War God Supreme

Chapter 2290: 1 in 2 St...

Venerable Yunhua, standing thousands of miles away from the main hall. 【Reading Network】

It is an indisputable fact that Lord Huang Tian has disappeared.

Looking at the main hall in the distance, I saw the tremendous coercion and power radiating from the main hall.

Thousands of miles apart, the coercion and power exuded from the main hall made her feel terrified, her figure flickered, and she quickly retreated. She did not dare to stay in place, and she retreated thousands of miles before being affected by the main hall.

Moreover, the coercion and strength emanating from the main hall became stronger and stronger.

Gradually, the entire Brahma Palace shook slightly, the void shattered, and the air twisted.

This shocked and feared Goddess Yunhua. She hoped that this was an illusion and an illusion, but it was true.

This feeling is getting stronger and stronger, and the power and pressure of the main hall is getting more and more terrifying.

She did not know what happened to Li Lingtian in the main hall. The only proof that Li Lingtian did not fall was the movement of the palace. If Li Lingtian fell, the palace should have no movement.

Time is quickly lost.

One day, two days.

One month, two months.

One year, two years.

Ten years later, Li Lingtian hasn't got any news.

The main hall shivered and the Brahma Palace shook, like it was turned upside down.

Powerful and overbearing forces poured into the main hall from all directions, and finally disappeared in the main hall.


At this moment, a tremendous light erupted in the main hall.

The light centered on the main hall and spread rapidly towards the four sides, instantly covering the entire Brahma Palace.

Facing this ray of light, even Yunhua Shenzun couldn't help but worshipped. His face was horrified. He didn't know what was going on, and he made such a terrible movement.

The whole Brahma world shivered at this moment.

Billions of souls worshipped, and even the world was silent.

In the world of Brahma, the powerful celestial realm, whether it is the surviving **** king or deity, is also involuntarily kneeling in front of a supreme majesty at this moment.

All the strong men were horrified, not knowing what happened.

However, this situation is only instantaneous, instantaneous, this majesty disappears, and all the strong men wake up.

But, from beginning to end, no one knew what happened.

Brahma Palace, main hall.

Li Lingtian didn't know when it was suspended in the air of the main hall.

The magical power wrapped him, and the beads were gone.

The soul becomes stronger and the divine body reaches a terrifying level.

The crystal brilliance flashed on him, and the whole person's momentum and atmosphere were sublimated. This is a mysterious feeling, and it's unclear what can be said.

At the moment, Li Lingtian did not know how long he spent here, whether it was a second, a day, or a century.

Because in the endless torture, he forgot the time.

I don't have the energy to remember the time. All the spirit is put on refining beads and suffering.

He couldn't remember how many times he wanted to give up.

I can't remember how many times it almost disappeared.

What allowed him to continue was for his own loved ones' wives, for his father and Huang Tian's Lord.

This idea made him stick to his success.


A bruise spewed out, his body suspended in the air, and the endless light shone on him.

The whole person is integrated with this main hall, he is the main hall, and the main hall is him.

In his eyebrows, a soul mark appeared.

I saw a faint phantom. This faint figure was suspended opposite Li Lingtian.

Between Shen Yun, Xu Ying and Li Lingtian have a trace of similarity.


Seeing this phantom, Li Lingtian smiled.

He paid a respectful tribute to the phantom. Although he had never seen the phantom, he knew that the phantom in front of him was his father.

Finally, I saw my father. Although it was only a faint phantom, it was enough to excite him for a long time.

This kind of affection cannot be described in words.

"My son, I can see you again, and I am very happy and happy for my father."

"When you see being a father, the father is no longer there."

"I believe that you will not be sad for the Father. The "Nine Palaces" practiced for the Father is already in your memory. Every layer of cultivation will open the next layer. Your current cultivation is too weak, only to reach the Divine Realm Only then can you cultivate the first level, reach the first level, and refine the Brahma Palace."

"When you reach the divine realm, you can cultivate the second layer, and then refine the heavenless palace."

"When the Nine Palaces are at their extreme, the Nine Palaces are holy, and the ten palaces are connected to each other, crossing the universe, and the ten palaces are merged, which can exterminate the heavens and destroy any devastating holy treasure."

"Because every palace is a treasure of the strongest to the sacred, don't look for a strong enemy of Brahma World before the tenth palace merges."

After the appearance of the soul ghost, the voice was transmitted to Li Lingtian's ears, and even to the depths of the soul.

Every time a word is spoken, the ghost of the soul weakens a little.

When the sound fell, the ghost disappeared slowly.

Even if he knew that the ghost of the soul would eventually disappear, Li Lingtian still felt uncomfortable.

When I saw my father for the first time, it was the ghost of his father's soul. In less than a minute of meeting, I was separated again.

