War God Supreme

Chapter 2346: Coming of heaven

"Is it Kunlun Shenting, or Jiutian Shenting, or Huanggu Shenting?"

"Tianting's suspicion is the biggest. As for the ten supreme forces, there is no such ability."

The look on Li Lingtian's face became difficult to look at.

The two brothers are very kind to him. In this world, it is indeed a blessing to have such fellows. Such brothers are even closer than their brothers, but now the two brothers are in danger.

He knows better than anyone else, after falling into the Jedi, it is harder to get out.

Not to mention that someone secretly calculated them, and even if they accidentally entered the Jedi, they could not come out.

This is true of the Jedi in the Ruins of the Ruins, and the Jedi in the Land of Gods is even more terrifying.

In the heavenly realm, those who dare to do this are the ancient ancient court, the Kunlun temple, the nine heaven court, and the heaven court.

These super existences did not dare to blatantly suppress Taiyue Shenting, but only slowly calculated, step-by-step calculations, each broken, so that Taiyue Shenting was lost in a thousand disasters.

What puzzled him was that he knew that this was a trap, why Master Zun had to go to the place of God's Deficiency to save the two brothers.

To understand the importance of the Five Elements Divine Emperor in Taiyue Shenting, this is not the case.

"Nine Heavens Court is the least likely."

"The greatest possibility is the Kunlun Shenting and Tianting."

"Kun"↓Long>>↓Wind"↓Art"↓Learn, w@ww.c※fwx.n∽et ​​Lun Shenting wants to remove the important characters of Taiyue Shenting to shake Taiyue Shenting, and Tianting balances the powers of heaven Now Taiyue Shenting has an advantage, and they want to teach Taiyue Shenting."

"Uncle Lingxiao and Uncle Dragonblood Master let me tell you, let you be vigilant, and then they will come."

The Bishui fairy looked at Li Lingtian seriously. There was a Five Elements Divine Emperor in Taiyue Shenting that had feared Heaven Realm. Now there is another Li Lingtian. Even Li Lingtian’s future is more terrifying than the Five Elements Divine Emperor, so some forces in Heaven Realm want to wipe the two. except.

It is basically impossible to deal with the Five Elements Divine Emperor, but there is still a great opportunity to deal with Li Lingtian, who is only in the divine state.

This time, the Five Elements Divine Emperor left the Five Elements Divine Emperor and went to the Divine Deficiency Land.

Li Lingtian also left the Shenting and went to the unknown immeasurable world. The situation of the two is similar. One accidentally disappears, which is absolutely unbearable for Taiyue Shenting.

"I know."

"However, I'm not annoying now."

"Senior and Senior Brother are all right. If there is something long and short between Senior Master and Senior Brother, then don't blame me for being rude. I didn't want to touch the heart of killing. If I'm in a hurry, hum."

After the Bishui Fairy had finished speaking, Li Lingtian nodded, a cold expression on his face, and a trace of murderous intention rose in the bottom of his heart.

He didn't want to be against the powerful and powerful forces of Heaven Realm, because his opponent was not Heaven Realm, but a more terrifying existence outside Heaven Realm, but if someone in Heaven Realm dared to move his loved ones, he wouldn't mind crazy once.

Even if it is heaven, he will not have the slightest scruples.

"You go inside the Brahma World, and the monks have risen a lot."

"I didn't expect to have reached the median deity, and if I continue this way, it won't take long before I can catch up with my sister."

The Bishui fairy looked at Li Ling's weather situation and knew that Li Lingtian had made a murderous move.

She didn't want to mess with her teacher, so she quickly started to change the subject.

"It really improved a lot."

"The five elements rule is twofold, the median deity."

Li Lingtian naturally knew that the Bishui Fairy was shifting the topic, and he did not want to get tangled up on this topic. If there were any problems between the two brothers and the master, he would also know the first time.

Next, Li Lingtian met with several old friends.

Although he cultivated and improved his status, he didn't put a little racket on it, which made Ziling Fairy and others feel a lot easier. Ziling Fairy reached the state of God King, and Nalan Yunting all three of them reached the state of God King.

Such a speed of cultivation can also be regarded as the sky.

As time passed, more and more flying warships gathered in the void of Dongmu Shengjing.

These flying warships form a camp, the top ten supreme forces, the four great courts, and some major forces, which counts hundreds of camps.

According to some people's statistics, the number of flying warships in the void reaches as many as 130,000, and the entire sky over Dongmu Shengjing has completely become a cloud of battleships.

Every powerful and **** of power is in the flying warship. I don’t know how many powerful people came to the Dongmu Holy Realm. Moreover, not only the Divine Lord Venerable, but even the Divine Emperor powerful appeared.

The only thing that didn’t come was the heavenly court. The mysterious heavenly court didn’t show up in Dongmu Shengjing.

However, it is still time to come.

On this day, the original air raging in the sky, there appeared clouds, a wave of sounds of heaven spread through the Eastern Wood Holy Land, followed by ten huge flying warships and a flying palace appeared in the sight of everyone.

