War God Supreme

Chapter 2192: Loot

The battle lasted three full hours.

The three-hour battle, the million troops of Tianchi Holy Realm, all the **** kings and **** masters, disappeared.

This battle destroyed the earth thousands of miles away.

The flame of Taiyue Shenting was shut down by a million troops, with a loss of 100,000. The **** king fell to 17 people, and the Divine Lord did not fall. Such a record suddenly shocked the flame.

At the cost of 100,000 people and seventeen **** kings, it destroyed millions of armies, fourteen **** masters, and hundreds of **** kings. This is definitely the first time in heaven.

Everyone knows that this battle is mainly about Li Lingtian.

One person killed Lord Loufeng, and killed four Great Perfection Lords.

Li Lingtian's name resounded throughout the battlefield.

The Great Consummation of the Divine Sovereign, the war against the four powerful masters of the Great Consummation of the pinnacle of power, such a method, can no longer be described by the sky, Li Lingtian was praised by countless powers as the first person under the god.

"Pavilion Lord."

The war is over, three days.

In Wushuang, Li Lingtian leaned against the throne.

Thirteen **** masters came to Li Lingtian and paid a respectful greeting to Li Lingtian.

They saw Li Lingtian's power with their own eyes and knew how terrible Li Lingtian was.

"The battle is over?"

With a faint smile on Li Lingtian's face, the whole person was lazy. If he didn't know him, no one would consider him as a strong man, but as a second ancestor or a family disciple.

If this is the case, even if you die, you don’t know how to die.

Even the Great Monarch who did not dare to provoke the Lord easily would be terrified.

"Uncle Master."

"The battle is over."

"This is the spoils obtained in this war, and the general material uncle should not need it. The subordinates will exchange the spoils assigned to the uncle to the spirit stone and the materials needed by the uncle."

God God will answer respectfully, and then send a space ring to Li Lingtian.

On the battlefield, loot will be distributed. The method of distribution is to distribute according to everyone's contribution. This time, the million troops and hundreds of **** kings of the Tianchi Holy Realm and hundreds of **** kings all fell. The main credit is Li Lingtian.

Therefore, they discussed that half of the wealth should be distributed to Li Lingtian, and the other half of the wealth should be distributed to the army and the **** king.

Last time God Divine Lord was ordered by Li Lingtian to look for some materials, and finally God Divine Lord and others knew about this matter, and they also took care of it.

The materials of Tianchi Holy Realm Million Army and Divine King Divine Lord were all cleaned up, and the flames of the Million Army obtained wealth and materials, which were also exchanged with spirit stones, and all the materials Li Lingtian needed were exchanged.

"Not bad."

"Good job."

"This sword is only a medium-grade congenital artifact. With these materials, it should be able to be upgraded to a unique congenital artifact. When the time comes for the cultivation of five or nine destroyer sword arrays, the strength can be greatly improved. ."

Li Lingtian took the space ring and looked in, and immediately found that the space ring is a super **** master and strongman, because the size of the space ring is just a million miles.

Such a large space ring is already a treasure cherished.

In the space ring, there are countless materials, materials for refining the goddess of extinction, and some precious medicinal materials, as well as a lot of space rings. This pile of space rings is naturally a spiritual stone.

After Li Lingtian's approximate inventory, the Lingshi has ninety trillion, which is ninety days crystal.

A million-strong legion, and hundreds of **** kings, survived on the battlefield. That one was not rich and oily. This time the whole army was wiped out, and the benefits were obtained by Li Lingtian.

This ninety crystal is one-third of the total wealth, because the other part is replaced by materials.

Although Li Lingtian doesn't pay much attention to the spirit stone, sometimes when the spirit stone is used, it is calculated by the Tianjing. The Tianjing is a unit, not a currency.

One day of crystal is equal to one trillion.

Therefore, on the battlefield, he can collect as many resources as he can, and the more the better.

This time, after seeing countless materials, his face could not help but show the color of excitement.

His Sky Destruction Sword Array has already reached the peak of the Four Nine Sky Destruction Sword Array. He didn't have the opportunity to find materials to build the Sky Sword, and he didn't raise the Sky Sword.

Well now, these materials can at least upgrade the Destroyer Sword to a unique congenital artifact, and can also create the Sword of the Five-Nine Destroyer Sword Formation.

At that time, the Five Nine Destroyer Sword Array was exhibited, and the power was destroyed.

"Five-nine destroy the sky sword array?"

"Uncle Shi is showing the four-nine destroying the sword array. Is there another five-nine destroying the sword array?"

The God of Wutian God was happy when he saw Li Lingtian.

If he was happy to serve this little teacher, he would never lose his benefits and could make Li Lingtian and other geniuses happy.

However, I was shocked.

My little uncle's Destroyer Sword Array was so powerful that I didn't expect that only middle class congenital artifacts were exhibited, and it seemed that there was a more domineering sword array that was not exhibited.

Other **** masters are also curious and shocked, but in this place, God Master Wu Ling speaks with Li Lingtian, others are the relationship between Uncle Master and Master Nephew, but they are not qualified.

"This is the goddess of destruction."

"Hundreds of years ago, when this seat was still a demigod, this set of goddess of destruction was created, and it was by this set of goddess of destruction that the most powerful opponent was killed."

