War God Supreme

Chapter 2298: Chasing after

"It wouldn't be the deity looking at it."

"A deity was chased by a youth who was the next deity."

"Hey, Yunmeng was chased by a lower god, which is really sad."

"That's Yunmeng and Li Lingtian."

"Taiyue Shenting Li Lingtian didn't expect to reach the realm of God, how many years did he practice!"

"Go against the sky, it's too against the sky, just after reaching the main realm of the gods, chasing the deity to heaven is nowhere to go."

In Shengtian Realm, seeing the strong men of Yunmeng and Li Lingtian was shocked.

Generally speaking, there is no possibility of a battle between Divine Lord and Divine Venerable, because any powerful Divine Lord is killed in front of Divine Venerable, or directly suppressed by the law, and there can be no chase.

It is even less likely that the God Lord will kill and kill the God Venerable. Now the God Venerate is chased and killed by the God Lord, which is completely beyond the scope of the imagination and understanding of the Celestial Power.

However, some powerful people recognized Yunmeng and Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian's reputation shocked Heavenly Realm. However, in just over a hundred years, Li Lingtian reached the Divine Lord, and when he reached the Divine Lord, he hunted down the Divine Venerable.

As for some Divine Lords, in their hearts, the three words Li Lingtian are already their taboos.

"My Excellency, help each other."

On this day, Yunmeng and Li Lingtian chased one after another and came to a city.

The city is endless and I don't know how big it is.

The city is an ancient city in the Holy Heaven Realm, exuding an ancient atmosphere.

Above the ancient city, there is a mysterious prohibition, and no one can enter inside. Outside the city, there are more than a dozen **** masters who have successfully completed the peak power, and there are three **** respected powers.

Yunmeng saw these strong men. There was an excited look on his face, as if the drowning man saw the life-saving straw.

So he shouted loudly, hoping that these strong men would rescue him.

"save you?"

"Who saved you."

Li Lingtian's faint voice came from the distant void.

When the sound rang. It was still a hundred thousand miles away, but when the voice fell. It is already tens of thousands of miles away, and it is 100,000 miles in a blink, which is more powerful than the average strong man.

The voices of Yunmeng and Li Lingtian attracted the attention of the powerful outside the ancient city.

Seeing the person coming is Yunmeng, some people know him.

Some divine masters have a look of fear and fear, but the three deities have a look of disdain.

Yunmeng is the last existence in God Venerable, but there is no match in front of God Lord. God Lord naturally fears him when he sees him. God respected him when he saw him.


The God Lord dare not speak, and someone who has the ability to hunt down the Divine Venerable is definitely a super unparalleled Divine Venerable.

They naturally dare not offend anyone.

However, the three gods respected the strong, and were upset when they heard Li Lingtian's arrogant tone.

"Li Lingtian, don't deceive people too much."

"Although the deity wanted to kill you, but you also saw that the deity is not your opponent."

"You have destroyed half the law of the deity, this punishment is enough."

"Don't you want to even look at these three lords?"

Yunmeng has sharp eyes. Naturally, it was seen that the three gods and strong men were dissatisfied with Li Lingtian's tone, so he said aloud and pulled the hatred down on the three gods. I think the three gods respected and killed Li Lingtian.

When speaking, he was already standing not far behind the three deities, with a tired and horrified look on his face.

"Li Lingtian?"

"Li Lingtian!"

"It was Li Lingtian who chased you?"

"Isn't he the **** king?"

"The law that you destroyed by half? What is going on?"

"Brother Li."

"Lingtian Pavilion Master."

The dozen or so strong men present were shocked when they heard Yunmeng's words.

A deity, said such a thing.

Moreover, the person who chased Yunmeng was Li Lingtian. Although he did not see Li Lingtian, Yunmeng would not lie.

They all know that Li Lingtian was only a **** realm more than a hundred years ago. How is it possible to fight against the deity, how to chase down the deity. Isn't it a joke?

A dozen or so deities and three deities were shocked besides shock.

There were two divine masters who heard Li Lingtian's name, with an excited look on his face.


moment. A white figure came through the air, standing suspended in the void.

The glance of his eyes is like a king's presence in the world, with a tendency to look around.

Seeing the coming people, all talents really believe that the person who chased Yunmeng is Li Lingtian.

It's just that Li Lingtian is no longer the Divine King, but the Divine Lord. It took more than a hundred years to reach the Divine Lord from the Divine King. This is too evil. After reaching the Divine Lord, he will kill the God Venerate, leaving everyone speechless.

Whether it is the speed of cultivation or the power of terror, it makes people envious and jealous.

"Who wants to help him?"

Li Lingtian stood in the air, his eyes swept and looked at the three deities.

As for these Divine Lords, he ignored them directly.

He is not arrogant, but he is sure. At least he is sure of life-saving. He can resist the rule of God and will not be suppressed instantly. As long as he is not suppressed instantly, he will have time to sacrifice the Brahma Palace.

"Li Lingtian."

The three deities looked at Li Lingtian in the void, shocked.

