War God Supreme

Chapter 2380: Scary world

Time, day by day.

Shengtian Palace quickly flew towards the deepest part of the black and white world.

After two months, Shengtian Palace entered the white cave world. Li Lingtian didn't know how far the white cave world was, but he could feel that the more he moved forward, the stronger the original idea and the power of the original source.

With his cultivation strength, he was gradually influenced by the power of the source.

If it were not for the protection of the timeless eternal and God-destroying suit and the protection of the Holy Heaven Palace, he would not dare to go deeper.



The fast flight of Shengtian Palace brought a terrifying wind around.

The power of the source constantly tears Li Lingtian.

He doesn't know how long he can support, or how long the Holy Heaven Palace can support, because, he has a feeling in his heart, that is, the Holy Heaven Palace may be destroyed in the face of the original power.

If there is no Holy Heaven Palace, he can only use Brahma Palace.

Half a month after entering the world of white holes, Li Lingtian finally showed a smile on his face, because he saw the real white hole. The white hole was not big. Under the influence of the extension of consciousness, it only looked like hundreds of miles.

But I don't know how deep and long the white hole is.

"It's here."

Li Lingtian stopped at Shengtian Palace and waved with one hand. Pieces of ancient artifacts and primordial artifacts flew out quickly. Pieces of magical spells were displayed. The ancient artifacts and primordial artifacts merged with the spells to form a magical formation. .

In three days, Li Lingtian used 100,000 ancient artifacts and 10,000 early artifacts to create a magical defensive formation for the white hole world. The people on the other side of the white hole want to enter the three realms. It is also a delusion to go outside.

In doing so, he also protects the Three Realms.

After all, the Three Realms are too weak now. If people from other worlds enter the Three Realms, it will be a disaster for the Three Realms.

After everything was done, Li Lingtian drove the Holy Temple again and flew towards the white hole.

10 million kilometers per hour.

20 million kilometers per hour.

30 million kilometers per hour.


The speed of the Holy Temple is automatically accelerated in the white hole without any hindrance.

Li Lingtian tried to increase the speed, and after a moment of effort, the speed had reached the level of terror.

100 million kilometers per hour.

This speed, although it has not yet reached the speed of light, is one-tenth of the speed of light. Li Lingtian watched Shengtian Palace moving through the time and space of the White Cave, and his face was shocked.

This is not the full speed of the Holy Temple, but the speed of the white hole.

Finally, Li Lingtian opened the fastest speed of Shengtian Palace, and the speed instantly reached 1.8 billion kilometers per hour.

Time, the past half month.

Shengtian Palace led Li Lingtian through the rich power of the white cave.

Until a roar sounded, the Holy Temple shook violently, as if it was hit by some terrifying gravity. At the same time, the Holy Temple was thrown out with inertial force.

This situation shocked Li Lingtian.

His eyes looked forward, and there was a horrified look on his face.

What appeared in front of me was a vast starry sky, innumerable stars and meteorite flying in large and small sizes, and the astrological planet just hit the Holy Temple.



At the moment when Li Lingtian was shocked, Holy Temple was hit by countless asteroids and stars many times.

The huge meteorite has the size of a mountain peak, the small star is hundreds of thousands of miles in size, and the larger one is tens of thousands of miles in size. The Holy Heaven Palace is constantly being hit by these flying meteorites and asteroids.

Moreover, in this starry sky, the original idea and the power of the original source are strong.

In this starry sky, there is no aura, no divine energy, no fairy energy, no magic energy, and only the original idea and the power of the origin. The original idea and the power of the origin here are just as common as the spiritual energy in the Three Realms.

It can be said that here, except air is the original idea and the power of the original.


After awakening in shock, Li Lingtian's heart shivered.

Quickly drive the Holy Temple to shuttle quickly, avoiding meteorites and asteroids.

Looking at the place where he appeared, the white hole was long gone.

Everywhere, except for flying meteorites and asteroids, there are no other life and species.




Holy Temple, hurried through, flying towards the distance.

He did not dare to stay here for one minute and one second, because if he stayed here for an extra second, he might be instantly struck by meteorites and asteroids and destroyed.

This place is one of the most terrifying places he has ever seen.

If there is no Holy Heaven Palace, even if the Divine Emperor came here, it would be dead.

During the flight, Shengtian Palace was still hit by a lot of meteorites and planets. Every impact, Shengtian Palace shook, and Li Lingtian was also violently shaken.

One day, two days...

One month, two months...

The endless destruction of the starry sky, only the original power and the flying asteroids and meteorites, will never see others, and Li Lingtian almost collapsed.

Here, I can't find the direction at all, I don't know where it is at all.

At this moment, the law is useless.

The only thing that can keep him from collapsing for a while is that he has not been destroyed by the original idea and the power of the original source. If other Divine Emperors in the Three Realms come here, even if they are not destroyed by the impact of meteorites and asteroids, they will also be destroyed by the original idea and the original source. The power is destroyed.

The Holy Temple, which has suffered a terrible impact, has become somewhat broken.

You know, Holy Heaven Palace, but the existence of Chaos Treasure level, has a strong and unmatched defense, did not expect here, it was even hit by a ruin.

Li Lingtian's face was numb and shocked.

However, calm, he will not go crazy.

Now, he can only fly the Holy Temple in one direction to find places where threats are weak. Only when he finds one direction can he escape into the sky.


In the vast starry sky, a huge spaceship shuttled quickly.

The spaceship is silver and white. Look carefully, with A9 engraved on it.

"In front of it is the Random Star Field, and I can't go there."

"A9 class spacecraft, the price is too expensive, so I spent 100,000 stars."

Inside the spaceship, a middle-aged man with a height of five meters sat in the control room, drinking with a glass of red wine-like liquid, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

He said to himself in his mouth.

His name is Osho, a super genius of the Austrian silver family, and he is now a stellar first-order powerhouse.

After being trained by the family, the cultivation resources are very rich. When breaking through to the star level, the family rewarded 100,000 star crystals. Osho loved the spaceship and bought a bow B9 spacecraft with 100,000 star crystals.

After getting the spaceship, he drove out the spaceship alone.

Although it took 100,000 stars to distress very much~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but felt the speed and defense of the B9 class spacecraft, the distress was reduced a lot.

"Drop, drip, drip!"

"The spaceship was detected and the target was millions of miles."

It was at this time that the sound of Dididi sounded in the main control room of the spacecraft. On the huge display screen, an elf-like avatar appeared, and the discovered targets were spoken out one by one.

"Turn on stealth mode."

"Target and track!"

Osho heard the news detected by the main control room, his face froze for a moment, and then he was surprised.

It was like finding a baby, and immediately issued a command to let the spacecraft turn on the stealth mode to lock the target. Without any hesitation, I had decided to rob the target spaceship.

Suddenly, the B9 spacecraft entered stealth mode and quickly flew towards the target. (To be continued.)

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