War God Supreme

Chapter 2364: Son of the Emperor -...


Li Lingtian left the Heavenly Sanctuary and drove the Holy Heaven Palace through the nine days of ice and snow, flying towards the Devil Realm.

Along the way, there are powerful and gods in heaven.

The closer to the demon world, the more powerful gods in the heavens, and more and more super gods, divinities can be seen everywhere, even the divine emperor can not see.

Gradually, occasionally see the war between the Demon Race and the Celestial Power.

God and demon war, earth-shattering.

He flew for three days, and finally entered the territory of the devil.

The three-day flight shocked the army and gods of the heavenly realm. Ten thousand years ago, the invincible deity of Taiyue Shenting, who pursued and killed the heavenly court, appeared in front of the army of the heavens.

More importantly, Li Lingtian swept all the way, and all the spirits he passed were suppressed.

From the ordinary warrior to the super-Great Dzogchen Divine Emperor, they are as vulnerable as an ant in front of Li Lingtian.

Even a few Dzogchen Divine Emperors, in front of the Sevenfold Five Elements Law and the Space-Time Law, had no qualification to struggle and were suppressed by Li Lingtian, but Li Lingtian did not destroy a human spirit.

The appearance of Li Lingtian shocked Tianting.

First, shocked Li Lingtian's guts. After being wanted by Heavenly Court, he dared to appear blatantly for thousands of years.

The second is to shock Li Lingtian’s terrifying strength. The practice of Dzogchen Divine Venerable, even the countless Divine Emperors have no resistance.

The third is shocking the direction of Li Lingtian's flight. Li Lingtian is now weak and flying to the Devil Realm, he must definitely join forces with the Demon Realm to fight against the Heavenly Court. If Li Lingtian joins the Demon Realm, it will undoubtedly be a terrible blow to the Heaven Realm.

The third is shocking the appearance of Li Lingtian, because the appearance of Li Lingtian will make the hidden gods of Shengtian Temple and Bingxue Palace follow Li Lingtian, countless gods of Taiyue Shenting. Will also stand on the side of Li Lingtian.

In this way, the originally unsettled celestial realm was changed due to the appearance of Li Lingtian.

"Xuan Yan."

Heaven. The most mysterious and powerful place in heaven.

This place has always represented the center of heaven's rights. Super gods into films.

Everyone who can become a heavenly court is above the true god. The **** king and **** master can only be regarded as the middle level here, and the deity is also the high level. Only the **** emperor and the realm master are the core figures.

The magnificent heavens are not known how many billions of miles.

Here, you can see the God Sovereign and God Emperor walking at any time, and you can see the super **** beast vertical and horizontal void at any time.

In the Shenxiao Palace, the Heavenly Emperor wore a golden crown. Sitting casually on the seat of God, the whole person exudes a terrifying momentum and integrates with the whole world. His every breath and every move represents the power of heaven and earth and the rules of heaven and earth.

I saw that Heavenly Emperor transmitted a supreme rule, and passed back Xuanyan Divine Emperor, who was hundreds of millions of miles away.

As the voice fell, a young man in Jinyi appeared in the Shenxiao Palace.

"Have seen the emperor."

Xuanyan Divine Emperor's respectful Emperor Chaotian salutes, the original madness on his face disappears.

In this celestial realm, he is the master under one person and above a trillion people.

because. He is the invincible Divine Emperor who was conferred by the Heavenly Court millions of years ago, and he still has an identity.

That is the ninth son of Heavenly Emperor, and the most promising candidate for the next Emperor.

Seventy-two sons of Heavenly Emperor. Thirty-six women, all arrogant sons, the most outstanding is the invincible Divine Emperor Xuan Yan.

"Xuan Yan, do you know about the Heavenly Sanctuary during this period of time?"

"That demon reappeared. He is your hurdle and your robbery."

Emperor Tian looked at Xuan Yan with satisfaction, and said lightly.

