War God Supreme

Chapter 2227: Advent

The distant void was torn to a mouth hundreds of miles in size. [Latest chapter reading..]

This torn space exudes a mysterious light.

Everyone's eyes looked at this mouth with mysterious brilliance, they were shocked, because this radiant mouth was like an endless black d, but this black d was not dark, but a see The brilliance of the end.

Under this glory, the entire Shenwu Continent seemed to be destroyed.

Space is imprisoned at this moment.

The strong men above Wushen are even more shocked, because this distant void is not in the void of Shenwu Continent, that is to say, the position of this mouth is not in Shenwu Continent, but in other places, just That dazzling brilliance reached the void of Shenwu Continent only.

Still, the cracks in the void are still.

However, in the cracks, a breath of ruinous destruction is falling towards the Shenwu Continent, but the distance is too far away, so that the powerful soldiers of the Shenwu Continent do not feel much power.

"It's so far!"

"too horrible!"

"Is it from outside?"

"This glorious goal is the Shenwu Continent."

"What exactly is this?"

"It seems like an ancient time and space channel."

"It's too far, we don't feel the slightest power."

"Everyone be careful."


On the city wall, Huangfu Swift and others, as well as countless warriors, have only one shock in their hearts, that is, the emptiness of the bright crack is too far away from the Shenwu Continent.

Although it seems that the crack and the splendor are in the void of Shenwu Continent, in fact this crack is not in Shenwu Continent, but it is coming towards Shenwu Continent.

At this moment, even the mutant creatures and ancient demons stopped the war, staring in shock at the crack that seemed to appear in the void of Shenwu Continent.

Silence, the whole world is silent.

Time, one second and one second.

All human beings, all mutant creatures, all ancient demons, silently stared at the cracks of the distant void.



I don't know how long after that, there was a buzzing sound in the crack.

When the sound rang, the crack disappeared.

But in the crack, a huge silver-gray triangular object appeared. This huge triangular object was ten miles long and five miles wide, with a breath of destruction all over its body.

In front of this breath, all mutant creatures and ancient demons, as well as all human warriors, worshipped.

In a moment of confinement in space, the triangular object seemed to be moved. From the exit of the crack, it came to a hundred miles away from the wall and stopped. The triangular object was still and motionless, like a rock.

Destruction, domineering, sharp, destructive, tough, invincible, noble.

This is everyone's description of this magical triangular object.

No one knows what this is.

But the strong and the warrior of humanity are terribly afraid, because there is no such thing in Shenwu Continent, and humans are naturally afraid of unknown things.

And now there are ancient demons and mutant creatures, this triangular object may be the mutant creatures and ancient demons.

At all moments of shock, the silver-grey triangular object opened a door three meters wide and five meters high. The door opened, and three men exuding overbearing divine light came out.

The three men's eyes swept towards everyone, and everyone's mind trembled as if they were hit by the arrow.

After the appearance of three men, two more beautiful women came out, and then five women and a young man came out.

Everyone has a touch of mysterious brilliance.

Men are like gods, women are like goddesses.

Mutated creatures and ancient demons, when they saw the appearance of these people, all showed a horrified look.

All human warriors saw shocking colors on their faces.

However, some of the people on the city wall saw a few people coming out of the triangular object, and suddenly showed a shocked look, the look on their faces became dull, and then the crystal tears fell down.

At this moment, they couldn't bear it anymore, their eyes were red, and the tears of crystals ran down the beautiful cheeks.

The person who thought he could not be seen for eternity for more than a hundred years, did not expect to appear at this moment.



"Little brother."


One figure after another left the city wall and flew away in the air.

At the same time, a clear voice sounded, with endless lovesickness and heartfelt complaints.

Huangfu Yuyan and Shunmeier and others all came to the air and looked at the young man and several women in front of him. This young man was their husband and relatives thinking about them day and night, and several women were their sisters.

"Yuyan, Ji Yi, Sister Xue, Yaoyao, Qingyue..."

"Sister, Sister Yan."




Li Lingtian and Master Tianyue Palace were also very happy.

For a time, everyone surrounded Li Lingtian and said nothing.

I was afraid of everything in front of me. After a long time, Huangfu Yuyan and other talents knew that it was not fake, but Li Lingtian and they really came back.

The encounter of all loved ones is still in the battle of destruction.

In front of the endless ancient demons and mutant creatures, they are completely ignored.


At this time, Chu Yunge saw that Li Lingtian and his wife were together, and naturally did not want other things to disturb them. He gave a glance to the two guard captains around him, flashing in shape, towards the endless ancient demon and Mutated creatures blasted away.

