounded Jiuding King and others.

Suddenly, the **** of heaven was blocked by two gods. The seven great consummation kings of Jiuding God and the eighteen great consummation kings of the other party were completely surrounded by the slaughter.

In this battle, even if the army of the Divine Lord of the Heavens destroyed the army of the Lord Minghua Lords, the Lord of the Heavens and the King of Gods in the seat had to disappear.





The words of the God of Earth Splitting made the God of Heaven and other people horrified.

When the God of Earth Splitting God and the 13 Great Perfection Kings appeared, they knew the result.

The Minghua Divine Lord alone can make him seriously injured. Now there is a more terrifying superior Divine Lord. Two powerful Divine Lords join forces. Even if the Heavenly Divine Lord wants to escape, there is no chance.

The 13 Great Dharma Kings plus the five Great Dharma Kings under Minghua God's main seat, a total of 18 Great Dharma Kings, eighteen against seven, are absolutely victorious.

Under such circumstances, even if Li Lingtian appeared, he would only die.

Because Li Lingtian is even more powerful, at most it can deal with several Dzogchen gods. When he meets the **** master, he has no power to fight back.

At this time, several sounds of blood spurting sounded in the air.

I saw that the thirteen great consummation gods brought by the Divine Lord fell in five moments, and died silently. I didn’t know who was going to kill them, or what magical power was used. No horrible fluctuations in space.

This scene is extremely strange and terrifying.

All the people present, including the God of Heaven and God, were shocked.

There was a horrified look on his face, not knowing what had happened.

"It's a big talk."

After the fall of the five Great Constellation Kings, when all the strong men were shocked, a faint voice sounded.

The voice is misty, and I don’t even know where the source is~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But Jiuding God King and others heard this voice, and there was an excited look on their faces, because they were very familiar with this voice.

In sight, a young man in white was suspended in the air, and the whole face was light and breezy, and very chic.

This person is not who Li Lingtian is.

Yes, this young man in white is Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian, who has been hiding in the distance, looked at the scene of the air war, but he never meant to shoot. Finally, at the most crucial time of the war, the back of the Minghua Divine Lord appeared.

Li Lingtian also counted some of the backers of Minghua Divine Lord.

The most powerful Ice King and Red Flame King under the Lord of Earth Fissure were destroyed, and they must be avenged. The Lord Minghua will definitely tell the Lord of the Flame King and Ice King to the cause of death.

In this way, during the war, the strongest of the Earth Splitter Lord might appear in this battlefield, and it did appear here, but I did not expect that the Earth Splitter Lord came together.

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