War God Supreme

Chapter 2355: Yan Jin Shen Zun

"This immeasurable world is really unimaginable."

"When we came here for thousands of years, we didn't even go out of a small corner of the infinite world. In such a big place, it is too difficult to find someone."

In the immeasurable world, mutated beasts and mutated creatures are vertical and horizontal, but immortal qi and energy are also very rich, not comparable to the heavenly realm, and can even encounter thin original ideas.

In such a world, the incoming Celestial Powerhouse is excited, and giving Li Lingtian the ten thousand Tianjing is worth it.

Not only do you get the precious materials and treasures here, but you also cultivate much faster than outside. There are countless opportunities, even if the dangers are everywhere, but no one has the slightest regret.

Millions of powerful people come in and scatter them into the infinite world, like throwing a handful of sand into the endless ocean.

No one knows how big and mysterious the infinite world is.

Even if human beings come in at the same time, after entering the immense world, it is very difficult to meet a kind, even harder than getting a super treasure.

However, in order to deal with such things as random transmission, some superpowers have developed a lot of means of communication with each other, trying to connect with their own people within the shortest distance.

At this moment, the two great consummating super gods in the void teamed up to kill a mutated beast with a tired look on his face.

It was an old man who had to speak white, and the golden rule of domineering exuded all over his body.

In the God of Heaven Realm, he can be regarded as an invincible god, because he is Yan Jin God, the position in the heavenly court is transcendent, and there is a master of the Great Perfection Divine Emperor.

Coming to the immeasurable world, one is to find opportunities and treasures, and the other is to hunt down Li Lingtian in Taiyue Shenting.

In order to hunt down Li Lingtian, Heaven Court sent millions of super-gods. Not to mention the Divine Lord, even the Divine Emperor has reached more than 300. So many Divine Emperors are more than all Divine Emperors except Heavenly Court many.

One can imagine how determined Tianting was to kill Li Lingtian.

"This time the heaven came to the infinite world and brought millions of strong men."

"As long as Li Lingtian shows up, the news will reach the front court, as long as he knows his coordinates and the direction of the trail, it is not difficult to find him."

Qinglong Shenzun was full of ruined dragon qi, and the whole space shivered and shattered in front of him.

Among the seven deities of heaven, he is among them.

It is the same as Pojun Deity and Jiutian Deity.

"This Li Lingtian is really not simple, and he controls the laws of space and time."

"The more he goes against the sky, the more our Heavenly Court will erase him as soon as possible, otherwise it will become a serious problem for Heavenly Court."

"He can open the infinite world by himself, but our heavenly court uses eleven deities of the law of space and a deity of the law of time, and even the emperor of heaven has noticed him."

Yan Jin Shenzun showed a look of anticipation on his face, wanting to see how powerful the invincible Shenzun rumored in heaven was.

Young people who have practiced for only a few thousand years have been conferred the invincible deity, and the golden deity is naturally unacceptable.

But thinking of Li Lingtian's control of the law of time and space, a person opened the infinite world, and he was still shocked. The stronger the opponent, the happier he is.

"He is indeed not simple, but in front of heaven, it is just a trivial ant."

"Because of him, Taiyue Shenting, Shengtian Temple, and Bingxue Palace will disappear in the heavens in a few hundred thousand years and become history forever. This is the end of fighting against the heavens."

Qinglong Shenzun's eyes showed disdain.

Subsequently, the two figures flashed and disappeared into the sky.

Heaven Realm, because of Li Lingtian's affairs, because of the immeasurable world, shook for hundreds of years, and finally gradually calmed down, but Heaven Realm can see that Heavenly Court is secretly suppressing Taiyue Shenting and Shengtian Temple.

The high level of Taiyue Shenting and the high level of Shengtian Temple disappeared in the heavenly realm.

After the immeasurable world was opened by the heavenly spirits, a large number of powerful men entered into it. Some people got treasures and opportunities inside, and some people could never get out inside.

With the passage of time, the heavens returned to their former calmness.

Li Lingtian, the evil demon, seemed to be forgotten.

Some people say that he is hiding in the infinite world in order to avoid the pursuit of heaven. Some people say that he has been killed by the **** emperor of heaven in the infinite world. Others say that he is trapped in the unknown Jedi of the infinite world. There are different opinions.


"Finally reached the Great Sovereign Lord."

"Go on like this, and when we go out, we will be able to reach the divine state."

Inside Shengtian Palace, Bei Mingxue said happily.

After a long period of cultivation in the original idea, cultivation for the realm has finally reached the point of great perfection, and the strength has reached a terrifying level.

"A place like this can't be met."

"If you miss this time and want to meet the original idea again, it is completely impossible."

"Otherwise, there are so many gods in the realm, but few people encounter the original idea. The more the original idea is realized, the stronger the law is, and the greater the chance of achieving Divine Emperor."

Huangfu Yuyan said, although cultivation is boring, it is not boring in Shengtian Palace. Shengtian Palace is completely a small world. When you are not practicing, you leave the original idea and enter an isolated independent space to rest.

However, everyone seldom plays and rests. Most of the time is to understand the original ideas and improve their own cultivation.

Realizing the original idea, it has inestimable help for future practice.

"Apart from Ling Tian's brother, Xiaobai and Yingying are the most powerful now."

"I see that Xiaobai has already developed six colors and reached the six-color divine dragon. If he reaches the seven-color divine dragon, he will directly reach the Divine Emperor Realm. I believe that his current strength should be able to contend with the Great Consummated Deity."

Tang Zimeng looked at Xiaobai and Xuanyuan Yingying and said happily.

Among them, Xiaobai and Xuanyuan are more special in audio and video. Xiaobai is a dragon family, and Xuanyuan Yingying is a five-element sacred body. Cultivation can touch Li Lingtian's light.

"Some time ago, six colors were reached."

"It's just that it's difficult to reach the colorful dragon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xiaobai smiled and said that she is a dragon family, and the nature of cultivation is different from that of Tang Zimeng. Although they can't see cultivation behavior, their strength is terrifying. In general, the Great Dzogchen Sovereign met her and had no chance to escape.

However, she now also encounters a bottleneck, that is, the colorful dragon, but want to become the colorful dragon is a hurdle.

"When the younger teacher finishes his cultivation and leaves here, he should be able to help you."

"However, depending on how he cultivates like this, I don't know how long it will take before he leaves."

The Bishui Fairy looked at Li Lingtian in the distance, and said.

I saw that in the void, Li Ling's knees were suspended in the clouds, devouring and refining the original source idea, comprehending the original source idea, and raising his cultivation strength to be more powerful.

In the endless black-and-white world, the original idea is full, do not want to leave.

They don't know how long Li Lingtian will practice here.

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