War God Supreme

Chapter 2352: Torn black hole

The gods and deities in the major forces present, and the **** emperor strong, which are not old monsters who have lived countless eras, can naturally see the current situation, except for Li Lingtian, it is simply impossible to enter the infinite world. of.

After secretly negotiating, they can only pay Tianjing and items in exchange for qualification to enter the infinite world.

Collecting things such as Tianjing and items naturally does not require Li Lingtian to do it himself. The guards in Shengtian Palace, as well as the people in Shengtian Temple and Ice Palace and Taiyue Shenting, help Li Lingtian collect Tianjing and items.

Half a day of kung fu, the strong gods who came here, everyone paid 10,000 Tian Jing or items worth 10,000 Tian Jing.

Counting it, there are a total of four million gods, six hundred thousand gods, and thirty-two **** emperors.

The paid Tianjing and items make people in Shengtian Temple and Ice Palace excited and envious. Although these items and Tianjing belong to Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian is one of them. The more wealth Li Lingtian gets, the greater the help they have. .

"When entering the immeasurable world, don't leave the Holy Temple."

"If you leave the Holy Temple, it will be difficult to solve the danger."

"This time, the main purpose is to find opportunities for cultivation in the immeasurable world. It is naturally better to encounter treasures."

In Shengtian Palace, Li Lingtian told Huangfu Yuyan and others.

He has been to the infinite world and is familiar with some of the environments in the infinite world.

As long as they do not go out in the Holy Palace, they will not be in danger.

"We understand this."

"There are countless powerhouses outside. Although the powerhouses in the heavens are not here now, after opening the infinite world, they will definitely enter the inside. You have to be careful."

Tang Qingyue said.

A person opens a black hole in the space-time channel of the infinite world, and the horror and energy consumed are horrible.

And also beware of the attacks of gods in heaven.

"At the entrance of the immeasurable world, Heavenly Court wants to help me, delusion."

"Unless someone controls the law of space-time, but even if someone controls the law of space-time, there is nothing to do with me."

"You are ready to enter the main hall of Holy Heaven Palace."

Li Lingtian smiled, his time and space laws were doubled, and there were treasures such as time and space permanent marks. Even if a strong man who controlled the time and space laws came, he was not afraid, not to mention the existence of the law of space and time at all.

In the end, Li Lingtian asked Tang Qingyue to return to the main hall of Shengtian Palace.

This main hall has been transformed by Li Lingtian, and will not be affected by time and space in it.

After arranging everything, he walked out of the Holy Palace alone, appeared in the void, and glanced at all the powerful gods with a satisfied look on his face.

"Everyone is ready to enter the infinite world."

"Entering the infinite world, you have to pass through the endless world of black holes, you must first have a psychological preparation."

"Moreover, it is not a unique congenital flying warship, try not to use it."

Li Lingtian took the crystals and objects collected by the people around him and took them into the Dragon Ring without looking.

The corners of his mouth grumbled, and a dull voice sounded.

Suddenly, the psychological expectations of countless powerful gods climbed to the peak.


After talking, Li Lingtian disappeared.

Then the Holy Heaven Palace spun around in the air, tearing the void with a roaring sound and flying towards the sky. This direction is the direction in which the strong men began to fly.

Some powerful spirits were shocked when they heard Li Lingtian's words.

When they were awakened and reacted, Li Lingtian had already left, no longer hesitated, and hurried up.

It is not a joke that the flying warship below the congenital level cannot be used.

Although the strong men present are all deities and even emperors, there are not many people who use congenital flying warships. After all, congenital flying warships are taboo in heaven.

In general, there are so few congenital levels, not to mention unique congenital levels.

Ten fingers can be counted on the prestigious congenital flying battleship present.

They don't want Li Lingtian to have not only a flying palace like Shengtian Palace, but also Brahma Palace and Wutian Palace. There are three kinds of flying palaces, and each one is unique in this world.

For 30 million miles, for the powerful gods, it is just a moment of effort.

After a while, countless powerful gods came to a huge black hole vortex.

Looking at the black hole vortex, everyone was shocked.

And the terrible suction, it makes people feel trembling, if one accidentally doesn't **** it in, it's really no longer possible.

"Everyone, this is the entrance to the infinite world."

"As I said before, don't use a flying warship that is not a unique congenital class to avoid accidents."

"This black hole channel leads to the immeasurable world. Everyone should try not to use such things as flying warships. There is limited time to open the immeasurable world on this seat. Please try your best."

Coming to the boundless black hole, Li Lingtian stopped at Shengtian Palace and said aloud.

"Invincible Divine Venerable, how far is this black hole?"

"If it is a short distance, we can still support it. If there is no bottom hole, we don't have a flying warship, neither is it going to be destroyed in a black hole?"

A super deity of Kunlun Shenting, hesitated when he heard that Li Lingtian told them not to use the flying warship.

However, the tone at the moment is rather polite, obviously not dare to provoke Li Lingtian.

This question, whether the **** Kunlun God Court wanted to know, all the powerful gods and spirits including the Divine Emperor were curious, but they didn't ask. Now some people ask questions, and naturally listen carefully.

"I can't tell you."

"The innumerable world black hole channel, which has the power of time and space, is a chaotic channel of time and space. The distance is not very long, as long as it persists for a month."

"This seat will split the power of time and space, and you will try to accelerate into the infinite world, otherwise you will be troubled by being trapped in this black hole. Nine Heavens Venerable should be here. He has been trapped here for thousands of years. Realize, I won't say much here."

At this time, Li Lingtian no longer has the slightest hiding. He said the situation here again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Besides, with the magical means of the powerful here, it is natural to find the situation of black holes, which can't be hidden at all.

As long as he enters the infinite world, he will be able to practice with peace of mind and avoid the pursuit of heaven. As long as he cultivates for improvement and strength, he will not be afraid of heaven.

In this world, the fist is the last word.

He has the Five Elements Law, which has made the powerful forces of the Heaven Realm jealous. Since he is jealous, let them be more jealous and show the law of space and time.

When the strength reaches a certain level, there is no need for enemies, or there are no more enemies.


After Li Lingtian finished, everyone was stunned.

However, Li Lingtian didn't hesitate, time and space will run forever, and the laws of time and space will be displayed.

With a wave of both hands, the black hole reversed, and a crack that was hundreds of miles long and several miles wide was torn.

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