War God Supreme

Chapter 2194: Go to the main battlefield


The fact that Li Lingtian was in the battlefield of the flames made the commanders of the battlefield of flames feel troublesome.

If other geniuses and strong men, they wouldn't even bother to ignore them. Even if they were a general, they wouldn't take it in their eyes, but it was this genius with only God's realm that made them feel embarrassed.

You know, Li Lingtian is the first super demon of Taiyue Shenting, which can be called the first super demon of Taiyue Shenting in trillion years, and his talent and strength are against the sky. He is also a disciple of the Five Elements Divine Emperor.

Now, Li Lingtian not only appeared in the flames, but also made several wars that shake the flames.

Every battle shocked the flames. The last battle made the Tianchi Holy Realm million army destroyed, and one person fought against the four gods who fulfilled the pinnacle of the Divine Lord.

Hearing Baiao God Lord said that Li Lingtian had returned to the command center, he was supposed to be relieved, but Li Lingtian had to stay on the battlefield, even to enter the main battlefield.

"Lili, do you want to report this to me?"

"If you don't report it above, we can't afford anything other than Li Lingtian here."

The look on Lord Thor's face was also dignified, and he looked at Lord Liuli.

Everyone knows that Li Ling is a genius against the sky, but on this battlefield, sometimes the strength is not vertical and horizontal, because countless calculations are in it.

Moreover, there is also the super demon of Kunlun Shenting in the battlefield, and there are even countless forces to erase Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian is undoubtedly dangerous in this place.

"Yu Bao?"

"Who do you report to?"

"He came here to practice, and even in the Divine Court, there are not many people who can control him."

"Besides, there are countless geniuses in Taiyue Shenting, and there are not many at all. There are a lot of geniuses selected every five thousand years, and they have to go through countless life and death tribulations, so this matter is up to him. "

Lord Liuli thought for a long time, and he also wanted to understand that even if he is a disciple of the Five Elements Divine Emperor, it is normal to experience in this place.

If it falls in this place, it is also his life, Taiyue Shenting is giving them resources, as to whether they can grow up, it depends on themselves.

"What do you plan to do with Liuli?"

Lord Yun Lan and other powerful masters nodded after hearing the words of Lord Liuli.

Then he asked Lord Liuli, not knowing how Lord Liuli arranged.

Generally speaking, scheduling these things is discussed together by them, but this matter involves Li Lingtian, and they dare not join in.

"Let him go to the special operations team."

Lord Liuli did not hesitate this time, as if he had already thought about it.

"Special operations team?"

"Yes, this place is for him."

"He comes and goes without limits."

"Then let him go to this action group."


A dozen nobility nods endorsed by the Great Dharma Lord God.

During the war, there are naturally countless army and powerhouses, but the army and powerhouses are not enough, and there are some special missions to assassinate and kill the superpowers and important people of the enemy.

Killing an important person and a strong man is more effective than killing an army of 100,000 million.


Half a month later, Li Lingtian's Wushuang left the command center.

After taking a rest for half a month, Li Lingtian also reached the peak state of heyday.

This time he left the general command center, and he was not arranged for him, but he was given a token to let him go to the special operations group.

Li Lingtian learned from Master Baiao, and also had some knowledge of the special operation group. This special operation group is a special team that specializes in dealing with the enemy's super powers and super characters.

No double number, fast flight.

Ling Xin and Ling Qiu also followed Li Lingtian to the main battlefield.

He also thought about it. This time when he entered the main battlefield, he might not have to go back to the general command center, because he would go back to the court after a while on the battlefield.

"Master Pavilion, when will we return to the God Court?"

Lingqiu gently gave Li Lingtian a shoulder and asked softly.

The spirit on one side also looked at Li Lingtian curiously, not knowing when Li Lingtian would return to Shenting.

After all, Li Lingtian's task here has been completed.

It’s not worth the risk in this place, and the danger is getting bigger.

"There are still some things in this seat, and then go back to the court."

Li Lingtian tasted a bite of fruit wine and said with a smile.

He now has the capital to impact the King of God and has a great deal of confidence, but he does not want to attack the King of God at this time.

Because, after reaching the Divine Lord, the whole person is qualitative, and the best stage to adjust themselves is the true God and Divine Monarch. Now that the Divine Monarch is complete, it is best to arrange some of his own affairs in the past few years.

In his plan, at least one avatar is needed.

Even if the deity has fallen, there is a avatar, so that he will not really fall, relying on the avatar and then resurrected.

It’s too hard to do it.

In Heaven, there are too few avatars, and the conditions are very difficult.

It can be said that one of the 1 trillion strong might say that there is a person with avatars, and the avatars' strength is also very different. Some avatars only have the strength of one-tenth of the deity.

The avatar he wanted was naturally the body of a real dragon, and the body of kamikaze, or life and death.

If you can cultivate the real dragon body to the ninth level in the realm of the divine monarch, that is, the divine body.

Shenlong Realm, possessing the body of the dragon, is at least equivalent to the super **** king strong person. There are such avatars. As long as they are cultivated, they will become more powerful in the future. Then the body of the dragon will be a good avatar.

Xiaobai is now a holy dragon realm, and he is also a holy dragon realm.

However, if a separate round of real dragon body protector~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he is far inferior to Xiaobai, Xiaobai is now even a holy dragon realm, which is also equivalent to a powerful **** king. .

The four-color Shenlong is equivalent to the Dzogchen Divine Lord and is more powerful than the Dzogchen Divine Lord.

After the Shenlong Realm, it is very difficult to improve a little, let alone the four-color Shenlong. Xiaobai is a princess of the dragon family and has the talent and bloodline to become a colorful Shenlong.

Li Lingtian is not so good, even if it reaches the Shenlong Realm, it is not as good as Xiaobai. After all, he is acquired, and Xiaobai is born with the dragon family.

However, this is also a chance. If there is a chance, Li Lingtian also has the opportunity to become a powerful three-color four-color dragon, even more powerful.

The premise, the premise is to reach the Shenlong Realm when the Divine King.

Reaching Shenlong Realm has a powerful avatar. With the avatar, he can go out and take risks with more peace of mind.

If he had an avatar before Divine Realm, he could also have a second avatar opportunity in Divine Realm. Although it was only a first-line opportunity, such an opportunity was only once in his life.

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