"This set of sword array has a total of nine layers, but unfortunately without materials and time, the sword array will stay on the fourth layer."

Li Lingtian nodded his head, his consciousness moved, and thirty-six swords of extinction appeared in the air.

Suddenly destroyed sword territory and sword mansions filled the air of Wushuang Hall. Fourteen strong masters of the gods felt the breath of destroyed sword territory. In front of this sword territory, they all tremble and fear in their hearts.

However, they have seen the power of the four-nine destruction of the sword array, and they exhibited it in one stroke, ruining the heavens and the earth, and the gods and powerful people have to disappear.

However, they only discovered at this moment that this extinct **** sword is just a congenital artifact, a middle class congenital artifact.

Thirty-six handles innate congenital artifacts, which can erupt such terrifying power, can hardly be imagined.

When I heard Li Lingtian's words, I couldn't help but feel shocked. It was a semi-deity hundreds of years ago. After hundreds of years, it was the Great Perfection of the Divine King. It took hundreds of years to cross several realms.

The semi-divine realm can create its own treasure, which is indeed against the sky.

The sword array that destroys the Divine Lord is only a middle class congenital artifact, and it is still the fourth layer.

If he could build more Sky Destroyer Swords and build a more powerful Sky Destroyer Sword, Li Lingtian practiced to a higher level. At that time, it was not known to what extent the Power of the Destroyer Sword Array was powerful.

"I really want to know how terrible Master Uncle's Five Nine Destroying Sword Array can be."

"With these materials, Master Uncle only needs to tell these materials and requirements to Shenting, and Shenting will soon create the God of Sword Destruction. It is said that the first forging master of Shenting is called Lingxiao Divine Emperor, who is a descendant of the Great God of Gonggong. "

"If Ling Xiao Divine Emperor shot, Uncle Shi's Sword of Heaven Extinguisher could easily become an innate treasure."

The enlightened look appeared on the face of Goten God Lord.

But he also understands that even with a powerful Excalibur and Sword Array, he can't cultivate a Sword Array because it requires talent.

Li Lingtian is the body of the sky sword, and cultivates the sword domain. Only in this way can he cultivate the sword formation.

"Divine Emperor Lingxiao?"

"I haven't been in Shenting for a long time. I haven't heard of Lingxiao Divine Emperor."

"Wait for a while to return to the God Court, to see if there is any chance to meet Ling Xiao Divine Emperor. If you can really meet Ling Xiao Divine Emperor, Ling Xiao Divine Emperor will create a set of God of Destruction You can become a congenital treasure, even if it is a congenital treasure, it is also unparalleled."

Li Lingtian was shocked, he had never heard of these super gods.

More importantly, this Lingxiao Divine Emperor is a descendant of the Great Gong Gong God. I don’t know how many eras to live. He is born to be an innate god. The treasure created by him is naturally innate.

His time in the Divine Court was only one hundred years, and the one hundred years were in the five-element world.

I don't know the things in the court, nor do I know the gods in the court.

Not to mention super gods such as Divine Emperor, human ancestors generally exist, and only gods of God level, he only knows a few.

He also knows that Ling Xiao Divine Emperor and other gods are all above the ground, beyond the detachment, even if he is a disciple of the Five Elements Divine Emperor, Ling Xiao Divine Emperor will not bird him, let alone build a God of Destruction God.

This kind of thing can only be met with hardship.

"Uncle Master, your advanced tasks have been completed."

"I don't know if Uncle Shi is back to Shenting, or will he continue to experience?"

The God of Go God heard Li Lingtian's words did not want to return to the God Court immediately, and immediately became curious.

If Li Lingtian stayed in the flames, the two would spend more time with each other. This makes him familiar with Li Lingtian, which will greatly help the future.

At the same time, other **** masters also looked at Li Lingtian curiously.

"It's not long before this seat came to the flames, so naturally it will take some time to practice."

"Anyway, the identity and whereabouts of this seat have been exposed, and the time is coming. I can hide for a while, and I can't hide for a lifetime. It is better to solve them here than to make people secretly calculate."

Li Lingtian said, God's consciousness moved, and the Sword of Heaven Extermination returned to Dantian.

The sword spirit in the hall disappeared~www.wuxiaspot.com~A dozen or so powerful masters felt a little relaxed.

"Cloister, suggestion."

"The outer battlefield is not challenging for the cabinet master."

"Moreover, there are not many troops and strongmen in the outer battlefield. Even if there are strongmen and strongmen, they are not vulnerable in front of the cabinet leader."

"Although this battle shakes the Flame Gate, if more troops and gods and gods from the Tianchi Holy Realm come, the Flame Gate will definitely send people to support the Patriarch, so it is easy to divert the military power of the Flame Gate."

Hearing that Li Lingtian was about to stay in the battlefield of Flame Flame Passion, he immediately made a dozen of the **** masters very happy.

At this time, Lord Nanhua stood up, saluted Li Lingtian respectfully, spoke out his suggestion, and recounted the situation of the flames. After speaking, he took a few steps back and returned to his seat.

The tone is peaceful and respectful, and the point is so far, not as old-fashioned as the Donglan Divine Lord.


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