War God Supreme

Chapter 2292: Dongtian exit opens...

Brahma land, flames raging. , Have you all the way! 【】

The endless world of flames burns all creatures between heaven and earth.

In the center, there is a blue and white flame of a size of one million miles, but these flames are still.

Countless **** kings and lords, as well as gods and lords are waiting here.

Although it is no longer possible to enter Brahma D-Day, there are still countless powerful people who want to see who can get out of it, and more want to know what is inside.

I want to know what treasure the strong man got in Brahma D-Day.

It would be a very valuable clue to get any trace of information from the strong man who came out of it, and it would also lay a good foundation and prepare for the opening of Brahma D-Day.

Time, day by day.

Not only do the strong here leave because of the loss of time, but on the contrary, more and more strong people come here.

There are more and more forces paying attention here.

In this blazing world, there are at least millions of strong men.

A hundred years, for an ordinary person, maybe it will be a lifetime.

But for a god, a god, it is just a matter of time.

On this day, the blue and white flames in the center of Brahma's land erupted into a blue and white light.

The blue and white light instantly spread to thousands of miles. A ray of light with a diameter of 100,000 miles connected the heavens and the earth, stirring the void, and Jiuxiao was furious. The whole heaven and earth seemed to collapse.




The shocking sound of the sky, repaired as a slightly weaker **** king, Lord, constantly into the depths of the flames.

There are even countless powerhouses directly destroyed.

With the spread of the blue and white light, more than 100,000 strong men instantly disappeared.

This sudden convulsion made all the strong men horribly frightened, and ran away far away, watching the change of the void, but the beam of light with a diameter of 100,000 miles constantly stirred the void and rotated extremely fast.

The average strong man will be shattered near the light.

However, in the center of the light, several shadows appeared.

"Brahma D-Day opened."

"Finally someone came out."

"Brahma D-Day, nine deaths and one life, although some people really come out."

"The last time Brahma D-Day was opened was a hundred years ago, and it is now a hundred years. It seems that the time that Brahma D-Day was opened was one hundred years. I don’t know how many people have been shocked by this century. ."

"Swoosh, swish."


In the light, several shadows appeared.

Seeing the dark shadow inside the light, the strong man waiting outside clearly sees that the dark shadow is clearly the strong man.

Suddenly, countless powerful people were shocked, and more of them were noticed.

Some super gods and esteemed people are secretly planning to do things like killing people for treasure.

In just a few seconds, several shadows in the light kept rising, and finally they were thrown out by the light and appeared in the air. When these black shadows came out, the outsiders finally saw clearly, and it was confirmed that the person who came out was The strong man who entered the heaven 100 years ago.

In the air, there is a **** king, three **** masters, and four **** deities.

A total of eight people came out from inside. The eight strong men all suffered injuries, and the degree of injury was different. However, it is not difficult to see from the faces of the eight people that they all got a good harvest.

For a time, the powerful in Brahma land boiled.

Brahma D-Day, a nine-death life, this new unknown secret realm, finally came out.

However, countless powerhouses were shocked. More than 8 million went in, and only eight came out. The ratio of life and death was too small. However, when these powerhouses were shocked, three powerhouses appeared in the light.

In one day, thirty-seven people came out one after another.

Moreover, the light has been very stable, and from time to time someone was sent out from inside.

This transmitted light is connected to heaven and earth as if it did not disappear. This situation shocked and excited the powerful in Brahma, because in this way, more powerful might come out.

Two days later, the light is still steady.

Three days passed, four days passed...

Half a year later, the light is also solid and stable, which makes all the strong people more at ease, and, in half a year, not one strong person came out, a total of 107 strong people came out.

In half a year, the situation of Brahma's land quickly spread throughout the heavenly sanctuary, and even spread to the ten major forces and the four great courts, as well as the central heaven.


Brahma World

A huge palace with a size of trillions of miles is located in it.

Above this palace, there is a beam of light that is a million miles in size, with a terrifying attraction.

The beam of light connects the palace and the void, and connects the heaven and the earth together.

Countless powerful people were shocked to see this beam of light.

Moreover, outside the palace under the beam of light, there is a plaque thousands of miles high.

"The Brahma D-day exit."

The six large characters on the plaque flashed a magical light.

Behind the plaque is a passage that leads directly to the beam of transmission light.

Moreover, from time to time, a voice spreading over tens of trillions of miles was heard.

"The opening time of Brahma D-day has expired and the time limit is three years."

