War God Supreme

Chapter 2335: Enter the Holy Temple

He naturally understood that Li Lingtian must have other killers, but he didn't want to show it. `

In this world where the strongest is respected, which strongman does not have killer skills and life-saving means. Now the killer skills that Li Lingtianliang came out are powerful and terrifying, but he will certainly not be the last killer.

However, this killer skill alone is enough to scare countless gods.

"Nanlou Divine Emperor knew to control the world?"

This time Li Lingtian was shocked, but did not show it.

He did perform "Control", but he did not expect that the Nanlou Divine Emperor knew the origin of this divine attack. You must know that "Control" and Huangji Tower are his secrets.

"The former hall master once said to control the world."

"He described a powerful degree of the soul, which is called to control the world. After reaching a certain level, a look can destroy the world and kill the Divine Emperor."

"Now your spirit attack, although I don't know if it has reached that level, but if it is displayed during the war, it can exert unexpected power."

The Emperor Nanlou said.

The shocked look on his face kept changing.

"The attack of the gods of this seat is not so powerful as to destroy the **** emperor, but the gods of the same rank cannot resist the attack of the gods of this seat."

"Go back, they may still be waiting for us."

Li Lingtian felt relieved after hearing the words of God Emperor Nanlou.

His killer is more than a spirit attack.

The five-element world, time and space eternity, the heart of the starry sky, the Brahma Palace, and the Imperial Pagoda are the real secrets and foundations for him. Having these things is what makes him a strong man.

Moreover, there is the Holy Heaven Palace, but the existence of the Holy Heaven Palace is already well known by the Celestial Power and is not a secret.

As he spoke, he glanced at the Emperor Nanlou.

The figure flashed and disappeared into the sea of ​​flames. When it appeared again, it was already thousands of miles away.

Seeing that Li Lingtian disappeared, Nanlou Divine Emperor pondered a little, flashing his body and chasing him up. In this battle, he was able to release his hands and feet, but in the end, neither of them could beat anyone.

The Holy City has long been quiet. `

However, in the city, there was endless discussion.

One hour after Nanlou Divine Emperor and Li Lingtian left the city of Shengtian, the figures of the two appeared again above the city of Shengtian. When they saw the two, all the strong people showed a curious look on their faces. They wanted to know Li Lingtian and Nanlou God. Who won the Emperor?

"I don't know who won Nanlou God Emperor and Lord Ling Tian?"

"This is needless to say, it must have been a victory for the elders."

"That's right, Lord Ling Tian is definitely the first evil in heaven, invincible deity, but Taishang elder is the median divine emperor."

"Not necessarily, Lord Ling Tian is claimed to be the invincible deity. The strongest next Divine Emperor in Jiuxiao Tower is not the opponent of Lord Ling Tian, ​​maybe Lord Ling Tian will defeat the elders too."

"There was no injury to the two, did they not fight?"

"Even Lord Ling Tian is not the opponent of the elders, but they are not far away. After all, the elders before the elders are also the level of evil in the heavens."


The voices of whispered discussions are endless. In the city of Holy Heaven, all the topics are about the outcome of the battle between Li Lingtian and Nanlou Divine Emperor. Some people think that Li Lingtian won, some people think that Nanlou Divine Emperor won, and some people think that Li Lingtian and The Emperor Nanlou did not fight.

"Bendi and His Excellency Ling Tian have fought."

"Three thousand supernatural powers, regardless of ups and downs, there is no difference between victory and defeat."

Looking at the curious look of the strong and the gods below, the Nanlou Divine Emperor said lightly.

The voice spread throughout the city of Shengtian. After speaking, he took Li Lingtian and others to fly towards the direction of Shengtian Temple and disappeared from the sight of all the powerful.

Leaving a strong **** left in shock.

He knew for himself that in fact, if Li Lingtian were his enemy, he might never come back.

Because Li Lingtian's law of time and space and the spirit attack are too horrible.

Speaking the results of the war, one is the fact of the result, the other is to build momentum for Li Lingtian, and also to build momentum for the Holy Heaven Temple.

Inevitably, the battle between the God Emperor of the South Tower and Li Lingtian will spread throughout the heavens. Li Lingtian’s horror is more well known to everyone in the heavens. Just ask, who is this horrible character, who will come to provoke him.

"Too shocked.`"

"Invincible Divine Venerable is in a tie with the median Divine Emperor."

"With such strength, no one can threaten him as long as he doesn't encounter the upper Divine Emperor."

"Wrong, you haven't seen the Holy Heaven Palace. With the Holy Heaven Palace in hand, even the upper Divine Emperor can't be shaken, plus the terrifying strength of Lord Ling Tian, ​​the Upper Divine Emperor can only stare."

"In front of Lord Lingtian, all the powerful and genius demon are too ordinary."


Shocked, shocked.

The words of God Emperor Nanlou shocked all the powerful spirits of the Holy City.

At the same time, the major forces and the senior leaders of the four great courts also got the news.

It can be said that the entire Celestial Realm knew that Li Lingtian was fighting the Nanlou Divine Emperor in the Heavenly Sanctuary, but he did not know the situation of the war at that time, plus Li Lingtian’s terrorist means in the Jiuxiao Tower, it was not a tie to the median Divine Emperor. impossible.

