War God Supreme

Chapter 2222: Silent Dragon...

"What do you think?"

At a time when all super monsters and super powers shocked Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian sat indifferently in a huge palace in the world of Five Elements.

The palace is huge and the main hall is hundreds of miles in size.

In this main hall, only Li Lingtian and a tall and domineering super-god are in it.

The tall deity is the master of the Five Elements world, Bro King, the great disciple of the Five Elements Divine Emperor, the master brother of Li Lingtian.

In the face of this broken army deity, Li Lingtian is also very bland.

Po Jun Shenzun looked at Li Lingtian, with a rare smile on his face, and asked Li Lingtian.

"Don't dare to think about anything."

"The difference between Divine King and Divine Venerable is the essential gap, which cannot be compensated by means and treasures. Unless this rule is broken, it is impossible to fight against Divine Venerable."

Li Lingtian smiled, he knew that the Broth King of Gods was talking about the fifth heavy Mercury Sky of the Jiuxiao Tower.

He didn't have any falsehood. When facing God, he did not even have a chance to fight back.

Even his most powerful attack and his most overbearing defense were crushed and destroyed directly in front of the deity. This was the first time he felt being crushed and destroyed by an instant.

"It's amazing that you have this knowledge."

"That's right, the realm under the deity is the realm, and the deity is the law."

"In front of the law, everything has to disappear."

"Moreover, the defense and the body of the Divine Venerable are not as powerful as the words can describe. Only the day when the Venerable Divine Reality is reached will we know how terrible the Divine Venerable is."

"Laws, if you want to become a deity, you must achieve the tenth major consummation in the field. After you realize the rules, you must cultivate the rules and possess the rules to achieve the deity, and only with the rules can you contend with the deity, unless."

Bro King Sovereign was also shocked by the degree of Li Lingtian's enmity.

Looking at Li Lingtian so frankly, the smile on his face became stronger.

Immediately, the gap between Li Lingtian and Divine Venerate was revealed. It is impossible for the Divine King to fight against the Divine Venerable, and the Divine Lord is also impossible, because there is no rule for Divine King Divine Lord, let alone, many Divine Kings Divine Lord Divine Lord even connected the realm They are all very low, and naturally cannot compete with God.

"Brother, what do you mean unless you mean?"

"Does the rule of restraint exist?"

Li Lingtian was shocked when he heard the last sentence of Brojun Divine Venerable, and looked closely at Brojun Divine Vendor. He asked, and he was very excited.

If you want to achieve Divine Venerance, there is a difference of tens of thousands of miles.

If you can't reach Divine Venerable, you can't compete with Divine Venerable, that is to say, your own cultivation will stop here forever, because your own strength is no longer that ordinary Divine Lord can resist.

Now the **** of breaking the army says that unless the rules are broken, there is another unless, for sure, it comes from the law.

"It's impossible to break the rules."

"At least heaven can't break this rule."

"The law of restraint I am talking about is not like the five elements of mutual restraint, it is just saying that it can resist the power of the law, but that chance is extremely slim, and it is even impossible to meet."

"However, some time ago we saw that some people can resist the law. Although it is not really the law of resistance, there is already hope to resist the law."

Seeing Li Lingtian's appearance, Po Jun Shenzun couldn't help but smile.

"Someone can resist the law, who?"

Li Lingtian was shocked, although some people can resist the rule of God, this is too amazing.

He knows that the broken army deity said this, that this person who resists the deity rule should not be deity, but the deity king and deity. It is definitely not a simple generation with such existence.

"It's you."

Po Jun Shenzun said with a smile.


Li Lingtian was even more surprised.

Naturally, he would not think that the person who can resist the law mentioned by the Brood Lord Sovereign was indeed Li Lingtian, and he himself did not find out when he had resisted the law.

"Good, battle in the immortal sea of ​​flames."

"You have encountered Yan Tian Mo, and it is supported in front of Yan Tian Mo's laws."

"After our analysis, your Shenlong Realm can resist the law, but your Shenlong Realm has just broken through and is not very powerful. If the Shenlong is more powerful, you will not be afraid of the law, at least it will be able to compete with the law."

"In this world, all creatures have laws. Under the laws, there are some transcendent races that surpass the laws, or they are fighting against the laws."

"Actually, there are many races and strong people who are resisting the law and want to break it."

God of Broken Army said seriously, when it came to the law, the expression on his face was dignified and at the same time he yearned.

If he wants to break the law, it is simply not what he can do, and he does not have that qualification.

"So it turns out."

"Although I have a dragon as an avatar, I can temporarily support in front of the law, but it will not work for a long time."

"It has been extremely difficult to reach the Shenlong Realm, and opportunities are hard to come by. If you want to reach a higher level, I hope it is insignificant. Unless you encounter a chance to go against the sky, otherwise I will never make a breakthrough on the Shenlong in this life."