Flying warships are all congenitally unique and extremely huge.

That flying palace is like a royal palace, which is several times larger than Li Lingtian's Shengtian Palace.

The palace with ten bow flying warships shuttled in the void, and came to the sky of Dongmu Holy Realm in an instant. There were countless golden strongmen and gods in the palace.

Domineering, mighty, crush everything, high above.



The palace and the ten bow flying warship ignored everything and came directly over.

Suddenly let countless flying warships in the sky collide, completely crushing and trampling.

The violent momentum not only caused the flying warships to sway and shake, but also caused the Dongmu Holy Land to tremble and the void was destroyed. Countless creatures and humans were crushed by the imposing airflow like defeated grass.

Seeing such a situation, the Nether Flying Warship quickly avoided the yield.

Humans and creatures on the ground are creeping on the ground, their faces pale, and their faces are full of horror.

Four great courts, ten supreme forces, dare not speak out.



The huge palace and the huge flying warship, among the numerous flying warships in the sky, flew towards the Holy Heaven Palace of Li Lingtian, and the other flying warships were small and fragile.

In an instant, this huge flying palace came thousands of miles away from Shengtian Palace.

However, the bow flying palace did not want to stop, just like the impact of the destruction of the Holy Palace.

The surface of the Holy Heaven Palace is ten thousand miles in size, and the bow flying palace is ten times the size of the Holy Heaven Palace, and its momentum is also countless times stronger.

"Who is coming?"

"This is Taiyue Shenting."

Finally, an upper deity in Taiyue Divine Court shouted loudly. Although this upper deity, although not a title deity, its strength was also terrifying.

At this moment, as a member of Taiyue Shenting, when someone saw that someone would dare to make trouble, it was naturally blocked by noise.

Moreover, there are ten great supreme forces and four great courts here. Although this flying palace is powerful, it will offend all forces in the first place.

"Heavenly Power."

"It's a big sin not to wait."

The flying palace quickly flew the pilgrimage celestial palace in front of it, and a sound of supreme majesty sounded, tearing everything in the void.

When the sound fell, a horrible beam appeared above the flying palace, and the beam was fleeting.


A scream rang out all over the world, and Taiyue Shenting began to speak, the upper **** Zun vanished.

The upper deity, who had no room for resistance in front of the beam, was directly smashed away. This terrifying power suddenly shocked all the powerful gods present.

"court death."

Li Lingtian did not expect that Tianting was so powerful and overbearing, completely ignoring the top ten supreme forces and the four great courts.

The upper deity was just destroyed by just saying a word, which is too angry.

Moreover, this flying palace was obviously directed at him. Since he was directed at him, then he is welcome, plus the two brothers were calculated, the suspicion of heaven is the biggest, and the murderous intention in his heart is surging. Out.

The icy sound sounded, and the Holy Heaven Palace turned into a ray of light and hit the Flying Palace.

Although he did not know how powerful this flying palace in the heavenly court was, he was certainly not an opponent of the Holy Heaven Palace. To crush the Holy Heaven Palace was simply a dream.


With a thunderous explosion, the Flying Palace and Shengtian Palace hit hard together.

Suddenly the void shattered, the earth shivered and torn, and the curtains of destruction spread across it.


The two palaces slammed together for a short time.

But in a blink of an eye, the flying palace was thrown backwards and thrown out. The flying palace of tens of thousands of miles rolled and flew like a mountain range. The ten bow flying warships that were originally behind the flying palace could not dodge and were hit by the flying palace. Scattered out.

The Holy Temple is suspended in the void without shaking at all. This situation is divided.

The ten bow flying warships and a huge flying palace crushed countless flying warships. They were now struck by the Holy Heaven Palace, and they flew back in disarray. They were no different from the flying warships that began to be crushed.

The retribution comes just so fast.

"Li Lingtian, commit the following."

"Ignore the rules of heaven and take the consequences at your own risk."

The flying palace flew a million miles before stopping. After the flying palace stopped, the other flying warships also returned to the flying palace. A majestic voice sounded inside the flying palace, just like the heavenly oracle.

The lofty momentum is revealed in the voice.

Just as the sound rang, there were three more huge palaces strangely in the air, and the three new palaces that appeared were similar in size to the one at the beginning~www.wuxiaspot.com~The four flying palaces formed a magical formation.

The majesty of the heavenly court showed that all the flying warships in the void and the mighty gods shivered.

The creatures and humans on the earth have been crawling on the ground, and the body is trembling.

"The following guilty?"

"Heaven's Law?"

"Is this your rule?"

Li Lingtian stood in front of the protective cover of Shengtian Palace, and was curious and shocked to see the Flying Palace for the first time.

After all, when I came to Heaven Realm for more than a thousand years, I heard about the existence of Heavenly Court, and have not seen it. The Heavenly Court, which has been mysterious and powerful, has finally appeared.

I just didn't expect Heaven Court to be so powerful and overbearing, ignoring the Ten Supreme Powers and the Four Great Courts.

Now, facing the giant of the heaven, the ruler of the heaven, a little nervous and excited.

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