Holy Temple

The huge main hall is three thousand miles long and eight hundred miles wide. The entire palace is made of magical white jade, with magical and powerful formation runes scattered on it.

Here, it is the center of the symbol of the rights of the Holy Temple and the center of the core strength.

Normally, no one came to the main hall.

Only when it encounters very important things, which are of great interest to the Holy Temple, will the core members of the Holy Temple be called to discuss things in the main hall.

As one of the ten supreme forces in heaven, its power is second only to the four great courts.

At this moment, there are already 6,666 level spirits in the main hall, each of which is a level of divine realm, and can be called the pinnacle of existence in the same level.

Six thousand six hundred and sixty-six gods sat on their own seats, and their faces looked calm.

At the top of the main hall, there are six old men in green clothes and white beards. The six old men have no breath at all, like six statues, but all the gods are respectful in front of these six old men. .

Because these six old men are the most powerful elders in the Holy Temple.

Emperor Yunqing, Emperor Dongming, Emperor Taiqing, Emperor Nanlou, Emperor Shengming, Emperor Wuxuan.

After the fall of the Lord of the Temple, the Elder of the Six Great Architects, is the most powerful person. In fact, the elders of the Sixth Great Architects have more seniority and time in the Holy Temple than the Lord of the Celestial. How many epochs did the elders live.

Therefore, in the eyes of all gods, the six Taishang elders are the most respected elders.

"This time, the Emperor summoned you to come, and two things were announced."

"One, the Lord of the Holy Heaven Temple fell in the Holy Heaven Realm."

"Second, after our deliberation and the arrangement of the former temple master, the Holy Temple is located in Li Lingtian, the invincible deity."

"Tell me your opinions and views."

Yunqing Divine Emperor opened his eyes and glanced away at all the level gods.

These deities are the most powerful beings in the Holy Temple, and they can also be said to be the most powerful gods in the Holy Temple.

After all, the decision to hand over the Holy Temple to Li Lingtian was only known to the six elders. Such a big event must be known to the senior officials of the Holy Temple.

"Taiyue Shenting Li Lingtian!"

"Li Lingtian, known as the invincible deity."

"The Lord of the Temple has fallen in Holy Heaven Realm?"

"Transfer the Holy Temple to Li Lingtian."

"But Li Lingtian is a disciple of Taiyue Shenting Five Elements Divine Emperor."

"His strength is indeed strong, I have served this, but after all, he is a man of Taiyue Shenting."

"How could the Lord of the Temple fall into the Temple of Holy Heaven."

"Don't Li Lingtian become the lord of the Holy Heaven Temple because he controls the Holy Heaven Palace."


Hearing the words of Emperor Yunqing, the main hall suddenly boiled.

Most of the powerful gods are retreating and practicing for most of the time, and they don't know anything outside.

Not many gods in the Holy Heaven Temple knew about the fall of the Lord of the Blue Sky, and this news has been suppressed. Knowing that the Lord of the Temple fell, many level gods could not accept it.

You know, the strength of the hall master is above the six elders.

Even if the Lord of the Palace fell, it would not be said that it was located in Li Lingtian. After all, Li Lingtian was the person of Taiyue Shenting.

Regarding Li Lingtian's strength, during this period of time, the news went crazy, and they also knew some.

"Yes, the master has fallen."

"After we negotiated and arranged with the former master, it was to pass on Li Lingtian."

"He has not only the Holy Temple, but also the Holy Scepter of the Holy Temple."

The Emperor Nanlou spoke.

He did not reprimand the following discussion of the gods. After all, these gods are the future of the Holy Temple, and they are only for the discussion and questioning of the Holy Temple.

If he stood in the perspective of these gods, he would not accept the people of Taiyue Shenting as the master of the palace so easily.

While speaking, a white figure came in from outside the main hall.

When all the gods shocked the Nanlou Divine Emperor, when they saw the white figure, they all looked at it in full, with a curious look on their faces. Most people already knew who was coming.

The white figure is a young man in white.

The young man in white has a faint smile on his face, and the whole person is light and breezy, very chic.

Every step, spanning hundreds of miles, in just five steps, the youth in white has appeared at the front of the main hall.

The arrival of the youth in white brings a feeling of spring breeze to all the powerful gods present.

However, at this time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ young man in white spoke.

"This seat is Li Lingtian."

"Taiyue Shenting Li Lingtian."

"After today, this seat is the person of Taiyue Shenting, and also the person of Shengtian Temple. This seat will lead Shengtian Temple and Taiyue Shenting to the peak of heaven and become the master of heaven."

The sensation of the spring breeze disappeared, and in exchange was a supreme coercion.

In the face of this majesty, the look of the six-six-sixth-level gods' faces changed drastically, as if they were the tops of 100,000 mountains.

Naturally, the youth in white is Li Lingtian.

It has been half a month since I came to the Temple of Heaven. After I settled down, the elder of the Temple of Heaven came to arrange for him to accept the matter of the Lord of the Temple of Heaven.

Eyes, glance at each deity of the main hall, where the eyes have passed, so that these deities do not dare to look directly, every word he said is irresistible like an oracle.


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