The existence of the level of the god, the king, kills some ancient demons and mutant creatures below the true god, just like the dragon squeezes the dead ants.

Suddenly, the mutated creatures and ancient demon smoke disappeared into dust.

Human warriors and strong men were shocked when they saw this scene, because these three characters were more powerful than they had imagined, and they had never seen such a method.

This is turning the hand over the cloud and the hand over the rain, and the world is wiped out with a wave.

In a minute, hundreds of thousands of ancient demons and mutant creatures were all destroyed.

"I'll come back to pick you up to heaven."

"No one will hurt you in the future."

Li Lingtian gently wiped away the tears on the cheeks of several girls and said softly.

These are his wife and relatives.

I did not expect to leave Shenwu Continent for more than 100 years, but they faced destruction on Shenwu Continent.

"Little Brother, is this your spaceship?"

"Brother, why did you return to Shenwu Continent so quickly, have you arrived in the realm of heaven?"

"Husband, who are they?"

"Brother, what does heaven look like?"

"Ling Tian, ​​what about Mengmeng?"

"And Yingying, why didn't you see them both."

"Sister, I can't see your cultivation."


Everyone stood in the air, a few girls surrounded Li Lingtian, and asked twitter.

There were still tears on his face, but there was a happy smile on his face.

Now, the most curious thing for them is to know about Li Lingtian.

Suddenly, everyone looked at Li Lingtian.

"In Heaven, this is called a flying warship."

"This bow flying warship is considered to be top-notch in heaven."

"He is my chief of guard Chu Yunge, God's main realm, he is the guard's captain Du Ting, God's King Realm, this is the guard's captain Nan Xiao, God's Realm."

"The two of them are the maids of Lingtian Palace. They are called Lingyue and Lingxiu, and the true God is perfect."

"Mengmeng worshipped Zixia Fairy as a teacher, practiced in Zixia Palace, and Yingying cultivated in the five-element world. This time I came to pick you up to heaven, by the way, Qingling and the second and third sisters."

Li Lingtian looked at the girls in front of her and suddenly smiled.

They are still so beautiful, so gentle.

It is his wife, Li Lingtian, who is most worried about in his life.

Looking at their happy and happy faces, Li Lingtian was also very satisfied. Seeing their curiosity, Li Lingtian explained one by one. At the end, Li Lingtian found that few people were missing.

At the age of fifteen, he became his woman, Qing Ling.

There are three sisters who like to adjust him and have a hot body, the Master of the Star Palace.

There is also the cold and frost, the beautiful second sister, the master of Frost Palace.

The others were here, and only they disappeared, which suddenly made Li Lingtian feel bad for a while.

"Ling Tian, ​​Qingling and Sister II are trapped."

Hearing that Li Lingtian mentioned the second sister, the third sister and Qingling, all the girls showed happy faces on their happy faces, and at the same time lowered their heads as if they were afraid to face Li Lingtian.

It was Tang Qingyue who answered, telling the situation of the three people.

Originally shocked that Li Lingtian's three guards were in the realm, but at this moment they were in no mood at all, because their sister is still alive.

"Is the reason for these mutant creatures and ancient demons?"

Li Lingtian's heart sank, and the things he feared most still appeared.

The last thing I didn’t want to see was that it really happened. His eyes looked at the ruined mutant creatures and ancient demons and said coldly.


"After you soared, the strong man of the Holy Realm appeared, destroying the Jiutian Yao Platform."

"I didn't expect Jiutian Yaotai to be an endless black d exit, countless ancient demons and creatures appeared, the second and third sisters, and Qingling were swallowed by the black d."

Tang Qingyue said softly.

"Give you three months."

"If you see another ancient demon and mutant creature in this seat, you will stay here from now on~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't go back to heaven."

"All those who encounter the Holy Land are brought to this seat, and this seat will try these scums personally."

After listening to Tang Qingyue, Li Lingtian saw a few girls and Tang Qingyue's sadness, and comforted him softly, because he knew their sisters were in love, and such a thing happened, and they were as uncomfortable as him.

After comforting a few girls, Li Lingtian turned around and looked at Chu Yunge with cold eyes.

Opening, the tone is very cold, like it came from the abyss of hell.

The overbearing tendency is as if the **** is coming to the world, and the situation above is gazing at everything.

The movement of Li Lingtian made Tang Qingyue's daughters tremble, because they worried that Li Lingtian offended the three powerful characters. After all, these three men were **** kings and **** masters. In this state, in the eyes of the gods, they are the gods who dominate the world. .

A tone like Li Lingtian is completely command and command, so it is easy to provoke a high **** king.



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