The sound spread through tens of trillions of miles, and when the nearby powerful people heard it, they immediately found it and quickly sent it away.

Although there are many treasures in Brahma and D-Day, the resources are astonishing.

However, it is only necessary to have the ability to take it out. Brahma D-Day has been open for a hundred years. Now it is time to go out. If you miss this time, you will stay here forever.

After the emergence of the transmission beam, strong men rushed here one after another, and quickly left without hesitation.

At most, there are powerful people who use secret techniques to inform their companions and their forces.

The endless palace, no matter what the strong, can only enter the transmission beam through the channel, and cannot enter the palace at all.

This palace is naturally Brahma Palace.

Li Lingtian took the Brahma Palace and left the sea of ​​flames.

Later, the news spread along the way, saying that someone got the place to leave and the time to leave.

In this way, at the speed of the Brahma Palace, Li Lingtian spread the information while practicing in the Brahma Palace, and he spent more than ten years flying in the Brahma World before he stopped the Brahma Palace.

All ten palaces can open the exit of Brahma World.

Brahma Palace, naturally.

After using the Brahma Palace to open the beam of light, Li Lingtian rested in the palace.

"How long do you plan to start sending?"

Inside the palace, Li Lingtian sat leisurely on the seat of the God, with a glass of fruit wine in his hand, tasted elegantly. In this way, he was completely a second ancestor.

If he doesn't know him, he will definitely be regarded as the second ancestor.

However, if you really regard him as the second ancestor, then you don't know how you died.

On the seat opposite him, Yunhua Shenzun was also very relaxed.

With fruit wine in his hand, he took a soft sip.

Then he asked Li Lingtian.

She naturally dared not look down upon the next deity in front of her, whether it was cultivation or strength, even if she was an ancient deity, but she did not dare to say that she could kill Li Lingtian.

In this palace, Li Lingtian is the master.

It can be said that in this Brahma world, Li Lingtian is the master, and he controls the life and death of all the strong men. He wants to open the outlet if he wants to open it, and he will not open it if he does not want to open it.

Naturally, he said it would be a day to start, and he would say it would be a year to start.

"Three years."

"We have been in the Brahma world for a hundred years."

"If it is opened for three years, not only do other powerful people have more opportunities to leave here, but they can also create a rule that the opening time of the Brahma D-Day exit is three years."

"Moreover, we have already spent a hundred years, and the powerful people in the heavenly realm will know that the opening time of Brahma D-day is a hundred years, and we must leave after a hundred years, otherwise we will be trapped inside forever."

Li Lingtian said lightly.

Although he disdains the strong men who were sent away, the Brahma Palace has recorded the records of the strong men who left. As long as he wants to know, he can know who left the Brahma world.

"Then wait three years."

Yunhua Shenzun finished drinking the wine in the wine glass and said something.

Immediately turned around and left the palace for three years, but it was constant. If you wait here, it is indeed a long time. Meditation is the best way to pass the time.


In the Brahma Land, the number of strong men who have come here has multiplied.

Because Brahma D-Day has already been opened, there are still many strong men who are sent out from D-Day.

However, these strong men who have left Brahma and D-days are all evil and can walk out of their lives, naturally powerful and unmatched, plus the treasures and mysteries obtained, and magical items, some powerful people who want to kill people and win treasures also It cannot be carried out in Brahma.

Moreover, these strong men who have gone out of the D-day quietly left immediately after leaving the D-day.

Three years have passed and Brahma D-Day has been open for three years.

"The Brahma D-Day exit has been open for almost three years. I don't know how long it will take."

"Yeah, it's a pity that this can only come out and not go in, how good it would be if I could go in."

"Don’t dream, it is said that there were more than 8 million people who entered D-Day that year, and in the past three years, there were only less than 20,000 people who came out of it. Opportunity comes out."

"One day left, that is, the D-day export has been open for three years. Should we continue to open it?"

"The first time I saw three years since the opening of the export ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hey, this time a lot of people came out."

"More than 700 people came out at once, is this not the last day of opening the exit?"

"It is possible."

In Brahma, there are thousands of strong men.

The Brahma D-Day export has been in shock for three years.

Every day, there is a lot of discussion.

Every day, someone spreads the news here.

At the time when countless strong people were talking about each other, hundreds of figures appeared in the light at once, and seeing so many figures shocked the strong figures present.

This is because there are more than a dozen people at the time of exporting the most, and sometimes no one comes out.

I didn't expect to send out hundreds of people at once. Suddenly, various speculations appeared in the mind of the strong.

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