Li Lingtian thought that when he faced Yan Tianmo at that time, Yan Tianmo's law was terrifying, but he resisted it. Although it was only temporary, there was at least one Miaozi in it, which also proved that the Shenlong can surpass the law, but his own strength is too It's just low.

Although he wanted to make progress on the Shenlong, he had little hope.

Even if there is Xiaobai's dragon blood and his own dragon blood, there is only one hundred millionth chance.

"Indeed, it is really difficult to reach the Shenlong Realm."

"I have heard from Master, in his time, there was a powerful dragon, which was terrifying. Even then, even Master, he was not necessarily his opponent."

"When I met the dragon, the master was already a divine emperor, and the dragon reached the state of extinction. It almost became an invincible dragon, but encountered a terrible thing. That dragon was suppressed."

"The Silent Dragon was suppressed, and the originally powerful dragon clan gradually weakened, and finally disappeared from the strong clan's sight."

Bro King deity pondered for a moment, as if remembering something.

Then he told some things that his master told him. These things are just some ancient secrets, and they are not useful to them, so it has no effect on them.

However, the secrets that are useless to other people shake Li Lingtian's mind.

"Quiet Dragon, only one step away from the invincible dragon!"

"Master and Master are super existences at the same time?"

"Brother, is the Master still closed?"

Li Lingtian was shocked.

He practiced the dragon clan skills, still shouldering the future of the dragon clan. He never knew how the dragon clan was perishing. Now he has inadvertently obtained some secrets of the dragon clan from hundreds of millions of epochs from the broken army deity. Okay.

If you can find the suppressed goddess of silence, if you can find why the goddess of silence is suppressed, you might be able to find out the reason why the dragon clan was destroyed.

And maybe I can take a step closer to the Shenlong Realm.

However, seeing the appearance of the military deity, you should not know much about the Dragon Race.

This matter can only be found by the master, but I don’t know if the master is retreating now. If the master is retreating, you can’t easily bother.

"Master is still closed."

"But Master's doppelganger is in the land of emptiness."

"Don't you want to know about the extinct dragon?"

At this time, Li Lingtian asked about the situation of the Master, and the God of Breaking Arms naturally knew that Li Lingtian wanted to ask about the extinction of the Dragon. For a time, the Lord of Breaking Arms revealed a dignified expression on his face.

Because Shenlong Shenlong is concerned with some terrible secrets, even if he didn't touch it, he didn't have the qualification to touch it. At this time, he was worried that Li Lingtian was on the way to kill Shenlong.

"let it go."

"I will look for the master again after the master is out of the customs, and now I won't disturb the master."

"Brother, little brother, I have something to ask you."

"That's God's Kingdom and the world. What's going on?"

Li Lingtian looked at the Destruction of the Lord of the Army, knowing that the Deity of the Lord of the Army would not tell him something about the Silent Dragon, nor did he want him to go to Master.

Recalling that the Silent Dragon was suppressed, it should have touched something that should not be touched.

In this way, it is natural for Po Jun Shenzun not to want Li Lingtian to touch these things, but also for him.

That being the case, he did not get entangled in this matter.

"Young Master, don't be so tall."

"You are just the **** king now, too far from the god."

"Furthermore, the kingdom of God and the world are just a basic skill of the powerful people who control the law, not a magical magical power and thing."

When Breaking the Divine Sovereign heard Li Lingtian talking about the Kingdom of God and the world, he immediately became serious.

His eyes were also looking at Li Lingtian, but he was worried that Li Lingtian was so high that Gao Qiyuan delayed his cultivation and affected his mentality. In this way, Master would lose one trillion-year-old disciple.

"Little brother, remember Brother’s teaching."

"Brother assured, the younger brother knows that he can't be so high."

"It's just that the younger brother is curious about the **** kingdom of the god-respecting strongman, and it is because some things are related to the younger brother. The younger brother needs to solve these things urgently.

"I don't know if Brother Brother heard a character named Jiu Tian Shen Zun?"

Li Lingtian felt a burst of warmth in his heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~Although his brother had taught him his tone, but he was grateful, because the **** of breaking the army is for his good, if other people, the **** of breaking the army will never control he.

Immediately, he said what he meant.

Because this matter is related to Tang Qingyue and all his relatives, but also to Jiu Tian Shenzun and Shen Wu Continent. Without knowing this matter, he does not know how to take Tang Qingyue to Jiu Tian Shen Cheng to take them to heaven.

Therefore, these things need to find an ancient deity such as the destructive deity.

"Nine Heavenly God!"

"Who do you listen to?"

The look on the face of Pojun Shenzun became a little bad, and he asked Li Lingtian.

Obviously, he is very familiar with and even familiar with the Nine Heavenly Deity, and the Nine Heavenly Deity may still be a super god.


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