War God Supreme

Chapter 2300: Monstrous prestige

"It's really hilarious. [Read the latest chapter...]"

The white man in the void is naturally Li Lingtian.

After coming to the center, more and more people meet the strong.

In such a large Holy Heaven Realm, I encounter two or three strong men every day, which shows how dense the strong men here, I did not expect to meet the strong men of Taiyue Shenting again here.

He didn't want to do anything, but he encountered such a thing.

Over the past few decades, he has killed 87 gods, engulfed the law, and raised his five-element realm to the seventh peak, and the space-time realm to the sixth peak. Seen this way, if more than ten gods are devoured He can break through the law of respecting the strong.

However, in the central area, there are more and more powerful people, and it is not so easy to kill a god. Perhaps as long as there is a war, it will attract other powerful people.

Unless it's a one-hit kill, it's not easy to get a one-hit kill.

The reason why the war of the gods is not easy to fall is that it is the rule of heaven and earth, but it can also escape.

Even if his strength is comparable to the median deity, but to kill the next deity with a single blow, it is not something he can easily do, even if it is to display the artifact of the early days, there is not much assurance.

Besides, if you kill with one blow and kill the deity, you cannot devour the deity's laws.

The only way to gobble up is to suppress it, or gobble up when your opponent uses the rule.

"It's Li Lingtian."

"let's go."

The upper deity of Shengtian Temple took a look at Li Lingtian, his expression changing.

Finally, he said, waving with one hand, and then flashing quickly, flew away towards the distance.

The other strong men of the Holy Heaven Temple, when they saw that the superior deity was gone, they did not dare to stay, they could only give up this treasure, and quickly took the strong man defeated by Li Lingtian away, although they were not reconciled, But there is no way.

If it is really a battle, Li Lingtian may not be the opponent of the upper deity, but there are a few others who can survive in Li Lingtian's hands.


Li Lingtian snorted coldly and watched as a few deities and strong men left.

Now, his field has reached its peak. It is most regrettable when he needs to devour the law, watching these strong men leave.

But there is no way, he cannot suppress or kill all these powerful men. If he let go of one while swallowing the law, his secret would spread throughout the heavens.

"Lingtian Pavilion Master."

"Brother Ling Tian."

"Still Ling Tian Pavilion is powerful."

"Hey, in Heaven Realm, you can let these guys walk away so vainly, Lord Ling Tiange is the first person."

"I didn't expect Lord Lingtian Pavilion to be here too."

Watching the **** respected and strong men of Shengtian Temple leave, the people of Taiyue Shenting were shocked and excited.

I started to see that Li Lingtian defeated the God of One Rule of Law in one field, and they were all excited, because there was one more super character on the side of Taiyue Shenting, so that he could compete with Shengtian Temple.

However, what he did not expect is that Li Lingtian's appearance, not waiting for Li Lingtian's shot, the strong man of the Heavenly Temple would rather give up the treasure and leave in disgrace, which requires terrible means and strength to be able to do it.

You know how Li Lingtian is so powerful, but after all, he is just a god.

Suddenly, the seven godly esteemed strongmen greeted Li Lingtian.

Although Li Lingtian is only the central divine master, in these gods, Li Lingtian is a terrifying demon, even the deity of the gods dare not easily provoke the demon.

Now he is only as powerful as the God Realm. If he reaches the Divine Venue, no one dares to provoke easily. Having a relationship with such a person will not be an enemy when he meets in the future.

"you flatter me."

"The Holy Temple also sees that the current situation is not good for them."

"Even if this seat teamed up with you and wanted to defeat them, there was not much confidence."

Li Lingtian smiled, he could be arrogant, but in front of the enemy.

In front of his own people, there is no need to be arrogant at all, because he does not take action against his own people.

Besides, the strong man of Shengtian Temple does not necessarily fear him alone, but sees that Taiyue Shenting now has the strength after Li Lingtian joins. If several gods of Shengtian meet Li Lingtian alone, he will not take Li Lingtian alone. Killing is a strange thing.

"Ling Tian Pavilion Lord is too humble."

"The deity has no other skills, but the cultivation method is unique. You can see anyone's Shou Yuan clearly. Lord Lingtian Pavilion is now only 1,196 years old."

"In the realm of heaven, even the most wicked person cannot reach God's Lord Realm in his more than a thousand years. Even if he reaches God's Lord Realm, he can't leapfrog."

"With the cultivation talent of Ling Tian Pavilion and the strength against the sky, reaching God Venerate is a stubborn thing, and it may even be the second of the Five Elements Divine Emperor. At that time, there was another Five Elements Divine Emperor in Taiyue Divine Court Of super existence."

It was an upper deity on the side of Taiyue Shenting.

The super powerhouse of Shenting, Ruofeng Shenzun, the **** powerhouse with the title, has terrifying strength.

After glancing at Li Lingtian, he was shocked.

It is rumored that Li Lingtian is very young in Tianjie, but he did not expect Li Lingtian to be so young.

