War God Supreme

Chapter 2350: Blessing, Shenwu...

After the decision, Li Lingtian walked out of Shengtian Palace.

"If you want to enter the infinite world, there are two conditions for this seat."

"First, enter the immeasurable world, each person pays 10,000 Tianjing or the same price items."

"Second, we have to pass through a plane to reach the entrance of the immeasurable world. This plane is the hometown of this seat. Therefore, this seat does not want to be affected by this place at all, otherwise it will not be able to pass through this seat."

Standing in the void, he glanced at the flying warships around him.

Then he said loudly.

Suddenly, the entire Dongmu Shengjing sounded the general voice of Li Ling Heavenly Oracle. Upon hearing this voice, countless gods were shocked and angry, because this required 10,000 Tianjing, and 10,000 Tianjing was nothing to God’s Supreme Master, But for Divine Lord, ten thousand Tianjing is also a huge asset.

I didn't expect to pay ten thousand Tianjing before entering the immeasurable world.

However, the powerful gods present did not dare to say anything loudly, because only Li Lingtian knew the location of the infinite world, and only Li Lingtian had a way to open the infinite world.

Besides, to offend Li Lingtian is simply death.

"Okay, now everyone follows the Holy Temple."

Seeing that there was no objection, Li Lingtian nodded with satisfaction, then turned and entered the Holy Heaven Palace.

As a domineering roar sounded, the Holy Heaven Palace torn the void and flew towards the endless space crack, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, and other flying warships quickly followed.

It is already known that the infinite world is not in the celestial realm, but to enter a infinite world through a plane.

In this case, if you don't keep up, you will be lost in the cracks in space.



For a time, the roar of Dongmu Shengjing continued.

The void is constantly torn apart, and pieces of flying warships disappear into the cracks.

For a long time, all the powerful gods and spirits above Dongmu Shengjing entered the fissures, and all creatures and human beings in Dongmu Shengjing finally knew what happened in the heavenly realm.

It takes only a short time for flying warships and flying palaces to cross planes.

A moment later, a million-mile-long crack appeared in the void of Shenwu Continent. When the crack appeared, a huge and majestic palace appeared, and it was shocked to see some martial artists who changed in the void.


"The miracle is now."

The admiration of the Divine Lord of Heaven and even the Divine Emperor is so spectacular.

The whole Shenwu Continent is trembling constantly, and all creatures worship.

In Shenwu Continent, the most powerful one is the true god, and there are only a few of them. Even these few true gods are all cultivating in the hidden world and striving to ascend to heaven.

Others are some martial arts, the cultivation level is very low, these low-level martial arts, where have you seen such a spectacular scene.

Not to mention the low-level warriors who have not seen the world, even if they are some powerful deities, when they encounter so many deities and deities, they must be frightened.

"This is not a miracle."

"Last Emperor Ling Tian came from the heavens last time, there was such a scene."

"A lot of flying warships."

"That palace is so big that it can fly."

"what happened?"


Although the low-level warriors have not seen the world, when the Emperor Ling Tian came from the heavens thousands of years ago, it became a record of the Divine Martial Continent. Almost some large families and large sects have recorded the incidents of the emperor Ling Tian coming to the heavens. .

Looking at the situation of the void, some knowledgeable strongmen thought of a scene in the legend.

For a time, countless warriors and strong people wait and see.

There are more and more flying warships in the void, and the movement that provokes Shenwu Continent is getting bigger and bigger.

However, in the end, a multicolored light curtain appeared in the void. After the multicolored light curtain appeared, the coercion brought by the flying palace and flying warship to the Shenwu Continent was cut off directly in front of the colorful light curtain.

The pressure on the powerful martial arts of the Shenwu Continent is reduced.

However, the densely packed warships still shocked countless warriors.

"This seat, Li Lingtian."

"Lead heavenly spirits to Shenwu Continent, everyone retreats."

The sky was empty, and the crack finally closed.

At this time, a dull voice sounded.

The voice spread with supreme majesty throughout the Shenwu Continent, and the warriors on the Shenwu Continent were also clearly heard.

Knowing that the comer is the proud Emperor Lingtian of the Shenwu Continent, the entire Shenwu Continent was immediately excited, and hundreds of millions of warriors and mortals worshiped on the ground, with the color of Yucheng on his face.

"Emperor Lingtian."

"Emperor Lingtian."

"Emperor Lingtian."

In the eyes of the martial arts martial arts and mortals, Li Lingtian is definitely a god, just like the true **** of heaven sees the Divine Emperor.

Moreover, Li Lingtian's status in the minds of martial arts and mortals of the Shenwu Continent far surpassed all gods, even the Divine Emperor was not as good as Li Lingtian, because the entire Shenwu Continent was rescued by Li Lingtian several times.

Li Lingtian is an example of Shenwu Continent.

After worshipping three times, all the warriors and mortals stood up and looked at the void respectfully.

