War God Supreme

Chapter 2371: Forbidden Land


[Broadcast] Pay attention to the "starting point of reading" and get the first-hand news of 515 red envelopes. Students who have not grabbed red envelopes after the New Year can show their skills this time.

The situation of the demon world shocked the army of heaven.

They didn't think of Li Lingtian, a human in the heaven realm. After arriving in the demon world, it is like the return of the devil supreme, which is beyond the imagination category of the gods of the heaven realm.

Not only they, but even Li Lingtian in the Holy Palace was puzzled.

I don't know which one is the demon in this world, so I made such a big battle.

Even if he is against the sky, his strength is unmatched, but it is not enough for Devil Realm to greet him so, it is impossible that this is a conspiracy of Demon Realm, but at this time, he can't care so much.

"What does Demon Realm mean?"

"It stands to reason that even the Qingwu sister can't have such a big right, and you had no friendship with the devil in the past, and now such a big battle will greet you, there won't be any conspiracy."

During this period, the situation of the Devil Realm made Tang Qingyue and others feel curious.

This is really confusing.

"Like this kind of war, there is no conspiracy at all."

"Actually, I don't know why Devil Realm is like this."

"However, I can probably understand a little bit, otherwise it won't make sense."

Li Lingtian said, if before, he would definitely associate this situation with conspiracy, but Xiu has a higher strength and more knowledge, and naturally would not think so.

Moreover, he is more or less related to the demon world.

These relationships, one is light dance, the other is the true solution of the holy devil, and the third is the heart of the devil.

In addition to these, he really can't think of anything else.

Anyway. At this point, he naturally couldn't step back.

"Right, younger brother."

"How to deal with the few emperors in Brahma Palace?"

The fairy of Bishui thought that Emperor Xuanyan and others were still in the Brahma Palace. I don't know how Li Lingtian will deal with these four emperors and four emperors. They are all the sons of Emperor Tiandi. If they were killed, they would go crazy.

Moreover, the four emperors are not ordinary Dzogchen Divine Emperors, they all carry the prestige of heaven and earth, with countless luck and hundreds of millions of incense, even if they want to kill them, it is not so easy.

Not to mention them, as long as it is the Great Emperor. Under normal circumstances, it is not so good to kill.

Unless you encounter the treasures and magical powers against the sky, otherwise, the general magical powers and treasures cannot destroy them, at most they can only suppress them.

"The four emperors have all lived millions of epochs."

"Suppress them first, and then extract their mirror image of the heavenly path of the emperor. From their mirror image of the path of the heavenly path, we can get the experience of the emperor. At that time, we will use our own cultivation methods to prove the Divine Emperor."

"And. Now we have to deal with Heavenly Court, there is no time to deal with these four people."

"My five-element world is also about to be born. At that time, the five-element world and time and space will be eternal. There are also the Liantian Tower and the Huangji Tower, plus the Brahma Palace, and a good battle with the Heavenly Court."

For the four emperors, Li Lingtian had already thought about how to deal with it.

Now it depends on the plans and movements of the Demon Realm. If they can join forces with the Demon Realm, then they can practice in the Demon Realm, prove the Divine Emperor, and then fight with the Heavenly Court.

His various treasures and magical powers have all reached a peak. Just wait for a battle with Heaven.

Among the Divine Emperors, Invincible Divine Emperor was captured by him. So Divine Emperor is no longer his enemy, if he meets other stronger characters. If he is not an opponent, then he can only make himself a Divine Emperor.

Holy Temple, the speed far exceeds the treasure-class flying battleship.

Flying, although not as fast as Divine Emperor's teleport, it was terrifying.

In three months, Shengtian Palace has entered the deepest part of the demon world-the forbidden land of gods and demons.

Moreover, around the forbidden land of the gods and demons, there are endless gods and demons and their people. These gods and demons are like an endless black ocean. In the black ocean is a supreme **** mountain that rises to the sky.

The monstrous demonic energy is surging in the void, and the momentum of the endless demons together is enough to turn the Divine Emperor into ashes.

"Lord Tian, ​​welcome to the Forbidden Land of Gods and Demons."

"Ben Sheng has been waiting for a long time."

When the Holy Heaven Palace where Li Lingtian and others came came to the forbidden place of God and Demons ninety million miles away, a loud voice came, the sound was loud and not harsh, but it spread to the entire Demon Realm, all the gods, demons and sons of the Demon Realm The people heard clearly.

Moreover, in this voice, there is no slight magic, but with the supreme truth, like a righteous god.

"Three Realms, it's time to reshuffle."

"So, this seat is here."

Li Lingtian stood on top of Shengtian Palace, and Shengtian Palace flew away toward the center of the forbidden deity.

In the face of the 9 trillion Mozu, the whole person is still light and calm, calm and extreme.

"Three Realms, it's time to reshuffle."

"So, Ben Sheng is waiting for you here."

Deep inside the forbidden ground, the voice came out calmly, and the conversation between the two could be heard by the entire demon world, and the tone was like two old friends who have not seen each other for a long time.

But the topic they are talking about is related to the whole heaven.

They even included the Three Realms, as if they were like chess pieces or items in their eyes.

At the same time, countless powerful gods and demons flew from the depths of the gods' forbidden ground. Each of these gods and demons is beyond the existence of the Great Emperor Divine Emperor, and each one is as large as a mountain.

The whole space is constantly torn between them.

Three thousand huge gods and demons form a passageway. At the end of the passageway, a black robe the size of a human body is suspended in the air in the middle age. His eyes are blood red, as if he was trying to choose someone to eat.

Shengtian Palace, still flying non-stop, flew towards that middle-aged black robe.

"Heaven has the laws of heaven."

"The Devil Realm has the laws of the Demon Realm."

"There are rules of the demon world."

"Everything has its own laws of survival, but this Three Realms has been chaotic. There is only one law that can bring the Three Realms back to peace. This kind of law is called unity."

"Excuse me, Lord Demon Saint, you can have this rule, or what rule do you have?"

Shengtian Palace, quickly approaching the middle age of the black robe. When flying fast, the Shengtian Palace quickly became smaller, and finally became only a hundred miles in size. When communicating with the black robe middle age~www.wuxiaspot.com~Li Lingtian already knew This middle-aged black robe is the current high priest of the demon world, and is now the person with the most power in the devil world.

In the dialogue between the two, the Holy Heaven Palace has come to the place where Lord Mo Sheng is thousands of miles away and stopped.

The two stared at each other, and the whole world was suddenly silent.

Even the endless demons and terrifying gods dare not take a breath at this moment, and the endless force of oppression constantly twists the space.

However, in their hearts, in addition to shock or shock.

Including Lord Mo Sheng, there was a wave in my heart.

Because Li Lingtian's words are beyond the imagination of all gods and demons.

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ps. Children's shoes, are there any free appreciation tickets and starting coins? 515 The red envelope list counts down. I will pull a ticket to ask for an overweight and appreciation ticket, and finally rush! (To be continued.)

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