For the deity of God, a thousand years is just a short retreat.

But this millennium, but let a evildoer never cultivate to reach the main state of God.

"I hope that I can reach Divine Venerable in my lifetime. As for Divine Emperor, it is destiny."

"I don't know what you plan to do?"

"By the way, guys, I have been here for more than 100 years. I don’t know how much I know about it. Has anything happened?"

Li Lingtian smiled modestly. Not only did he want to become a **** emperor, he also had to become a **** emperor, and even to be beyond the existence of the **** emperor, but these are his goals, the goals he pursued in his life.

Calculating the time when the Holy Heaven Realm was opened, more than 170 years have passed, and the time when the Holy Heaven Realm is closed is only 20 years. I don't know what is happening here.

Fortunately, when the Holy Heaven Realm is closed, as long as the living strong, and the strong who are not trapped, can be sent out at any time, this is the benefit of Holy Heaven Realm.

Unlike other mysteries, when you leave, you still have to find an exit.

"There are ten years left, when the Holy Temple opens."

"We wait until the Holy Temple opens to see if there are any adventures or gains."

"The Holy Heaven Palace is one of the most magical places in the Holy Heaven Realm, but the strong people who enter the inside rarely get a lot of gains. Moreover, if you want to enter the inside, there is no strong defense."

"It is said that only the Great Constellation Dare to dare to enter. Since coming to the center of the Holy Heaven Realm, naturally it is necessary to take a risk and try to enter the Holy Heaven Palace."

If Feng Shenzun said, knowing that Li Lingtian was only over a thousand years old, and the information of some secret realms was little known, he revealed some secrets of Shengtian Realm.

Although he may not be able to enter the Holy Temple, but he also wants to try it.

Naturally, he would not believe that Li Lingtian would also enter the Holy Heaven Palace.

"This seat is too weak, and I really have no confidence to enter the Holy Temple."

"You can only go to other places first, and then go outside the Holy Temple."

"Everyone, this seat is goodbye."

Listening to the words of Ruofeng Shenzun, Li Lingtian knew that no major event had happened.

It may be said that, in their opinion, the killing of the Divine Venerable Power is nothing to Li Lingtian, because Li Lingtian had already killed 87 Divine Powerful Vendors in the Holy Heaven Realm.

After speaking, Li Ling saluted the seven deities, and left.

As for the primordial artifacts here, he will naturally not fight for it.

"Good luck to Lord Lingtian Pavilion."

"Ling Tiange takes care."

"Back to Shenting, please have a drink with Master Ling Tiange."

"Take care."

The seven god-respecting powerhouses did not expect Li Lingtian to leave so quickly. Originally, they wanted Li Lingtian to follow them. With Li Lingtian's demon together, their power would be even stronger.

But Li Lingtian said goodbye and left, they were naturally not easy to keep.

Suddenly greeted Li Lingtian, watching Li Lingtian disappear into the sky.

"Ten years."

"There are ten years left."

Li Lingtian left the Taiyue Shenting a few divine powerhouses and took out the Holy Heaven Scepter.

There is nothing wrong with determining the direction, and the rapid pilgrimage to the center of the celestial heaven quickly moves away.

Teleport while talking to yourself.

His current position is only two or three years away from the position of the Holy Temple. He can reach the Holy Temple in two or three years, but the time is still abundant.

In the past few years, he wanted to break through the field once again when he arrived at the Holy Temple.

If there is a breakthrough in the field, there will be more opportunities to face the endless super god.

It should be known that all people who come to the Holy Heaven Realm are **** masters and gods, and those who reach the Holy Heaven Palace are all **** levels, and even those who enter the Holy Heaven Palace are all Dzogchen.

Faced with these people, he was not sure.

The only thing that can be done is to increase the strength, and the more strength, the more protection.

In order to break through the realm, he can only stand alone on one side, meet the individual **** power, and suppress it to devour the law.

"The world cage, suppress it."

"Five elements field, suppress."

"The prestige of heaven and earth, crushed."

"The way of the Nine Palaces, destroy."


Time is running out quickly~www.wuxiaspot.com~Li Lingtian also keeps suppressing and defeating the deity.

The objects he chooses are all median gods.

Because the median deity is powerful, the rules are more powerful. It is shocking to see Li Lingtian, but the thought of Li Lingtian’s reputation should be what powerful treasures and supernatural powers Li Lingtian uses.

In order to defeat or even kill Li Lingtian in a single blow, the rule of crushing is the favorite of the median deity, and Li Lingtian is overwhelmingly suppressed. After all, Li Lingtian is only the central divine master, and the dual rule of the median deity, crushing The overwhelming victory of the Lord of God is completely overwhelming.

After calculating the psychology of these gods, Li Lingtian specifically grasped their psychology and let them exert their laws to the fullest, but he created a crushed scene.

Then cast the exquisite pagoda, devouring each other's laws, the final blow will kill.

In this way, some laws can devour some gods, so that his field has been rapidly improved.



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