War God Supreme

: Omnichannel testimonials


The Supreme God of War was launched from May 12, 2014.

It has been 22 days a year, 11 months, and a total of 7.18 million words have been uploaded. On average, more than 10,000 words per day. In the creation and even the entire electronic novel, it is definitely the fastest update. .

More than 10,000 words are constantly updated every day, which is also the support of all book friends, which gave Luohua the motivation to write.

Luohua is here to thank the reading group as a platform, book readers of reading group, and my editor for their guidance.

All channels, book friends may know what it is.

However, all book friends can know that the omni-channel is an event promotion thanks to the support of all the book friends. The works during the omni-channel are free to read. The most eye-catching promotion of all platforms under the reading group can allow more Book friends find better works.

Since the release of the Supreme God of War, it has received two omnichannels in total, and the results are excellent. After the efforts of the editor and the decision of the operation department, the Supreme God of War is going to be the third omnichannel. It is the glory of the Supreme God of War. , Is the glory of all book friends, thank you!

The book friends who read the Supreme God of War can also see that the Supreme God of War has reached the final stage of ending, and Luohua will write every word attentively.

A word of thanks is too pale, Luo Huawei has a better story and a faster update to reward you book friends.

In the same way, Luohua can only work hard with a progressive spirit and live up to the editor's cultivation of Luohua.

Let's take a look at the achievements of the Supreme God of War.

More than 7 million words

Total subscription is nearly 20 million

A total collection of more than one million

70 million wireless clicks

Since then, Luohua has moved towards a well-off society. (To be continued.)

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