War God Supreme

Chapter 2203: Solve one by one



The top-grade ancient-class flying warship fell straight from a hundred miles into the sea of ​​flames, and suddenly set off a violent wave of flames. Please search (product & book ¥ net) to see the most complete! The fastest updating novel

Originally a calm space, it was broken by this movement.

The super gods and super demon in other flying warships, seeing this scene, the look on their faces was shocked. They are not fools, they must know what happened in the flying warship.

And Bai Yan in this bow flying warship may have fallen.

I just don't know how Bai Yan fell, otherwise it would not let the flying warship fall into the sea of ​​flames.

No one saw Bai Yan's flying warship under attack, it was completely plain and unexplained fall, the more this, the more terrified, can silently kill Bai Yan in the high-grade ancient class flying warship, what is this Horrible.

"The dregs of Kunlun Shenting."

"You are too weak. In front of this seat, there is no genius in the world who speaks with the strong."

"Are you scared?"

"So, just scream in front of this seat."

In the void, a misty voice sounded.

Every inch of space, these sounds are floating, people can not find a trace of the source.

This sound is familiar to the super gods and super demon in the flying battleship on the spot. This is the voice of Li Lingtian who was just hunted down.

Hearing this voice, countless super powers and spirits shivered.

Even Bai Yan was silently killed in the top-grade ancient flying warship. This flying warship is no longer their life-saving place. Li Lingtian wants to kill them, even if they hide in the flying warship, they will be silent. The kill of interest.

The unseen enemies and means are the most terrifying. They did not expect that hundreds of super-gods could control the ancient-class flying warships in front of Li Lingtian.

Now they have regretted it.

If their hundreds of **** masters work together to deal with Li Lingtian, even if Li Lingtian cannot be killed, Li Lingtian will be seriously injured, so that Li Lingtian will not kill them so silently.

But now it's too late to regret, because they didn't even see Li Lingtian's figure.


Just as countless super-gods were shaking, another flying warship fell into the sea of ​​flames and was swallowed by endless lava to disappear.

This situation has inspired countless super-gods to feel that they have also fallen into the sea of ​​flames.





A bow flying warship fell into the sea of ​​flames.

In ten minutes of effort, 26 ancient warships have fallen into the sea of ​​flames.

The powerhouses in the air flying warships were extremely disturbed.

Because they didn't see the enemy, they didn't know who the enemy was going to shoot, and they didn't know how the enemy would deal with them. They could only wait in the flying warship.

After falling into the flaming fairy sea, every flying warship will disappear for the first time.

Naturally, these flying warships all entered Li Lingtian's hands.

The ancient-class flying battleship will not be destroyed by this flaming fairy sea. Even if it falls into the flame wave, the defense of the flying battleship can resist the flame force.

Li Lingtian also took away the flying warship as soon as possible.

In his space ring, there are already more than a thousand ancient warships, and these super-spirit flying warships above the flaming fairy sea are only nine cents for the flying warships in Li Lingtian's space ring.

However, the flying warships and wealth of Divine Lord and Super Sinister are not comparable to ordinary people.

These guys besieged him with a flying warship, destroying his flying warship, and almost let him be destroyed in the flying warship. Naturally, he would not let these strong men pass.

Li Lingtian is a five-element sacred body and a flame sacred body. In the flaming fairy sea, it is like a fish, getting into the flaming fairy sea. The terrifying flame power has isolated the glance of other powerful men, and even the scanning of the flying warship has been isolated.

However, Li Lingtian's powerful "Control" constantly destroys the gods in ancient-class flying warships.

Although there are some suspicions of sneak attacks, in this world, the winner is the king and the loser is the invader.


The thirty-first bow flying warship fell from the sky.

Only three quarters of the flying battleships in the air are left. The super gods and super powers in the flight battleship are terrified and do not know what to do.

"Everyone, attack."

"Attack below, so that he can no longer hide in it."

At this time, worship the loud voice and let all people attack the flame sea.

Because in the flaming fairy sea, all other attributes are suppressed here, only the attributes of the fire system are suitable here, so he concludes that Li Lingtian has used the fire system of the five elements.

In other words, Li Lingtian must be hidden in the flames. With the attack of the flying warship, even if Li Lingtian cannot be hurt, Li Lingtian can be forced out of the flames.

As long as Li Lingtian is forced out, Li Lingtian cannot secretly attack them.

By then, they will be able to kill Li Lingtian with a flying warship, at least they will be able to solve the current dilemma.



"Boom, boom."

Suddenly, dozens of ancient-class flying warships continuously bombarded below.

The flames within a thousand miles of the circle broke out into the sky, and the flames of the flames also oscillated.

For a time, the entire flame fairy sea is like the end of the world.

In this way, Li Lingtian could not shoot in the flames, and had to dodge the attack of the flying warship in the flames.

"There are smart people."

"Since you have such a way~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then this seat will let you live longer."

In the flames, Li Lingtian felt the power of the beam destroyed by the flying warship, and was shocked.

After talking, the figure flashed, flying like a fish, towards the center of the flaming fairy sea.

In the molten mortar of the immortal sea of ​​flames, for Li Lingtian, it is completely indistinguishable from ordinary seawater, and after the flame holy body is unfolded, the powerful flame power enters the body, so that the body's pores are all stretched out. It’s like being in a hot spring.

Time, minute by minute.

In ten minutes, Li Lingtian was already millions of miles away.

However, Li Lingtian did not leave the flame melt and flew in the flame wave.

The flying warship that bombed the flames of the fairy sea in the air also stopped at this time. Looking at the flaming waves of the sky, I didn’t know what Li Lingtian was now, but I didn’t want to leave here, so that Li Lingtian would not escape.

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