War God Supreme

Chapter 2313: Realm of Prestige

The Holy Scepter fell from Li Lingtian's hands, and he fell to the ground fiercely.

At this moment, the Lord of the Blue Sky waved with one hand, the scepter of the Holy Heaven on the ground flew towards the Lord of the Blue Sky, and fell into the hands of the Lord of the Blue Sky. The whole process was instantaneous.

It is too late for Li Lingtian and the Five Elements Divine Emperor to stop the Qingtian Lord.


"God help me too."

The lord of the blue sky laughed loudly, and the power of the law of terror came to be crushed fiercely by the Five Elements Divine Emperor and Li Lingtian. In this case, the strong men present knew that they must rush to suppress the Five Elements Divine Emperor and kill them. Li Lingtian.

In this way, he can use the Holy Scepter.

The rule of destruction of the realm is no different from the rules of the realm, and no one can stop its power.

All the strong men were shocked when they saw the law of the Lord of the Blue Sky. It was like seeing the end of Li Lingtian's destruction, and the whole Holy Temple was quiet.

Even Dragon Blood Divine Emperor and Yunqing Divine Emperor stopped at this moment.

"Lord of the blue sky."

"Want to suppress us and dream!"

Li Lingtian was shocked to see the law of the Lord of the Sky.

However, this is not a time of shock. If the Lord of the Sky is not resolved, he will not be able to recapture the Scepter of the Holy Sky. He does not want to lose the Scepter of the Holy Sky before retaking the Temple of the Holy Sky. An insult.

During the talk, a consciousness moved, and a delicate pagoda appeared in front of Li Lingtian.

When the pagoda appeared, a magical glow came out, and then the pagoda became larger, ten meters in size. The pagoda was suspended above Li Lingtian's head, and the faint light covered Li Lingtian.

This is the Ten Great Chaos Refining Sky Tower.

While Li Lingtian was exhibiting the refining tower, the law of the Lord of the Blue Sky had been crushed in front of Li Lingtian.

The power of the law of destruction. When he came to Li Lingtian, no strong man imagined the scene when Li Lingtian was crushed and destroyed, not even a moment.

The power of the law was lost by the brilliance of the pagoda.

at the same time. Liantian Tower constantly devours the law of the blue sky lord.

At this scene, all the strong were shocked.

What kind of person is the Lord of the Sky? There is a stronger existence than the Five Elements Divine Emperor. In front of the power of his law, he was resisted by a small pagoda displayed by Li Lingtian.

Not only the **** respected and strong, but even the Five Elements Divine Emperor and Qingtian Lord, as well as the Dragon Blood Divine Emperor and Yunqing Divine Emperor, were shocked by this scene. I never imagined that the pagoda displayed by Li Lingtian could resist the law.

With such a treasure against the sky, you can completely ignore the law of any strong man. This is beyond the scope of the sky.

"Liantian Tower!"

"Ten Chaos Treasures."

"It's the legendary tower of refining the sky."

"Liantian Tower!"

"Sure enough, it is the Liantian Tower."

"I didn't expect that the Liantian Tower can resist the law."

Apart from the shock, the strong man present exclaimed.

You know, the strong men present are all the deity and the great consummation deity, as well as the divine emperor and the landlord. Their insights and vision are extremely venomous, even if they have not seen the refining tower, they can also know from ancient books. .

For a time, the expression on everyone's face changed, revealing an envious look. In addition to the Taiyue Shenting people, the other strong men are all showing greed, and want to take such treasures for themselves.

This situation. Seen by the Five Elements Divine Emperor and Dragon Blood Divine Emperor, a flash of murderous intention flashed through.

"I didn't expect you to have such a chaotic treasure."

"When the Lord resolves you, this treasure is the Lord's."

The expression of the Qingtian Lord's face showed excitement. If he had this treasure, the world would be invincible that day, and even Heavenly Court would not be his opponent. He suddenly laughed when he thought that he would have the Liantian Tower in the universe.

"Want to get the Liantian Tower, do you have that skill."

"The realm of the realm is. How powerful is the magical power of this realm."

"Star Divine Sword."

Li Lingtian has the rule of resisting the tower. No longer fear the law of the blue sky lord.

Before the Liantian Tower had yet to pass the laws of swallowing and refining to him, he had to exhibit the most powerful magical means. Otherwise, it will be too late to regret even then.

Between the words, the starry sky sword waved, and a ruined sword awn split the void.

Falling in front of the Lord of the Sky at a speed that ignores space and time and distance.

At the time of the starry sky sword, Li Lingtian's space-time domain also exploded, with the starry sky sword as the main supplementary space-time domain.


Lord Qingtian did not expect Li Lingtian to be so fast.

Faster than he imagined, never seen such a speed.

Moreover, he also found that this sword with a magical power, this power changed space and time, so that the speed reached a peak level.

Too late to resist, can only bear it with the **** body of the realm.

With a muffled sound, the sword of the starry sky sword fell on the Lord of the Sky, and a blood mark appeared on the Lord of the Sky, and the body receded towards the back, and then stopped a hundred miles before stopping.

"Star Excalibur."

Seeing that the Lord of the Blue Sky is so powerful, even the best-in-class top artifact and the time and space realm can only scratch him a little blood. This Lord of the Blue Sky is too powerful.