They can't believe that Li Lingtian can chase down the deity, but this is the reality.

Although Yunmeng is very common in Divine Venerable, it is not a subordinate Divine Lord that can be bullied. Certainly, Li Lingtian has no horrible means, otherwise he will not force Yunmeng to heaven to have no way into the ground.

Three deities, two are the gods of Kunlun God Court, naturally want to kill Li Lingtian, but unfortunately they dare not easily do it now, after all, Yunmeng's encounter is here.

Another deity is from Taiyue Shenting.

"Lingtian Pavilion Master."

"Brother Li."

Among the dozen or so Dzogchen Lords, two people greeted Li Lingtian.

Seeing Li Lingtian's posture and momentum, he was shocked. He dared to talk to God Venerate in such a way. To what extent can he imagine how powerful it is.

"Brother Ting Lou."

"Void God Lord."

The strong master of the gods present at Li Ling glanced and recognized two of them.

Both of them knew him in the divine court. The Great Sovereign Divine Lord, super demon.

But the degree of demon is still worse than his Li Lingtian.

Although I know it, it is not very familiar.

People who met Taiyue Shenting in Shengtian Realm. It's also a blessing. It probably means this when I knew it in my hometown.

"I didn't expect Brother Li to come to Shengtian Realm."

The pavilion said happily. A demon like Li Lingtian, who can remember him, naturally makes him happy.

Not to mention Li Lingtian's identity, just the ability to chase down the deity is enough to make him gratified.

"I didn't expect to meet you here."

"This seat is in a good hurry, this **** bastard shot out to provoke this seat."

Li Lingtian said faintly, looking at Yunmeng in the distance like a sword.

In his heart, this cloud must die.

But in this place. Naturally, he cannot devour his laws in front of so many powerful men. If these powerful men discover the treasures of his laws, they will surely cause a shock in the heavens, and his killer will have to be exposed again.

"But the deity did not kill you."

"You have been chasing the deity for half a month, isn't it enough?"

Yunmeng was so angry that he was scolded by a young man of the Lord in front of all the strongmen to call him a bastard. He was angry and wanted to let Li Lingtian fall, but Li Lingtian was too powerful to be able to deal with it.

"If you kill this seat."

"This seat can still chase you down?"

"Give you a chance. If you can escape the palm of this seat within three days, this seat will let you go."

Li Lingtian was speechless for a while, if he was killed. He certainly had no chance to chase down.

Now, he wants to kill Yunmeng alone.

In this case, there is hope that all Yunmeng's laws will be swallowed up.

To deal with a rule is only a general deity, naturally it is much better than dealing with a deity with a law of terror.


Hearing Yunmeng and Li Lingtian, everyone was shocked.

A deity, chased and killed by Li Lingtian for half a month, they can imagine how bitter the heart is.

Yunmeng finished his speech in Li Lingtian, and hesitated.

but. Just as he hesitated, seven **** masters and one **** respected strong formed a camp. Seven Divine Lords and a Divine Venerable are from Taiyue Divine Court.

Seeing this situation, Yunmeng knew that Taiyue Shenting must help Li Lingtian deal with him. At least it will contain the two deities of Kunlun Shenting. Seeing this, Yunmeng no longer hesitated, disappeared strangely, and fled again.

"Take care of everyone."

"This seat solved him."

When Li Lingtian saw Yunmeng running away, not only did he not be disappointed, but also showed joy on his face, which was exactly the result he wanted.

Immediately, the strong man at Taiyue Shenting greeted him, his figure flashed, and he chased in the direction of Yunmeng's escape, and the long pursuit of murder began again.

When the voice fell, Li Lingtian was already 100,000 miles away.

"Taiyue Shenting is the first super demon in a trillion years, and it really turned against the sky."

"Although I can defeat Yunmeng, I want to destroy Yunmeng and dream."

In Kunlun Shenting, the two deities were shocked to see Li Lingtian hunt down Yunmeng again.

However, even if Li Lingtian could defeat Yunmeng, it would be difficult to destroy Yunmeng.

The other powerful people ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ listened to Li Lingtian's words, but they were shocked and speechless.

Generally speaking, when the God Lord saw the God Venerate, he had been hiding far away. He did not expect Li Lingtian to regard the killing of the God Venerate as a very plain thing.

Yunmeng and Li Lingtian came here, only a minute before and after.

Then the two left, but they shocked these powerful men.

With the passage of time, the news that Li Lingtian became the Lord of God became wider and wider. His hunt for God to respect Yunmeng shocked all the powerful.

In the Holy Heaven Realm, the God Lord is generally not afraid of Li Lingtian, because Li Lingtian is so strong that he ignores the God Lord. As long as the God Lord does not provoke him, he will not shoot the God Lord.

In other words, the Divine Lord has been unable to mention Li Lingtian's war intentions.

The gap between the two crosses the border.

As soon as Li Lingtian reached the Divine Lord, he hunted down the Divine Venerable. He has become an insurmountable existence of the Divine Lord. (To be continued.)

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