In his words, the tone was like an endorsement of heaven and the earth, plain and smooth. But it can't be ignored.

Even the invincible Divine Emperor looked like a weak ant in front of him.

Speaking room. Look into the distance.

"Back to the emperor."

"Children also just got the news, that Li Lingtian returned to heaven. It seems that he has reached the Dzogchen Divinity. No one under the Dzogchen Divine Emperor can bear the power of his law."

"However, Erchen doesn't see him in his eyes. No matter how powerful he is, he is also an invincible deity, able to fight against any Divine Emperor, but unable to match him."

"Children went to Demon Realm and intercepted him on the way to Demon Realm."

Xuanyan Divine Emperor's eyes showed a trace of arrogance. This kind of self-confidence is supported by strong power. The title of Invincible Divine Emperor is the first in the history of heaven.

Extremely terrifying, no one knows that Taiyue Shenting Taiyue Divine Emperor and Wuxing Divine Emperor fell into his hands.

The Divine Emperor was also like ants in front of him.

He is also the horror of practicing hundreds of millions of years. He can become an invincible Divine Emperor, and he will be a fool. He must know Li Lingtian's power and abnormality, but the stronger his opponent is, the more challenging he is.

"It’s a little trouble for his father to worry about him entering the devil world."

"You go to the demon world to kill him, take the eighth old with them, take the broken army, be careful."

"Others, he is not your opponent, even the law of five elements and the law of space and time. The only thing you have to be careful about is his Holy Temple and Brahma Palace."

Emperor Tian did nothing to stop Xuanyan from killing Li Lingtian.

On the contrary, he also agreed that Xuan Yan went to Demon Realm, because he knew the strength of Xuan Yan.

The only thing that worried him was Li Lingtian’s killer skills and secrets. If Li Lingtian knew that Heavenly Emperor knew he had the secrets of Brahma Palace, he wouldn’t be shocked.

He was like a transparent man in front of the Emperor of Heaven, with no secret at all.

"Children understand."

Xuanyan Divine Emperor nodded seriously, knowing the intention of the Emperor.

When the voice fell, he had already saluted to Heavenly Emperor.

He didn't know why the emperor said that the invincible deity was his fate, but since he was said by the emperor, he was absolutely wrong.

Now, he is anxious to go to the Demon Realm, intercepting that invincible deity on the way to the Demon Realm.

"The Five Elements Rule is sevenfold, and the Space Time Rule is sevenfold."

"Achievements are not small, it depends on how far you have practiced in the Nine Palaces."

Watching Xuanyan Divine Emperor leave Shenxiao Palace, the Emperor Emperor's face reveals an unknown smile~www.wuxiaspot.com~Shenxiao Palace, once again falling into silence, the Emperor's figure has long disappeared.


Three days later, Xuanyan Divine Emperor appeared with four brothers and more than ten Dzogchen Divine Emperors on the Celestial Sanctuary. Without any stay, everyone flew directly in the direction of the Demon Realm.

In this line, in addition to Xuanyan Divine Emperor and four brothers who are comparable to the invincible Divine Emperor, and more than ten Dzogchen Divine Emperors, there are four Divine Emperor strong men each dragging a hundreds of meters thick iron At the end of the chain, the iron chain is a huge prison that is hundreds of miles wide and hundreds of miles wide, and there are terrifying lightning and forbidden spells in the prison, which constantly bombard the prisoners in the prison.

The prisoner was a tall and powerful middle-aged strong man. Although his whole body was locked by iron chains, he could not conceal that peerless domineering spirit. If Li Lingtian saw this strong man, he would definitely recognize it at a glance.

This person Hao Ran is the most powerful deity of Taiyue Shenting, and he is also the big disciple of the Five Elements Divine Emperor, the brother of Li Lingtian-the Broken Army Divine Emperor.

However, at this moment, he has become a prisoner of the heavenly court, and the super-super **** emperor is now at the current level. (To be continued.)

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