Although I don't know what Li Lingtian did in Shenwu Continent, but Li Lingtian's words are the decree at the bottom of their hearts, so that they can surrender and believe in their hearts.

"This seat gives the Divine Martial Continent the power of thirty-three worlds."

"Since then, Shenwu Continent has no shackles to become gods."

Looking at the warriors and mortals of the entire Shenwu Continent, and looking at this familiar land and world, Li Lingtian seemed to be back home because it was his hometown.

This place has many feelings in him.

During the speech, Li Lingtian waved with one hand, and the colorful glow suddenly fell from the sky, spreading the entire Shenwu Continent.

He, what kind of mighty means, one idea is enough to destroy the Shenwu Continent. To raise the environment of the entire Shenwu Continent to a new level is completely a matter of waving hands.

The colorful glow is not a spiritual energy, but a magical fairy spirit and divine energy, and more importantly, there are his Li Lingtian's Five Elements Law and Five Elements Divine Power. Since then, the Shenwu Continent has undergone earth-shaking changes, and becoming a **** is no longer a shackle.

As long as someone can perceive his Li Lingtian's divine power, then he will become a god.

"Sensing to the Divine Power of the Emperor, he can become a dragon among people."

When the Dragon Blood Divine Emperor saw Li Lingtian so cherish the low-level plane like Shenwu Continent, he could understand Li Lingtian's feelings for his hometown. At this moment, he was not stingy, he stroked with one hand, and a supreme idea was on Shenwu Continent. Spread.

He is a Dragon Blood Divine Emperor, powerful, and simply not comparable to ordinary gods.

As he said, if someone really realized his idea, he would be able to cultivate dragon power and become a powerful true god.

"The deity bestows half-world divine power."

"The deity gives a world power."

"The Emperor bestowed the power of the three worlds."

"The deity gave ten trillion territories."


Looking at Li Lingtian and Dragon Blood Divine Emperor, they have already shot. Other gods, Divine Emperor, are not good to watch with empty hands. After all, this place is Li Lingtian's hometown.

For a time, magical powers and ideas spread in the sky to the Shenwu Continent.

Although the Divine Martial Continent has been endowed with various divine powers by countless Divine Emperor Divine Emperors, it is impossible to make the mortal martial arts of the Divine Martial Continent a **** at once, because these divine powers are terrifying and even the true God cannot bear the slightest.

All the deities and gods who gave divine thoughts were scattered, waiting for ordinary warriors and mortals to realize themselves.

One thing is for sure, the Shenwu Continent is endowed with countless gods and divine emperors, and the Shenwu Continent will become a unique and excellent place. Even the heavens and heavens of the Heaven Realm may not be comparable to it.

In the heavenly realm, perhaps the spirit is immense, the secret realm is very powerful, or there may be countless treasures and artifacts, but there have never been so many gods and divine emperors that give divine power and ideas at the same time.

Therefore, Shenwu Continent will become a unique existence in the universe.

After a full half a month, these gods and **** emperors were granted. Of course, most gods and emperors did not take action.

Ordinary warriors and mortals of the Shenwu Continent clearly feel that the spirit of the Shenwu Continent is countless times richer. Only some Wusheng Wushen or demigods can truly discover the benefits of the Shenwu Continent.

Even, some strong men easily broke through in this half month.

Some false gods and demigods directly became gods.

The warriors of the Shenwu Continent naturally do not know why these gods should be given to the Shenwu Continent, but they can understand that all this was brought by Lingtian.

It was a gift from Ling Tian the Great.

This is how one person knows that a chicken or a dog can ascend to heaven.

Moreover, the countless strongmen in the Shenwu Continent are not fools. Naturally, they can see the status of Ling Tian Emperor in these gods. The gifts of these gods are also to give Ling Tian Emperor face, or to please Ling Tian Emperor.

From then on, Shenwu Continent moved towards heaven.

Shenwu Continent has become a holy place, because it is a place blessed by the gods, and it is also the hometown of Emperor Lingtian.

Half a month later, Li Lingtian also intends to enter the infinite world.

"Thank you all."

"Now, you enter the immeasurable world first."

Li Lingtian spoke ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ During the speech, a series of French seals were exhibited.

The space-time channel of the infinite world opens.

Subsequently, a bow flying warship flew away in the over-the-air channel and disappeared.

For three days, all the spirits from the heavens entered the space-time channel of the immeasurable world. There was no gods of the heavens on the Shenwu Continent. Not only did they not calm down, but they boiled.

Because in less than a month, all the warriors have raised a state, mortal life yuan has increased by 100, and more importantly, the qualifications of some ordinary warriors have improved a lot.

Shenwu Continent, there is no longer any mortal who cannot be cultivated.

Everyone has the treatment and conditions of heavenly humans and souls. They can practice after birth, and can reach the level of Wu Zun after being an adult. With a little effort, they can become Wu Sheng Wu God, and even becoming a **** is not an illusion.

Shenwu Continent opened a legendary world.

This world is a fabulous existence.

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