War God Supreme

Chapter 2388: Universe bank

"A treasure that can be seen on me."

"That is the Chaos Ruler, Holy Heaven Palace, Refining Heaven Tower, Thirty-three Refining God Tower and Brahma Palace."

"Other treasures have been refined by me and become a part of my body. Even if it is used, it only works in the body. As for the God Destroyer Set, it should be equivalent to the fifth-level peak of the original set treasure.

"Under normal circumstances, I will not fight, once I shoot, I will kill my opponent instantly, and I cannot let the news leak."

Li Lingtian pondered for a while, then said lightly.

There are indeed some great treasures in him, but the most magical ones have already been fused into his body and become his foundation, and no one can find it.

He can use it as little as possible.

Even if you want to use it, you won't let other people find it and kill your opponent in an instant.

He wants to improve Xiuqi's strength so that no one dares to provoke him easily even if he comes up with Chaos Treasure.

If a weak person has the treasure, he will naturally seek death.

It is a matter of course that a strong man has the treasure.

"Right, the exercises we practice now are basically useless."

"You have to choose the same exercise again."

Nangong Mingyue looked at Li Lingtian.

From the perspective of intelligence, they already know why Xiuwei is stagnant, just because of the problems of aura, immortality, and laws. Now they are all divine emperors. The exercises are wrong.

In the Three Realms, it is still possible to practice, but not in the universe.

"Don't worry about the practice."

"The two of you are practicing the Supreme Starry Sky."

"The supreme way of the starry sky is the most magical method in the universe. I have practiced it before, and the results are good. Now I come to the universe and practice the supreme way of the starry sky, with less effort."

"We are now mainly raising the law to the Great Consummation, mastering the original idea, refining the power of the original source, and impacting the star rating."

Li Lingtian is not anxious about the exercises, because he already has the most magical and powerful exercises in the universe, the stars are incomparable, and more importantly, he still has the heart of stars in his body.

It can be said that it is the darling of the starry sky. There are two kinds of them, which are his greatest strengths.

Now, he wants to make the starry sky supreme for Master Nangong Mingyue and Hanshuang Palace to practice.

When they were in the Three Realms, they could only perceive a little bit of the power of the stars, and they had to refine the star crystals, and they could not practice the Nangong Mingyue. Now that they have reached the universe, the starry sky has become their supreme existence.

Subsequently, Li Lingtian passed the Supreme Starry Sky to the two daughters of Nangong Mingyue.

After the two girls got the starry sky, they realized it.

However, Li Lingtian left the restaurant because he had to go to the universe bank. The universe bank is the largest bank in the universe, and there is no one.

Almost all humans will choose the universe bank.

Now, he has to replace the star crystal tower in his dragon dragon ring with the star crystal, and then deposit it in his account. It will be much more convenient when it is time to trade.

It is always impossible to come up with a lot of stars during the transaction.

Moreover, he still has to find a way to stay in Celestial Star.

The Universe Bank and the branch of Yaoshi Holy City are bigger than the Empire Office. The bank building is tall and magnificent. It is one of the landmarks of Yaoshi Holy City.

"Have a drink at Universe Bank."

Entering the Universe Bank, a mechanized welcome sounded.

Li Lingtian is now familiar, and walked directly towards the counter.

"Open an account."

"Connect with identity number and communication number."

When he came to the window, Li Lingtian said, when speaking, he took out the identity chip and handed it to the window.

When he entered the Universe Bank, he had observed everywhere, observing other people's procedures and statements, as well as requirements, when they opened an account.

"Please wait."

Inside the window is a thin old man.

The old man habitually looked at Li Lingtian and said.

The voice fell, and a ray of scanning light swept toward Li Lingtian's identity chip, and the information in the identity chip suddenly appeared on the crystal screen in the window.

"Original star crystal."

Li Lingtian looked at the old man to handle the account, and then spoke.

He now wants to replace the tower-shaped star crystals with ordinary star crystals and deposit them in his account.

"please follow me."

The old man said indifferently, then left the seat and walked towards the other side.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian also left the window and walked towards the same fellow not far away.

The original star crystal, just unearthed, has not been cut, and generally there are many, so it is inconvenient to handle at the window, you can only go to a special place, and then carry out detection and calculation.

Soon, the old man took Li Lingtian to an empty huge warehouse.

Inside the warehouse are some cherished materials and spaceships. The entire warehouse must be at least a few thousand miles away and hundreds of meters high.

"Take out your original star crystal."

"Relax, from the moment you enter the Universe Bank, there is a record of you and me. This record is the customer's secret and will not be disclosed. If I reveal the secret, I will be intelligently obliterated."

"Cosmos Bank's account information and customer secrets are the safest in the entire universe, which is also the biggest advantage of Cosmos Bank based on the universe."

The old man led Li Lingtian to a glorious place and said.

Seeing Li Lingtian's cautious look, he quickly explained.

When talking, Yan Yan looked at the sky a few times, and Li Lingtian also looked over. I saw that there are countless intelligences in the warehouse, and that intelligence is very high-end, and Li Lingtian couldn't recognize it at all.

Seeing this, Li Lingtian had nothing to say.

Since it is a universe bank, it should not destroy the reputation of the universe bank for this.

The consciousness moved, and the space swayed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, a tower-shaped star crystal with a height of 10 meters and a length of 100 meters appeared in front of it.


The old man saw such a big star crystal ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ could not help but surprise.

Originally, in his opinion, Li Lingtian was only the original stars of millions of stars, so he didn't care a little, and even he was unwilling to store the original stars in his heart. However, the rules of the Universe Bank were strict, and he did not dare to be negligent.

Now seeing such a large piece of star crystal, the whole person was shocked.


Li Lingtian also found the old man's gaffe, and coughed gently to remind the old man.

After the old man awakened, the look on his face became more polite, and even a hint of smile, and immediately started the measurement system, the mysterious light enveloped the tower-shaped stars.

Various data are quickly displayed on a crystal screen.

In a moment of effort, all calculations have results.

A string of numbers appears on the crystal screen, which is the number of star crystals that the tower-shaped original star crystals can be exchanged for. (To be continued.)

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