War God Supreme

Chapter 2196: Central station

The battlefield command center at the center of the flames.

Countless flying warships fly fast, and countless super powers are in the air.

This place is not like a command center on the battlefield, but like a prosperous paradise.

The command center of the central station is a palace with a size of thousands of miles.

It is said that this palace is a treasure-class palace flying warship built by Taiyue Shenting. It can build such a large warship, so Taiyue Shenting can do it, and this flying palace can resist the gods and emperors. s attack.

It's no wonder how important the command center was in the battle between the two armies.

To establish a command center in a battlefield seems easy, but the security is not guaranteed, so Taiyue Shenting built a flying palace.

Beyond the congenital level, this is the super flying warship of the treasure level.

However, this flying warship has only defense and no attack.

Li Lingtian's Wushuang No. landed on the square not far from the palace according to the instructions of the command center. After landing, several soldiers of the patrols came over.

Among these soldiers, there are six true gods and one prince.

Seven people came in front of Li Lingtian and saw that Li Lingtian was just a young prince with a hint of curiosity on his face. The prince caught a lot here, but Li Lingtian’s flying warship was obviously unique to Taiyue Shenting, representing the Shenting, they Naturally dare not care.

None of the ants in the Divine Court can be provoked by them.

"Zhou Zhibin, the Langyaguan Langfang patrol, has seen the messenger."

Zhou Zhibin and six subordinates stopped at a distance of ten meters from Li Lingtian. After a standard ceremony, he said.

He is a member of the Lieyanguan patrol group. Although he does not know the origin of Li Lingtian, he can see at a glance that he is not a soldier in the battlefield of Lieyanguan, but a person from Shenting.

No one in the Divine Court is more noble than them.

"This Li Lingtian."

Li Lingtian moved, a token suspended in the air.

This piece of token represents his identity and his status.

The three simple words, Li Lingtian, represent Taiyue Shenting's first super demon in trillions of years, represent the mythical genius, and represent the invincibility below the deity.

"Lingtian Pavilion Master!"

"The subordinates have no eyes, and the cabinet master forgives sin."

"See Lord Lingtian Pavilion!"

"See Lord Lingtian Pavilion!"

When Zhou Zhibin saw Li Lingtian's token, the person who originally determined that Li Lingtian's divine court now sees the token proves that Li Lingtian is from Shenting, because only Shenting has such a token.

There are three words of Li Lingtian on this token, although the token is cold and not very powerful.

But Li Lingtian's actions shocked the people of the world. He himself made this token an identity that shocked the world's powerful, and his strength and status were fought for by himself.

Perhaps, even countless superpowers and even God Lord, do not know who the owner of this token is, but they know Li Lingtian's evil spirits and against the sky.

Because Li Lingtian can no longer use tokens, his reputation is a sign, his strength and supernatural powers are a symbol, and the five-element field is identity.

Suddenly, Zhou Zhibin quickly saluted.

The other six true gods bowed their salutes, with respect on their faces, and more of them worshipped.

I used to know that Li Lingtian didn't know much, but in the battlefield of Yan Yanguan, Li Lingtian's reputation shook the flame, they naturally knew Li Lingtian's reputation.

"Take this seat to the command center to see Lord Chiyang."

Li Lingtian waved his hand and motioned for the few soldiers in front of him to be courteous.

He asked Zhou Zhibin and others to take him to the commander-in-chief here.

Although I went to a special operation group, but I just came to the battlefield of the flames, I must report.

"The patriarch came down."

Zhou Zhibin saluted again, looking very excited.

He is a strong monarch, and Li Lingtian is also a strong monarch, but the identity and status of the two are vastly different, and the strength is no longer a grade.

Immediately, he ordered the other six patrons of the true **** to tell them not to reveal Li Lingtian's whereabouts.

Even if he doesn't know what Li Lingtian is here, but everyone knows Li Lingtian's identity and situation. Wherever Li Lingtian went, he became the target of countless superpowers.

Li Lingtian followed Zhou Zhibin towards the palace.

While flying, Zhou Zhibin explained the situation and general structure to Li Lingtian.

The largest palace in this command center is a flying palace of the highest treasure class, and other small palaces are also transformed from ancient class flying warships. The command center of hundreds of flying ancient warships has been transformed into a command center, which has formed a Castle with copper walls and iron walls.

"How far is it from the main battlefield?"

Li Lingtian asked, this place is the central station, but he can't see much movement, it should be some distance away from the central station.

"Go back to the patriarch."

"The command center is only a million miles away from the battlefield."

"Now the 20 million troops and the Blaze Pass of the Kunming Shenting Tianchi Holy Land and the 12 million troops are in the Blaze Immortal Sea and the Blaze Immortal Mountain. Although this is the central battlefield, the two armies are not fighting together."

"It can only be said that the army is more dense than the periphery, the army is bigger, and the strong are more."

"The two armies have been stalemate in the flame fairy sea and flame fairy mountain for a hundred years, the battlefield has not been transferred, and more and more powerful on both sides, more and more super genius."

Zhou Zhibin heard Li Lingtian's question and said everything he knew.

Although he only patrolled the command center and rarely went to war, he knew a lot.

And he also understands that, with Li Lingtian's identity, what he wants to know, the secrets of the flames will be before him.

"Thirty million troops are in the Flame Sea and the Flame Mountain?"

Li Lingtian was stunned for a moment, and suddenly became curious.

The war between the two armies ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ must be for the sake of benefit. There is no unwarranted war in this world. There is no unwarranted war in this world, and war will only appear in the face of interest.

What are the reasons why so many troops are gathered in the Blaze Fairy Sea and Blaze Pass?


"Thirty million troops are gathered in the Blaze Fairy Sea and Blaze Fairy Hill. Although the two armies have endless wars, no subversive wars have occurred. Many secrets and military secrets have too little authority to know."

"Not to mention subordinates, even the commander-in-chief, it is impossible to know the true military secrets, maybe only the first commander or the commander-in-chief of the command center knows."

Zhou Zhibin went on to say that although countless people were still skeptical about the fact that the two armies were gathered in the flames of Xianshan and the flames of flames, everyone could not even find a little guess.

Because it is normal for the two armies to fight together.

The two flew while talking, and soon came to the palace.


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