If you deal with other powerful people, under the change of time and space, the artifact will be hit at the beginning, and you will be seriously injured without dying.

Time is victory, instant magical power and dedicated calculation are Li Lingtian's talents.

When the starry sky sword was exhibited, the star swords were also exhibited. The top class artifact of the middle class is ten thousand times more powerful than the class artifact of the first class.


With a thunderous explosion, the Star Excalibur fell over the Lord of the Sky, but it was resisted by a law.

The power of the Star Excalibur disappeared.

At this moment, the Five Elements Divine Emperor crushed the Peerless Five Elements Supernatural Power, and crushed it fiercely on the Blue Sky Lord. The Blue Sky Divine Lord spurted his blood out, which was his first injury.

But at this time, Li Lingtian's face was pale and his face twisted.


A loud scream was heard from Li Lingtian's mouth.

Star Excalibur and Starry Sky Excalibur also returned to Dantian.

I don't even know what happened to Li Lingtian. There is clearly a rule of refining the tower guard to block the opponent. And the Lord of the Sky did not attack Li Lingtian, but Li Lingtian screamed out.


The Lord of the Blue Sky was injured and suddenly furious.

The law of ruining the heavens and the earth came from Li Lingtian and the Five Elements Divine Emperor.

The Wrath of the Realm. The world is disillusioned.

Seeing the destruction of magical power under the wrath of the Lord of the Blue Sky, all the gods were shocked and stunned. The look of the Five Elements Divine Emperor's face changed, and his eyes looked at Li Lingtian. The power of the Five Elements in the whole body was working, and the body took a step toward the front.



Suddenly, the Lord of the Sky and the Five Elements Divine Emperor fought together.

The law is supernatural, with the rules of the world, destroying the world with might.

Holy Temple shivered at this moment. It's like destroying.

The battle between the Blue Sky Lord and the Five Elements Divine Emperor, the Liantian Tower can no longer devour the Law of the Blue Sky Lord. I don’t know what method the Blue Sky Lord used, but he cut off himself from the Liantian Tower, and the Liantian Tower can no longer be swallowed. His rule of a penny.

There is no law to devour, Liantian Tower returns to Li Lingtian, and resists a trace of the law.

At this time, Li Lingtian's face was calm.

The law of the Lord of the Blue Sky is powerful and unmatched. I don’t know how many times stronger than the law of the Divine Venerable, he simply cannot bear it.

but. Just swallowed a little rule of the Lord of the Blue Sky, making his field more pure and powerful.

Slightly stabilized, Li Ling looked at the void. I saw that the Lord of the Sky and the Five Elements Divine Emperor were inseparable from the battle. In terms of the rules, the Five Elements Divine Emperor was not an opponent of the Lord of the Sky.

When looking at the Lord of the Blue Sky, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

The fourth level of "Control" broke out.

The terrifying attack of the soul and soul instantly entered the sea of ​​consciousness of Qingtian's master invisible and indiscernible. On the soul of the god, Li Lingtian would not lose to the Great Constellation. Even the next Divine Emperor might not be able to overcome him.

Soul attack, invisible and invisible. There is no way to prevent it.


The look on the face of Qingtian Lord was distorted, and he looked very ugly.

He didn't think of himself as a lord. Although he was attacked by the spirit of the gods, he never thought that there was such an overbearing spirit of the heavens, which was completely beyond his imagination.

One missed, was bombarded by the Five Elements Divine Emperor a thousand times in an instant, the body continued to recede back, and there was more and more blood in the corner of the mouth.

"The way of death."

The Lord of the Sky was injured, and his eyes showed a ruthless look.

There is no longer any reservation, and the powerful means of the realm are displayed.

In the Holy Heaven Palace, it is not suppressed as it is in the Celestial Realm.

With one hand, a huge palm fell towards Li Lingtian and the Five Elements Divine Emperor. The palm was tens of thousands of miles in size. In front of the palm, all the destruction of heaven and earth returned to the original.

"Goddess. Tianjia."

"Goddess. Wuyue."

"Time is still, space is confined."

Seeing the huge palms rolling over, Li Ling was born with a devastating death threat. Although he didn't know how powerful this palm was, he felt in his heart that if he was crushed by this palm, he would vanish even if he was even stronger. .

Moreover, he saw the shocked look on the face of the Five Elements Divine Emperor, and even the Five Elements Divine Emperor exhibited the horrible five elements of the Five Elements to resist, and he was absolutely terrified.

At this moment, the words did not dare to have the slightest reservation, a powerful defense broke out.

At the same time, the space-time field exploded with full force and reached its extreme.

A space with a diameter of 5.12 million miles is imprisoned in an instant~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Within this space, time is still, but in the palm of the hand, time is lost by a million times faster.

The time and space are distorted, producing a mysterious ripple. The Holy Heaven Palace is enveloped by an endless brilliance, and the brilliance is dazzling, making all the powerful people involuntarily block their eyes with their hands.



I don't know how long it has passed.

One second, two seconds, or an era.

Only two muffled noises were heard, Li Lingtian was crushed to the ground fiercely, Wushen of Wuyue was broken, Wushen God’s defense was torn, and the body of God was also torn apart.

Blood spilled continuously from the corner of the mouth, his face pale.

When looking at the Five Elements Divine Emperor, the Five Elements Divine Emperor was also crushed by the huge palm of destruction, and could not move at all.



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