"Son, follow my father's instructions."

Li Lingtian said to himself, his figure flashed and landed on the ground.

With your eyes slightly closed, quickly sort out the situation and memories in front of you.

Because it is unclear what I am now, and I don’t know how many things about Brahma World and Father in my memory.

After an hour, Li Lingtian opened his eyes.

There was no joy on her face, and she looked calm.

Because, in his memory, there are only the exercises of the Nine Palaces and some things about the ten palaces.

The Nine Palace Way is the supreme exercise practiced by the Lord of the Brahma World. The heaven and earth reincarnation tactics are just the evolution of the Lord Huang Tian according to the divine power in the beads, which is the basic chapter of the Nine Palace Way.

Li Lingtian was shocked in his heart. The basics of the Nine Palaces, or the introductory chapters, are all against the sky, so how amazing is the Nine Palaces.

He now knows that no one can practice this Nine Palaces except him.

Because he is the son of the Holy Lord, even if the Lord is dead, the soul will only come out in person when he meets his son. If Li Lingtian can’t bear the coercion and strength in the main hall, there is only a way of death, naturally not Meet the Lord.

As for the ten palaces, only the cultivation of the Nine Palaces will control and understand.

For the nine palaces and ten palaces, Li Lingtian was only shocked and shocked, which was beyond his imagination.

Everything beyond the cultivation path and heaven.

Now, he has refined the beads and got a sacred force of the Holy Lord.

One-half ray of holy power changes his physique talents, so that he has countless magical physiques. It can be said that he is in a position where there are hundreds of rivers, no matter what constitution can be cultivated.

One-half of the divine power makes him the first super demon in Taiyue Shenting trillion in the coming year.

After refining the beads, he received another half of the sacred power, and his **** body and soul reached a terrifying and magical level.

Wisdom, soul, divine body, chance, everything doubled.

In the past, he found that his **** body could withstand the full blow of the great consort king.

Now, the Great Dharma King, he has enough confidence to use the divine body to withstand the full blow of the next deity without being hurt.

The Father of the Holy Lord did not leave him with any treasures, but left him with the Nine Palaces and Ten Palaces. All this was for him to accept. Only strong strength can accept it, and only hard work will have it.

After sorting out his memory and current situation, Li Lingtian stood up.

A salute towards the main hall, and when he turned around, he had left the main hall.

Although he did not control the Brahma Palace, he became the true young master of the Brahma World.

Leaving the main hall, Li Lingtian saw Yunhua Deity in the distance.

His figure flashed again, and he had come to Yunhua Shenzun.


Venerable Li Lingyunhua paid a courtesy.

Lord Huang Tian has left, Yunhua God revises the realm higher than him, no matter for whatever reason, he should call her a senior.


Yunhua God Vener spoke lightly.

She did not know whether to hate Li Lingtian or to be happy for Master.

Because Master Li is really dissipated because of Li Lingtian, but it is Master’s life responsibility and Master’s willingness to do so. Now that Li Lingtian has made such great achievements, I believe Master will also be very happy and feel relieved.

"Senior wish."

"I will help you achieve it."

"I don't know what seniors have plans now?"

Li Lingtian naturally understands Yunhua Shenzun's current mood.

He also understands that Yunhua Shenzun has worked all his life for Bingxue Gong, and now he can only use this method to make up for Yunhua Shenzun.

"You are the son of the Holy Lord of Brahma World and the vice-lord of the Ice Palace."

"Master's life is for you and Brahma World, I have nothing to say."

"When the Brahma World opens, the deity will go back."

Yunhua Shenzun said lightly that she did not expect that the person most concerned by her mentor was not her, but Li Lingtian, giving her a feeling of losing her child in front of an adult.

However, she definitely understands that all of this is destined~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ice Snow Palace wants to revive. With the current situation of Ice Snow Palace, it is naturally impossible to do it. If Li Lingtian is strong, it is really not a problem, because She knew that Li Lingtian's stage was not heaven.

"This seat will practice here for a while."

"Wait until the seat reaches God's dominion and take control of the Brahma Palace, then open the Brahma D Heaven to let you leave here."

Li Lingtian said.

Up to now, I am afraid that the powerful people in the entire heaven realm cannot know that entering the Brahma D-day is not a nine-death life, but a ten-death lifeless, because the people who come in, even if they survive by chance, will never be able to leave the Brahma world.

Of course, unless Li Lingtian turns on Brahma D-Day.

Only him, he is the son of the Holy Lord, and only when he sees the Holy Lord can he open the Brahma D-Day.

If Li Lingtian did not come to Brahma World, if Li Lingtian fell in the sea of ​​flames, if Li Lingtian could not bear it in the main hall, all of them would be buried as long as Li Lingtian could not see the Holy Lord.

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